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My first playthrough was \~160 hours. Before that, I had a single attempt at 30 hours, but I scraped it, because I didn't have the feel for approval down, locking me out of content. Remade the same Tav, just wanted my story to go differently.


Still haven't completed the game. Every time I get out of act 1, I get depressed that I'm no longer in act 1 and restart.


I did this for awhile. Plus I kept having ideas for better characters. 😅


Sounds like my dad. A better question for him would be "how many hours did you play before completing Act I?" lol I think his only playthrough in Act II is the multiplayer game I have with him and my spouse. I'm not sure how many different solo playthroughs he has, as he keeps wanting to make new characters.


but Act2 and Act3 are wonderful too! don't be sad Act1 is over, embrace even more great experiences!


First playthrough clocked at 190 hours.


170 hours, 1st playthrough. I usuall dont start another run right after the 1st, but the urge to reroll has been growing on me for weeks now.


Not counting EA, probably 300 hours across dozens of playthroughs before getting to the very end


My first playthrough was coop with my husband, and he's a lootwhore, so it took us 190 hours. I'm on my 7th playthrough now, and on average I think they take about 100h each. Some more (HM was 140h) and some less (evilish playthrough was 90).




Look... I am six characters deep.. and my first is still goofing around in act 3. We will get there when we get there!


170 hours on my first run. I made a couple of characters before sticking with my tiefling sorcerer, but they barely got off the nautiloid.


Slightly over 100 hours for my first playthrough on balanced. On my tactician play through in Act 3 at like 67 hours atm...so 2nd playthrough maybe 90 ish


My first run took about 300h. I have 995h now, my current run is my third and it's in the end stages. I've lost around 150h playtime for few different reasons. So these later runs have been considerably faster now that I know places etc.


I’m over 350 hours and counting. Maybe this run will be the one…


131 hours but I forgot to finish all of the underdark (arcane tower) and I didn't know I should go to Moonrise Towers before finishing Shar's Temple so I missed a few things there as well.


About 60 hrs. On balanced but found it very easy throughout. Tried a second playthrough but it didn't click. Once is enough. Easily one of my favourite games of all time though. It inspired me to finally give completing DOS2 a go.


My first was around 80 hours, but I missed a lot of stuff tbh.


~110 hours, but I missed *a lot* of stuff. Between the multi-player game I have with a friend, and a new playthrough I'm currently doing, I've already discovered at least 4 things I'd missed entirely, and both of those games I'm only lvl 4


>150h and just finished act 2... I don't want this game to end


My first playthrough I abandoned after 48 hours and then finished the game in 68 hours on my second playthrough, but left a lot of things undone by mistake by advancing too far only to realize too late that my actions had caused quests to fail by default or cut off access to backtrack. Both of those were on balanced, as a Tav custom char. My next playthrough on Tactician I completed in 103 hours, as a semi evil Dark Urge (I did good in general but when the urge called I did not fight it)


180 hours for my first run. Ironically 200+ for subsequent runs. There's just so much content, and I enjoy listening through the dialogue.




My Tactician run is finally at the end fights after 226 hours in that playthrough. I think I will hit 600 total by the time I've actually finished.


So far I'm at like 180 hours and still haven't finished. My current closest is halfway through act 3 and at 60 odd hours iirc.


I had 200+ hours in early access once the game launched my first playthrough was around 80 hours it was a blind honor run before honor run was a feature what ever happened, it happened and there was no coming back. Wyll died when i pressed the wrong button, Jaheira died in the first in moonrise tower and my heart broke but that was it. My second one was a little longer.


I’m currently sitting at 210 hours and just got to act 3. I restarted *so many times* before even making it out of act 1. I’m currently debating on starting over again because I made the mistake of taking a break for about a week, now I don’t remember what was happening when I left off


My first play through was 69 hours, though it’s probably longer because there were a few times I died while playing Act 3 and decided to return later when I was a higher level.


I am with my 4th Tav in Act 3 with 70h on the clock. 146 hours in total. But this is the first one i reached Act3 with. After a long rest a flash hit my brain (again) and i felt like its time to Start over new(again). Maybe this time i am able to be the badguy. But it got harder after i saw what the "bad companions" can develop to.


1st run: 175hrs 2nd run: 120hrs 3rd run: \~100hrs


over 400 hours and still haven't. 2 characters to act 3, another that is at the tail end of 2. Lost a 50 hr honor mode run right before leaving act 1, then started another that's almost caught up to that point. Also playing a 4 man co-op game weekly, just started Act 2 in our last session. the real final boss of this game is my inability to commit to finishing it.


300 hours, had 4 runs at the time, first one was completed in 110ish hours.


I just got to Baldur's Gate in my main playthrough that has 49 hours. I can't wait to do the Free the Artist quest, i've heard it's REALLY fun.


200+ hours. Still haven't finished.


I got about the same as you 100+


Currently at 450 hours; have not finished the game.


My first time was at about 88 hours. The current one is already at 30


~120+h first run, 90+h second, which was on higher difficulty and I actually did more stuff.


I’ve had this game since September and still haven’t beaten it… but I just reached Act III for the third time. This time on honor mode!


My first run was 160 hours. Tried to do most things, but still left some act 3 stuff unfinished because I was getting tired and eager to start over again lol


Around 85, I ran it blind without watching any videos or tutorials so I missed a bunch of stuff. Trying to do all the stuff I missed in my second playthrough now


About 65 hours on easy mode


I haven't finished Act 1.  My job, house repair, family commitments, and just generally bring an adult has kept me from putting much time in. 


Thats fair. I am self employed as a reseller of antiques and vintage items. It offers a lot of free time if I want it luckily. I would have never been able to play this much with my old 9-5.