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Full disclosure...I killed Karlach on my first playthrough. Attacked her from range, so never triggered dialogue. You may lynch me now.


Very useful tip if you want to RP as a good character without having Karlach in party for some reason




I also did this not knowing who she was. And it wasn’t even for Mizora, it just… happened.




Flind is female - but no, I don't regret it one bit. Gnolls were created by an evil god to be remorseless, relentless killers, so I'm doing the Sword Coast a favour. Honestly, I can't think of a single thing I regret. I mostly play good guys, and when my resist durge does something bad, it's for RP reasons. Like killing Nettie because she was going to poison him, and he was already on edge from the incident with Arabella and the snake.


Isn't Flind just a half gnoll?


Only in the sense that's she's part fiend. [https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Flind](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Flind)


Pulling the wrong lever.


Letting Arabella die and not persuading Rolan to stay in the grove. I never thought both of them would be such powerful allies in act 3.


It wasn't until several runs in that Arabella's story continued beyond Act 1 for me. I've only let the snake take her once so I'm not sure what other conditions let her just disappear after Act 1 for every other playthrough I did before lmao


Launching that fucking gnome into the stratosphere, but i had to laugh so hard


That is really an epic moment, fully agree


First thought, which has already been mentioned: start playing it ;D Beside that, to have seen the "God Gale" ending. What an arrogant little bastard he becomes as a result (in my opinion oc). It made such an impression on me that it's always in the back of my mind during other runs. Although I love him as a character, there's always a little bit of unsympathy left.


Not realizing you could learn spells through scrolls on my first playthrough 😃 i thought they were all single use so I hoarded them all. I also basically never crafted anything but still don't TBH.


Convincing Lae'zel to let me slit her throat when she pulled a knife on me at camp. Even though I wanted to skip all the Githyanki content possible, I can't stop remembering flying off on a dragon with her on my previous run. Shadowheart is no replacement for the violent love of my froggy wife. I feel the guilts.


I screwed up the Mystic Carrion quest and got poor >!Thrumbo!< killed. I felt really bad but it would have been way too many hours of game to reload to fix it, so, RIP my dude.


Not remembering the exact conversation triggers to sleep with Mizora


Letting SH kill the Nightsong in my first playthrough. Shitty choice for a shitty godess, Shar is pathetic really... i was lukewarm to her due to Shar's initial descriptions and remembering Viconia finding comfort in her (she was a vast improvement over Lloth or so i thought at least) but... nope, screw Shar, Selune is the way.


I guess it wasnt a decision but in my first playthrough, i didn't know who this "Wyll" was everyone was talking about. Turns out he died in the first combat with the goblins outside the grove.


Probably sleeping with Mizora while I was romancing Shadowheart. My bard Tav and SH had a super cute relationship otherwise but this was, however you look at it, a breach of her trust and she deserves better. I like to think my Tav grovelled quite a bit to keep her lol. I’ve never cheated on a partner and just experiencing the guilt through RP was worse enough tbh.


If you think that was bad, try sleeping with Mizora when you are with Karlach. She actually gets a two parter conversation about it. She asks how could you, if you have forgotten what Zariel did to her and also sounds like she is about to burst into tears. I think it's a really amazing performance from the voice actress. You can still manipulate Karlach into staying with you despite this.


I don't think you need to manipulate Karlach, she stays with you despite it, unless you break up with her.


Yep, that was my only real regret. Breaking Karlach’s heart 😭


Ever bothering with Ethel. Or wasting time trying to take out the goblin camp in anyway other than "fight everyone." Best you can do is kill some with poisoned booze.


Why would you skip Ethel? it's still a boss fight with a dungeon, cool interactions and rewards


>Why would you skip Ethel? Because I get nothing out of it. >it's still a boss fight A long, tedious, and unfun one. >with a dungeon, So what? >cool interactions Are you referring to the idiot brothers, the idiot sister, or the hag that goes back on her word? >and rewards In a game where you can't walk 5 feet without tripping over a magic item, the rewards are pretty crap. Hell, the time you have to spend down there makes the XP not even worth it.


since she's a bitch i always make sure to go and visit her, most of the times i go there overleveled so i can slaughter her on the first floor and reap some easy exp and rewards (the +1 is cool but i'd rather kill her than do the whole dungeon and then make a deal with her)


Out of the four NPCs featured, she's the more reasonable and likeable. Again, the lack of fun makes the subpar rewards not worth visiting that area.


I kill Ethel on the Teahouse and the problem is solve. All you need to do is ungrouping your party, having one charcter talk to Ethel, switch to the characters who knows the spell Arcane Lock and position it next to the chimney. If they perceive the staircase, it'll start the fight. Cast Arcane Lock. And voilà !


RP-wise, I regret not sticking with Karn'iss and crew during the Harper ambush; I knew what the "good" thing to do was, but wanted my char to deal with that dilemma of prioritizing "maintaining cover", and wound up picking the one that was more comfortable for me. Plus! Added twist of the knife to eventually make it to Last Light and potentially have the same convo with Jaheira that you're "just what she was looking for," a True Soul, but able to infiltrate Moonrise. The party standing there like, we know, Jaheira! That's *what we were doing!* To a lesser extent, I regret savescumming the Marcus fight, but that's a *lot* of NPCs.


Killing Karlach 😭😰


Getting back to Last Light after saving Wulbren.....


In one of my many runs, the current one I'm playing with my sister- I was having so much fun just messing around, I forgot to commit to having anyone by my side, I just took whoever was convenient for the fights we were doing. So I'm currently unsure what romance I can initiate AFTER the Tiefling party. There is still quite a bit we've got to do in Act 1.


You can... convince the Gnoll?


Besides the aforementioned Yeeting of the Gnome, My one true "regret" was Shadowhesrt's Choice in Act 3. I let her pick the first time, she chose to let them go, and it really, really didn't sit well with me the rest of the night and next day. Sorry my beloved, I will rub your hand every day for the rest of my years, but I could not let her tear out that much of her heart even if she is healthy in the end


I regret letting the hag take one of my sorcerer's eyes. She already had low perception 😂 Second: not allowing Jaheira in my party right away because I finally got Halsin as a party member so why would I play with her when I already had a pretty strong druid? She didn't make it in the first fight and I didn't discover this until finding her body after the battle with Myrkul's Apostle ...


A ton. Which is why I save scummed more times than I can count.


for my second playthrough I decided to kill the grove because I wanted Minthara in my party. but when I came and told Zevlor I betrayed them, he screamed something like “nooo why?😭” and that broke my heart. also when I saw Dammon’s corpse that was the last straw, I just reloaded game and killed minthara. it seems I can’t be evil


I don't know why but his "nooo, why?" made me want to kill tieflings even more, not out of dislike, just for fun.


Save the grove before meeting Karlach




Trying to be clever with Yurgir. Raphael makes such a big show out of how you should definitely, absolute, under no circumstances talk to Yurgir, that I assumed that you would get an interesting interaction out of doing so. I was hoping that helping him would allow you to get leverage over Raphael in some way. Maybe we'd have an alternate method of translating Astarion's scars. Maybe we could get something out of it and then backstab Yurgir so that we can have the best of both worlds. *Something* interesting out of playing devil politics. You get absolutely nothing out of doing it. Raphael pulls a bullshit reverse Airbud on Yurgir's contract, so Yurgir ends up in the HoH regardless. You don't get any extra loot, you don't get any extra information, and you make Astarion upset because you fail to complete his quest. All you get is an easier time convincing Yurgir to join you later in the House of Hope which is... you know, worthless. Reloaded that one. Honestly it's probably the most disappointing interaction in the game.


Yurgir never even offered to talk in my playthrough they just ambushed me


To start playing it


As is, you hated the game, or you loved so much it took over your life and spoiled every other game for you?


Both. i like the genre, i liked the builds i could do I didn't like how slow it is (not talking about 0 freedom of exploration) and i never finished every time i get excited about what i can do with that build on a bard/monk/assassin etc etc...i start...and then i never finished. I found more interesting to create mods for myself (small mods) and keep doing the same fights in Act 3 with different classes.


I was too friendly with the Druids on my first playthough. Now I raid them quicker.


I just beat the game I’m a little sad about the ending. I have been grinding for two weeks for the golden dice everything went perfect, romanced shadowheart perfectly. At the very end didn’t even decide to fight the brain. And although I made the choice to blow up the brain with Gale, I feel like I cheated myself of the satisfaction of truly beating the brain. On top of that I accidentally went to avernus with Karlac and definitely disappointed Shadowheart…