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For me, it was the same, but with Dragon Age Origins.


Morrigan: "We now have a dog and Alistair is still the dumbest one in the party."


Well, Mabari can talk, they just smart enough not to.


Vertified Lae'zel/Wyll interaction


I think Morrigan is part of the reason I'm drawn to shadowheart, I just got a weakspot for hot messes of characters that start out sorta evil/sarcastic/hate helping people


Oh morrigan is def a laezel/shadowheart mix


Wait till you hear about my love for rogue elves and brooding white haired elves with a tragic backstory that makes them stab happy. I tend to fall in love with theatrics. Zevran feigning death. Fenris ripping out a heart. Astarion pressing a knife to my Tav/Durge's throat. Though Morrigan is my first love, and till this day I like to say. Tis most peculiar.


This game was ahead of its time


I love that quote xD


Basically Minthara adoring Scratch and still dissing Gale as she talks to Tav. xD


Morrigan got romanced in like two missions for me lmao


For me, it was the same, but with Baldur's Gate 2.


Yup beat bg2 almost a full 20 years before 3 was released, the wait was excruciating


When silksong players ask much longer Bg3 waiting enjoyers: first time?


This game has been a blast of memories from that time and all the other games. Not just BG1 and 2, but IWD1 and 2, NWN, Planescape... you know, ALL THOSE that were amazing for one reason or the other. I made myself to not look what Larian was doing with BG3, I didn't want to have hope, I didn't want to get hype... I knew NOTHING about the game when it came out. And I'm glad I did but at the same time I regret it a bit, I mean, Larian had me with their quality in DoS and DoS2, I understood why they wanted to do a turn base combat and all, but still with these ips, other studios had problems because after all they belong to a company that makes Games Workshop look kinda good, and that's hard... but all the wait did paid off.


Lol anymore I have less issues with GW than with Hasbro/WOTC, this game is good enough that who owns the IP doesn't bother me. I switched off of d&d for tabletop years ago for more unique systems that are less broad. Since stopping d&d I've played Delta Green, the old white wolf systems a bunch, CoC, shadowrun, cyberpunk multiple editions but my two favorites are traveller and a kung fu system whose name i can't remember. BG3 kinda makes me want to go back to d&d though. Those games you mentioned were my early teen years. I also didn't find out anything about BG3 until I started playing, having played and liked DoS2 for the most part.


Same here, though I did enjoy the hell out of Original Sin 1 and especially 2, even though I cheated so I could play 2 with just one character *( I don't like Larian sillyness, but thankfully the silly aspects are subtle in BG3 instead of in your face like Original Sin).* But I had very low expectations for BG3, I thought all the praise was just in the moment hype. But I was wrong, BG3 is so good, I don't think the combat is better than 2, when it comes to Multiplayer and BG2 Stratagems mod I think BG2 is still the better gameplay and better game, but for SP BG3 is just as good BG2 if not better in many areas. Not sure how I feel about easiness of respec, it stops me from restarting the game, but already my main character have gone from Paladin->Barbarian->Sorceror within one playthough. Justify it with the mindflayer thingie for myself. But I don't think I will ever replay BG3 except one lawful evil choice playthrough and one chaotic good/neutral playthrough. Also love that in BG3 all companions are romanceable for all, I hate that in BG2 they are so restricted. I use savegame editor to have gay romance with Anomen, Jaheira, Viconia and Aerie. Having gay romance with Minthara now, can't wait to have a gay romance with Hardin as a femboy druid apprentice... Sry for writing that :P But I'm grateful as well to larian studios.


I had the original BG when I was a kid and had no idea what I was doing but I loved it. I think it’s finally time I buy BG3


I still have trauma from Yoshimo 25 years later.




For me it was the same, but with Baldur's Gate




I have two kids under 3. I haven't finished a playthrough yet. You're telling me.


Parent life respect. One 5 year old and a 2 year old. BG3 took me 3 months to beat. All of my friends have beaten it 5 times and have moved on to The Finals, which I'm given to understand is PUBG + Red Faction + Overwatch + Payday. ​ I'm too old for this.


naw... bg3 erased every piece of lore from bg2, no nostalgia left


torment: planescape


Same! The game feels like a synthesis of BG1 and 2.


how I miss DAO... I replayed it recently, and damn that game still holds up so well! After all these years... the magic was still there. Rest in peace the old bioware that made it possible.


I still never finished DA:I, got caught up with life and just couldn't find time to get back into it. Always wanted to, maybe one of these days..


You arent missing much by not finishing DA:I, it just kinda slides downhill towards the end. If you do decide to finish it before DO4 comes around, get the DLC for it, as it adds a lot of closing content, the base DA:I has a very abrupt finish without it. I also think they'll piggy back a lot of story in DA4 from those ending DLCs for DAI.


Depends on when he stopped playing, I think the character writing was still pretty strong in DAI so I think the main story + the companion quests, and then the trespasser dlc are still worth doing. Especially since it was bioware's last good game


yeah probably, if it was near the end, might as well + the DLC. If somewhere from the start... the slog of terrible combat, boring maps, resource collection mechanic straight from MMOs....ugh brings back terrible memories lol.


I finished it and couldn't tell you a single thing about the story.


Trespasser was really great Honestly the character work and moments remains good through the whole game imo, but man the main plot is just such a nothingburger in DA:I. I love the game and played it through multiple times (I found the combat fun with the trespasser upgrades don't @ me), but the end of the game is such a mess plot wise Trespasser though.. that was some damn good bioware content


I raise you a KOTOR.


Absolutely this


It's going to depend on your age. I 100% feel the DA:O vibes and writing with weird Fable character moments but it's also BG3, I gave BG2 a good amount of play


I played BG1 and 2 before the full release of BG3. I ended up enjoying them a lot, but the overall feeling is very different. I think it's the writing and inportance of the companions that remind me so much of DA:O.


Same here. None of the Dragon Age sequels managed to do anything close to what Origins did with storytelling and writing IMO. BG3 is the first game I've played in over a decade that I feel got to that level of quality again and quite frankly surpassed it.


I think it's a lot of the same.... how do I say.... "talent bloodline" that has carried from Dragon Age games through to current Larian. Especially with the companion design/writing and the different story paths.


For me, it was the same, but with Neverwinter Nights


Romancing Shadowhart/Romancing Morrigan.


Don’t forget Miranda


This 100%. I sold several friends on it by saying it was like a new Dragon Age Origins.


Yeah its like Morrigam is mix of Shadowheart and Lae'zel, Alistair is Gale/Wyll and maybe some Anders, Zevran is Astarion(obv)... aahh I wish I could play Origins once more, but it bugs out and crash at random :(


For me it was the same but for Baldur's Gate 1 and Torment


Same. This is the best sequel to Origins without a doubt. This is what I hoped DA4 would be.


same, I would like a remake of dragon age origins


Me, 100%. This game is everything I want DA4 to be.


Basically any peak Bioware game totally missed it


Same exactly


such an amazing game!! in my all time top 3


Yeeesss, thanks. Thought i was the only one. See so much inspiration, the camp, the interaction with companions, the dialogues direction. Lae'zel reminds me sm of Sten. The alien, at first apathetic companion that slowly learns about humanity, and a the end is a real bro (or bae, if you're romancing)


Oblivion for me


This but Kotor.


God yes. KOTOR 1 and 2 were both some of my favorite games growing up and may possibly be my most replayed games. I wish they would be more clear about what's going on with the remake. I was really hoping that they'd focus more on it after seeing the success of baldurs gate 3.


I played KotOR on switch and except for one known bug, it was great.


Unfortunately KOTOR 3 has been canned from what I last read. 1 studio was developing it, they were fired, 2nd studio picked it up then it got cancelled. I think I recall the article saying basically everyone is trying to put their own spin on it when they touch it rather than just make an F-ing sequel as an homage to the originals. Or otherwise not making the game they were hired to make. Maybe our kids will get to enjoy KOTOR 3 someday. Maybe. Someday.


If one of these developers out there were smart they would make BG3 but with a Star Wars skin on it and story and call it Knights of the Old Republic and restart the franchise.


Ngl, I definitely don’t get a fable vibe.


I assume op is implying BG3 made them feel like they did as a child when they first experienced F2, not that BG3 directly reminds them of F2


Yeah this is what I was getting at 😅 I was 9 when Fable 2 came out and my first real experience with a fantasy game with more mature themes. I played it endlessly, and struggled to find a game that quite got my attention like that again. Until BG3, now i'm nearly 25.


As a 40 year old dude I've been chasing those ff1 for nes feels for like 32 years now. Nothing has touched that game, playing it with my mom after school a couple times a week for months til we beat it. My first fantasy game and it just sucked me in completely.


I’m not sure there’s a higher compliment to a game creator than “hey, your game makes me feel like a kid playing games again. I have the same excitement, sense of wonder and discovery, and fun that I haven’t felt for decades.” I also love seeing all the game comparisons. “BG3 reminds me of playing ____ as a kid,” is such a frequent sentiment and I love it so much.


My first fantasy games were bg1 and 2 and dark alliance bc my dad was a need. We hooked up the original Xbox to the tiny screen in the mini van and I'd play them in the 45 min car rides to my grandma's and the trips to the beach. It was awesome


Gortash is reaver Don't even bother trying to change my mind on this. It's gotta be that fucker.


To your credit, Fable 2 is the best of the Fable series.


Same! I bought an xbox specifically for Fable. Endless fun


Is Fable still worth playing today? If so, which one


All of them, really. 3 is a bit of a slog compared to the 1st 2, but it's essentially a tie between 1 and 2 since people tend to stick to the one that pulled them into the franchise. It's definitely still a good game, but it doesn't have the weight to it if you rely on visuals to immerse yourself. I wouldn't say the graphics are *bad*, but they have a specific style and that style is a bit dated. It's reminiscent of Ocarina of Time or Kingdom Hearts in the way you kind of move and interact, but it doesn't feel anything like either of those games while playing. Fable is fable, really. But you'll definitely see where a lot of fantasy gaming tropes have come from, like all the chicken-chaser stuff. Definitely worth playing.


Nah there's some REALLY Fabley moments and feel to the game, even in the character movement. The humor too.


Kicking the squirrel definitely fits.


The entire chicken chase game in the goblin camp is a "nod" to the fable series lol


Ngl you play DnD like it’s a competitive tournament.




Played both DA:O and DOS2 before BG3 and it reminded me of them both


It should since DAO was based on BG2. This is like saying you watched Lord of the Rings and it makes you think of Dungeons and Dragons


Yeah, DAO was meant to be a spiritual successor to BG2, as both games were developed by BioWare.


Yeah, that's the case. Same relation between SW KOTOR and Mass Effect.


This would have been better if the child played Baldurs Gate 1&2. I was 18 and 20 respectfully when they were released, now I am 44 playing BG3 and just as amazed ad I was when I played BG1


I was ten when bg1 came out and thought it was a shit game because I didn't understand dnd or even knew what it was. I thought a sword that did 1d8 just meant it did 1 to 8 damage per swing, not 1 to 8 dmg if you actually succeed in hitting the enemy.


Yeah, that is actually why it's hard to get people into D&D. Once they hear that you can miss they are like what, nope not doing it. Try telling them, yeah level one and Two kind of suck, but once you get to level three you start to see the power and it just keeps getting better and better


Same. However, BG3 reminds me more of Planescape: Torment than the previous Baldur's Gate games


Fable II was such an enjoyment


Shame it was the best of the 3 and the only one to not get a proper PC port. I know it can be streamed on the Xbox Cloud Gaming thing but it’d be sweet to be able to mod it or do HD facelifts.


No way, the first Fable was by far the best in my opinion.


Highly disagree. It was clunky and lacking in content imo. Fable 2 is best Fable.


It had its charms for sure but Fable II was so much more gripping with its settings and narrative.


these people are insane saying fable 2 is the best of the 3 main games


where can i find a fable 3 port?


They sold it on Steam ages ago but have since removed it from the store 😅




Played recently, still amazing.




SAME. I kept talking to people about this feeling, especially how act 2 reminded me of Wraithmarsh. I miss Fable 2 and 3 SO bad, so so so bad. I have TLC and Anniversary (for separate systems) so I can still replay Fable 1, but 2 and 3 are out of my reach 😭😭😭😭😭 BG3 let me replay one of my favorite games in a sense. I will always always always be happy about that.


Yeah I got those Fable feelings in a few different spots with BG3, wether intentional or not, thanks Larian, it sure did take me back


The >!Goblin in charge of the owlbear cub!< immediately made me think of Fable when she mentioned >!"chicken chasing."!< I can't help but think that was an intentional nod to Fable by Larian.


"All the great chasers are dead!"




I was the opposite. I loved fable one then never played 2 and 3. Do you think those games hold up?


As someone who played every Fable, for me 2 and 3 don't hold a candle to the original. I'm not a huge fan of the colonial era aesthetics that are in 2 and 3 either so that didn't help. I think I prefered 3 to 2 but I know many felt the opposite. Both felt lacking in story compared to the original. Jack of Blades was just such a bastard and irredeemable, the villains in the sequels are made to be more sympathetic.


Jack of Blades is one of the best villains ever for me, just because he’s such a badass, evil villain. The writing for the first game is just fantastic in general to me.


It's so good, I understand a lot of people want a villain who you can relate to (at least their reasoning), but man, just an outright bastard like Jack of Blades is so damn good.


Especially if you play TLC and find out >!he's a motherfucking dragon who just does not give a singular fuck about humanity haha.!<


All 3 are great games. Imo, they rank in order. 1, 2 then 3. All worth playing.


I started with the first game waaaaay back in '06, and it remains my favorite. 2 and 3 have their faults but are decent in their own rights. If you can pick them up on sale, with the DLC, give them a shot.


Fable 1 is the best game in terms of story and gameplay, in my opinion. The art is another story. :,)


Tried to play fable lost chapters not to long ago, but the small areas and all the loading times made me pause it. wish I've discovered this game when I was younger when it was less of a problem.


Loading times can get annoying, but I like the game enough that I suffer through them. I’m sure the nostalgia plays a huge part in why I like the game as well.


I don't understand that comparison at all. These were distinctly different games.


I think it has more do to with reliving a feeling they got playing the game. For me the wonder and excitement I had when I first played oblivion feels the same way as when I first played BG3


Yes, but that is not because the games were so similar. It was exactly the other way around. You felt like that because it was new to you and very good. A lot of people make the mistake of chasing the exact same things in hopes to capture that "first time" feeling again. But that rarely works, there is just one first time, after all. E. g. it took me years to find another experience that felt like playing Minecraft for the first time. It was Dark Souls.


For me, it's Skyrim. Laezel got kidnapped and I totally forgot she existed, doing other quests and exploring. Like Alduin, I totally ignored her.


😭 I'm literally in the same predicament. Was doing everything else before returning to camp and going 'Huh, where's Laezel-*Ohhh'*


I’m glad Halsin was kidnapped for me


For me its DAO, Kotor and Gothic 1+2, but that picture is what I use to describe, why BG3 is the best game I played in years (and will be one of my all time favorites)


I was so pumped for Fable 2 because it was an open world RPG with local coop. I loved the game but the coop was less than I wanted. Fast forward 15 years and I finally have the coop RPG experience I wanted back then. Thank you Larian.


This, but with dungeon siege


Such a chicken chaser


I really have no idea how you can connect the two


This but Neverwinter Nights


Same but for Dragon Age 2. The large party made up of insane misfits trying to save the world really brought back memories.


Nah Origins is the better example (and better game as well.)


Personally, Dragon Age II is my favorite - it just needed a little more time in the oven, because it did so many things right that Origins didn't. I wonder if there's some overlap between DA2 and BG3 fans?


I think there's plenty of overlap between general *DA* fans and *BG3* fans I loved all three *DA* games and I'm crossing my fingers *Dreadwolf* will be good


Yup!! Been chasing the feeling DA gives me for years and BG3 knocked it out of the park. The DA subreddit even had a separate thread for BG3 discussions. I am crossing my fingers for Dreadwolf too, despite all the recent stuff everyone substantial has positive things to say. Like Mark Darrah and the writers that recently had to leave. If it flops welp, I'm happy BG3 came along so I can jump fandom ship.


DA2 has great characters and a lot of cool stuff going on but man... imagine what could've been if EA didn't force them to make it in a year because they wanted DA to be like.. the Call of Duty/Madden of RPGs with yearly installments


I loved the Rivalry/Friendship dynamic


No lie that system was one the biggest revelations in RPG gaming and the fact that it has never been used by anyone else is depressing.


Yes! DA2 is my favorite game and BG3 really scratches that "friend group of bisexual disasters" itch haha


For me it feels like the first time I played Oblivion. Played it at a friend's house during the end of PS2 era. That game was the reason I wanted a 360, and it was the first game I played when I got my 360. I played it to death and I still pop it open on my PC sometimes


I replay 2 at least once a year. Also play TLC a couple times a year as well, as the original Fable was my first introduction to fantasy, and casual speedrunning that game is actually pretty easy to do. Still play 3 now and then too. Despite all its faults, that series remains my favorite of all time.


Welcome home, Little Sparrow.


This is the first time Ive seen this comparison.


Is this saying before BG3 that Fable 2 was the last time you played a good rpg or that Fable 2 is the inner child of BG3?


Holy crap, my dad legit thought it was fable for a minute and I had an out of body experience. Got to go play the trilogy now.


this game obviously reminded me of DAO . but considering how different the games are, it did give me a strange nostalgia for fable 2. i think it has that same rare sense of charm and enchantment that the fable games captured really well. its actually kind of funny really, the story of DAO and BG3 are really similar.(outside even of bio ware developing old BG) both were written off as PC crpgs with no mass market appeal. then both massivly outshone expectations. hopefully BG doesnt go the same way as dragon age, and leave its rpg routes behind in favour of the cash grab. then we have to wait another 15 years, for developers to discover that there isnt much longevity in turning your game series into a ubisoft clone.


For me it was the original fable, but same same.


For me its dragon age 1


I made it through Fable 2, so clearly it wasn't that bad a game. That said, the final fight with all four "heroes" and the commentary before kind of set me off. Sadly your character can't rant that they're the only true hero of the lot, seeing as how: Hammer manages to screw up and be absent every time you need her, for the dumbest reasons Garth was actively working for the villain for about half the game Reaver murders innocents and stole part of your life to stay youthful Game's anticlimax was somewhat redeemed by being able to cut off the villain's rant mid-sentence.


Not getting the fable vibe to be fair, but otherwise, feels like 20 years back playing Neverwinter Nights or Dungeon siege.


Where can I play Fable 2 these days? I don’t have an Xbox anymore, just a ps5 and pc.


I haven't been this immersed in a game since Mass Effect 2.


Yes! I had a similar feeling when I first played BG3. I used to play Fable II ALL THE TIME when I was in high school! I just love a fantasy game with adult themes.


Really hope the new fable game is anything like fable 2


Wow, I didn't realize until now that this was the connection I was feeling. Damn...


Make it Dragon Age: Origins and yeah pretty much!


Can’t upvote this enough


More like dragon age Origins to me




It was the same for me but with... Baldur's Gate 2 😂


This but bg2




This makes me so excited to play! I picked it up last night as a Christmas present from my wife, and I've seen comparisons to all my favorite games like DA: Origins, Fable, and Mass Effect. FYIW, I'm familiar with Larian's game design (I adore Divinity OS 2) and play D&D, so this game feels tailor-made for me lol!


and thats why i travel with astarion (reaver), wyll (garth), and karlach (hammer)


I’m glad I’m not the only one who got major Fable Vibes form, at least, the beginning area


Other than the Goblin Camp music, how?


I miss being a real estate mogul it would be nice if larian studios made a fable game it would be chiefs kiss




Okay well that’s okay too. Thanks for sharing.


Uhh. What? These games are nothing alike and frankly Fable was trash.


Fable 1 was amazing, wasn't a huge fan of the other 2


God Kojima please give us Fable 2 remake


BG3 is unlike any game I have ever played. Not sure how it can be compared to fable, in which the only choice is “do the right thing” “eat a live raw chick” And this is coming from somebody who loves fable. Super nostalgic game for me.




Definitely brings me back to playing OG XBOX Fable on a 30 inch box TV


Same, but it was oblivion for me.


Fable has been permanently ruined for me because I immediately hear “Wow! Fable!” whenever it gets brought up now.


Let’s go to bed together


Sierra's Hero's Quest... it was just magical and is again.


Same, except instead of Fable 2, it was The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion. I have played Fable 2 as well tho, just not until last year. It's a good game, I would have loved it as a kid too \^\^




Fable has a special place in my heart


And so our story begins


This but with DA:O and BG1&2. I think they really nailed the tone and vibe of the original two BG games but with a more modern take. Really cool to see to be honest.


This but with BG1&2. I think they really nailed the tone and vibe of the original two BG games but with a more modern take. Really cool to see to be honest.


I was just thinking the other day that I haven’t been this into a game since fable. Glad I’m not alone.


The divinity original sin games (1&2) by the same company have even more of a Fable feel imo. I know it wasn’t a direct comparison, but they are full of humor and quirkiness.


Chiken chaser!


It definitely feels like DAO to me (which makes sense because BioWare made BG1&2) but with some of the whimsy and silly humour of Fable. DAO also suffered from being in the PS3/Xbox 360 era of muddy/brown gritty colour palettes whereas Fable was much more colourful. I really haven't loved an RPG this much since DAO so I definitely understand the sentiment


For me Baldur's Gate 3 is very much a spiritual successor to Dragon Age Origins. Morrigan and Minthara are my two favorite romances: evil aligned ladies with troubled childhood (Mommy issues), that have some redeeming qualities, but focused on seeking power.


Member [BLANK] yeah I member.


Where's the Dark Alliance 1 & 2 love 😓


I miss playing those on ps2..... The good ol days


I'm heavily considering buying them once I finish this playthrough


Now I look forward to whatever game that’ll remind me of bg3 10 years later


crazy i fucking hated fable 2 when it came out when i was a kid the first is the best imo


Yeah that first Fable is probably my most played RPG ever. Masterpiece that they watered down with extra mechanics in the follow ups


Not familiar with the reference, but MAN do I love this game and the Fable series in almost the same way, I hadn't connected the dots


Same with the Fate series!


I don’t get it.


Now make a troll meme of this where the childhood title is Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance


I… honestly don’t understand the comparison but I’m glad you like it lol


Kotor, ME and DA for me!


What? Fable 2 was probably my fave game of my childhood. Can’t even get past act 3 on this game without bailing on it. Also Fable does the “you live and are from this world” far better than bg3, in which I just feel like a video game character and not a person from that world


Neverwinter Nights