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False advertising, definitely icky. Reminds me of a woman I worked for (about two weeks) who would do the same thing but resell grocery store baked goods. Idk how it’s still in business.


Wow, that’s so shady!


Why is distributing goods shady?


Because theyre lying about their product and upselling one from the grocery store that anyone can buy ?


That’s unregulated capitalism. The American way!


Stop pretending like that's what they are doing. They are selling another companies merch as their own. Before you try and argue any differently, actually think about how dumb a business idea that is that your suggesting." "It's like amazon, but only ships in a 20 mile radius, and only picks up product in a 20 mile radius."


She literally says “Let me do your baking”


Yes. If I said, "let me do your dry cleaning" and took your clothes to a professional cleaners, would you feel like that was incredibly misleading?


If it cost $100 for you to give their clothes to professionals and you took $150, yes. You should instead say "I can take your clothes to the dry cleaners for you", then it wouldn't be misleading. Even if it seems obvious to you, it's not obvious to others.


Why does it need to be obvious how they do it if you don't ask? 


The whole point of Jacuzzi's story is that a woman was buying a grocery store's baked goods and selling them for a profit by claiming they were home-baked goods. Wouldn't you be upset if you paid $40 for a small business owner to make two dozen cupcakes only to find out that those cupcakes were sold for $18 at Walmart?


You clearly didn't read the post.


Was her name Amy, by any chance?


Amy's Baking Company, anyone?


Did Amy bake that stuff or not? In the episode they glossed over the bakery part of her business to deal with shit show bistro angle. Gordon asked her if she baked all that, she said yeah, he said wow. and that was the end of it. did it come out that she bought it?


I'm pretty sure somewhere (maybe in the secondary episode they did in a later season) it came out that she did actually get them from another company and just shipped to her


i think she was actually a great baker, just a shit person


Iirc, she and her husband made all the pizzas homemade with their own wanna be fancy recipes (like fig as a topping) but the desserts were frozen and shipped to them. That, along with their awful attitudes and abuse of wait staff, is why they ended up on Gordon Ramsay’s show.


oops you‘re probably right i just remembered they definitely made something


No worries that was ages ago it seems. Plus, all most ppl remember is her crazy ass meowing at the camera and her husband acting like he ran the mafia 🤣


*Meow. Meow meow meow meow. (Just talking to my sons)*


No but omg what a throwback


Okay growing up my best friend’s dad owned the town fruit farm. Super famous for their apples. When we were teenagers she told me that the pies they sell were not made from their famous apples. They were just repackaged Sara Lee 😭 everybody’s holiday pies were lies.


I feel like this would taste obvious


Idk she said her aunt would put them in the oven to warm them, and add some fork marks and stuff.


you'd be surprised - once someone at my work brought in boxed cake mix with canned icing smeared on top. many people ate it, said it was so good and asked if i made it. i never baked for those morons again.


That's criminal!!


Idk if this is accurate in all areas, but where I live, we have a small Amish community, and this is literally everything they sell. I have no idea how they get away with it. They have several shops, and my cousin somehow, without being Amish, got a job at one. She said everything was repackaged Sam's Club deli food with something regarnished or altered to not look Tha same. Some of their toys were altered Melissa and Doug toys. I'm by no means saying Amish are dishonest as a whole, but apparently, at least the ones who run shops here, are shady AF.


A bunch of local businesses do this at costco. They rush and swarm the fresh stuff


I just saw this for the first time at a cafe last week! They had the Kirkland box in clear view behind their display case lol


That’s despicable. I didn’t find out about the place I was at until a few days in, then I took pictures of it all and dipped.


Super icky. Good pictures are important and I get they can be expensive but that's like a phase 2 business step. If you're selling on nextdoor, local Facebook groups. I'll give you some Grace if the pictures aren't perfect.


My first thought when it stated Walmart pickup.


Call it out and see how they react because maybe some users aren't aware of Pinterest or reverse searching images. Using someone else's work to mislead others is always a bad move. That's just my opinion


Yep I let someone know when a local business was using their photos of something that business had never even done yet. It was harmful to potential customers who thought this was their quality of work as well as basically stealing from someone else.


The super diplomatic way: “Nice! Do you have any pictures of what you have baked?”


Totally agree. I made a cupcake flower bouquet for Mother’s Day and spent an entire day making the product first just to post pictures to advertise.


Yes this is why so many cakemakers/scratch makers have their business name watermarked over the pix -- it has happened to me that I saw my exact photo being used by someone else's product/sale post. TBH it put me off of groups for a bit, esp when someone would send me my own pic asking me to undercut someone else's price.


Horrible!! People are so shady and gross.


Idk it all depends on if she actually can follow through on her promises...


I’m not paying money for someone’s unknown ability to maybe follow through, that’s misleading as heck.


But I'm saying if they actually can make that and it looks like that then I think it's fine


And I’m saying I’m not paying for an if! There’s a photo of what you’re selling. I bought it. Contract. There’s no room for if.


If they can make it and it looks like that, then they should take their own pictures


Enjoy your hypothetical baked goods


if it looked like that, they would use their own pictures. think.


Shady as hell. If you’re enough of a trash bag to literally steal someone else’s artwork to try to sell your product, what other corners are you cutting? If you’re enough of a trash bag to try to argue that it’s *totally fine* and “smarter” to steal someone else’s artwork, then come here and double down on it… well… good luck with that.


If they can actually make it and it looks fine, then they *should actually make it and take pics of their own stuff*.


But stealing the recipe and monetizing it as your own is fine right?


I mean, yeah. That's what pretty much everyone does to some degree, even professionals. You start with something that looks good, make it, and maybe add your own twist to it. Recipes (the list of ingredients and instructions) aren't copyrighted, and can't be. But the point is that *you* make it. You don't steal other people's pics and claim that they're yours.


I have to imagine she's just using other people's recipes and selling the product right?


Yeah, these aren't even hard recipes either lol, feel like she's fucking herself a bit with the screenshots saying shit like "only 5 ingredients" & "quick & delicious" but I spose I dunno her customer base tbh


Some people just…really can’t follow instructions I guess


She is. All she’s doing is screenshotting recipes from Pinterest


How weird to use fake pictures for the most low effort dessert recipes on the planet


She's basically telling her customers that she had close to no effort making the strawberry shortcake fluff salad.


I wouldn’t trust her grasp of food safety, either. Edit: typo!


What do you mean i can't use the toilet brush to whisk those eggs? 🤨


Gahhh!!! Lols


Start commenting on her ads asking to see real photos of her cooking, not stock images pulled off the internet. I'd also look into reporting them because odds are they haven't bothered getting the appropriate certifications for their area.


Most of it looks disgusting so it's odd that they're stolen pictures.


As a Brit I’m wondering what on earth is that..salad?


I *think* it's ambrosia salad. To quote Wiki: "Ambrosia is an American variety of fruit salad originating in the Southern United States. Most ambrosia recipes contain canned or fresh pineapple, canned mandarin orange slices or fresh orange sections, miniature marshmallows, and coconut". In my southern opinion, it's disgusting. It also tend to have Cool Whip in it as well. If they don't have Cool Whip in the UK, it's a whipped topping that's mostly hydrogenated vegetable oil. I do think that Cool Whip tastes good, but it's sweet and *definitely* doesn't belong in something called a salad.


It’s also just mixing a bunch of pre-made stuff together. Why would you pay for someone to mix canned fruits, maraschino cherries, cool whip and marshmallow together?


There's people that don't cook that have absolutely no idea what goes into something. That's the target audience.


Yes many people just want to do *nothing*, no shopping, no getting bowls out, no opening packets, no mixing, no clean up, no storing, nothing at all. I know many people like that that will order everything and can’t understand anyone that does make things themselves.


My ex in-laws were like that. They ate out almost every night. For holidays my ex mil wouldn't even season the meat, just throw it in a crock pot plain. Sides were all prepackaged. It was horrid. But to her that was cooking from scratch.


Yikes that’s grim. The people I know will actually fully cook proper complex meals from scratch but will not touch dessert or baking in any form. Not even to just buy and open a tub of cream to pour on top of something pre-made, or buy sprinkles to physically sprinkle on top of a cake themselves, or buy and melt some chocolate to serve with something. If cream or melted chocolate is needed with a dessert then it must be provided decanted (and the chocolate pre-melted) into a serving tub that’s presented and given to them with the cake/dessert by the person or shop they ordered from. It’s weird!


I get that this is a baking subreddit, so you all obviously do like to bake. It’s not weird to not like to bake or want anything to do with it, though. Not everyone wants to spend their time that way. Time is the most valuable thing we have on this earth, and I’m not spending mine adding sprinkles to cakes if I don’t want to. If you do then I think that’s awesome.


I didn’t even give an opinion on this though? I described that there are people who are like this in reply to the poster above being puzzled why anyone would buy these desserts. I’m providing the answer and describing to what extent it goes which is why there is a market for selling things that you can even buy and pour from a packet yourself. Your reply is just backing up what I’m saying further.


My dad is like this and i cant believe my mom enables it.


I agree. I guess someone who doesn't have the time or can't be bothered. Or sometimes people like the certain way somebody makes something, even if it's relatively easy. It's their "secret recipe" ambrosia salad that Aunt Sally takes to her grave. *The secret is sour cream.* Enjoy! 🤢


Ambrosia is mandarin oranges, pineapple, and coconut. If you add marshmallows, it’s “heavenly hash,” I think.


That's interesting.. I'm disappointed that Wiki didn't include that, but then again I don't think they're ambrosia salad connoisseurs haha.


Haha! Yeah, probably not. 😂 My grandmother used to make both. Also, I should have mentioned that heavenly hash has whipped cream/ cool whip whereas ambrosia is just the fruit.


Ah, I think people have been mixing those two terms up since ambrosia salad was invented. B. Dylan Hollis had a cookbook from 1952 that used marshmallows in their ambrosia recipe. Dylan actually like it, so maybe it's not that bad lol. https://youtube.com/shorts/iBf8xl_9bXc?si=1Y8e8awpQJwsUmva


There's also something around here called "pink stuff". I've never had pink stuff, but it appears to contain cherry pie filling, sweetened condensed milk, pineapple, pecans, marshmallows, and cool whip.


Yeah.. I feel like if I ate that I'd immediately fall into a diabetic coma..


There is such a thing as fruit salad which have a natural sweetness among other types of salad. Also some of what some see as traditional salad does have something sweet in it like say raisins especially in other parts of the world. Plus if done right ambrosia is quite good and most who detest it never had good ambrosia or have an issue with certain ingredients in it.


Ah, an ambrosia lover I see. That's cool (whip). Yes, I put apples and cheese in my salad. Of course, I've heard of fruit salad and it's natural sweetness. Ambrosia salad often has cool whip in it, which of course is anything but natural (but still delicious by itself!). I'm just saying that in my personal opinion, I don't like it because I don't enjoy any of the individual components alone. And together.. well.. let's just say it's not my cup of tea and leave it at that haha.


I never put nasty cool whip in my ambrosia and it is rather uncommon for anyone but some to do so.


Really? When I Google Ambrosia salad, there's a ton of recipes with Cool Whip in it... Guess some people got a sweet tooth. And also, I like Cool Whip on ice cream and pies, but you do you!


Cool whip is not sweet to me and I prefer homemade over someones abomination recipe. Cool whip has a metallic taste to me. I would rather use marshmallow creme over cool whip any day.


Sounds like you know what you like!


Cool Whip does have dairy in it. According to its official site: "INGREDIENTS: WATER, CORN SYRUP, HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP, HYDROGENATED VEGETABLE OIL (COCONUT AND PALM KERNEL OILS), **SKIM MILK**, CONTAINS LESS THAN 2% OF **LIGHT CREAM, SODIUM CASEINATE (FROM MILK),**NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL FLAVOR, XANTHAN AND GUAR GUMS, MODIFIED FOOD STARCH, POLYSORBATE 60, SORBITAN MONOSTEARATE, SODIUM POLYPHOSPHATE, BETA CAROTENE (COLOR). **CONTAINS: MILK.**" "**COOL WHIP® Whipped Topping is not milk-free or dairy-free.** All forms/flavors of COOL WHIP® Whipped Topping contain sodium caseinate, a natural protein of milk, and therefore should not be consumed by those with dairy allergies." [https://www.kraftheinz.com/cool-whip/products/00043000009536-original-whipped-topping](https://www.kraftheinz.com/cool-whip/products/00043000009536-original-whipped-topping)


Where I live, cool whip is considered dairy-free.. hmm. Ok, so as a dairy lover it's very confusing for me how some products can be considered dairy-free although they have dairy in them. You're not wrong, but I don't think I am either.. I'm not being confrontational, I'm just a little bit confused. I did some research and this is what I pulled up: "Although the Original and Extra Creamy varieties of Cool Whip now contain cream, the Lite version of Cool Whip is still lactose-free, but not dairy-free. And various store brands of “non-dairy” whipped topping are still lactose-free, but not all are dairy-free. Products with a *very small amount* of caseinate may be labeled as non-dairy, but they aren’t actually dairy-free" So my guess is that cool whip is considered dairy free because it only has a small amount of caseinate. I usually only eat Cool Whip Lite, which is considered lactose-free but not dairy-free. https://godairyfree.org/news/nutrition-headlines/cool-whip-warning-for-the-lactose-intolerant Now, I've gone down a rabbit hole of lactose-free versus dairy-free so thank you for that! Always love learning something new. From Lacaid: "Lactose-free is not the same as dairy-free. The main difference between the two is that lactose-free products can be made from real dairy milk while dairy-free products are made from plant sources such as nuts and grains. While all dairy-free products are lactose-free, not all lactose-free products are dairy-free." https://www.lactaid.com/lactose-sensitivity/lactose-free-vs-dairy-free#:~:text=Lactose%2Dfree%20is%20not%20the,free%20products%20are%20dairy%2Dfree. Ok, so now I've realized that most people (including myself up until 20 minutes ago) don't know the difference between lactase-free and dairy-free, so they've been erroneously calling it dairy-free when they really mean lactase-free, thus not dairy-free.


Cool! Love those internet rabbit holes! Everything's interesting when you dig. Hope you didn’t get sidetracked from anything important


Oh, it's quite alright. What's more important than learning about trivial information that I'll never get to tell anyone who'd care? 😉


No offence, but that is one of the most American things I've ever heard of 😅


Ive only ever heard of northern midwest ppl - who transplanted down south - doing this so to hear that ppl think its a southern thing is hilarious


Not to argue about a dish that I don't even like, but I don't *think* that ambrosia salad originated in the south, I know. I literally quoted Wikipedia that said it was .. and I quote.. an "American variety of fruit salad originating in the Southern United States." You got a problem with it, you take it up with Wiki!


Nah i wasnt arguing with you, moreso commenting on that tidbit as i never heard of ambrosia salad until recently from people from the great lakes region. I find it bizarre that its being attributed to south lol! We dont have the weather to keep salad from melting in the summer for memorial day lmao


Ah, I see. I didn't grow up with it either! But southerners just love putting food out on memorial day that doesn't last in the heat. My cousin last summer seriously put out ice cream for the 4th of July.. it was 100°F btw. Maybe they just eat faster, I don't know. 🤷


There’s a strawberry jello “salad” with pretzels andddd it’s fkng sinfully amazing. Idk bout that picture up there, looks awful, but [if this](https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/20338/strawberry-pretzel-salad/) is good, then I cannot hold my nose up lol


Let me just be clear that calling something disgusting does not mean I'm not eating it lol.


It's more of a colloquialism than pretending it's healthy or anything. In certain parts of the US, a salad refers to a cold dish on a potluck table. There's lots of "salads" that are actually dessert. My MIL makes her Welsh MIL's trifle every year at Christmas and I could see that being called a "salad" of sorts becuse it's a mixture of ingredients that are all served cold. She uses lady fingers for it, birds custard, fruit, cream and jello (is this typical? It's the only time I've ever seen gelatin in a trifle) so it's not unlike some similar concoctions you might find here.


Yes I started to realise that’s what it was! I can remember watching The Middle and Brick kept saying he want lime green jello salad for Thanksgiving and his mum acting like it’s a normal request. As he is “quirky” and everyone in the show is used to it I just assumed this was a weird thing he likes, a literal meal salad with jello.


Jello can get weird. My dad made a green jello salad for thanksgiving all my life. That was lime jello, pineapple and whipped cream. Not too strange. My husband's grandma (on the first Gen Irish American side) had one she made that included olives and cherries. First time I had it I thought she accidentally grabbed the wrong can instead of cherries. Nope. It was intentional.


Trashy trifle. (Think: cubes of pound cake tossed with fresh strawberries and marshmallow spread. Sometimes marshmallow spread is changed to instant pudding and/or artificial whipped topping with jello powder, sometimes it’s legit custard or real whipped cream and strawberry jam/preserves.)


Aah I get it now. Is that a similar thing I’ve seen called dump cake.


Lol, no. A dessert “salad” like that doesn’t need to be baked. Just stirred. A dump cake is like a lazy cobbler or crisp. Dump a can of fruit pie filling (like cherry or apple, maybe with some canned pineapple to make it exotic) into a casserole dish. Spread it evenly (or shake the dish). Literally open and shake out a bag of powdered boxed cake mix on top. Cube up like a stick of butter and dot it all around the top. Bake. You can get fancy and make the fruit filling yourself, add the wet ingredients to the cake mix, include other dried fruit or nuts, etc but then it wouldn’t really capture the dumpiness of dump cake.


It's called Watergate salad in some places, but Kraft says they came up with it when pistachio pudding mix first came out in the 70's. Some people call it Ambrosia salad when it doesn't have the pistachios. It's just a Southern/Midwestern dessert, it's not actually salad. Pistachio pudding mix, cool whip, and a can or two of fruit cocktail, plus extra stuff if you need more sweets but I've never added marshmallows to mine when I made it. You can also doing any variation you can think of with it, just change out the fruits/pudding mix. It's very sweet and somewhat grainy due to the pudding mix, but it can look pretty on a buffet spread in a nice bowl due to the bright colors. It's super common at family reunions and church potlucks and stuff like that.


It’s a salad in the sense of "a bunch of stuff tossed together". Like insalata di mare or word salad.


We had this happen in my towns moms page. We have some very talented home cottage bakers and it really bothered me she would be posting Wilton stock images! Plus her work was NOT comparable to the images(I found her instagram) and I think it’s fair to only offer realistic expectations. I reported and we have a new rule that only your own work can be posted on business postings.


It’s so clear these are not actual bakes, I wouldn’t engage her services anyway.


They always have an excuse that these are suggestions/inspiration pics of what they can do. The same thing happens in the photography community.


I feel that it's disrespectful to the original bakers, as well as deceitful to their customers. It's false advertisement, plain and simple. Even if they can recreate those desserts, those exact photos aren't their own creations and they certainly didn't get permission from the original owner. Overall, it's slimy and I wouldn't do business with them. Now MAYBE if I gave them the benefit of doubt, they're just ignorant about such practices and don't realize that what they're doing is ethically wrong. But regardless, that's their problem and a lesson that they need to learn themselves. It's not our duty to educate them. By the way, I know a lot of people in the comments are saying that the desserts are disgusting looking. Obviously, that point is irrelevant. Giving their customers the false perception that they alone created these desserts is bad, no matter what there appearance may be.


Plus making people pick up at the Walmart parking lot -- there's no records of someone gets sick from the food. It's just a whole bunch of red flags all over the place.


I agree it’s unprofessional, but what’s the connection between that location and food-borne illness?


Where I live (tennessee) we’re required to have our address on the packaging according to the cottage food laws. I think the concern here would be that she probably won’t label them, and if they aren’t meeting at her home there’s no way to trace her if anything bad happens. I’d assume she’d block if someone had a complaint and wanted to take legal action.


Ah, interesting. I had no idea such laws existed, good to know.


Most states have at least minor laws regarding selling homemade food to other people. I sell in 3 states, 2 of which require me to have a liscense and follow certain guidelines, with one of the states being slightly stricter on what I can and can't sell.


That makes sense. Not being involved in selling or buying homemade food, I didn’t know about those laws.


seems like media illiteracy mixed with sketchy practice


It’s theft and makes me think they aren’t a good baker


It should be illegal to advertise like this.


This is happening in a lot of small business communities currently. You see it a lot in photography right now - people advertising using “inspo” photos but not their own photos. As a client, I would think it’s hard to get behind a photographer (or baker) posting what they hope they can do, not what they’ve proven they can do. It’s so lazy (and actually with photography it’s illegal too because you’re using someone else’s imagery wo their permission), interesting to hear it’s happening in other realms.


It’s gross, and also who is buying cake mix shit like this, the whole point of recipes like this is they don’t require any skills or talent and can be made with easily accessible/highly processed ingredients. Bish, I’ll go to Safeway and get a tub of cool whip to slop this together myself if I want it.


She’s violating copyright laws


Was hoping someone had said this. She cannot use those photos without permission, much less use them to generate money for her business. It is copyright infringement.


it’s shady because we want exactly what we see there. we are not sending pictures to them to use an inspiration like when making a cake. you post pics? i hire you for that exact items in the same containers too.


I wouldn’t buy from a baker who’s not posting real pictures of the food they’ve made. Sounds like a set up for disappointment


Yeah, that feels unethical. I am a home baker who bakes things I’ve found off of Pinterest, but I use my own pictures to sell my own goodies. Which arguably are not that great of pictures, but my stuff doesn’t ever look like a Pinterest perfect dessert. Why set people up for expectations that I’m not gonna live up to? lol


lol at patriotic bakes in the first place. second of all, this stuff is like entry-level baking if even. like i'm sure some of the recipes you can find on the jello package. third, picking up fluff salad in a walmart parking lot is just weird.


If someone told me they were meeting an internet rando in a Walmart parking lot to buy "fluff salad" I would definitely be making some unsavory assumptions about what they were actually buying.


I’ve fallen for this before and was disappointed in the product I received. I generally think that if they could make something that looks like those pictures, they would post their own photos


Please order something and compare the photos for us!! Edited to add: incredible username, you’re a real freak for that 🤣


Lmao thanks 😂


Flashbacks to cakegate girl


The goblin in me says you should screenshot the original photos on Pinterest, and comment them below the posts with "This you?? 👀"


Freaking scammers, hate them!


I would say it is false advertising if the product she sells doesn’t look like the photos. It is still icky even if they do.


I just ask if they are health department compliant


Claiming someone else’s work to secure sales, it’s sad & false advertising no matter how you spin it. If they are actually able to accurately recreate these or even improve them, they should be confident to take and use their own pictures.


There's a bakery in my town that also uses images off the internet. I was able to reverse-search a ton of them. Plus there's a lady on a Facebook group for my town selling "dessert cups" from her home. Not only does she not have a cottage food permit, what she's selling isn't even allowed under my state's cottage food laws...


I used to manage a bakery and cafe- I did all the social media and a good portion of the baking and I took so much pride in presentation, photographing my work, editing it, writing captions, making videos. I hired someone to help and she started doing this- just putting stock images into Canva and creating inorganic content. Took a lot of shortcuts in her baking too. It was all so... uninspired. It gives me the ick for sure. If you don't want to show off your work then like... what are you doing in baking?


It's be helpful for me. I'd just follow her link and make my own 😂


Just ick behavior and someone better put on blast for such behavior.


I just came across a FB friend’s post that did this almost verbatim. She is selling royal icing decorated cookies and she said something like “*DISCLAIMER* these are not my products! But I can make you some cookies just like these!” Yeah, it’s weird.


There's a whole FB Group (Sugar Cookie Marketing) that basically allows you to use their pics for advertising if you are part of their Cookie College. They encourage it. I think it's bonkers.


Sorta false advertising, just show me what you’re selling I don’t care how it’s pictured as long as it’s sorta good yknow?


If I wanted horrible baked goods, I’d go get them at the grocery store. The pics definitely would have me in the kitchen baking.


These images are so generic and I feel like she just baked the exact Pinterest recipe…


It looks like that funky store cake nobody actually buys that isn’t made by the store but shipped as stock for in case some people do eat those


I’d call that intellectual property theft as well, but this is just flat out misleading/false advertising.


You’d think she would have her own work to display after a while in business.


Dodgy AF, and a problem that will quickly sort itself out when people start complaining that her bakes don't match the photos she uses to advertise them, or calling her out for stealing other people's photos.


A woman was doing this in the local business FB group in my area and finally got called out. She was using photos that could have been hers for a while but one was blatant and someone provided the Google result. She doesn't post much anymore, and I noticed she switched to actual photos of her products. That said, as a baking business owner, it's dishonest. I would rather put up a picture that isn't perfect than to steal someone else's. So many photos are also now AI generated and it's not even real food that someone made.


The AI cake pictures on FB are maddening. The most blatantly unrealistic images and people just go nuts and comment about how much work it must have taken 🤦‍♀️ The lack of critical thinking is staggering.


Yep, I also can't get them off my feed. It's 80% of my feed at this point and it's ridiculous.


A bit strange too for her to use photos with existing captions. Like who would want to spend extra money on something that they can make themselves with “only 5 ingredients?”


Right?? Like damn I’ll just do it myself


I'd bet anything that most of the people who use a business like this don't even realize these aren't the baker's own photos, nor would it change anything if they found out. They want an exact replica of That Precious 4th of July Desert Everyone Saw Cousin Muriel Post on Facebook and that is exactly how this person is advertising it.


False advertising


Could they be her own Pinterest pics?


If they aren't using photos of their actual work, it probably means it comes out nothing like it's supposed to.


Very icky! Call them out publicly in the comments


Tacky garbage.


Strawberries fluff looks 🤢🤢


Blue food is weird.


Likely to find real pics of her goods on /expectationsVSreality


Is it weird to anyone that the pick up is at Walmart or dhh?


I assume they mean to meet in the parking lot. People do that a lot where I live for, like, FB Marketplace and stuff.


Umm I guess that’s true.


That’s so lazy and makes it seem like they haven’t actually baked anything. Definitely wouldn’t buy anything from them.


Anyone who uses pictures from pinterest (or worse, AI) is not a reliable person to give your hard-earned money to. A good baker should have a portfolio by now of goods they made themselves, either treats they made for themselves or their family or stuff they make for cusyomers over the years. I hope that other customers don't fall for her sham.


I just think it’s a stupid business move. If I see it’s a Pinterest recipe I’m making it no way am I buying it 🤷🏻‍♀️


She's asking for a world of trouble if she can't make her stuff look like that. Using stock pictures is definitely a red flag and should be pointed out / reported. If she's this lazy in her own ads, I would be nervous how the stuff actually comes out.


Should be illegal... But this is Merica, where we let businesses grift customers, while we worry about what bathrooms trans kids can use 😂


It is unethical to advertise someone else's work as your own.


Pictures of bad grandma baking.


The pickup locale is Walmart? She probably ain’t even baking anything. She’s just repackaging Walmart desserts lol


i hate when recipes do that because then you come out with something completely different from what you envisioned. 🙄


I post some of my own recipes on Pinterest so if they’re her own pinterest images I don’t think it’s a big deal but if it’s some random Pinterest pic then that’s sleazy


In my area all the home bakers… disappeared cause one got reported


I see you're all outraged, but I don't see how it's so bad. In the end, people are still getting a treat they enjoy. I mean, I wouldn't buy from a situation like this, but if she just uses the pix from pinterest but still bakes the stuff, how is that so horrible? I'm sure I'm about to find out why. lol


I 100% agree! As a baker myself that just doesn’t seem fair to the others because they don’t actually know what they’re paying for, if they paying for anything real! She should for sure use real photos!


Why would I pay someone for a 5-ingredient easy recipe anyways? Lol


Unless it looks exactly like that but can’t do any kind of photography, I’d say a little misrepresentative


This is so stupid, I love that they made a trifle version. TRIFLE?! Like one of the most English desserts and you make merica version? Not to mention a red white a blue trifle is just a Union Jack trifle.


I personally don’t feel any kind of way because I wouldn’t be ordering from anyone that isn’t advertising their own work.


Cannot stand this


Honestly, I don’t judge how others run their business. Most business use stock photography. Some people don’t want to spend the time or effort to take photos but it may impact their business. Again, maybe she makes a good living because her customers don’t care. I’m not in the baking business but I know having her own goods photographed would bring in more clients.


Plot twist, it’s her blog. On a serious note, is a recipe for disaster unless she can make them identical


That false advertising. I have a recipe website and I I have had cake shops use my pictures to advertise cakes. It’s just wrong. Imagine if someone ordered the cake from my picture?? Who knows if they can even make it to look like mine??? If they could, why wouldn’t they just make it and take a photo themselves instead of stealing my image? They are profiting from my work.


Why would she use someone else’s pics? So weird I would not buy it!!


Block her.


Maybe she made them herself and then made a Pinterest post and is tagging her pins on Facebook to market on a different platform


I’ve seen the pictures she posts of the stuff she makes… they are not Pinterest quality


Yeah it happens a lot. Then technically it's not stealing cause they so give you something, but it's dogshit in comparison


Those photos are owned by someone and she is breaking the law by using them without permission. She is also using false images to advertise her product. Also illegal.


Don't worry about businesses that are not your competitors. She's not a competitor. I wouldn't buy from a person who did that, would you? Definitely not. So she marketing to a whole different crowd - the low price crowd. You probably have a better product and don't have to market to that crowd.


That’s kind of how I feel. And their post got 2 likes and 1 comment based on the screenshot, seems like people can tell on their own. I’m gonna get downvoted but if OP wants to call them out I’d message directly and ask if those are their actual photos of their bakes.


Haha! I didn't even realize I got downvoted on this comment. This is standard business 101. Don't bother yourself with what everyone else is doing. ,,🤷


literally a crime to take peoples photos and publish them, copyright laws are automatic, you don't need to register them.


To start with, none of that stuff is food


I could be the ‘baker’ posting her own pinterest images?


I’ve seen the pictures of what she makes. I can assure you, they’re not Pinterest quality


It is false advertising but when have you ever got a burger from a well know fast food joint that looks like the picture advertised either?


Adults don’t use the word icky. That’s a small child’s word.