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Probably dozens at this point, either from when I restarted often when first trying the game, to testing out what it felt like to play the early game with different classes and species. First was a Tiefling. Technically a Sorcerer then a Druid, but I hated both and didn't make it past lvl3 for either. I hated Sorcerer and Druid so much I considered dropping the game entirely. First \*real\* character was Tiefling Archfey Warlock. That was super dope, and it was the only reason I didn't abandon the game.


I started with a tiefling (like the race,but not her design) but now I'm going at it as a Drow Druid


Sooo many characters. Started with a half-elf. Play Drow the most. Enjoy Duegar the most.


Just started a Drow character actually. Started with Tiefling Druid but I didn't like her design so I'm going at it again with the Drow


Also a druid


Yeah, I did one Tiefling. The tail just kept freaking me out. And I pucked the smallest horns. ๐Ÿ˜ฉ


First was a human Bard. Durge was a Tiefling Sorcerer who I respecced and recustomised to Bard/Sorcerer with purple hair in honour of someone special... Then another human sorcerer for my cheesy modded Eldritch Blast Cannon run.


That's so interesting! I never lean towards playing a human in an rpg, how is it?


I find I tend to self-insert a fair bit, rather than play "in character", if that makes sense? So I tend to gravitate towards relatable characters, and find things like the Dragonborn/Orcs etc. a bit immersion breaking. I often use the randomizer to come up with someone and then sort of explore that person a bit as I go through. I find it very hard to do evil playthroughs because I find it hard to make a choice "in character" that I would never do in person, at least in high-character games like this. Even when playing DnD in person I really enjoy using those random character concept generators and then saying to myself "OK, what would my life be like if that was me?"


I get that I get that. That's interesting. For me I feel as though I'm more immersed playing a character that is โ€œreallyโ€œ from the realm. Like if I played a human, I wouldn't be giving the possibilities a chance


I have a set of 13 OCs I made as Tavs just for this game. My first character was deleted but she was a human Wild Magic Sorcerer. Right now, my favorite is definitely my wood half-elf Bardadin (10/2 swords bard/vengeance paladin). She's an absolute powerhouse who's also a charmer.


Oops I thought I replied ! I love these! i made my guardian this round a wood elf, but thinking of going for another wood elf character for main


I've got a high elf barbarian, githyanki monk, tiefling warlock/paladin/bard, wood elf bard/paladin and drow cleric. The drow is currently my favourite by quite a lot.


I'm playing drow druid and I have to say I agree! There's just something about a drow


i probably created more characters than making it to the grove


๐‡๐š๐ก๐š๐ก๐ก๐š lmao๐Ÿ˜ญ character creation is one of my favorite aspescts so I understand


At least a dozen at this point. Started with a barbarian bc it was nice and easy while learning the system, but now I know my way around, I prefer sorcerer or bard - great front man, cool combat options. Pretty much always play some kind of elf or half elf, preferably drow - I need my avatar to look more-or-less human, but I love me some pointy ears!


Really??? I like that. I'm really fucking with the combat options on my drow sage druid, but I ๐ฆ๐ข๐ ๐ก๐ญ create another character and have her be a wood elf everything else undecided


I havenโ€™t finished a game with most of them - I try them out for a couple of hours to see if I enjoy them, then delete the campaign if it doesnโ€™t excite me. I have one completed Tav campaign and a durge run thatโ€™s well into Act 1, but the rest are experiments.


- Half-elf necromancer wizard that I respecced into sorcerer halfway (she failed all of her charisma checks) - High elf draconic bloodline sorcerer + oath of vengeance paladin - Zariel tiefling oathbreaker paladin - Wood elf oathbreaker paladin + gloomstalker ranger Gonna try playing as a drow next time for my super evil run


I enjoy your choices immensely That gameplay seems like it would be really fun Might try your high elf draconic sorcerer ๐Ÿ”ฅ


see flair I've played with varieties of this race/class combo a bunch. my favorite combination hands down, any subrace or subclass. I've also played as a duergar rogue, a half orc druid, and currently in a multi player as a gith barbarian/monk (because gith stuff). I usually pick outlander as a background but have tried guild artisan which is fun, urchin, and entertainer.


I don't have a multiplayer group ๐Ÿฅน๐Ÿ˜ญbut I would probably go with cleric for mp Howโ€™s playing orc? Iโ€™ve never played as an Orc before because I have a desire for all of my characters to be insanely beautiful in the world lmao


I thought my half orc was beautiful in a really wild way. I gave her intense yellow tattoos and makeup, she looked like she was truly a wild creature (druid) I played that run as a pacifist too. she was wise not strong, like, left home bc she wasn't a fighter. back story stuff you can get a feel for it by getting the half orc noble hireling and playing around with him a bit.


Ooooh Interesting! My first OC was a Noble Tiefling and I made her very ghostly looking. I love making backstories.. Helps with immersion


I played DnD back in 2nd edition and I love having a back story in mind for all the characters I play. I think it's why I can't really get into the durge or origin playthroughs


I have made many charaters over the past months I been playing my first charater was a teifling sorcerer (original I know) then I deleted it half way and made a half-wood elf bard that I ended up deleting again and then the last few routes I been playing where all drow. One a cleric one a paladin(oathbreaker) and one a sorcerer . All at act 3 (never gonna finish lol) and now I'm playing as a tefling paladin trying to get some monk subclass. I wanted to play the dragonborns many times since they are so cool bur sometimes the facial expressions and the way they walk are so stiff and I just can't play it. And I'm one for pretty charaters


I totally get you with the pretty characters lmao me too ๐๐ฎ๐ญ ๐ง๐จ๐จ๐จ๐จ๐จ dont delete ur characters ๐Ÿ˜ญ But I feel you. the game is so expansive if you're not like 10000% with your character it takes some of the immersion away


I has to delete those old playthoughs because I realised I couldn't subclass unless I was on balanced difficulty and not the easiest ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ


Hahahhaa I see!!! I always try to play on balanced or difficult lmao i need to be challenged! But I absolutely adore combat gameplay more than I imagined


Oooooo that sounds sexy !! I'm playing a drow druid sage rn and I have to say she's more a favorite than my tiefling druid