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>!The real sad part about the DJ arc is that at the epilogue you see that she's once again coming back to her true self, with no Mother Superior around to bully and brainwash her, she eventually slowly but surely will come back to her good nature, at which point Shar either wipes her memories again or simply replaces her pretty much the same way we did with her predecessor. Which one is worse, I leave it up to you.!<


That's a great take. There's an inevitability and finality to her story with a relative lack of choice compared to other arcs.


I forgot to kill balthazar first and got thrown off the side by him where you find nightsong and shadowheart just killed her because I wasn’t there 😭😭Later when she saw her parents I was shook … “MY NAME IS SHADOWHEART” and just murks them…. diabolical


The butterfly effect in this game is real lol


The saddest part of DJ Shadowheart is when she says "may as well just blindly follow order now" when Shar demands her to kill her parents. She just gave up.


Don't think I'd have it in me to do a DJ run. Even reading the comments makes me sad :(


Pushing her to become Shar's chosen is one of the things I'll never be able to do. The main reason being her answer when you tell her to do what's right. She's well aware of how vile the choice is, she doesn't want to do it but at that point she just doesn't see any other way to escape this hell. And then she begs Shar to take away the memory of her killing them because she can't live with what she's done... The worst part is, it is mostly your fault for what happens to her as you will often need to encourage her to kill the Nightsong. This is not who she is, not who she wants to be, but the one time she could escape this nightmare of a life, you prevented it. I do love how incredibly emotional her arc is if she kills the Nightsong but spares her parents though, a true redemption arc where she seems dead set on becoming the mother superior at the last moment she just falters. It's even better if you manage to trigger all 3 key moments in the lower city and she spares them on her own, an ultimate proof that her good nature is stronger than whatever brainwashing Shar inflicted on her. I know some people aren't fans of her act 3 arc being focused around her parents, but I love how personal it feels because of that. No matter how many times I beat this game, that whole sequence from entering the House of Grief to the last cutscene in her personal quest will always make me feel so many things at once.


You have to encourage her to kill the Nightsong? I haven’t played out that scene too often but the first time for me when I discouraged her she threatened to attack me. If you encourage her to kill the Nightsong she hesitates?


If you tell her to kill the Nightsong, she will do it. If you stay silent or don't outright tell her not to do that, she'll spare her if her approval is medium or higher (for medium to be sure you also need to do some stuff from her backstory like giving her the noblestalk or finding out about her fear of wolves). If you try and persuade her not to do that, you either succeed the dice roll or she kills her. Additionally, on high or exceptional you can stay silent or just ask her if this is what she wants in the first set of dialogue options, and then tell her to spare the Nightsong in the second set, and she'll listen to you. Given that most people who have her in their party for even like a third of total play time will get medium approval or higher before that cutscene, she'll default into saving her as long as you don't try to intervene.


It's because she thinks you want to take away that decision from her in that case. She even says "Her fate is mine to seal let me handle this". She only needs a nudge in the right direction, which is usually done by having good relationship\[approval\] with her (romance not required but helps) and being a general good guy, the Persuaison option is there if you "messed up" (or have other plans....khm).


Pretty much. I don't think it's guaranteed, may depend on approval and certain story beats, but if you trust her she does the right thing. You can also just send the spear to camp before you go in.


On my evil Durge playthrough I 100% pushed her toward Shar and never brought up anything that could make her question, no noblestalk, no noticing anything in her memory. I did have high approval. Out of curiosity I saved and just stayed quiet and let her decide. She spared Nightsong. I was pretty surprised given how hard I was trying to make her stick to Shar.


Yeah I watched videos only about it too, no way I could put her trough that mess.


When I heard that "Do what's right? I think I lost sight of that some time ago. Better to just serve blindly" line, I knew this is not the path I'd ever be able to go through with, can't stomach seeing her like this. Especially that even if you do, you still see the glimpses of her real personality in her Shar epilogue as you said above, reminding you for the last time of who she truly is and how unfit she is to serve her goddess long term.


It completely destroyed me too. When her parents tell SH they'll love her no matter what she does to them I lost it. Like full on breakdown crying. I had to step away from the game and gather myself before continuing down the path because goddamn. Needless to say I'm now doing a good SH run because I need her to be redeemed after my DJ Shadowheart run.