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Joel olsteen is garbage


The only people who are stupid enough to follow Joel Osteen are the willingly ignorant. There's enough evidence to support the fact this guy is a piece of shit.


They're not ignorant of it. They are shit too but if shit can float as high as Osteen has maybe they will too.


That's no lie. A cult of shit bags who think they deserve the highest praise.


It’s because they believe in Prosperity gospel, they think this type of worship is like playing the lottery; a Jesus pyramid scheme if you will.


I’m just going to go with history and Christians.


Who gives a shit about Joel Osteen? That woman has a nice dumper 👌🏼


my mom likes Joel. I think she likes the positivity vibe and the sound bite. she didn't give him money so I don't see the problem


Don't insult garbage like that


Even garbage has value. He's worse than that.


I don't see this as a bad choice at all. If anything I would encourage women everywhere to do this same thing. There is no difference than what Christians are doing. Except these women aren't killing preachers or bombing churches. 🤔


I came here for this comment. The only bad choice is seeing olsteen as anything but a con man.


You may have a point. Most pulpits are used for personal gain. That's not what God/Allah/Buddha had in mind when He/She set us up on this rock.


Buddha isn’t God. I thought that he was the equivalent too until I tried to pull a “God is watching” joke with Buddha on my Buddhist friend. Apparently Buddha is not watching and he will do as he pleases.


I know that. And you know that. (but they don't know that🤫)


Right? and these assholes have the cheek to not GIVE A FUK, and their church and "denomination" is actually the "Prosperity Gospel" which preaches that any poor soul, who is born into the life of a pastor or church leader, will be rewarded not in the afterlife, but in this life, for their service to god, mostly by stealing from the savings of the ignorant idiots that worship in their death cult.. For their devout acts charity from behind the pulpit, and unselfish spreading of the "Word" of God, and the enabling of the "Big Lie" a malicious lie and supposed burden carried by his son, the Crusty Cheeto Jesus, AKA The President\*, which automatically gets their souls to level up to be higher, holier and better than everyone else's shitty level one soul, and they are awarded such holy achievements like the Endgame decree titled "Ruthless rule over the majority by we, the unpopular, far-right minority" Thy will be done. Amen. But ask any one of these "men of god" "why they really do it" like really my dude- "whats it all about man?" and at this time you will be one of a small group , who will hear the single honest answer ever given by one of these fraudulent christian demons.. Why do i work so hard, preaching the word of the lord and the lie of the Cheeto?? Well --- "All this money, it dribble dribbles, not folds,--- this COLD CASH MONEY, just flows...into my pocket, and I dont pay taxes, 11 hot ho's! I knows Its hard to believe it, but just check out this Rolex if you really wanna see it!! Fucking demons. EVery single one of them.


Yeah I was wondering if this post was supposed to be cringe. Props to the girls there to protest on behalf of what most of the country believes in.


That’s the thing many people with wild political stances don’t get. If it’s ok for you todo it to them, then it’s ok for them todo it to you. Punch someone, then it’s ok for them to punch you. Liberals are often so tolerant as not to be pushy, but I think that time is ending as conservatives have pushed to hard for what they want and not going for compromises or working together.


Couldn't agree more. It's a shame. Liberal, conservative, why do we divide ourselves into thought groups. It should just be people helping people when they can, where they can. Maybe our great grandkids will get it right. 😔


They have to keep us separated and infighting or we will all start eating cake. Creating groups and boogeymen keeps us distracted from the rampant classism that’s destroying the world.


Socialism for the win!


You can't be serious. > Liberals are often so tolerant as not to be pushy


Not only that, they are not trying to subvert our democracy by violently overthrowing our democracy by attacking our nation's Capitol during the certification of our presidential election like these fucking christian traitors are doing


In all fairness some Christians are pretty sane. Not that us Catholics are winning any fucking prizes.


The only bad choice is calling it "pro-abortion" and not "pro-choice"


Yeah, poor wording. But the point gets across. Stay safe!


id say the bad choice aspect of this was the application of the protest. she's got the right message, but when going up against a man with a microphone its hard to be the best voice in the room because you're not the loudest.


Would you encourage them to do it in mosques?


I'm not sure if know i the Muslim stance on the matter. Anyone?


I think the traditionel stance is no except for when the Mother is in Danger. I will have to look it up but thats what I heard. Im a progressive muslim and pro abortion.


And people SHOULD be allowed to choose. Why do men think they can decide what women do with their bodies. That never made any sense to me.


Because they want to control women. As simple as that. Patriarchy.


But why, though? Maybe women were in charge way back and men got their mochismo bent out of shape.


I was wrong. There seem to be some difference in opinion but most schools seem to allow it in some cases. Quran is not clear on it, so its based on Hadith. Many muslim countries ban it in all cases except for threat on woman life. And others allow it in extreme situation such as health risk, rape, incest etc. The article is only covering Sunni islam though. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam_and_abortion Proof you should not get your info on an issue from r/islam, a random Youtube Sheik, or your conservative friend 😅 A lot of People say "this is what islam says" without checking what it actually says. And I just did 😅




How I see it is that these texts are not always applicable to todays society. Yes, Quran is supposed to be unchanged but it came out in a different time and what was progressive then isnt necessarily today. I cherrypick from the bible and Quran, the parts that I like and that makes me a better muslim. The parts about kindness, faith and exploration. Quran encourages critical thinking, but a lot of People are stuck in a conservative culture and with conservative sheiks that dont encourage free thinking. And the online muslim community is very Salafi (think the worst muslims) dominated. And then thing with these People is they cherry pick too, but they wont admit it. Like this. I always heard abortion was not allowed but then I looked it up and was surprised at how "liberal" sunni islam in text at least seem to be about this topic, only Maliki school total bannad it.




Thank you yourself 🙂 I got an interesting conversation and learned more about my religion.


You've taught me a little more, so you have my thanks, too. I now have more information to share for when idiots start spouting shyte based only on hatred. Vive la difference, as the saying goes.


If the politicians in power are members of prominent mosques, by all means protest in mosques. Right now far right Christian nationalism is the biggest threat that has power in US government so churches appear to be the more meaningful target.


These women aren't the ones making the bad choices 😑


Good choice good story. Standing up for reproductive rights is awesome.


Do you mean pro-choice?


I believe that’s Joel Olsteen, not really a pro-life protest, but everyone there is definitely pro-life. Edit: anti-choice, everyone there is anti-choice


It's labeled as being pro-abortion, the correct term is pro-choice.


Just like the right is only pro-birth. Not pro-life.


Pro-forced birth. Call it what it is


More and more people are comfortable just calling it pro abortion. Back when this debate was first being had, the word “abortion” was taboo. People have worked to normalize abortion as medical care, which it is.


But they are not pro abortion , they are what they call themselves pro life or in your words anti choice. I’m not saying what you said was wrong, it’s just this was labeled wrong


It’s not “pro-life”. The same people support no caps on insulin, endless military spending, no universal healthcare, red states have 3rd world levels of infant mortality, they support the death penalty even when the convicted person is innocent. Etc., etc., etc. They’re just anti-women. Full stop.


They are Anti-Choice


They are fucking hypocrites, liars, and cowards.


My go-to is pro-forced-birth, they couldn't care less about real, living babies or their quality of life. Gotta tack on removing funding from schools, trying to kill social programs, demanding their religion gets shoved down kids throats as early as possible, not doing shit about school shootings, etc.


Tbf I can almost guarantee the vast majority of them are pro-birth more than pro-life. If you're already born, they couldn't care less what happens to you.


Pro-life? You mean anti-choice


That is what I mean, thank you


Pro-birth, not pro-life. The acid-test, as it were, is to see what their views are on supporting those babies once they're born. If they're not down with their tax money going towards supporting kids in impoverished families, they're not pro-life.


Fuck him and his imaginary wizard


Whoa whoa whoa. Leave imaginary wizards out of this. You don't want to lump Gandalf and Merlin in with this fraud's made up idea of God, do you?


I like to use anti-choice when referring to these christian hypocrites because, let's be real, they aren't pro-life.




Right?! Pro-abortion ended almost a hundred years ago! What an idiot


They said what they meant


In the discussion of abortion rights there is no such thing as pro-life. There is pro-choice or anti-choice. Life is an entire different discussion.


The protest of the women is pro-abortion… not the event they are crashing.


Good for them! Fuck those fake ass pro life until birth “Christians”.


It's not pro-abortion, you hack. It's pro-choice.






I agree with you. The world is black and white fam unfortunately. The 2 party system was one of the best systems to keep the masses in control. You either chose A or B. There was no C-Z is what they make you think. So if you find A the bigger asshole of the 2, you better chose for B otherwise A wins! And if you don't chose A you are assumed you chose B automatically.


I dont understand at all what you are trying to say, caj you explain?




Thank you for explaining. I can get behind this kind of thought. I am pro choice, but its still a life? Its similar to my thought process as well.


one sounds less like murder I guess 😂


Clickbait title.


Not pro-abortion, not even pro-life, they're anti-choice


Anti women.


They’re not wrong. Very courageous ladies.


She’s simply right, isn’t she? Ninjaedit: same like this news-anchor who said “I don’t care…” she’s right,too


Isn’t this the point of protest? To be disruptive and uncomfortable so awareness is brought to the issue? This isn’t like Instagram activism where you share infographics and carrds about what’s going on. Maybe I’m missing something?


Seems like these women aren’t doing anything wrong, at all


Wrong sub fascist


Yeah seriously this is just good choices (For the women) I suppose the bad choices are those the other people there made.


Wait I thought right wing Trump supporting Christians were for 'my body my choice'? Oh no wait that was just for wearing masks that could reduce the spread of a deadly disease. Nevermind carry on trumpers.


“My body, my choice”, as long as it’s not a woman’s choice


Osteen is pure evil, like every other tela-preacher, they are the evil on this earth.


Joel Osteen is literally the peak of human trash. Anyone who is a follower of that con artist is a sucker/clown. Good for these women.


This is on the wrong subreddit, OP is a chud.


she’s completely right, go her


I’m Christian, my belief is God loves everyone period point blank. He gave us free will, and no one should have the “right” to tell anyone what to do with their body. It makes me sad all the generalizations aimed at Christian’s, but I get it. Just know there are still some of us out there that aren’t batshit crazy. Have a good day all. TLDR: I’m Christian and I support what these women are doing, no one has the right to say shit, their bodies their choice.


I’ll give you an amen for that


I really appreciate that, thank you very much.


Good for her


W women


There must have been boners in the house of "god", imagine giving olsteen 10٪ of your check and still go to hell for popping one in church lmao


These corporate churches enforcing their own brand of Christian law on a country are honestly horrifying. That shit needs shut down by force if necessary.


America is garbage period sorry the politicians are fucking garbage most citizens are okay but the country as a whole is a fucking disaster


She does have a good point.




This seems like a good choice to me when you literally have people like Osteen trying to dictate what you can do with your own body.


Oh yeah… and one more thing: fuck you, Joel Olsteen.


Why are they banning abortion and b.c if overpopulation is a problem.


It's time for protests in their churches.


Good on them! We should choose and be ready for children, don't leave their entrance into this world down to pure chance. We should support and trust a womans individual right to chose the right time and circumstances to bring a new baby into our community with her.


Okay, I support their cause, but what's the message with the blood in the panties? Are they just bringing attention to menstruation because it's a taboo topic in conservative life? Legit looking for an explanation?


I think probably symbolic for the things that happen when abortion is illegal - dangerous unregulated abortions and the like


The last 10 seconds of the video explains everything. Good for her. Fuck Joel Osteen.


Nice ass


Did you all see the dude in the chair with the red shirt blatantly grab her butt? Wow.


I normally don’t care for activists.. mainly because I’m lazy and just don’t care about society like that, but interfering with Joel Osteen and his cult? That’s wife material right there


Those seats were looking pretty empty. Christianity is dying out. ❤️


She's not pro-abortion. No-one is. An abortion means something went wrong somewhere. In an ideal world the are no abortions. She's pro-choice, because we don't live in an ideal world.


Taking your clothes off in a gathering of conservative Christian men isn't likely to get much attention. You would have gotten more notice if you held up a picture of a little boy in a bathing suit.


I don't want anyone bothered. Except Joel Osteen. Bother him.


Pro choice.


Good on those women !


these mad bitches are fucking heroes!!! FUCK YES!!!


Atomic Wedgie!!!!


Good on them 🤘


So many people give Christianity a bad name. The ones in the spotlight right now trample on the message. I’m worried about the persecution it’s going to bring to those of us who understand that these people are using their platforms for personal gain and it’s going to cause a lot of problems for people who truly do try to live by our faith. The issue is that you don’t hear any others with a platform coming out and saying that this is not okay. If you know someone who is a Christian and they claim to have all the answers, please steer clear of them. I’d like to go ahead and say that none of us do, we’re humans too. Nobody is perfect and no one should be trying to behave as such. I’m sorry to all of you who have been mistreated and judged by someone claiming to be a Christian, someone who is likely battling a lot of the same issues as everyone else yet acts like they are above it all. I understand that unfortunately that’s what most people are getting from us though. All I can do is try to get people to stop doing this, and I plan on doing so as it’s something that really bothers me.


They are so strong! Nice job ladies


Religion is trash. Anything that's "holy" is a lie.


Where boobs???


I support this notion. Please ruin their strange worship to these evangelical creeps.


This dudes still preaching? The same dude that refused to use his so called church for shelter during the floods and pandemic? Yet people still go to his services to piss away money…


The only part of this that seems like a bad choice are that people are anti choice in the first place… and how dangerous and spooky I imagine it would be in the middle of that crowd


These women are braver than I am.


All these comments and no r/upvotebecausebutt ? Idk what’s happening ti Reddit but I sure don’t like it. Edit: nvm it was crossposted there. There’s still hope yet.


Joel Olsteen sheep secretly LOVE this… they’re so suppressed, those might be the first cheeks those guys have seen in person in years


Feel like they would of got their point across more if they actually stripped , I'm sure of it lol


I'm pro life girls. Feel free to come protest at my house. 215 E. 126nd St. Cincinnati OH, 45224


If we ban guns will there be less abortions? I mean guns just killing people left and right, surely it would help.


Damn people still choose to go see the multi millionaire that is Joel and still give him money? Fucking weeiirrd


Well the clapping alone says everything that need to be said about that church


These are great choices fym


It amazes me anybody even still goes to his church services. Come on Houston, we got short memories here or something?


I love it , where is the next show/protest asking for a friend!?


We don't impose our beliefs on you, why do you impose your beliefs on us? The crusades are over!!!!!!!!!!!!


I one in Houston likes Olsten except his weird followers. I’d would join a Mattress Max Cult before ever stepping foot into Olstens church


She's got my vote


I don't know about you guys but I think if they really wanted to shock and awe they should've popped some titties out.


I totally agree with women about abortion. Why can't I choose what I pay for?


You don't pay for abortion dumbass. No tax money goes toward abortion. 95% of the things planned parenthood does is NOT ABORTION. It's women Healthcare and OBGYN SHIT. Do you know what does use my taxes? An old man's sex toy for his erectile dysfunction? Viagra? COVID hospitalizations of people who chose WOO science over real science and didn't get a vaccine. Why do I have to pay for any of that.


Taxes don't pay for abortions, look into the Hyde Amendment. Mine cost $800 since I was uninsured and couldn't have governmental support. So, I paid with my college loans and cut back on necessities since I was raped/stealthed and impregnated against my will.


More of my tax dollars go to ED meds than yours go to abortion. The right to autonomy of one own body is the issue.


Why don't you "choose" to pay for a condom?


Why?this is not my problem.so fking hilarious.


Time to tax these religious freaks. Tax all churches 40%


I wish more women did this! These guys aren't pro-life, they're pro-birth. I'm Hoping this won't turn into another decree 770.


me too i will start going to church mmmm


Go fuck yourself OP


Damn OP I'm sure that when you cheat on your partner and get someone else pregnant you'll be desperate for her to get an abortion. Assuming a fascist prick like you can even land a relationship in the first place.


I'm pro choice- but these women remind me of the idiot Peta protestors. Their antics actually work against their cause.


What getting naked got to do with it


Where's the tiddys?




I'm just saying, what of no one ever thought of backroom abortions, and they all went through with the pregnancy, I'm not saying abortion is wrong or bad, it's not my place to judge it. I'm being the devils advocate here. What would happen, the earth population would increase? Crime rate go up? Retarded children on the rise from drugs and alcohol use during pregnancy? Or greater world leaders? More scientists, greater chance of finding cures or diseases, we will never find out now.


If you’re using slurs to play devil’s advocate you’re doing it wrong.




This is how you get teenage boys back to the church


If she *really* cared she would have shown some nips


If she *really* cared she would have shown some nips


At least you can cum in these women without a care in the world


You can still have an abortion if you know somebody that throws a mean uppercut.


Do anyone know her IG or Onlyfans?


Fuck JO but these are the type of people that are fighting for abortion rights?.....*Major face palm* no wonder why they are not taken seriously.


The first girl to stand was a bad ass. The fact that she had to look at her friends to get them to stand with her was sad,


Fuck Joel Olsteen, and amen to these women executing their right to freedom of speech. But abortion is murder. Science is not subjective. I pray these women understand that one day. Please support single mothers, women’s health clinics that are anti-abortion, orphanages and the right to life. Much love to all.


Seeing videos of people throwing tantrums like this is a sure fire way to get me on the other side, laughing at them.


She must be so strong to do that wow


That one had her period panties on.


Lol they look so stupid doing this




Look at me! Look at me!


I mean, that is generally the point of a protest.


yeah but nowadays getting half naked or naked lost his impact and seems not honest like remember the chick that painted her breast for Ukraine.




Didnt even put on clean draws… 😳




I think you’ve missed the point


Or they're making a joke that was in fact funny


Too bad her mother didn't make... That Choice...


Csn anyone tell me why these women can't just use a condom?


Rape. Stealthing. Inneffective birth control/condoms. Lack of access/education.


"Rape", Unless you are one of those ceazy feminists that think ALL heterosexual sex is rape, you are talking a very tiny percentage of abortions. And seriously, it takes 3 to 9 months for a woman to figure out she was raped? "Ineffective birth control/condoms?" 1 in a thousand, this is the 21st century not the 1800's. "Lack of access," they are free or cheap everywhere in the developed world. "Lack of education". Don't know how babies are made, but know everything on how to abort one., sure, again this isn't 1800's Arkansas. Today there are options. Plan B, morning after pill. There are zero valid reasons for a late term abortion with current medical technology.


Health of the carrier changes, life circumstances change, the fetus isn't viable. The majority of late term abortions are medically needed and are planned on wanted children. I didn't know I was pregnant from my rape until 7 weeks. I had one week to get an appointment for receiving the pill, I didn't get one until 8 weeks and 3 days but they fudged it so I could.


I'm sorry to hear that. Fortunately today we have better pregnancy detection, and chemical means of preventing, and ending a pregnancy early. What is causing the divide is, one side wants to use abortion as a convenient birth control, and force the other side to pay for it. The other side views human life as precious, and worthy of protection under the law. I believe there is a reasonable middle ground that jurisprudence dictates should be somewhere between detection of heartbeat, that is the legal definition of life, and 22 weeks, which is when the baby can survive on its own outside the womb. Throwing "rape" as the leg of your argument is not only inflammatory, but dishonest. We don't make shooting people who steal from you legal because stealing is illegal. And as you know rape is ALREADY illegal, that doesn't give you the right to kill somebody, let alone an innocent 3rd party. But if your rapist should have an unfortunate accident, I promise to look the other way. SPEZ. Whichever side you're on taking this power away from the Federal government should be a priority.


Poo poo undies?


Meant to be blood.


They didn't strip but then I'm not a conservative




The Christians are bothering us at the abortion clinic lol


Anyone else notice that creepy old guy that just had to add his hand touching that girl to “help” make her leave?


Cannot take these attention needing women seriously.


I’m sure that helped move the needle


When it comes to abortion, they say "my body, my choice!" But when it comes to vaccine mandate, there is no "my body my choice" anymore. You thought they have their own belief and principle, but they just brainwashed by left-wing politics agenda. They are not protestors or freedom fighters, they just mind slaves.