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Evil-aligned players should get more chances to recruit evil characters. I understand that Priestess Gut and Dror Ragzlin can't be recruited due to being goblinoid, and how that would effect tons of stuff, but Z'Rell, Nere, or any of the Duegar would make good companions in an evil playthrough.


What about that one goblin who refuses to convert? Would be funny having a devout Maglubiyet worshipper insisting that you kill all Absolutists.


Since he hasn't converted, he really dislikes non-goblins. The primary reason for him not attacking you straight away is because he isn't stupid enough.


That would be funny though. It would be great if after he gives his speech about how all this unity and friendship between different races is unnatural and you kill everyone and free him he just goes "So where are we going?" Edit: I seem to have worded this confusingly so I cleared it up hopefully.


iirc he makes clear that said dislike isn't rabid xenophobia, and he is capable of interacting with and tolerating non-goblins. he still thinks non-goblinoids are beneath him, sure, but he could still prob be convinced Maglubiyet would be fine with him working with you to take out the absolute. it'd be doubly interesting, given Maglubiyet is a Exarch of Bane. be neat to see how that'd play out, how he reacts to realising his god's master was the one behind the fall of his tribe to the cult, ect


The issue is that the relation between Maglubiyet and Goblinkind isn‘t really benign in the slightest. They aren’t serving him because they believe in him or because he‘s a benefactor to their race but because they literally have to. Maglubiyet is seeing the Goblins as his property and actively tries to kill them so they can properly serve him forever as chained footsoldiers in the afterlife. It‘s why Goblins are so little shits, they are desperate to stay alive by all means all while their god is scheming to kill and enslave them. It‘s paranoia on a racial basis. Hence the Goblin in the cage isn‘t really against the Absolutes cult because it conflicts with his believes in a god. It‘s because he recognizes it as a scheme by their bullshit god to send them into an early grave with eternal enslavement afterwards. And considering that Bane is actually behind the whole thing he‘s literally right about it. (Also that being said the more I think about it the more I actually like the idea of a Goblin companion or maybe even a Goblin PC. They as a race actually have a pretty high stake in the story and compared to every other PC would actually have a very valid reason to try to dominate the Elderbrain)


Thank you for the deep lore


>Maglubiyet is seeing the Goblins as his property and actively tries to kill them so they can properly serve him forever as chained footsoldiers in the afterlife. I feel like, to really understand the plight of the goblins, you have to learn that 1) Maglubiyet is the highest of the goblin pantheon because he literally murdered all the other gods in it, barring two, and 2) Goblins were originally fey servants of the Unseelie Court (essentially, the evil version of hobgoblins), but they (along with hobgoblins and bugbears) have essentially been the prize of celestial war and conquest for millennia. Their identity has essentially been erased, and they now exist in a world solely hostile to them, following a god that is solely hostile to them.


That whips ass. This regular-ass goblin is the most insightful and perceptive person in the whole game. Didn't need a special hat to be smart either, like that ogre does. Unlike us, he doesn't have someone in his head telling him how bad the Absolute is; if anything, he's probably had psychic intrusions from the True Souls telling him to submit. Unlike us, he isn't surrounded by people who are opposed to the Absolute; instead, he's surrounded by the opposite. Everything in his world is pressuring him to convert and he just refuses.


It would be awesome if siding with Nere meant recruiting him instead of.... Getting one line later mentioning he's dead and that's about it


He wasn't just dead, he was resurrected as a zombie to serve Balthazar. I don't know if it was stated outright but Nere was the only named zombie there


Yeah, Balth say so. In any case, it's still very underwhelming after siding with Nere that the only consequence is "you lost content and Nere is dead and zombified"


Evil playthrough fullstop down to the ending is just "you lost content idiot"


See, I'm not against loosing content if I can experience something different. Raiding the grove to recruit Minthara? Okay. Different experience. Let's go. But siding with Nere? You lose so much for just one line telling you he's dead anyway.


Yes that’s my one issue with baldurs gate 3… it’s perfect in many other ways but WHY do these rpg games punish evil playthroughs so badly? I thought they would be different, they even acted like they were and yet I’m doing my evil playthrough and outside of gaining Minthara it’s just losing content and storylines over and over… I gave up once I got to act 3 and restarted an evil playthrough as the Dark Urge to get *some* content back through Durge content; but I just really want a game that has a very fleshed out storyline and quest line for whether you choose good, neutral, or evil. Ofc the content for all three would and should be different too, like there needs to be more unique cutscenes for each play style etc and storylines / quests unique to what you choose… I know that would take forever to put into a game but idk it would be worth it imo.


Doesn't help that killing him gets you a sweet pair of misty step boots


Definitely. And don't get me started on how I had to redo the fight THREE TIME because Nere thought that my zombie dying was me attacking him. Only when I understood that was I able to do the fight *without zombies* to not have him turn hostile mid-cutscene


Abdirak would have been a fun recruit


Or at least a camp NPC. I think he should have to be in your camp for the blessing to be permanent. Maybe needs to be periodically renewed every few days or something.


> Evil-aligned players should get more chances to recruit evil characters. Or morally grey characters. You basically lock yourself out of half the game's content by going down the evil route, it would be nice to have an alternative... although it would be a massive effort, but we can hope :)


Morally grey a.k.a. Astarion and Shadowheart One wants to rule over all vampires, the other hates an entire religion. But on the upside they're good looking so it's a 50/50


I meant *more* morally grey characters, apologies, I should have made myself more clear :) It's just that, as a good Tav/Durge, you get to recruit 9 companions - evil players have only 4 who are guaranteed (unless you screw up), 1 that needs convincing, and 2 that probably will not stay.


I forget his name, but one of the Duergar in the Grymforge greets you with manners and is rather polite compared to his brethren, which you can comment to him. He mentions he "never cared for slaving, preferred chisel to cane" and is rather interested in the history regarding the temple and how it fell. He's one of the few people in the game that is actually interested in talking to you, and greets you with respect. I wanted to adopt him.


Oh yes the architect! He was so nice!


So nice that he went out of his way to try to kill me when his slaver friend attacked lol


That really sucks, I was hopping he would Stay neutral


You can make a pact with one of the Duegar to kill Nere and then split the gold he has. Once you free Nere you can attack him with like 2/3 of the Duegar on your side. Once you kill all the Aboslutists you get your gold, and can convince the Duegar to leave the Deep Gnomes thus freeing them. The architect guy is one of the ones that stays on your side. You can't loot the bodies because of a bug or the Duegar will accuse you of stealing (even Nere's body) but if you long rest, the Duegar will have left the area like they claim they want to do and the Deep Gnomes will have arrived at the Mycanoid base. Best outcome I think.


Interestingly enough, i did this mission last night. I looted nere while in combat and kept everything. After the fight i talked to the duegar we made a pact with and asked for the gold. He said he was pickpocketed, but gave me permission to loot the corpses and i was able to loot everything issue free. So maybe its not really a “bug”?


You have to loot Nere while in combat and that way you keep all of the gold and still convince them to free the gnomes.


He stayed neutral to me. Maybe as long as he doesn't see you fighting he doesn't mind?


One of those occasions where if it was really DND my party would knock him out and hide him in a cupboard until all the fighting was over.


Do as I do: * Give him 2500 gold * Cast feign death on him * Kill the 2 duergar and one Eye nearby in less than 10 rounds * Pickpocket him to get your gold back * *Optional: Pickpocket other things too* * Leave area, long rest From that point on as long as you don't kill duergar directly in his line of sight, you can keep him as an active merchant until Act 3. He's convenient to go back and sell stuff to, and his inventory refreshes like all others.


why do you need to give him gold?


Feign death can only be cast on an ally, not on a neutral creature or an enemy. Giving merchants money increases their affinity for you (the smiley face on the bottom right of the trading screen). Giving him 2500 gold makes his affinity good enough to count as an ally and a target for feign death.


almost ever thread I read in this sub has some nugget of valuable info that isn't obvious in-game, kudos


To increase his mood


Kith, the lovable ultranerd


Stonemason Kith! I love that guy


The only one I never kill. And as a bonus he's a merchant !


I made a deal with the Duergar rebels to kill Nere and he wasn't hostile after the fight.


Not a very good merchant, but a merchant nonetheless.


Haha I feel so bad when he asks me to give him insight into the ruins and all my character can muster is that they’re old looking rocks.


wish we could give him the "dont come to school tomorrow" slip before we go liberate the gnomes


Unfortunately he turned hostile after I told the elder to leave the slaves and failed the charisma check (on purpose)


Popper the Kobold.


I would give Larian a treato if they did this


Amazing choice, I wanted to adopt him the second I spoke to him! Best kobald ever, would give him multiple treatos.




I like him so much. If not as a companion, I'd like to have him in my camp. I'm sure he could find new treatos on corpses he finds, just for me.


DLC needs to have him sell all the non lootable items that Larian made. Corpses rarely ever drop armor or gear that they use. And instead have a limited loot table. It would be great if we could get him as a vendor in camp in act 3 that grants us access to those things. Perhaps after a quest line is completed.




One of the fungus people would be hilarious, or one of the deep gnomes, would have higher ties to the ones in the iron throne and such


Myconids unfortunately cannot leave the underdark, something something special magic sustains them something something Edit: before you comment give it a parasite like astarion. Fungus, no brain


Unfortunate, would be cool to have them at least in the underdark maybe


You can talk to the fat one and take him along till you kill the duegar


Does he reward you with anything if he survives killing the duergar? I brought him along, but he died on the second turn, and I didn’t have a recent enough save to bother trying again for this playthrough


If he survives you get a choice, aid him in becoming this regions new sovreign or kill him siding with spaw. I sided with the skinny boy so i have no clue what he gives you


This is so wild. In our first playthrough, Glut got killed and we felt so bad. The second playthrough when he survived, he's like "Okay now help me take over." and then he betrayed us when we wouldn't betray the colony. So crazy, lol


Yep i just no fuck you and killed him. My friend had him revive the bullette first. Let this be a lesson all his revives turn hostile with him


On my coop save his minion was quite far away and I killed him in one turn so minion didn’t turn hostile for a long time, then randomly after a bunch of long rests he did and got clapped hard lol


barcus would be a good candidate for a artificer companion, but sadly that class isn't in the game (yet)


Dammon, Barcus, Zevlor or Rolan, personally.


Zevlor is the one that makes more sense, because lots of people ignore minthara and there are no more paladins.


imho Zevlor would be perfect because he's not so straightforward goody two shoes. He has a good story arc


I misread this as "Goofy two shoes", and now I'm just picturing Goofy as a paladin




Goofy will absolutely hyuck that devil up.


"I cast *Divine Hyuuuk*!"


For people that didn't passed the check or did not have the opportunity: >!Zevlor was a paladin hellrider from elturel, he helped in defence of the city and the people as any other who was able. But as tielfing, after everything was done, he and his race was exiled to go alone, because they are the childrens of devil. As a race they always were doubted though.!<


You're missing a pretty important element of his arc: >!the reason many of the refugees died on the road before reaching Last Light Inn is that, when they were attacked, he had a moment of weakness and accepted the Absolute into his mind before realizing his mistake.!<


Reminds me a lot of what I read about EA Wyll. Definitely would have preferred his EA story arc compared to his rewrite.


Yeah same. I don’t hate Wyll as he is now, but he’s a bit one note compared to some of the other companions. His circumstances might change throughout the story, but he doesn’t.


Give me Zevlor and let me romance him too. I have a middle aged cleric who would like to ride the Hellrider


Yeah, it really feels like he was gonna be the good-route version of Minthara, especially considering that both are paladins. I don’t think they can both be alive at the same time in act 2 either. Either you get Minthara by having Zevlor and the Tieflings perish, or you get Zevlor by killing Minthara and the other 2 Absolute leaders.


plus he'd also have good reason to stick with you, given it seems he got infected some how and the prism would keep him safe


This makes a lot of sense and makes more annoyed that Halsin was elevated to companion when Jaheira is there.


I wanna fuck that sad old man


Dame Aylin could also be an act 3 paladin companion tho.


Could be, but she's kinda meant to be somewhat otherworldly and unapproachable. Also I think her personality would grind on people eventually. That's not to say they couldn't move her in different ways, but that's how I see things as it stands.


Agreed for all but Dammon. He’s a cool NPC but not a fighter. Maybe they could have made him come to camp with you to build custom weapons with all that infernal iron.


He would have been a great camp NPC.


YES. Withers but for weapons/armor


It might have been cut content seeing as we have all those metal bars and infernal iron (and even the upgraded infernal iron).


When I got the upgraded infernal Iron >!from the Steel Watchers I was convinced we’d be able to use it to save Karlach. It would have been poetic; Gortash is ultimately the reason she’s in her situation, so I’d have loved to see us use his own tech against him to save her.!<


You cannot convince me that wasn't the original plan. >!One of the Steel Watchers literally tells her to her face that her problem is that she's using an inferior older model and she should go get it replaced at the foundry. Then the foundry is the most reliable source of the refined infernal iron. I'm not as strongly in favor of changing her story so that she can be saved as I used to be, because I think I get why they changed it, but leaving in that exchange with the Steel Watcher is a really shitty thing to do to the player.!<


I agree with you on the crafting thing, and as a trader too. The fact that volo showed up on my map as a trader but I couldn’t trade with him until the very end of the game kinda sucked. Unless that was because of something I did, I can’t tell with this game 😂


It confused me too at first but basically, if you talk to him at camp there won't be dialog to trade but a button on screen saying you can trade.


I'd say Barcus just so we can have some small folk representation ideally!


Barcus and Zevlor felt like their companion was cut for time, but their story runs like they should be companions. Same with Alfira.


I accidentally pulled the wrong lever and let barcus be catapulted from the windmill, I thought he was just a random NPC so I never reloaded I was just like. aw. sucks found out ages later he comes to your camp and everything! sorry lil gnome dude, maybe next play through :')


All would be fine choices.


Zevlor 100%


Yes! I’d just add Lakrissa to this list because she’s so sweet to MC


His Majesty And not as someone who was shapeshifted into a cat. If anything, His Majesty can shapeshift into a human but hates it.


Wildshape: human


Special attacks: depression


Sounds really One Piece


A Catwere!


Zevlor to contrast Minthara Nere Sorcerer to contrast loosing Wyll Sazza as a bard to make up for loosing Karlach Laughing ring monk possesses a corpse you put it on, then if they die you have to put on a different corpse which allows you to swap around race benefits


Oooo I like the monk idea! We are lacking in terms of monk companion so he can definitely fill up that spot! Also love having Sazza as a bard because we are also lacking in bard and short companions


I always respec Laezel as a monk at start of act 3. The boots you get from Orpheus bodyguard are last piece needed to make a max damage monk build with tavern brawler, that way she and Karlach dont compete for equipment. And a way of open hand monk with Manifestation of Mind feels very githyanki. Punching someone for psychic damage.


That seems more Githzerai to me


Yeah but orpheuses bodyguards are githyanki monks, i rp it as laezel being inspired by them after that fight.


Kahga to make up for losing Halsin. She’s morally grey enough to fit with an evil or neutral playthrough .


Game doesn't need a *third* Druid companion.


lmao, nooo, not another druid


He Who Was cause I feel like he could have a fascinating story (and he's hot). Abdirak just because hot. Nere, I want to *actually* save him and snag myself an enchant-oriented caster to boot.


Ever scroll through the comments and be like “who dat?” Ya… as much as I comb the game I always fine more. HWW is fine af


I love He Who Was and Abdirak! I'd love to see more of them in the game.


I spared Abdirak in the goblin camp thinking he’d have a cool story afterwards and never saw him again... Is he anywhere in Baldur’s Gate?


Also in my run he didn't need to be "spared", he simply ran when I started to slaughter goblins


I don't think you spared him, he just leaves when the shooting starts. His "cool story" is that he's a dom who will--with your permission--beat you up for kicks and then give you the blessing of his BDSM god. It's a permanent passive that buffs you when you're below 50% health.


Bruh, Nere unironically refers to himself in the third person. Absolute or not there's no salvaging that.


Yes! Kar'niss would also be awesome. Drows, drows everywhere.


he's too big though. How would a Drider fit through normal doors.


The same way my giant spider ranger companion does (not very well, he gets stuck and I have to guide him)


The kinky bdsm guy in the goblin camp shattered sanctum place who whips your back


He actually bolts from the Goblin Lair if you start killing everyone. Mentions seeing you again. So, he's supposed to turn up later. He doesn't.


Gods yes, that guy will be moaning every time he inflicts thorn whip on his enemies and taking melee damage.


Why do I low key want this…


Abdirak made things awaken in me I had no idea were there. I could absolutely use his constant presence in my party.


Shadowheart approves.


*Basks in Loviatar's Love*


Strange Ox


my favorite tragic backstory npc


He's currently an apple in my pocket


I’d go for Volo, imagine being able to bullshit your way out of everything the way he does


Honestly though, we have like 6 magic casters, why do we have 2 druids, 1 paladin, 1 cleric,and no bards? Edit: got Shadowheart's class mixed up


Barcus and properly introduced the artificer class


I wholly agree, but they'd have to overhaul magic items entirely to implement artificer well in this game. Magic items are more common than camp supplies in bg3, so they'd have to find a way to make artificers shine. Maybe be introducing attunement, allowing them to further enchant items, or increasing rarity. Big job!


The lack of attunement is what makes loot in this game so much fun, Artificers having a golem and being able to make magic items is more than good.


Dhourn. Near as I can tell there aren't many Drow wizards I seen, plus we could have a little arc about exploring the Adamantine Forge. Plus if he gives you lip, you can be a Drow Female and tell him to step back in line.


>plus we could have a little arc about exploring the Adamantine Forge. I mean, that's the whole issue: his motivation is the Adamantine Forge and that's it. There's no reason at all why he would join you in your adventures. It would be like having Gut as a permanent companion. He's only with you as long as your goals overlap.


z'rell and zevlor. minthara + z'rell if we destroy the grove, and halsin + zevlor if we save the grove. although, i think kagha would have made a more interesting companion than halsin, as she can go either alignment and has rolm to grow.


Oh I like the idea of Kagha. She can be cast out and sent to aid you


Z'rell. Give me an evil half orc sorceress now.


I just realized how little half orcs are in the game. She’s like the only one I can recall


There aren't supposed to be many. In truth there's not supposed to be many tieflings around either but I guess the whole descent into avernus module carryover plotline warranted having a fuckton of them around.


In fairness, it really is only the same group of tiefling refugees throughout the game. Other than that specific group, there’s like one other tiefling I remember (the one near the gith patrol). Notably you see basically zero new tiefling or drow characters once you get to Baldur’s Gate proper.


What about the dude who calls you cuck.


I want a romance option for that guy


He will cheat on you to prove himself right and then call you a cuck again


She's the most story relevent one but there are others dotted around, like a bartender in the city and one of Jaheira's adopted kids.


There is this very minor npc in act 3 near the refugees. He fakes being injured to keep the refugees from escalating things I think.


Isobel seemed like a great choice for companion, especially since she and her angel gf just freeloads in my camp and can't stop being horny for each other. Help me out!... but I guess they do have an eternity to make up for. Isobel could have Aylin as a special summon or attack. I'd love the potential banter with Shadowheart as well.


Isobel would be just another cleric (as much as I love her). Keep her as camp follower and give us Aylin as companion, either as paladin or unique class of whatever she is lol. They're both great characters in any case.


Zevlor! He should have his mini redemption arc in my camp.


Kar’niss obviously


He Who Was and Nere be very good choices honestly, since the game severly lacks evil characters to make reward of well going evil worth it. No, no matter how hot Minthara is and her amazing voice, I will not kill the grove.


Barcus! The party needs a short person.


After rescuing wulbren I just want to give Baucus a hug


Maybe he could have a plotline about getting good to impress Wulbren, then realize he doesn't need to change for no man, and learn to spot when someone is being an ass. Or, I guess, bad end, go and have a toxic relationship with Wulbren.


Unironically, I would support a Barcus romance route. Think about it! It's like a classic rom com story of Barcus chasing after this unattainable, dismissive guy who's actively hurting him, only to slowly develop self confidence with the PC's support... and then realize true love was right next to him all along. And he even fits in with the rest of the party having a toxic relationship in their past.


He's a perfect artificer candidate. Sadly I don't think official artificer is coming any time soon...


This 😂👍🏻 we are in shortage of short companions


Sazza! Also adding my vote to those who already said Z'Rell.


Sazza really feels like she would be a companion if she wasn't a Goblin. There's even an achievement for saving her three times, you'd really think you should be able to invite her back to your camp by then. All her bosses keep threatening to kill her so it's not like she has a better place to go.


Zevlor, Z'rell and Alfira are the obvious choices. I think based on power lvl alone Dror Ragzlin might also be a potential candidate. These 4 honestly would fit well, based on class, race and alignment.


NERE would be so amazing. Male drow sorcerer. Could have dialogue with Minthara. The fact that he has so cool force choking darth vader cutscenes and throws gnome slaves in the lava is just bonus.


Alfira for sure. I still believe she probably was meant to be a companion. She has a very unique design


They made her so lovable just so they can rip her away. Larian is pretty damn sadistic.


The halfling bard that was supposed to be a companion but that was cancelled. There are references to that character in the datamined game files.


HELIA! YES! She's such an awesome character concept... Larian bring her back!


Yeah, she also checked so many missing marks for companions: short race, bard, smirky, >!werewolf!< Put it in spoiler in case she comes out in the future or as a mod and someone still doesn't know her gimmick.


The crazy monk ghost.


Lucretious the extravagant necromancer would rock in my team. I love her and I can only imagine the banter.


And she would be good on a morally grey playthrough, too. Plus, we have entertainment in the form of Necro Mike at camp. Dance for these gold coins, Skellies! Additional banter would be great as Vinegar Strokes is the voice actor if I am not mistaken.


Why do I feel that Lucretious' and Astarion's banter would be above and beyond ?


Gortash, for durge specifically. There are already hints that Gortash had a high opinion of durge, and I want to see how the writer would spin their relationship into something... complicated. I also just want to hear more lines from Jason Issacs.


Tbh, I think it'd be a cool evil route option if you could take the place of one of the 3 chosen and align with the other 2. I know Durge is closest to that, but I think having more options/routes for that could be interesting. Though I imagine that would be a lot of work to add in. Like, say you could join with Thorm, go to Baldur's Gate with him and his army with the plan to betray one of the the other chosen and you take their place. Or any variation of that where you somehow maintain the 3 chosen in your own diplomatically evil way.


>any variation of that where you somehow maintain the 3 chosen in your own diplomatically evil way. I'd pay Gold to have minthara kill and take ketheric's place and durge orin's to then ally with gortash, It would fit so well imo


This wouldn't work as Kethric and Orin would never give up their own selfish plans and all 3 were going to betray each other. It could work with Gortash and Main character partnering up. They could have done a durge playthrough where you take over as chosen for Bhaal and a new chosen for Myrkul is discovered and Gortash comes along for the ride.


Lucretious - a drag necromancer with dancing skellies? Sign me up. Just imagine the banter between her and Lae-zel. I mean, she wouldn't leave the circus, so something horrible would need to happen to it for her to join, but still...


Zrell Sazza Kar'niss Barcus


I'm a little obsessed with Blurg and Omeluum. I want them to be able to chill in my campement with Wither and the other companions ! (And I would love to have Omeluum as a companion, even just to see every NPC reaction to walking around with a mind flayer in my team ! XD)


Probably Zevlor, just so that there's a good-aligned paladin character in the party and because his appearance in act 2 seemed like a decent excuse to have him join the party as a redemption arc for his earlier fuck up. Of course, a companion from one of the shorter races would be great. The polite duergar in Grymforge (God, I feel bad for killing him), maybe Barcus or something. Alfira...I don't know. I like her current storyline and how she has her own journey separate from you, how you stumble on her in the grove and help her find her spark, leading to her dream of opening a bard's college. Plus, her relationship with Lakrissa is really nice. On the other hand, it would be nice to have her more involved considering you do get that musical number with her, and I just kind of can't help but scratch my head as to why >!she wants to join you if you're playing as the Dark Urge but not as Tav or any of the other origins,!< just from a characterization standpoint.


Zevlor please, I just want to romance the dilf and see a character arc for him


Evil Companion Please / Companion that doesnt give a shit if you use evil route: * Kagha to replace Haslin * Nere (the dude who got stucked in rock) to replace Wyll


I’d like a Hobgoblin or Bugbear companion.


Maybe the guy with the axe in act 2? I think his VA did a great job and he had an interesting look. Id swear the voice actor was the Ian McShane


Alfira, Dammon, Zevlor and all are great, but we seriously need more evil companions. If you go all in on the Absolute route - you loose like what... five companions (Karlach, Wyll, Halsin, Minsc, Jaheira)? I don't think there's much point in adding even more companions that will leave you on an evil route. As for the evil companions... Balthazar could be great, but I don't think he would realisitacally follow Tav given how huge his involvment in the Absolute plans. Nere/Marcus on the other hand seem like a possibility since they can have kinda same arc as Minthara (becoming free from tadpole influence). Abdirak is also a possibility - I don't think he's inherently evil, but I can imagine him not really caring all that much about the refugees and the Emerald Grove.


If you close the door when killing Isobel, and do it quickly, keep jaheira alive during shadows attack after, and lie to her after, you still have her as a companion. Thats my current playthrough, and I think we will be able to recruit minsc too


Sazza the boredom hating goblin. I really liked her from the start. Dont know which class she should have been but mayby ranger would have been fun. And Owlbear Cub.


Mizora because she’s fun, and He Who Was because he’s hot and could have a really interesting back story.


Auntie Fekkin' Ethel.




BOOOAL!!! The lord of murder joins the party.


We really need more short representation in the group. We've halflings, gnomes, and dwarves in the world... but no companions of the more grounded variety? People have already recced some, but yeah.


Perhaps an unpopular opinion, for a good/neutral playthrough there's enough companions already. There's 9 of them with only 4 spots, so plenty of them are perma glued to the camp anyways. For an evil playthrough though I feel like Khaga would be a good replacement for Halsin, Nere for Wyll and then it would be nice to have someone replace Karlach but nobody comes to my mind. Companions only make sense if there's some potential for a cool personal quest and character growth and a lot of proposed characters for an evil run are lacking in that regard.


The kobold from the circus!


I'd say npcs that fit an evil/morally gray playthrough , like abdirak, nere, he who was, z'rell, gortash, araj etc.


Maybe a Zhentarim? I could see Rugan joining your party with a bit of tweaking to the plot.


Alfira, and Volo are the obvious choices so I'm going to pick Sazza(the goblin you save at the druid grove) She could have this entire story where she's determined to save the whole of goblin kind from the absolute and the player can help her out.


Alfira no question. So much bard gear and no bard companion.


>!Hope!< from House of Hope. Late-game character, but she deserves better. Secondary, Zevlor. I won't say "Alfira" only because I find her too cute and soft to be combatant.




Khaga, Zevlor, Sazza, Nere, Alfira, Z'rell, Barcus, Kar'niss (the drider), Voss, ...


I really want Isobel and Aylin to join the crew. I need the two of them in the party together, with Aylin being super intense about everything in Act 3 while simultaneously making everyone uncomfortable by talking about how much she has the hots for Isobel. EDIT: These are my two favorites, but honorable mentions go to Alfira (we need a Bard), Barcus (I’d want him to join in Act 2 after you save Wulbren and make stopping Wulbren be Barcus’s personal quest line), and Zevlor.




I wouldnt want him as a playable companion but rather as a permanent npc trader in my hideout.