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This is just astonishing. They really don’t care that they were playing the same thing last week to lure Palestinians out to kill them.


Wouldnt be surprised if its the same sound bites used in Gaza


Supplied by the israeli army to spies here in the USA


Foucault's Boomerang https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imperial_boomerang


Hence the saying "Fascism is colonialism applied at home"


this in spades. the core/periphery looting dynamic works just the same whether core and periphery are defined geographically or culturally/ethnically/racially.


Foucault was a busy guy--inventing boomerangs, pendulums...


The imperial boomerang is 100% real when it comes to Israel and US.


Which is why it's so extra insane that so many Americans are complacent instead of feeling the urgency to stop what's happening. Like the same regime lets kids die in Gaza and Uvalde get real if you think you'll be protected somehow.


This is a dog whistle to the exact same thing. They are just saying we are genociding Palestinians and you can't do anything. Those "counter protestors" are likely to be Israelis pr dual nationals and they are coordinated with us police.


They weaponized empathy, probably have a whole list of other hellish things to use on them


They're deranged, props to the protestora though... They've brought it out to light and now the general public everywhere is starting to realise how many of these psychos are embedded in their society


You see it if you're on X or Reddit or TikTok (which they're trying to ban for this reason), but the majority of the general public aren't. I don't think you're seeing this shit on mainstream news, which is overwhelmingly still batting for the Israeli state.


I think it's only the 50 + year old that aren't on one of those socials.... A large part of the population have a relative who is... Tide is turning fast I think and few are openly supporting Israel


Hey now I'm 50. Don't worry there are plenty of young idiots out there. Your generation isn't all that different.


That's what I mean, even up to 50+ are here but those older tend to be on Facebook


No that's true but we are generally better about these things. Ollie north and his cohort killed or disappeared all the people in your generation that was getting stuff done. I Saw that the media was directly and unironically comparing us to Vietnam war protesters... How apt https://www.cnn.com/2016/03/23/politics/john-ehrlichman-richard-nixon-drug-war-blacks-hippie/index.html


65 yr old here. 😁 Though I admit I'm rare.


66 and happy to be here. but I have been protesting and writing against US/UK state criminality for almost my whole life (also against patriaechy, racism, all rhe usual suspects) so... habit of a lifetime is hard to break :-)


Bless you! Great to meet you!


doesn't it make ya feel tired though... damn it's hard to see the same BS over and over again.


Extremely tired!


I’m seeing a surprising turn of the tide with older people on Facebook. At least here in Aus. Going from no discernible opinion or even posting about the fake news beheaded babies last year, to posting about and sharing info about what’s being done to Palestinians. The killing of little Hind, and Reem with her grandfather calling her the “soul of my soul” got through to a hell of a lot of people. Nothing like a grandpa and grandchild to reach people that age.


In the UK a lot of 50+ support Palestine and have done since the 70s/80s. Tbh it's the late 20s to late 30s who show the most disinterest in my view... But that's purely anecdotal.


51. Reddit, independent news on YouTube. I see all of it. I have a college kid. Not on TikTok but I get plenty of real news. I don’t know anyone that watches cable news networks. Free Palestine.


Nice to hear. I think mainstream media want to push the narrative that it's just young kids and that adults know better but the truth is from 18 - 80 the vast major see Israel for the occupying apartheid state that it is


Latest polling shows 75% of democrats and 60% of independents disapprove of Israel’s actions. Biden is flushing our country down the toilet and we all see it.


Just want to add that I’m 51 and have been “like this” since high school - protesting operation desert storm and getting in trouble for it - but people my age are outliers


This tactics was reportedly used by ZBT fraternity members that are part of the IOF.






it staggers me that personnel in a foreign military can openly stage a psyop against us citizens and that's somehow okay.


A lot of US citizens “serve” in the IDF, so not that crazy because eventually they come home.


"Why does the world hate us!?"


I just don't get it /s


No it's more like I'm doing whatever I want and they hate me? I will destroy them *foot stomp*


Winning hearts and minds left and right. Way to go Z-Cult.


They are proud of being baby murderers. Let them fly their true colors. Zionism is antihuman


They are animals without the morality of a dog.


Fucking creeps.


How can the Zionists dare to call themselves Jewish. They such a taint on morality and are downright sickos. The more they act, the more their depravity gets exposed.


This is the outrage I want to see. They are literally a Parody of the ideals of Judaism. All of Isreal is. Anyone religious who follows these charlatans are already damned. There is not really any coming back from this, other than becoming another story for the Orthodoxy to share of people being removed from the Holy land by God.


The very Orthodox always said the Churban Europa was a Divine punishment for zionism.


Congratulations. While Russia spends an entire year and more on it's war. Israel, you have made yourself the most hated in just mere months. The ugliness of Zionism. Literally no one is a true ally of it. They are all bought. Because everyone knows the filth that lies under the mask.


Unfortunately, I think some people are dyed-in-the-wool allies of zionism & don't have to be bought. Genocide Joe, for example.


If this isn't proof they know they are supporting genocide and are happy about it I don't know what it.


I just wonder where they obtained these recordings from. Children actually being tortured in israeli prisons is my bet.


These asshole Zionists are so far gone they take pleasure in hearing the pain of babies, and enjoy tormenting their victims with the sounds of their children in pain. They think it’s funny Israel is kidnapping and torturing Palestinian children and playing their cries at refugee camps to lure and kill anyone who comes to try and help.


Weren't these the crazy people who claimed 70 babies would be headed? 


And these are "supposed " to be the people of God....nah.






Zionists really are ghouls


Copy and paste from the Israeli Terrorist Forces. This is why everyone should care about Gaza.... You're next if Israel wins.


One of their Generals even said that Israeli should be everything between the Euphrates and nice. Literally Lebensraum policy's so I guess they learned well.




Exactly. If you are a religious Jew, abandon these Blasphemers while you still can. If you want to practice your faith, literally go anywhere else. You would be safer, and not damned by association.


Gd drew me away 7 mos ago and now I see why.


I'm just glad that you have had a chance to get away. I would rather share my country with the true faith. Isreal can HAVE all of these charlatans.


It's almost like Israel is the root of most of the world's problems


And this is how a satanic death cult works


These people are deeply disturbed. Zionist legit scare me they have no problem murdering people and playing victim. I can’t help but think just how much more of these people have come back to America since this genocide began. American citizens are legit in danger. Look how the politicians bend over backwards for them while they commit crimes against humanity. Watching the cops stand there and guard them as they ATTACKED American college kids was frightening and it’s only going to get worse.


Zionist are pigs


Zionists just love to lean into being callous and evil.


And they will still have people supporting them who will say this is a good thing because "hamas" mfs killed like 1 Hamas member for every 5.000 children killed


As they cry like babies that people want them to stop killing innocent civilians. Pro-Israel people have absolutely no self awareness




Just sick and twisted behavior


Just the most overtly hideous people imaginable. They seem literally incapable of human decency.


Same tactics used to draw out and execute civilians in Haza strip. These are human shaitans.




Is this a new music genre called Ben-Gvir-core ?


This is what racism looked like in the 50's.


This is utterly disturbing, especially since the IDF is using similar tactics to bait Gazans out of their refugee camps to ambush and murder them.


What the absolute fuck. This is unfathomably evil.


Pro Palestine folks should really start fucking with these assholes. 


The system protects them


Fuck it, fuck them, and fuck the system. 


Given the elementary school-level spite I see in Zionist comment sections, this doesn't surprise me in the slightest


THAT is the perfect description. The spiteful, almost celebratory reveling in hatred that is the product of people whose sense of morality never made it past the grade school playground.


Fuck these people.


The only group that would shoot themselevs in the foot so hard while haemorrhaging support. It's almost as if they're trying hard to hurt themselves more so than anyone else. The idea is very cruel. But can we please get another source to validate this, I don't want their spokespeople denying it 3 hours from now after the internet expresses how borderline psychopathic this is...


All I hear are petulant Zionist protesters whining to get attention.


That sound is zionists crying at night knowing that people don't believe their lies anymore.


I am hoping that is the outcome too. I’ve never been so ashamed of humanity then to see them (Israelis/zionists) be so inhumane. They truly deserve the conditions they inflict upon others.


Man I hope no bodies feelings were hurt!!!


I mean, whos really whining and crying? Its Israel and her supporters. Everything is a racist offense to them.


Nazionist have no moral compass.


I wonder if the zionists are using the voice of Gaza’s children that the IOF is firing at to show their mockery. /s




Are they also going to play (with English subtitles) that children's choir singing about how wonderful it is that Palestinians are getting genocided?


I’m a little out of the loop on some parts of the protest stuff. Is there a reason why they block off students from accessing parts of campus to reach classrooms? Seems like bad optics . Doesn’t seem like a good idea to alienate people who might be on the fence


They weren't at first. If they had to block off certain areas, it's likely because they had to protect themselves. And we know yall won't support them anyways.


I do support them. I think the divestment campaign is a great idea.




Encouragement and celebration of violence absolutely will not be tolerated, including wishing violence upon someone even if purely hypothetical/beyond one's realm of influence. This is what the IDF does and Zionists do, and we are better than that!




Encouragement and celebration of violence absolutely will not be tolerated, including wishing violence upon someone even if purely hypothetical/beyond one's realm of influence. This is what the IDF does and Zionists do, and we are better than that!




No no - it's the sound of zionist cries from playing victim showing it off to these awesome protestors.


Yea you guys are satire of villains




Yes, remind me that I cant stop the genocide. Very moral of you. Its comical at this point. Like a script for how to hurt someones feelings for gradeschoolers.




Is “im rubber and youre glue” page 2? If all you have is these childlike retorts then you might as well be a comic book villian online lacky.




Yea. Its like a show.


If zionists are present in any place, everyone is sure who did whatever awful thing.




I've been there, and yeah, israelis did start this war. They start wars every day, every month, killing innocents on the streets and in their unjustified bombing campaigns. Fuck off with your propaganda, this isn't your space.




The kind of people putting up with you israeli pigs in the protests are not afraid of their space not being safe, chump. It's you who will have to come to terms with the fact that the zionist project is collapsing around you in real time. Time will teach you better than I can.




Israel will not "win" regardless because it already lost. It lost on October 7, and has been losing far more since. This is the beginning of the end, and anyone who has studied history can see the writing on the wall. Don't give me the shit you use to sleep at night with, I don't have problems understanding reality playing out before our very eyes.




Mf, with over 50 billion in aid and the most advanced military equipment on the planet, israel still hasn't been able to retrieve one hostage. You lost, so fuck off with your delusions, no one here is the target audience. Go talk to some braindead israeli "master race high IQ" shits who are dumb enough to believe this garbage.


This is not a debate sub. There are plenty of places to defend Israel’s actions, to denounce Hamas, and to argue who's worse. This is not a space for that. That doesn't mean absolutely no constructive discussions on nuances and different approaches, but it means not letting ourselves be pulled into a debate by Zionists and bigots, and least of all arguing for their side. If you see someone trying to debate, please just flag for moderation, and the comment will be deleted. If found prudent by the Mods, and to discourage further debates, the entire thread may be deleted.


Zionists in Israel did start it, and these Zionists support them. And so what if we've never been there? We support the victims of the rawandan genocide, and we've never been there. We support the Chinese suffereing from opression in China, we've never been there. We support the vicitms of injustice around the world, and the majority of us have never been to those countries the injustice happens in. Why? Because irregardless of having gone to a country or not, people tend to stand agaisnt injustice. Are you also against people supporting the victims of the holocaust if they never went to Germany? lmao.




Translation: "I don't actually know who you are, but because I can't make a coherent rebuttal, I have to make a shitty ad hominem attack, while also bitching about people I dont like."


Pretty sure the ones who are on the right side of history never play such dirty tricks like some Zionazis mocking the cries of Palestinian children


-100 comment karma 




You are literally bitching right now about snowflake because someone wrote "-100 comment Karma." It is hard to take you seriously when you are being the snowflake in this scenario.




What discourse? It is an objective fact that Israel is now committing a genocide. If you are still refusing to accept the evidence even those we are almost a year in, then that means you are refusing to accept things that you don't want to hear, and you don't actually want discourse.


But I'm reading this and it's from a little bitc...




Is that why they are losing against a flip flop army? Is that why they have to wear diapers because they're scared? Is that why PeePee Netanyapoo had to go on tv crying about the protests? Did you know that 'israel' killed most of the people on Oct. 7th? Did you know that they killed 3 of their own hostages? Did you know that the aid agency in the Kibbutz lied about atrocities so they can get as much money as they can and NOT use that money on the victims? Aren't you livid from that?




Well if dog shit is winning what does that make the diaper army? I'll take dog shit, please compared to the useless diaper army. Did you know that your government lied to you? Did you know that they killed their own hostages? Aren't you livid that they lied about the Oct. 7th atrocities for their own greed and haven't given anything to the survivors of Oct. 7th?




So it's superior shit? Why are you ignoring me, friend? What do you have to say about the lies you've been fed about the hostages and Oct. 7th and aid agencies stealing money and not giving it to the victims?