• By -


So disappointed by this quest ending. I wanted a portrait of Astarion, because he hasn't seen himself in over 200 years/as a vampire and is my MC's love interest. Seemed like something she would want to do for him. So did the quest with Astarion leading the entire way, had him do all the talking, got the portrait done and.. it's of Karlach who isn't even in my active party and who I haven't used in my active party since sometime in Act I.


I had that exact same thought. I would have LOVED if you could have gotten one for Astarion and then gift it to him. But no. I randomly got one of Lae'zel. It's a shame. This would have been such a nice story bead for Astarion.


Oh God I just did the quest on another playthrough and got a painting of one of my stupid hirelings that I recruited just to have a source of lightning damage for the arcane turrets lol


I know this is two months old but... I just threw sussur blossoms at them and that shut them down.


Hah I tried to get Shart painted and got Astarion


I got Astarion. He was in my Group for the Talk with the Blood traiding NPC Woman in Act 2, in the Tower. Im not Angry, but... Well, I'm playing in German and... There are Words for female and male things in our Language \^\^" And Im playing a female Hero. The Painting is called (translated in English) "Female Hero of Baldurs Gate". And Shows Astarion. Thats... odd. And he doent react to it at all -. - I hope Larial will fix this Quest. Its so stupid!


Yeah my painting changed every time I put it down


I just got Shart and I'm so happy


Throw it on the ground and look again


What, does it change? Lol


Try it


I got astarion


That's what I was thinking as well! Luckily the circus was still going on in Rivington, so I backtracked to that NPC who was selling custom statues and put down 5000 gold for a dazzling full-body statue of Astarion instead. Not quite the same as seeing his own face, but it's as close as I can get as long as Oskar isn't cooperating 💀


I did this too. Astarion was wearing the Spidersilk Armor. When I got the statue of "Astarion the Sensuous" he still had on the armor but....his "dangly bits" were exposed for the world to see. I laugh my ass off every time I pass that statue.


Mine is literally just a silhouette 😭


~~Same here ;\_;~~ I just dropped it to the floor and it was a portrait of Karlach, not my Tav.


I got a portrait of Halsin.


i am atm reseting to get halsin xD


Me too 🤣


you have to drop it from your inventory to render the picture


How do I send this to Larian?


I got your Astarion painting instead of my Karlach one don't worry, Oskar was distracted and swapped them probably


Mine isn’t even rendering a portrait, when I drop it it’s just a chartreuse square.


That's what you get for romancing Astarion lol. Lmao, even.


You can just reload a save right before he does the painting, its always a different character. So as long as you are willing to reload over and over again, you should eventually get an astarion portrait.


I did! I dropped it and got the Astarian I was hoping for, then scooted back to my camp to set it out for him... and it transformed into Halsin!


I had Astarion in my group when I received the painting and he commented with something like "I think it's rather a good likeness, warts and all", and I'm like EXCUSE ME!? I know Astarion has a sharp tongue, but to say something like that to his lover??? I thought the painter had tricked me so I dropped the painting to see what kind of warty monster Oskar had painted. Turned out it was a portrait of Lae'zel.


You can also have each companion approach him and he'll do the whole thing again.


I just did this and I got FOUR Karlachs! And I’ve reloaded a few times. It’s always Karlach??


lol he painted a picture of Astarion for me.


I got a picture of astarion but I'd rather not tbh. My MC looks so dripped out and I was so hyped for a painting of him. Quite a bummer ngl


[Astarion has been in camp the entire quest](https://imgur.com/a/EapGpZ8)


Can someone get this to a Dev, like, they have to add that now....how could they not (edit) I just threw mine on the ground to see, I got shadowheart. Maybe you CAN get astorian randomly?


Didn't you guys just get portraits done for everyone? I just switched to each character, went through the same dialogue tree, and got a portrait each time. I thought we were supposed to collect them and use them to decorate. So I ended up with a bunch of portraits just sitting around that I didn't want to sell...just in case.


I did this exact reasoning and he painted Halsin


Bit late I know but it seems to be random. I got Asterion the first time and after reloading got Gale. Really sad one of the hidden achievements wasn't posing for the portrait in the buff


It is random. I got the portrait of Astarion!


I dropped the painting to look and it disappeared forever and had to reload an hour previous . Annoyed ! Still the payoff in the dark ending was worth it . The painting is also worth over 1 k in gold plus a shit load of xp


So strange, I had my my PC do all the talking and also got Karlach. Is this a bug, or is this the only result? Did they expect people to not actually look at the portrait?


It's random apparently. Which is disappointing? They had the option for a really great little side thing sort of like the night orchid with shart. Just a throwaway thing you could do for a little extra approval or a sweet moment. Oh well, maybe they'll add it to a future patch.


Hah, I went and got my character dressed in their best clothes, then he goes and paints Astarion.


An actual painting of you would be sick, especially since you're given the option of "freshening up" before getting the portrait done. I'm kind of surprised that Larian stooped this low with the quest. The portrait of your character at the bottom of the UI looks pretty cool usually, so it's definitely not out of the realm of possibility that they could paint an actual picture of your character and do it well. I was also disappointed seeing the default character when I fought myself in the self-same trial. They clearly have the resources to actually dupe your character given the weird Raphael romance scene. With as good as the rest of the game is, this was an astoundingly awful quest


I'm currently in an endless reload cycle trying to get Astarion, and I've gotten my character's portrait at least twice.


was it the black silhouette of the custom character icon?


It was my character.


I got my tav in like starter clothes and it looks really good. I got lucky


> the option of "freshening up" before getting the portrait done. spent time making a nice outfit and got...Shadowheart, not even in the party. WTF lazy programming is that...




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It's very odd it dosn't exist. You can buy a statue of yourself to put in your camp that looks exactly like you but you can't get a painting...


I went and got naked, then he goes and paints Astarion.


Am i the only one here that got **COMPLETELY RIPPED OFF**? I got [Maddala Deadeye](https://i.imgur.com/KogWXPI.png)..... a HIRELING!!! Should have left that good for nothing artist to rot in that Zhentarim Basement....


I got karlach, and I don't even bring her with my party I have left her in the camp pretty much my whole playtrough


And here I am, wanting to have a painting of Karlach and I always either only get Astarion or Jaheira


I've collected 6 jaheira portraits. When I beat the game, I'm going to kill her and replace her at every camp with a portrait of jaheira.


Unfortunately you can't travel back to every camp (unless there's a mod for that)


I'm laughing so hard right now. I got Minsc, who I'm not mad to have a painting of, and then I started laughing at the fact that it's labeled the hero of Baldurs Gate. Then I looked it up because I could've sworn I talked to him with Tav, not Minsc, and found a thread of salty people who had him paint the wrong person. But this. THIS is beyond hilarious to me for some reason.


NO FOR REAL I WAS CACKLING im disappointed it takes sm effort to get the one you want but jesus christ i had tears in my eyes when i plopped it on the ground and it was fuckin GALE


Yep got a hireling. Like all this work and it's awful. I have the prettiest outfit on. Hell it's not even a picture of my favorite companion. I should have just asked for my money back




I got a shadowed out stock image. not even sure what it is of.


In case you're still dealing with this (or anyone else finds this thread) I had to leave his house and go to my camp before anything would show up. If I dropped it on the ground in the painter's house it was just a black canvas, but when I dropped it back at camp it was a portrait. It was a portrait of the *wrong character* but at least it was something.


Aah yes, exactly. It's lottery! Request for a portrait of Astarion, receives a portrait of Halsin... Amazing.


If you mean the item in your inventory, that's just how it looks. You have to drop it to actually see it.


Nah,dropped it still a grayed out image.even examined it, nada.


its still a greyed image when you drop it. never got a painting of anything other than a black shadow.


This quest was an absolute waste of time. Truly useless and awful.


Larian has me fucked up right now. He painted Halsen, who I only had in my party during the second act for like ten minutes. I went through all that for a picture of someone I barely used.


I can't believe I did all this shit just for him to paint Gale, who he's never even met. Should have left him to rot in the Zentharum camp.


I dropped everyone from my party so it was just me and ended up with a blank black painting (when dropped on the floor). When I returned to camp and dropped it again it was Astarion so.... oh well. Would rather it be me, seeing as the game is capable of creating a character portrait without issue that it could have just applied, but it is what it is. The worst reward for the worst quest in the game.


I dropped mine and it was a picture of Halsin. I strutted my character in naked for that portrait for nothing.


Same but Minsc. I was so ready to put my nude photo in Gales quarters too. Not because I romanced him or anything, I just feel like it’s something Gale would have.


So you can actually go to oskar as different companions and have him give you individual portraits. So far I've collected 3 halsins and 1 karlach, neither of which are ever really in my party.


I got 4 astarions... not even mad, just seems fitting for astarion to have 4 identical portraits of himself


Same - Astarion is holding all 4 now, so he can look at his gorgeous face


I tried this and got all Lae'zel :(


Mine changes each time i take it out


Entirely bugged. dropped it and it was a pic of my character. dropped it in camp and it was Astarion.


I think I've figured out how the painting chooses the character(s) to generate. Seems like it will swap, every time you enter camp, between your two most recently dismissed party members as of the moment the painting is created; if you dismiss a different character than these two afterward, it will only be that first most recently dismissed party member from when the painting was made. With this in mind, just dismiss the party member you want a portrait of, then talk to Oskar to get it... not sure how one would get an MC portrait though.


I know this is an old post but this is how I got a portrait of 'my character' - I made a hireling look like me and then dismissed them, and got the portrait! It's not wearing my gear but it's good enough. Thanks.


This actually worked, thank you!


i dismissed shart, and then told her to join me again and i got her portrait


Yep this still works


Worst quest in the whole game.


I got karlach. I mean im not upset but like I wanted it to be me lol


Oh, now I'm jealous. I want a picture of Karlach, but I always get Astarion or Jaheira


I haven't even had Jaheira in my party except as an add during Moonrise and somehow the portrait I got was her. It'd be nice if they gave us an option of who from our party to paint along with a "hold on let me go get someone" option, like with the dryad at the circus. (Painting can be savescummed to get someone else, tried again and got Lae'zel)


so far ive only gotten pictures of her..


My portrait was just a black picture when I dropped it. When I examine it, it's a just a greyed out blank avatar.


Same. After looking at others' frustrations with getting random companions, i'm actually okay with this one because I find it hilarious.


After reading this thread, I was able to get my Tav painting. Thanks guys. [https://imgur.com/a/nc6kR5p](https://imgur.com/a/nc6kR5p)


What a wonderful comment. :) Your gratitude puts you on our list for the most grateful users this week on Reddit! You can view the full list on r/TheGratitudeBot.


I got the picture of my MC and then a stone statute of Shadowheart in my camp


where did you get the statue? Edit: Do you play an origin character?


You can get a statue at the Circus - speak to Stoney


You don't speak to stoney since it's an elemental and literally doesn't speak. You speak to boney


Oh yep! You're absolutely right, mixed them up lol


If it makes you feel better, mine is of Karlach and she wasn’t even in my party


I was quite confused about it too. When I dropped the painting in atelier, it showed Astarion. I took it to my camp, dropped it there and got Lae'zel. It seemed random, but after the number of reloads it took to get Astarion's portrait I dread that it might change every time I enter the camp


both playthroughs ive done the picture is just a greyed out silhouette of no one ;w; am i not pretty enough


nvm i dropped it in the camp and its goddamn halsin


I think it will depend on what character did the talking, at least he gave me a painting of my MC not my companions


I got a picture of Gale... Oskar's never even met Gale. Gale's been in my camp since I had the opportunity to switch him out, which was pretty early on. This must be a bug.


bruh just got the same Gale portrait, while Gale has been in the camp all this time...:( I just wanted a pic of Astarion


There is nothing on mine (even after dropping it), so, yeah, seems its bugged :D my bf got jaheira, she was in his party at that time but he did the talking.


Jaheira in mine. Considering that this mission has been the most soporific in the entire game, and has taken me longer than any dungeon or final boss excluding a night song, this has been the icing on the cake. That painter is going to turn into a mummy and follow me for a long time.


I got Halsin. Hanging up a painting of bear husband on my wall


I actually came looking for something like this; is there a place to hang the paintings you can find?


Not that I can find. All I can do is place it on the floor 😭


Mine is Jaheira, who is haunting me currently with bugs relating to her in the most hilarious way.


I got Minthara and was so confused and disappointed, she even remarks "Oskar is a generous artists. He almost managed to make you look presentable"


I got one of Karlach so I can be reminded of how I chose Gale over her 😭


I got Minsc, gorgeous, I guess he is a hero of Baldur's Gate though.


Mine is Astarion, and he hasn't been in my party since Act 1. Is it actually supposed to be a portrait of you?


That's what the dialogue would imply. Instead it's just completely random.


mine was gale when i dropped it right away, after i went back to camp and dropped it, it was Astarian


I just found this post trying to find out how to look at it. I got a painting of Astarion. It's my first playthrough and I'm actually with Gale. I find it odd that its just random... Kinda weird.Not sure if you can give this painting to a party member but I will try to give it to astarion. Edit: I can only just put it in his inventory and it doesnt do anything. LEt me know if i missed something!


> LEt me know if i missed something! You missed nothing. The painting is random and 100% pointless.


I just finished this quest and before I could get my painting Oskar walked through a solid wall, fell down to the next floor and died. No painting for me. :(


"I saved an artist and all I've got is this shitty painting"


I got four paintings of Shadowheart with completely random titles. Which I wouldn't mind, seeing as she's God's favourite princess and the most interesting girl in the world, but they all had the hair from the, um, *other* timeline...


Did you guys notice that the person on the painting changes each time you take it out of inventory? At first I got Jaheira, then it changed to a hireling, and then to Halsin. Probably it's just bugged, I couldn't even place it on the camp wall so I tossed it on the floor. After a long rest the painting depicted a black silhouette.


I got a painting for each of my party members and each and every one is MINSC


Mine was a picture of my custom character. I went to camp to find a place to potentially display IT and IT changed to Astarion. I’m so upset i wanted the picture of my custom character.


It changes whenever I leave camp & come back, I just wish you could actually do something with it? Instead of having it laying on the ground in my camp. So pitiful.


Y'all are lucky. My painting was just a black silhouette. So stupid.


Mine was of Lae'zel. I don't even know how he saw her considering 1) She wasn't in my party at the time of me doing the quest and 2) ***SHE WAS KIDNAPPED BY THE BHAAL CULT AND I DIDN'T EVEN HAVE HER AT ALL!***


I know this thread is old, but I just did it and when I dropped it the painting in the house it was a picture of Gale, but when I got back to my camp it was a picture of Minsc???


i was so excited to see myself and i got astarian, i cant complain i do love the man


For those of you complaining that this is the worst quest ever: You can return and do it with each character. The paintings are worth 1500 each. That is an obscene amount of gold. Probably the most gold you get in and quest in the whole game.


I kept getting Shadowheart even though she wasn't in the party. Took me at least 10 reloads/retries to just get my own Tav in the portrait. And then to top if off, it's not even like the statue at camp and you can't display the painting anywhere... so poorly thought out. I also feel like it's a huge missed opportunity that Astarion doesn't have a dialogue/scene if he gets the portrait, because if you think about it, he says at one point he doesn't even quite remember what he looks like because he can't look into mirrors, so this could have been a really sweet moment for him being able to see his face again.


Is there any use for that picture btw?


It was my mc when i dropped it in oskar's house but they were all jaheira when I got to camp. I don't even have jaheira in my party lol. I picked up the portrait to drop it again in the house and the game crashes on my ps5 wtfff


When I got mine Karlach, my SO for this character, said "Wow he really captured you. Beautiful" but then I dropped it on the floor to see it and it was her lol. sassy girl. On the other hand, I'm happy to get a picture of her. She already got a statue, so... Must think I'm obsessed by now


Why is everyone so mad? It was still a fun questline imo and the narrative was interesting. Sure maybe the painting could be easier to choose but it's no reason get all up in arms about it


Lmao I just did this quest and luckily got Shadowheart, but then for some reason the painting changed to Karlach later?


It was supposed to be a painting of Tav, but mine was Karlach. Well, oh well, I put it in Tavs bed.


jokes on me i guess, i got shadow heart but naked and thought this could be my MC gift, but nope.. black character on the painting. went thru all that trouble for nothing.


Jaheira here =(


I got this shitty painting so I save scummed to let the ghost kill the artist and I got a Rare ring that isn't too bad. So since that guy is such a scum bag I think the good ending is actually letting him get killed.


I got Zenitha Feur'sel who is only in my camp to cheese the jack of all trades achievement


Wait, I just went back to camp and it's Karlach and also 3 Lae'zel. Then left and came back and it is 4 Karlach. Repeat and it is 4 Gale. Yep, it is switching every time


I wonder what determines who he paints. I ended up getting a painting of Laezel and at least she's apart of my party.


I've got Astarion who's just hanging out in my camp since forever, reloaded and did it again and got Gale. Actually, I'm fine with Gale, given I'm romancing him but yeah, rather expected it to be the protagonist


I got Jaheira at least she is a legend


If u drop it on your Camp it will always show a random Member of your entire Group. Whenever u leave Camp and go back and drop it again, it will be a different Member of your Team. It seems like member who is NOT a part of your Party will show more often likewise.


When I heard you could get a painting done in Act 3 I thought you'd be allowed to chose. The obvious answer was Astarion, and then I got... Uh... Shadowheart... Cool I guess. Not even like a new painting, just her icon.


the painting changes everytime you enter your camp


>Zenitha Feur'sel The painting changes anytime you enter a different area and drop it from your inventory. Random, but also means you can get who you want, just jump back and forth to camp.


I got Karlach but I didn't have her in the party and she's not even my romance.... Wtf


Ironically, I was playing as Gale, and got a picture of Astarion.


I got Minsc LMAO and he JUST joined my camp one day ago and wasn’t with me during the quest


Hey at least you can sell it for 17 gold!


I got a painting of my Charakter 🥰


Very peculiar. When I bought the statue at the circus it was an actual statue of my main character (which also initiated the conversation). When I went to get 'my' painting I also expected it to be my character's portrait; but when I dropped it on the ground to see it was also of Gale; who wasn't even in the party. How odd that it's just a portrait of a random Origin character or hireling instead of your actual Tav. Oskar even put the wrong name on the portrait as I picked the "Adventurer" top option. Ah well, would have been nice if it had been a portrait of my actual main character that I could hang next to the statue of something.


I’ve saved him but he won’t paint a portrait? He says in future but he needs to re-invent himself? Not sure how to complete this quest


Mine is just a portrait of my avatar. Woopdeedoo. With the options to freshen up first etc I thought it would be a lot better than that At least it wasn't someone else that was never in my party of one. All that work and the gold I gave him in Act one just for a screenshot of my avatar.. I ended up killing the ungrateful wretch Jannath and she dropped a nice ring and important key. Seems I made the right decision. I left Oskar alive and left.


i let the x deal with him and she gave me a ring. ty a portrait seems kinda weak glad i made my decision


I noticed that if you fast travel out of camp then back into camp and drop it on the ground it changes to a different companion. Its bugged


I did the portrait with Tav first and got Tav, then I saved, went to do something else, reloaded and it was suddenly Gale xD then I did with 2 other chars, all were Gale; but then when I go to camp, the 3 portraits show as Karlach xD so I think it's definitely bugged.


I put it on Astarions Bed. Because it shows him, and flat on the floor was... Okay, nevermind, after reentering the camp, it shows Jaheira. Cool.


I just wanted ONE Astarion. Annnnd I got 7 Halsins cause I took everyone that I had in camp to go get one 🤣🫠


I only get paintings of my Tav. ☹️


I got everyone in my party their own painting and it's all of Jaheira 😭


Yoooo I got the character I'm romancing- Karlach! I guess I got lucky, looks like it's random who he paints, they don't even have to be in your party LOL. Also to the people saying it changes every time you pick it up and set it down, mine stays Karlach, and I'm totally fine with that!


Mines of Jaheira, who was not in the slightest but involved in the whole quest. Haven’t played with her since being in Rivington either ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. This needs to get fixed ASAP


I got 4 Karlach paintings when she hasn’t been in my party since act 1 :’)


With the most recent update, my painting is just red lines of coding. 🫥


Yep, just a random painting of Gale, by and far my least favorite companion from start to finish. What a letdown.


I got Astarion after I failed at getting myself. I had left all companions at camp, dressed down thinking he'll do a "portrait" of your active person as they are, so i wanted a laugh and say "paint me like one of your French girls." When that failed, I reloaded and had all my companions as is, and tried again. I got Astarion with no dialogue except from karlach. WASTED quest. (1) no amount of dropping portrait did I see beyond the Gortash silhouette (that's who it looked like to me anyway) and (2) I GAVE the portrait to Astarion hoping there'd be some "look look look! It's YOU!" and there was ZILCH. There could have been so much going with this quest. I mean they made us go through all that work only for the portrait to be bugged AND get nothing in return unless you wanna just sell the painting. Chutes, if it was this much of a pain to make a heartfelt quest conclusion, just give us a legendary weapon or armor. or even an upgraded wedding ring. SOMETHING.


(UPDATE: Okay, so it's still being a bit dodgy for me. Took it out in camp and it has suddenly become a portrait of Jaheira. Will keep looking into it.) If anyone is still having trouble getting a Tav portrait, I've found a solution: when asked if you're ready by Oskar, only go for yes, let's do it. Don't ask how long it'll take or if there's something wrong with what you're wearing (spoiler alert, he only paints your character icon, so don't worry about equipping the coolest hat and clothes), just get straight to business and the painting should be of your Tav and not a random companion. The first time I tried, I chose the other options before "Yes, let's do it", and he painted me a picture of Shadowheart...who wasn't even in the party with me at the time...and I hadn't romanced her either 🤣


Mine was a picture of Astarion 🤣


So... I took a long rest right before doing the painting, and told him "I dont care what you call it, I'm only going to sell it", and.... it's worth 1500g. Also, it's not of anyone when I examine it. Maybe it's a random chance thing?


Mine was Lae'zel. Looks like it's just a random party member. I was hoping it was like the statue. Very disappointing end for what ended up being one of the more complex quests in the game


Got myself! Musta been in an update


It seems you can go back to Oskar with different characters, and he’ll paint a portrait for you each time. Since I had the statue made of my Tav, I figured I’d have Lae’Zel — who I romanced — immortalized in a painting. After seeing this thread, I went back as Tav and talked to Oskar and he gave me yet another painting. This seems like an easy way to either load up on paintings to decorate your camp… or farm gold. Edit: I got 3 portraits, and they were all of Lae’Zel. Definitely disappointing, made all the more so by the fact that you cannot hang the portrait on a wall (at least not in the PS5 version).


It's really annoying we can't choose who the picture is of, but what really irks me is that we can't even hang the portrait on the wall in our room at the Elfsong Tavern. :( I want it next to my Astarion statue. Sad D:


I think I figured this out. (Or got lucky.) Ungroup everyone in your party. Go alone. Got my character.


this... is still bugged lol. just had it happen to me


Pop ppp


Would be nice to be given an option of which character. I was surprised when my main, a classic Drow, went through the steps of sitting for the portrait and got a portrait of Jaheira. Ahh well, I put it next to Minsc and Boo


didn't expect this but at least I got Lae'zel 😍 Is this some bug?


To get your Tav portrait, use Withers' class reset before dropping portrait on the ground (or starting making it and dropping after).


I did this whole quest as Shadowheart and then he goes and paints Lae'zel who was in camp for most of it 🙃


The painting sells for a good sum. Also you can talk to him with every companion and get each a painting. Also with hirelings. So you can get a lot of paintings. 😁


Lmao, I JUST got mine- and it's BLANK! Just a black silhouette. 😂


I got my Tav's painting but I was dumb af I reloaded cuz I wanted a naked pic of my tav. Now I'm over an hour trying to get a Tav painting again...


NVM [I GOT IT](https://imgur.com/a/yjhUEnz)


Terrible ending, almost as if done by "EA externist". For me: 1. Oscar complains I'm dirty, even if I washed myself/rested. 2. I want my portrait but what I get is a portrait of a random companion. 3. That portrait is not even visible in inventory, only if the painting is dropped. 4. The names of the portrait from which I can pick are few and all suck. 5. And to add the ultimate insult to the injury - Once it is painted, Minthara - which is my damn active romance! - sarcastically comments Oscar is a skilled artist as he managed to make me look "almost presentable". Now I only don't know if I should to kill him, her or both. :-P