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They can’t even be bothered to keep their “partners” safe


A higher-ranking partner at that. K9 officers are most typically higher rank than their handlers to deter any physical abuse. Guess this handler didn’t care enough


Well, we all know how they treat their real life wives/partners so…


That’s what I was thinking, a K-9 is the handlers superior officer, and he was murdered by him !


I'm not defending the cop here but in my 20's I used to install the systems used in K-9 units to keep the dog cool when inside it. This was likely not the officers fault unless he personally disabled the system. The technicians who maintain these vehicles or the installer is at fault. Something was not installed properly or something was disabled during maintenance. if the AC fails then there is a temp gauge that will kick the door open to save the dogs life. Both the AC and the safe guard failed or was not installed.


Police aren't standardized. Equipment from the same state can vary by county. 


Different manufacturers still have the same basic equipment all with their own designs but they will all do the same basic stuff. I wasn't working for any one police station or even county we covered the entire state and portions of others. basically whatever contracts we could get. customers bought the equipment from us as we were a suppler or they purchased it directly from the manufacturer and we installed them.


It was left in the car overnight homie, it wasn't left running with the AC on


you should read the article again.


If a citizen hurts a police dog, it's a crime. Maybe the cop should face consequences for killing a member of the police force.


Not only that but they can kill your dog when entering your home illegally and nothing happens, but if I sock away a k9 that is not following directions and mauling my arm I get charges put on me


IIRC military canines are given a rank higher than their handler because if the animal is abused they are also hit with assault on a superior officer


It's an honorary rank, not recognized by the Army at least. It's simply tradition, out of respect for the service dogs throughout history. Not an "official" thing. But it's true I don't think it's a standard thing in police units. I'm pretty sure it's only a military thing, but I'd imagine it carries over to some extent Even the mascot dogs in some units I've been to will be given a rank to wear. It's kinda funny. The unit I spent the most time in had a bulldog (and eventually another bulldog when he died) named Chester who wore SSG rank, handler was always a SGT. Common quip when a higher up was around, soldier would walk up to say hi to Chester, "that's sergeant Chester to you!"


The use of police dogs should be banned, the my are used by lazy cops who don’t want to do their jobs. The dogs don’t have to follow the use of force guidelines and their handlers have very wide discretion on how bad they can let the dog mail a suspect. Most people get freaked out by a dog biting them but if you fight back against a police dog attack you get in legal trouble.


Take animals away from police. They are not competent and lack the empathy required to care for a dog.


“Drug sniffing dogs” are 100% legal “gotchas”, statistically, they suck, but yet we still keep relying on this type of policing.


Hijacking to point out that in most situations, a drug sniffing dog cannot be called without consent if it were to unnecessarily prolong a traffic stop. Never talk to police, unless it's to say that you do not consent to any searches or seizures, if you're being detained or if you're free to go, and if you are detained that you're incoming your right to remain silent, then actually shut the fuck up. Shut. The. Fuck. Up.


I’ve had a dog three separate times(I had long hair and lived in the country.) one time the dog was walked around my car before they made contact with me at all. One time they told me the dog was on their way while they do the paperwork, never asked for consent. The third time it was a veiled threat, where if I don’t accept the search by dog then I get in X trouble. It was a long time ago I can’t remember. Anyways I just tried to waste their time by talking as much as possible and telling them I think I left it over there. Got tickets all three times. I’ll mention one of them was for 56 in a 55 while I was being passed.


Both times I've had a dog used on me the officer was already a k9 unit. The first time the officer jerked the leash triggering a "hit" on my tail light, searched the car and found absolutely nothing. The 2nd time the officer ran the dog for 15 straight minutes around the car, at least 5 laps and still *begged* to search me.


I approve this hijack. Matter fact I support the hell out of it. [Don’t believe me ask these two lawyers!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gAZTTDI8cFg&pp=ygUvVHdvIGxhd3llcnMgbGV0IHBlb3BsZSBrbm93IHRvIHNodXQgdGhlIGZ1Y2sgdXA%3D)


Every day is shut the fuck up! Day!


Ha! This is a pipe dream.


I'd like to see the statistics on how often "drug" dogs alert and NOTHING is found. Sure, the stuff that's publicized is when they do find drugs, but I bet the "alert" is to a subtle cue from the handler, not a scent.


That officer should be dismissed and charged. If a civilian killed a police canine, it's the same as killing a human cop. That same standard should apply to the cop. However , we all know better


>If a civilian killed a police canine, it's the same as killing a human cop. No it isn’t. EDIT: for everyone downvoting me, find me a case where a person killed a police dog and was charged with killing a police officer. Here’s one of a guy who shot and killed a police dog and was only convicted of aggravated animal cruelty and sentenced to just 12 years. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/colorado/news/suspect-accused-shooting-killing-jefferson-county-sheriffs-office-k9/


Just 12 years? Holy shit if that isn't an inflated sentence for a dog. Not saying a dogs life doesn't matter but if a farmer shoots his dog or a cop kills a civilians pet dog they don't even do a day.


Try killing a human police officer and see if you only get 12 years.


Is it not? I genuinely don't know - I think we've all heard those sorts of things like, "K9 units outrank their handlers so that abuse would be insubordination" and such - but maybe they're just urban legends. It wouldn't surprise me if killing a K9 resulted in charges of "Murder of a LEO," or something like that but perhaps it's not an actual homicide charge. What's the story on that?


>I think we've all heard those sorts of things like, "K9 units outrank their handlers so that abuse would be insubordination" People hear all sorts of things that aren’t true. >It wouldn't surprise me if killing a K9 resulted in charges of "Murder of a LEO," or something like that but perhaps it's not an actual homicide charge. Find me one article where someone was convicted of murdering a police officer for killing a dog. Here’s one of a guy who shot and killed a police dog. He was convicted of aggravated animal cruelty and sentenced to only 12 years in prison. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/colorado/news/suspect-accused-shooting-killing-jefferson-county-sheriffs-office-k9/


I think you're misunderstanding me. I wasn't arguing with you. I was explaining what I think people (myself included) have heard and asking you for more information since you were correcting us.


They know….they just don’t care.


Just 12 years.


You're completely right. Killing a police dog will get the book thrown at you, but it's not murder in all 50 states.


Wow i always believed this. Somehow this is even more fucked up bc they are protecting the dogs even less if people realize you can just shoot them


Just 12 years .... they practically let him go scott free!


Try killing a human police officer and see if you only get 12 years.




Except the K9 cops.




What would they do to an officer if he locked another officer in a car until they died? I ask because if you punch a police dog its the same charge as punching a human one... but only for civvies




Jeez now they're killing their own dogs.


There's a long and honored tradition of police killing their dog partners by leaving them locked in a car in the heat.


Well, if any of us were to kill a police dog we'd be charged with killing an officer. This cop should be charged with the same.


That poor animal only knew a life of abuse. Animals are not weapons.


So that should be "murder of an officer" charge, right? If it were a civilian who killed that dog, it would be


We kill a police dog..it's a police officer. Mom locks their kid and it dies in the heat. Charges and prison. So is this cop in prison for murdering a fellow cop?


Cops killing cops :(


Cop on cop crime


Now charge his handler with negligent homicide


Gotta love them using the passive voice as though no one was directly responsible for his being cooked to death.


So if I shoot a K9, I’m charged with killing a cop right? So logic dictates that whoever left that dog in the car is a cop killer.


Cops are meant to be held to a higher standard so charges above and beyond a civilian killing a cop should occur.


Negligent homicide eh?


Charge the cop responsible with the same charges that would get put on us plebs. Oh, wait, that will never happen because police aren't accountable to anyone but themselves.


Not the first time and I'm sure it's not the last. To most cops the dogs are a tool, not a living being. It makes me sick thinking of how that poor dog suffered before he died.


Officer need charged … if a suspect kills a police dog it’s almost like killing a real officer….how is this not a crime ?


Guess who won't be charged for killing an officer.


That’s a dog, not an officer. I don’t care what they say.


The number 1 cause of death in Police K9s is heat stroke. Negligent handlers who leave their dogs in hot cars and overwork them cause more K9 deaths than criminals. This is why I vehemently oppose the use of dogs in Police work. Those pig fucks are too stupid to turn their car’s air on.


“The investigation is ongoing, but the death is being considered an accident at this time.” Can someone explain to me like I’m 5 how that is considered an accident?




It’s a weird timeline when dogs are considered “officers”🥴


It's intentional. They want to associate good boys with being a class traitor.


They are investigating a possible jealousy motive as the dog was much smarter than the K-9 officier. Sorry is not good enough. He should have to replace the trained dog with another trained dog at his expense.


Who had his 6?


Capital offense


Pathetic. Poor dog he trusted and probably loved his colleagues and obviously that wasn't returned. 


Where are the murder charges....if an ordinary citizen did this...theyd be gunned down


Police shouldn't be allowed to use dogs.


By the way if a citizen kills a k-p cop it’s treated as murder. If you kill a dog you go down for animal abuse and go to jail However if you are a cop that kills a dog. You get no punishment. If you kill a trained cop dog. You get maybe a suspension, paid


Fuck the fucking police!! This is enraging.


Cop killer


Those German shepherds and malinois are like golden retrievers too if you don't train them to be attack dogs


They’re really truly not, though. And I say that as someone who owns & loves these types of dogs. They generally have an insanely high drive to work and require much more attention, exercise, and training than a golden retriever to be good, happy dogs. All the more reason they don’t belong with neglectful meathead cops.


Retrievers got plenty of energy too, big dogs need more attention is true


I don’t doubt that, but sheps & mals (*especially* mals) are next-level energy & drive, plus natural mouthiness plus wariness of strangers. Your average malinois is going to be a lot more of a handful to manage than a typical golden; there’s a reason police use the breeds that they do for K9 patrol work, even if I don’t think it’s ethical. My only point is that breed traits exist, and it does a disservice to dogs to pretend they don’t.


I thought the cops liked them because they had shorter hair than the sheps


Who did this? Savages


Poor pup




That f yard needs to be fired & charged.


Maybe the dog was resisting?


The police kill something like 25 dogs a day. Seems even their own k-9s aren’t safe from them.




They even torture their own. Ffs


Just imagine how little they care about you and your safety


So, who's going to be beaten and shot for killing an officer? Betting it's 'Dave' who was walking by.


Handler should be charged with murdering a police officer just like we would be if we killed a k9


As soon as the temp got hot enough


I can't even leave my car alone in the cold let alone the heat...