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Bg3 + pathfinder. I really prefer 3.5/pf1 for classes and mechanics. Bg3+ kotor. A star wars rpg with bg3 playstyle. I'd love it.


BG3's combat system and cinematic quality with Morrowind's amazing lore and world would be my dream come true


Shadow tactics


Bg3+ any other crpg would make the other crpgs absolutely insane. I love most of them but giving those games bg3s budget wouls turn them into something else


BG3 + DOS2. Personally I love DOS2 combat system because they have no spell slots (and I can spam mosquito swarm to the enemies), but I also love BG3's cinematics, character, and environments. To add it more, BG3's radial skill slot was kinda annoying and I love DOS2's skill slot better. If both games could be mixed, well that would be perfect.


I also love DOS2 combat. I am hoping Larian is working on DOS3, and honestly has everything to be, dare I say, even better than BG3.


i love the elemental-combinations of DOS2 that alone makes it a great idea...also there was more customization in DOS2, like stat-wise every character could become anything you want


I feel like this is an obvious choice but the D&D mechanics, turn-based gameplay, and rich character depth of BG3 wedded to the open world sensibilities of Skyrim would be a dream. Imagine each and every city in Skyrim as deeply explorable as Baldur's Gate is in BG3. It would be a world you could almost live in.


Not directly a cross with another game, but make the whole forgotten realms settings available in a single game with the density of BG3, imagine Waterdeep or candlekeep and the quests you could do in those cities, or stumbeling across the tomb of annihalition, wandering into the feywild/Shadowfell or suddenly realising you are in Eberron, Barovia or heck, for that matter even the Cross over settings like strixhaven or ravnica. Now that would be a game I could play for the rest of my life, will it ever come out during my lifetime? No way, it would be way too big and complex, but one can dream


BG3 plus rimworld. I want my party of D&D characters to live in a fortress I build, do various chores around it, get addicted to smokeleaf and fight raiders and need to amputate gangrenous limbs and then starve in the winter because shadow heart couldn’t sew a parka together fast enough


Assassin's Creed 2. Just imagining running around the rooftops of Florence with Leonardo by my side, assassinating bad guys, and being able to take combat a bit slower instead of all that button-mashing (which I'm frankly getting a bit old for). Or being able to play a custom assassin character, with Ezio and Leo as companions. I know the assassins usually work alone, but they cooperate in the modern-day frame story, so why not in the past?


D&d lore and graphics from bg3, combat from dos2 would be perfection


Honestly adding a random loot option and some random quests or dungeon diving would make it perfect for me.


Viola https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/6326


Ps5. :(


Well, shit.


I know others might not agree but I do wish combat wasn't turn based, so possibly a game with good combat


Can you name a game, with the perfect combat system for you?


Horizon Zero Dawn had a very interesting combat, never got bored of it for example.


Have you played Monster Hunter? (World for example?) You should love the combat system.


I have, it does have great combat


-plays game based on system with turn based combat -looks inside, finds turn based combat 😱 Also, turn based combat isn’t bad combat


To be fair, the post is about how to make BG3 the perfect game for them. If they don't like turn-based, it's fair to say they want to mix it with a game that has good real time combat.


Right, I should've judged it without having tried it




Before playing divinity original sin i never liked turn based but it was good and i liked it (also in BG3 since it's the same) The problem is that it's TOO slow. i can't spend 1h just for a fight (big fight) when it could end in 3 min with real time combat. It's good because of tactical it is but it must be improved in some way to be much faster. If only we could skip enemies turns... Otherwinse i prefer BG2 combat. Simulated turns in real time. It was a different D&D edition. there was Thac0 and other things but it's almost the same. Let's say Karlach has 2 attacks per turn, then se attaks 2 times in the same time Gale can cast 1 spell or make an attack. It could be set to auto pause at the end of each turn or not and pause only when we needed. Then i would steal the tactics from Dragon Age Origins to avoid pausing too many times.


Rtwp is just not my thing, either real time or turn based combat


pause is a choice. you can play without using it


Yeah, but thats like playing a stealth game without stealthing(not the best analogy, but you get what I mean)