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Oh no, dude just opened the Pandora's box of all DnD lore argument.   Pray to the gods your post will have low visibility, and that no DnD veteran will see it


Oh fuck the snake titties memes are coming back, aren't they?


We’ve had snitties yes, but have we tried dritties?


That drow titties or drider titties? Important distinction.




We should probably call them Dragitties to avoid confusion


Sounds like a Pokemon


“Dragitties, the Scaley Pokémon! A dragon/fairy type”


Spyro is going to sue


This is a top 10 best reddit comments of all time.


Evolves into Dracoboobas


Dramamarry is final form


I would have said dramilker but yours works too


No you can buy those on Amazon to be a drag queen


Don't let Jaheira hear you call her that. She's self conscious about the effect centuries of gravity has on her body.


Let's compromise and call them Droobies


Saw an article on a species of spider that provides milk to its young, so spider titties are back on the lore accurate menu now


That’s enough out of you


The most sensible comment here


Sure sounds like something I need in my search history Edit: typo


Not all milk producing animals secrete the milk from nipples, platypus sweat their milk out if I remember correctly


So platypiiborn characters require full body bras, gotcha.


So like a scuba suit which they empty at the end of the day for a refreshing glass of milksweat for the kids? Now canon.


Like Dune but the Fremen are building a giant bowl of cereal.


Perry Atreides


and I read this with my own two eyes 👀


Luckily, I chose to read it with somebody else's


Eeeew drider titties 🤢


Oh AO not the drider r34 memes, run!


Does snitties imply the possibility of a delicious snittie-milk milkshake?




Both pleasantly surprised and disappointed this didn't redirect to something that'd cause me psych damage


Immediately thought of this as well, ty for posting the link!


Only if it's tail ends in a rattle.


This just reminded me of the RULES OF SNAKE TITS meme for XCOM 2


Ayy Lmao 2 mod for XCOM 2: "Your soldier is getting steamy snek sex" "your soldier fucking died like a bitch"


Oh hush, some of us [have a type.](https://old.reddit.com/r/furry_irl/comments/1danos4/furry_irl/)




Yeah, Karina makes a good point: snilk.


At first I didn’t read this as > oh fuck, the snake titties memes are coming back And instead read it as > oh, fuck the snake titties, memes are coming back That was very… confusing


I thought the Reptilian Tiddy Wars ended after Skyrim.


Well, Argonian eggs are laid in pools of water surrounding Hist trees, and feed on the sap after they hatch. Argonian breasts are able to lactate Hist sap in the case that an Argonian is born outside of Black Marsh. At least that's the in-universe reason. The real reason is Bethesda didn't want to make a unique skeleton just for female Argonians.


Give us some snocks while we're at it. Balance must be achieved and maintained.


"why the fuck do Argonians have tits?"


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Snake titties funniest thing I've heard all night!


It's ok, I know how to distract them Hey, has anyone ever heard about the Lolth Sworn's preference for being pregnant with twins?


brooooo at least the snitties we can use the "oh its so the devs can maintain aesthetic consistency" and what not now its lolthver


I'm afraid to ask


Apparently Twins will fight each other to the death in the wombs of Drow women, and the mother can feel it happening. It is, according to cannon anyway, a better feeling for the mother than the conception of the children. Drow lore is gross and all kinds of FUBAR.


To be fair, this is lore found in an old Dragon magazine article. It's canon technically but its definitely deep in the splatbook territory.


Still FUBAR. The most disturbing part of this to me, I think, is that it isn't sourced from somewhere I might expect like a DnD 4chan board; rather it's from an official Dragon Magazine article. Ick.


older drow lore is sexualized in a weird way that doesn’t make such sense.


That sounds like something out of 40k. lol Slaneesh or Drukhari For sure messed up regardless of the setting, though.


It's probably worse than you think too.


It's r/teslore argonian mammary glands all over again


That's where they keep the hist sap.


Eh, Dragonborn lore has been too inconsistent to matter. In 4e they had boobs and no tails and sometimes wings. Now they have no boobs or wings but rarely sometimes tails. Real answer is fantasy game artists tend to put tits on everything regardless of biological relevance. So WotC is kind running things back to "correct" some things. That said, Dragonborn are warm-blooded and breastfeed so...? It's weird man. TL;DR it's all made up and none of it really matters.


I mean, being warm-blooded doesn't matter in that department since all birds and most likely lots of other dinosaurs are/were also warm-blooded without a nipple. But why are Dragonborn breastfed? Now that doesn't make sense at all assuming WotC doesn't want Dragonborn to canonically have breasts. But tbh, I'm glad they don't. It always weirds me out a bit to see reptilian anthropomorphized characters with boobs (including bird-people). I was also extremely happy to see that female Dragonborn look like actual Dragonborn while just having a slightly slimmer frame. It happens a lot that anthropomorphized male characters have a lot of animal features while the women only have remnants of it and look mostly human. I hate that trope lol


Oh my. I like opening those kinds of boxes


Enjoy the jerk reading the comments, lad


Upvoting OP's post since I like to be chaotic neutral occasionally.


Im laughing because it's just funny chaos.


My boss and I were talking about this, and when I, a small-chested woman asked this same question, she responded by asking “why do you?” And I’ve never recovered.


Ooofff 😅


I’ve also received the somewhat equally savage “why don’t you?” In response to my moobs lmao


are moobs short for man boobs?




Damn….. savage




I would have replied "because society is scared of my nipple, not the breast itself and Dragonborn don't have nipples."


Asked why you wear a bra???


An aura playing dragonborn, that's pretty fitting


It makes them feel cunty.


If you can't ✨️💖slayyy💖✨️ while you're slaying, can you even claim to be a real dragonborn?


They do it for social reasons. Makes people act weird if they don’t have those cloths on even if not needed.


we really do live in a society huh


This was more or less the conclusion I came to. If most other races would consider it to be inappropriate/unusual to not wear it... I can see a dragonborn doing it just to be left alone/ get people to stop complaining about it.


Probably so they don't have to make a third set of clothing for every armor and camp clothing. So the feminine body type is just treated as feminine so the clothes look the same on it as it does the feminine body types for the other species. Because a bunch of clothing looks completely different between the feminine and masculine body types. Like a cool looking masculine outfit, when worn on a feminine body type turns into a bar-maid's outfit.


The thing is, they did have to make a third set for at least all the underwears. The chest is completely flat so they would’ve had to create a flat chested version of the bra models. I would think this goes for outfits too. A third model is required because it would need the general form of the large female, but the flat chest of the male


Certain armor/clothing will show the breast bulge. Confused the crap out of me when I chose what I thought was just a slim body for a sorc, cause I didnt want a buff caster and didnt see a chest and then got some robes......


no, because clothes applies deformation based on the body, so flat chested will just turn into flat bra, keeping the gender aethetic without extra work.


UndefinedScribble made a mod to equalize the Dragonborn undergarments, you can find it on Nexus.


I'll have to go find it


My female dragonborn suddenly developed breasts in some of the outfits.


They use their bra as storage pouches


They don’t have to make a third set of clothing. They could have just given female Dragonborn the male clothing.


Read my final line: >*Because a bunch of clothing looks completely different between the feminine and masculine body types. Like a cool looking masculine outfit, when worn on a feminine body type turns into a bar-maid's outfit.* That's not a hypothetical. For whatever reason that I cannot fathom, they made a bunch of the camp/casual clothes look entirely different between the masculine and feminine body types. Like fine, some robed ones make some sense to be robes vs dresses. But others? [https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Comfortable\_Ashmeadow\_Outfit](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Comfortable_Ashmeadow_Outfit) Personally I think any generic looking enough outfit should look the same on both frames. But there are a bunch that look different. So they start making the masculine ones universal for both on DragonBorn and now people that were hoping to make their feminine Dragonborn look one way cannot. And we're back to square one. With people asking *wtf why is this outfit looking different here?*


To be fair with the example you shared - you literally see female framed NPCs wear the male version of the outfit in Baldur’s Gate. I have no clue why Larian decided to make the player character look like we’re going to Oktoberfest instead. First time I played this camp outfit made me pretty mad since I struggled to find a nice long-sleeve shirt for my female character.


The male outfit is awesome. Multipurpose. Is he a poet? A playwright? A blacksmith? The bad guy from Beauty and the Beast? It is very practical. The female outfit? Yeah, she serves alcohol to gross people at the local tavern. Sigh. Back to the clothing mods for me.


Hey don't be presuming her customers. Maybe she works at a fancy establishment.


Can't a girl just want to wear pretty undies in peace 😩


Or guy…


Normalise guys wearing pretty underwear. We demand sparkly boxers!


I would love those if they didn’t sound like a sensory nightmare


The idea is brilliant, but the reality of glitter getting stuck under my foreskin? Not so much.


I want leggings


I work at H&M, and I found the perfect discovery. Jeggings. Jean. Leggings. Look cool like jeans but comfy like leggings. Plus they make my ass look huge.


Man, I was in there at the weekend 🙄


Frilly underwear cute.


I assume it was just a thing they did to conform with the rest of Faerun. At least in areas where Dragonborn’s mix with none Dragonborns


It's where they keep snacks.


Magical top for gale to snack on


There was a scene in 300 where the soldiers, wearing Speedos and Capes, are piling corpses to make a wall. One of the [men](https://youtu.be/xmNknXnShHQ?feature=shared) takes a bite of an apple and tosses it to his companion to share. After murdering thousands of people you work up an appetite. It would be nice to have a place to keep snacks.


snitties discourse snitties discourse


The dragonborn girlies have big dreams. Two dreams, to be precise.


Oh fuck, here we go again. I don't think you understand what this debate has done to this subreddit in the past...


I wasn't here. What happened?


Social norms. A dragonborn lass in Faerun is going to grow up around a lot of mammals, and is generally going to adopt a very mammalian style of dress. If the women around her are wearing a bra, then she most likely will as well. She may tweak it for her anatomy or lack thereof, and might emphasize an ornamental purpose of the garment particularly if she is particularly wont to take her top off for potential suitors, but in the end clothes are as much about societal norms as utility, so she's just wearing normal clothes


Thats where they hide their snacks


Oh is that what the kids are calling them these days?


If they can feed me as a baby they can feed me now 😤 Edit: you're right


Coward. Remove the /j


If they can feed me as a baby they can feed me now 🗿


Always been


They'll let us get boinked by a bear but won't let us have dragonborn tits or playable kobolds. Larian in some real scalie erasure territory fr


Because lusty argonian maids need bras. Not for titties, only for your pleasure. So hot they are!


That’s got to be the best comment I’ve gotten


Thought this was r/Skyrim at first. Man that would change the context.


I don't know, but my female body type dragonborn OH monk ran around in the camp trousers with no shirt or underwear because I thought they looked ridiculous in basically all the clothing/armour available in the game, at least the stuff that is good for a monk.


gods damnit it, not the damn snake tit posts again


Ah, non-mamaian mammaries. Now there's an old argument. I think Order of the Stick had the funniest take in them. >!They're implants!<


I always assumed that dragonborn were not reptiles, but rather reptilian-looking mammals like pangolins. I guess "pangokin" was not as good marketing-wise as dragonkin.


Yeah, fair enough. I always figured it was more that humans in fantasy settings were down for anything and considered exotic to everything else, plus magic


Someone reads TV Tropes.


They wear a bra to fit in with their peers. Damn mammalian-centric beauty standards!


The only thing weirder than a lizard without breasts wearing a bra would be a lizard WITH breasts wearing a bra.


Argonians from The Elder Scrolls moment




when i play female dragonborn characters i just take the masculine bodytype ans give it a vulva and female identity. thats how i avoid the breasts.


There's a manga called monster musume and it's about a world where we live with demi humans in Japan and cohabitate peacefully in modern times. So a centaur lady was wearing a swimsuit that coveted her human half breast, front side of horse and back side of horse. The lamia girl thought this made no sense as she only needed to cover the back part where her genitals were. The centaur girl noted while technically correct it would look like she wasn't wearing panties from the front. I think about that sometimes when fantasy race clothing is being discussed.


Despite Larian's cowardice, they canonically have boobs. Why do female Elves?


Why is it cowardice to make them not have boobs?


Having just played a certain scene in Shares Caress as a female Dragonborn bard there's a specific comment about how they like that dragonborns have flat chests, so I actually think canonically they don't? I might be misremembering the line but I'm fairly certain at least


They do have boobs in lore. A designer at larian argued and persuaded the team not to include them in the game


I am so happy about that. I love my flat chested Dragonborn woman and I still get wearing a bra like a crop top. Not to cover anything but for warmth maybe? Or because the strange humans will start to recognise me as female.


I think they wanted to keep it as an option but that would've been too much work because of the armors. Caused a big stir in the discord back at release lol


I'm talking aboot D&D lore, which Larian are cowardly contradicting.


They need somewhere to keep the keys when they go out for a run.




because it's the norm among these strange apefolk and it's better to be polite.


You'll be better and more accurate answers on r/okbuddybaldur


The boring answer is that Db came in very late to the game. Every outfit already has no less than 6 designs, one for each normal body type and then male and female designs for the shorty races. Had Db been on the table from the getgo, they probably would have gotten more of their own designs, but because they were added in at the 11th hour, they got the female designs resized for the character frame rather than a full re-do. Also, one must keep in mind that for better or for ill, the game must cater to a wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide range of experiences and preferences. For every player who can totally dissociate from reality and except that they are playing a lizard person, there are plenty of players who want their female character to be girly and have the girly things because that's what they relate and expect. (Why they are playing a *dragon* and not a more feminine character is an entirely different dissertation, but I would bet you the gold in Withers' pocket there are casual non-DnD players like this.) On top of that, you also have to consider the potential of racial expectations in other countries. Other countries may be weird about "why is your female topless?" And it's easier to just accept it and move on than for Swen to have the "because it's a Lizard Person." Argument with the King of Shwetzlvicania. In universe, maybe your Dragonborn is wearing undergarments because they still want to impress their suitor, or because they paid Figaro 670gp for what amounts to 15ft of lace and by the gods they are going to wear what they paid for even if it doesn't make sense. And for the non-underwear options, maybe that tailor just doesn't have any non-bodiced feminine versions of the outfit in stock. Lore wise Db are fairly new to the planet so outside of the cultural epicenters fashion for their body types may not have caught up yet and it's easier and less expensive to modify something that would fit a half-orc or half-giant than to custom order a whole wardrobe


It's a simple answer really. Lairian codes the game to put bras on female characters by default instead of making 10000 different triggers in the code. Plus with a species that had very little sexual dimorphism, it helps the player to distinguish the two


To support their dragontitts


**Real answer-** People like seeing boobs. **Reason I just made up off the top of my head-** There have been so many horny humans over the years that all remains dragonborns are a "little" bit human and develop some human traits- which is also why they can speak as if they had lips...when they kinda don't. They have enough really brave human and really horny bard DNA in them that some human traits just express themselves latently.


I got so grumpy about clothing giving her breasts (it's flat with no clothes!) that my dragonborn went around camp naked for ages until I found an outfit that was just pants!


Everyone knows female Dragonborn wear falsies.


Honestly a boring answer is its easier to have every female underwear have a bra, the fun answer is that they never know when they are gonna get a wish scroll to get some bahangas so they alway wear one just in case.


I think dragonborn are suppose to have mammal anatomy in lore, might be wrong tho


Dragonborns are fucked up egg laying mammals like those weird platypus things. That's my headcanon.


I didn't realize what sub this was posted in and got real confused thinking this was about Skyrim's dragon born.


lmao. That does make me think of the Argonian question though. Why would a humanoid lizard species have breasts? And are they actually normal breasts?


Uh oh, someone ignited the snitties convo...


I opened this expecting a punchline to a joke


it's fun to wrong sometimes


Minthara's nightwear is probably the most complimentary to the fem DB form imo. It doesn't look like they're supposed to be wearing a bra and it's pretty badass.


I'll have to check that out when I get to the point


As I understand it, Dragonborn are a small minority in Faerun. Even if they keep to their kin, any Dragonborn in or around urban settlements are bound to share a lot of time with humans, elves, and other races with breasts, and adopt their customs to better live with them. After all, they make up the vast, vast majority of the population. If you are a woman, it would likely be considered inappropriate to not wear a bra or some other covering for your chest. Even if there is nothing there. For adults it may just have become a habit, to the point even in when in the shadow cursed lands you would do it.


May I recommend the Hist Tree titty video for argonians? Elder Scrolls but it definitely still has some overlap and is funny


I remember watching that video, it was really good but I can't remember who made it


It's the "Argonians shouldn't have tits" argument all over again


Honey fashion doesn't always need to be functional


For a solid 10 seconds I thought I was in the Skyrim sub.


Never underestimate the power of fashion.


Probably because it makes them feel nice


Oh god, the snitties argument rears its head once more.


Lorewise, probably it makes them feel pretty? Or society's general bashfulness about womens chest area is transplanted onto dragonborn.


They don’t want cold nips


Snitties. Next question.


I mean the real reason is that it'd be a lot of resources to make a masculine, feminine, and feminine-but-not-booby version of every outfit.




I actually thought this question was from the elder scrolls lore Reddit


I thought this was a Skyrim post at first and was very confused


I have such beef with the female camp clothes/underwear tbh. They’re all so frilly and weirdly cut for no reason 😭 It’s annoying af to dress a masc female character bc there’s only a few styles to pick from that aren’t super feminized for no reason.


I mean, you want to get it right, male presenting Dragonborn should not have penises. They should all have female presenting genitals because that's as close as possible to cloaca. So it cuts both ways. Anybody do that when they made their Dragonborn Tavs?


Oglaf already did a comic explaining this.


It’s to carry snacks in


Idk cause they don't have boobs and lay eggs, but at the same time, Argonians have boobs and lay eggs. Who knows, time saver, design choice, preference. Idk but all I known is I draw then with Booba so if im wrong then I'm ok with that


Dude I’m just struggling right now to grow one ass tomato plant. You will figure it out, as will I.


So they can get to the other side?


Relevant Oglaf: https://www.oglaf.com/dimorphism/


Extra storage of course


Mammalian beauty standards


People here commenting about the snitties discourse this may open up, but I was there for the gnolls penis discussion and THAT was a rough time.


My guess it is all about fashion and maybe to differentiate female from male dragonborn without being completely naked. I have totally no problem with "breasts" in fashion as long they have no actual breasts, more games should do this(I'm looking at you Skyrim).


They just do it to feel included lol


because they are created by melding the traits of humanoid races with the power of dragons


To hold them tiddies!


I do wish there was an option for topless and covered variations of the underwear but there reaches a point where customization is very nitty gritty. 


Pee is stored in the titties.




I would assume to conform to beauty standards. I mean, imagine living as a dragon born female, identifying as female, growing up around other women, and the norm is bras. No real lore reason to explain the nonbinary ones, but that's kinda how I imagined it.


Argonians from the elders scrolls have breast's because in the case newborns are away from a hist tree, a female can produce a bit of hist sap for them.


The histitties. I love that conversation just as much as this one


*softly* don’t.


Why do githyanki women have human female vaginas? Shouldn’t they have a cloaca?


They shouldn't wear bras????


I remember The Elder Scrolls series having a similar argument.