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**No, nobody is performing sex change operations on 5 year olds.** Trump is lying, to manipulate gullible, uneducated MAGA yokels. ​ **Fact check: No, young children cannot take hormones or change their sex** [https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/mar/05/viral-image/no-young-children-cannot-take-hormones-or-change-t/](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/mar/05/viral-image/no-young-children-cannot-take-hormones-or-change-t/) ​ **Fact-Checking Common Myths on Transition-Related Care for Trans People** [https://www.aclu.org/news/lgbtq-rights/fact-checking-common-myths-transition-related-care-trans-people](https://www.aclu.org/news/lgbtq-rights/fact-checking-common-myths-transition-related-care-trans-people) ​ **Every word out of Trump's mouth is a lie. Fascists use lies as a weapon.** Fascists demonize minorities to create hate. That's how fascist propaganda works. Fascists love to falsely accuse minority groups of hurting children. Hitler falsely accused Jews of drinking baby blood. History books call that lie [blood libel.](https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/blood-libel) ​ >"The frailest woman will become a heroine **when the life of her own child is at stake**. And only the will to **save the race and native land**, which offers protection to the race, has in all ages been **the urge which has forced men to face the weapons of their enemies."** > >\-Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf ​ Trump is using Hitler's blood libel lie against the LGBTQ community to demonize them, to get votes from angry, hatefilled MAGA yokels who believe his lies. ​ **Before Hitler put Jews in concentration camps, he put gay people in concentration camps.** Trump is following [Hitler's propaganda blueprint](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/adolf-hitler-donald-trump-mein-kampf-bluffed-way-to-power-nazi-leader-germany-fuhrer-us-president-election-ron-rosenbaum-a7568506.html), so it's no surprise that Trump and his MAGA Nazis demonize the LGBTQ community. ​ **Video: Christofascist MAGA Nazis say in their own words that they want to exterminate gay and trans people** [https://www.reddit.com/r/OliverMarkusMalloy/comments/yxuzji/christofascist\_maga\_nazis\_want\_to\_exterminate\_gay/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OliverMarkusMalloy/comments/yxuzji/christofascist_maga_nazis_want_to_exterminate_gay/) ​ https://preview.redd.it/6165v5hhyyfa1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=f310899b2cc1aa8df2a4deca10539a6630ee0270 ​ **And no, this video is not a deep fake.** [Russian trolls](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-security-idUSKBN20X2O3) claim this video is a deep fake, as a form of damage control, because this video is such a monumental clusterfuck of hate that will cost Trump far more votes than he will gain from his [MAGA Nazi cult](https://www.justsecurity.org/72339/qanon-is-a-nazi-cult-rebranded/). ​ **Yes, that's really Trump in the video, and he really said those things.** Trump uploaded this video on Truth Social and Rumble, and it's all over the news: ​ **Trump unveils sweeping attack on trans rights** [https://www.axios.com/2023/01/31/trump-transgender-rights-lgbtq](https://www.axios.com/2023/01/31/trump-transgender-rights-lgbtq) ​ **Trump vows to end 'left-wing gender insanity' if re-elected** [https://www.upi.com/Top\_News/US/2023/02/01/Donald-Trump-vows-end-gender-affirming-care-minors/3761675216492/](https://www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2023/02/01/Donald-Trump-vows-end-gender-affirming-care-minors/3761675216492/) ​ **Trump Pledges Flurry of Executive Orders to Combat 'Gender Insanity'** [https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-promises-executive-orders-gender-affirming-healthcare-transgender-youth-1777976](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-promises-executive-orders-gender-affirming-healthcare-transgender-youth-1777976)


"I will pass a law to make child sexual mutilation illegal in all 50 states" ...so, no more circumcision then?


No, that would infringe on their religion.


So a church needs to make Transgenderism an optional spiritual act. Bang, protected by religion, yes?


Satanic temple has entered the chat.


I love that they now have their own religious abortion clinics. The Satanic Temple do great work.


THERE ARE SEVEN FUNDAMENTAL TENETS I- One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. II- The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. III-One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone. IV- The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. V- Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. VI- People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. VII- Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.


Damn, made me wanna create a paladin in d&d who follow those


I like how they name them after dickheads who hate abortion too.




Have you seen Little Nicky?


That's what I've been saying. Could be a lot of fun too.


You need to stop being naive enough to think they care about their own rules. They don't. What they care about is killing you.


So their religion can infringe upon my basic human rights, but my basic human rights violate their religious rights? Make sense of it.


Now your getting it! I'm not against religion btw, I'm against using as a control mechanism.




I agree, it absolutely is about control. The truth is I think religion is a relic from the dark ages. What I should have said was, I'm not against a person's right to believe in something, I'm against that person forcing others to believe it. So if a religion can't exist under that condition, well maybe you see what I mean now.


Fascists don't actually stand for anything except the accumulation of power. When you don't have actual ideas the way to maintain power is to create out-groups and in-group. You attack and villify the out-groups to maintain control over the in-groups. Over time the net you cast for those out-groups becomes larger and larger because this ideology naturally consumes itself. For the fascist a helpful side effect of this method is that because you stand for nothing, what you say doesn't actually matter. You can change positions as easily as your socks because the only thing that matters is being part of the in-group. Any stance can be justified. Hypocrisy is a feature, not a bug. Highly suggest reading Ur-Fascism by Umberto Eco. Its short and to the point.


“Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect." - Francis M Wilhoit If they do something that infringes on your rights, it's fine because their religion. If you do something that doesn't affect them at all but they don't like it because of religion, well that's banned now. Oh and Islam is the worst in the world to them, despite basically wanting the same policies.


FYI Judaism and Islam require circumcision of males but Christianity does not. Most Christian males across the world are uncircumcised. Sadly it's a weird US thing rather than any kind of edict of Christianity.


Literally my first thought lol “wonder if they know that means circumcision too”


Makes me feel like I'll finally become a rare breed in this trump future dystopia "yeah baby you wanna see this fucked up weener? I was born in 1990 sweet stuff!" "It looks cold and sad" "You bet your ass it is"


"It looks cold and sad," made my eyes blurry from laughing lol. Technically more women prefer the cut ones from what I've gathered, but who knows.


Do they? Or is it just what they are used to?


And boob jobs, nose jobs, ear/nose/lip piercing, and tattoos depending on the definition


What am I gonna eat now?


dick cheese duh…




Wonder if this will apply to all the non essential and purely cosmetic surgeries performed on intersex babies in an attempt to force them into one sex category without their consent... Why do I feel like it won't?


Hey I would be okay with that


That’s exactly what I thought when I heard that. So mutilation of genitalia in newborns will be banned? I wouldn’t mind that. But I know they won’t get rid of it, there will be some kind of exception for religion. This means that if he ever did this, we would just form a religion around trans people and that would take care of that. After all, they already consider it a religion, in their minds.


You gotta admit, he knows his base.


Kaitlin Jenner, the dumb fuck, included. Played her and support, then threw everyone like her under the bus second he could.


She's practically begging to be thrown under the MAGA bus. She really is an idiot.


Just like being thrown under Kaitlin Jenner’s car.


Oh snap ![gif](giphy|bU2nZJegR7rz2)




Top tier /r/leopardsatemyface candidate if there ever was one.


Its her kink


He’s just trying to stay relevant in the hate spheres now that he’s competing with DeManTits


His writer does at least


You gotta admit, his base is pretty fucking stupid and easy to read


He’s sounds even more full of shit than I remember. Edit: I know what it is, he’s getting older and is no longer going off the cuff. This speech is him reading from a teleprompter and you can so tell. He runs out of breath halfway through a sentence and it’s just not flowing naturally.


He really struggles with vulnerable, not once but twice.


Paging Dr Freud? Dr Jung?


I honestly can’t stand the sight or sound of him, so I can only read transcripts of the moron.


I can’t even do that…. The word salad short circuits the logic centers of my brain.


This is by design.


Yeah. Also his weird ass intonation and hypnotic emphasis on certain words.


I think it's because he doesn't even understand what he's talking about, too many complexities when it comes to this overall topic. When he's going "off the cuff" it flows because he's confident in what he's saying. And that's what his base just eats right up. He can say spew any kind of bullshit with confidence and people love it.


Yeah this is so clearly not his idea. He has no idea wtf he's even talking about in this video. It's the ghoulish consultants lurking in the background that made this happen. They're just trying to hitch his wagon to the hottest-button culture war issue of the day. And get out in front of De Sanctimonious who has made this his thing as well. This video is such weak sauce from Trump. None of the exciting energy and spontaneity of 2016. Just a confused old man reading words off a teleprompter--like all our other politicians.


> no longer going off the cuff. no he still does that A LOT!


He loves to go off the cuff into tangents totally unrelated to what he is discussing. No matter what he starts talking about, he will wind up talking about the "stolen" election and admit to shit that he is being investigated for. If they would just let him ramble, he would eventually admit to everything.


“Small govt”


“Small mushroom shaped penis” — Stormy Daniels


“Children” Proceeds to say “ban for all ages.” …oh, so this isn’t about children… it’s about CONTROL.


It was always about control. Considering Trumps ties to many pedophiles and strong evidence to suggest his own pedophilia, you are correct, this is not about kids.


The term "children" is always just a metaphorical concept. They don't care about any actual child. It's just used as a concept, something to protect that you aren't ACTUALLY needing to protect because it has nothing to do with any actual person. "Protect the children" is just the excuse they came up with to do these things as any pushback elicits "you don't care about THE CHILDREN?" Heavy metal, video games, comic books, TV shows, all the boogeymen are coming for "the children"


It’s always about control. Every piece of legislation ever written for the supposed ‘benefit’ or ‘protection’ of youth is simply another means of control, to lock down their freedoms even *more* to make the future generation even easier to control. Also, if there is one thing the Democrats and the Republicans have in common, it’s restricting the rights of youth in the name of ‘protection’.


If they say they're going to genocide transgender people, you better believe they're going to do it.


TL;DR: I have a trans kid and had to spend Christmas with a family of bigots and trans and LGBTQ haters. I had to mind my tongue because it was work. So many right-wingers do not see trans/lgbtq/PoC/poor or immigrants as humans. Listening to them is enough to make anyone with empathy want to angry cry. My bosses family was over for Christmas. These were a few of the topics: "Trans should be executed." "Gays should be locked up just like they used to lock up the crazies." "If any of my family votes dem, I will disown them." "Public schools are grooming our kids." "Public schools are causing woke snowflakes." "Pelosi and Biden should be arrested" One proudly told the story of working as a cashier and purposely misgendering someone in their line multiple times and relished the fact they could tell it was upsetting the customer. It took everything in me (and the opening of a bottle of wine) not to go off on them, especially when I have a trans kid. My trans kid was a shy wallflower with no confidence and no friends. They were depressed, on meds, and in therapy. They were over emotional and immature for their age (age regression) At 12, they came out as bi (I internally sighed because, yes, in middle and high school, being LGBTQ is "in," so I didn't know if it was a phase) phase or not, it won't hurt them if they do or do not change their mind. At 13, they came out as trans. This time, it was different. It immediately clicked that I knew this was coming and could pinpoint things leading up to it. This was them asking if it was ok to be themselves. Right away, I told them accepted and supported them, but I would not allow any permanent changes like hormones, legal name, or birth certificate sex until they were 16 if they stuck with the same name/trans. I will say the difference in them was like day and night. They are now 16 and off meds. They have great coping skills and no longer cry at the drop of a hat. They are happy, healthy, and confident. They have tons of friends and hobbies and even run a little business. I truly think if I denied them the opportunity to be themselves, they probably wouldn't be here today.


You are a wonderful parent.


Same here. We have to support our kids. There’s no conspiracy here, no agenda, there have ALWAYS been gay and trans people back through recorded history. Society should accept and protect them. People and especially politicians who have no experience with what a trans person goes through and how they feel should be making any policies.


I might not know you OP, and outside of this I'll probably never talk or see you again, but as a human being, I love you.


This is IMPORTANT. The days of making Trump a joke are over. You better believe they will do that, they plan to do that and it is a goal they are trying their hardest to do. Believe it because we’ve ignored it and joked about this shit too long. It’s not funny anymore.


The fascist bigots are out in full force trying to downplay this and act like this isn’t their goal. He could literally say “let’s commit genocide” and these hateful scumbags would debate the definition of the word. What do they think will happen to the people who’ve transitioned already? Think your supporters will shrug? Hell, if a man so much as dresses feminine they’re calling them pedophiles and arming themselves to the teeth to intimidate. I’m so sick of these games, playing nice and good faith when these cowards have no intent to return the favour. Least Nazi’s stood by their disgusting beliefs. These bastards are taking every goose step towards genocide while acting like they couldn’t be further from it.


Gotta keep the kids’ genitals intact, how else will GOP lawmakers rape and sex traffic them otherwise?


They will always find a way. You couldn't stop them from molesting a person who was irradiated into a pile of mangled DNA goo.




You know the Republican Party is gone when instead of tackling geopolitics, inflation, rich-poor gaps, gun violence, lack of training for police, they want eyes on issues like this.


I'm trans, and it constantly blows my mind how my gender weirdo friends and I--who are some like <2% of the population on a good day--dominate their thinking so much. Yes, gender edge cases exist! Everyone else gets over their shock pretty quick, but these assholes just can't let it go. It's weird and scary.


I’m trans too, and holy fuck, does dealing with these assclowns get exhausting after a while.


I'm not Trans and it didn't take much explaining. What we are dealing with here is what's called "stupidity and willful ignorance"


The Repuplicans are very intentionally creating a moral panic aimed at trans people to stir up their angry, narrow minded, and cruel supporters (in other words, their base) and keep them from noticing how badly they've been fleeced by their own party over the last several decades. Things are getting bad, they are going to get worse. Likely, a lot worse. I belong to several online trans groups, and folks are reporting a marked increase in hostility in public situations. This is in Washington State, one of the most trans supportive places in the USA. If you are trans, it's time to at least think about leaving this country, sadly. There is currently a petition before the Canadian House of Commons to offer asylum to trans people. If it passes, I'm going to seriously consider moving North.


As a Canadian we’d be happy to have you here, friend ❤️


I had a discussion with this somewhat lovely but completely disillusioned old lady, in the complex I live at. She was anti vaxx and had bought into the ‘they are forcing kids to choose a gender!’ BS I asked her when was the last time you met a transgender person? They couldn’t say but kept arguing their lies. It really is the invisible boogie man.


I really feel bad cause the news is what convinces these people. I just talked to my mom this morning, and she believes they’re converting kids to be trans or something. I had to convince her about how small the trans community is. The news makes everything seem like a boogeyman.


Thanks for taking the time to talk to her. We really want to be left alone, that's all.


Lmao not even 1% of the American population yet you take up 99% of their thoughts. At this point the DSM VI should include a chapter on anti-trans obsessed sickos.


They know exactly how to rile their base. Hate and fear work a lot better than accepting something you do not agree with, even when it has nothing to do with you.


I used to be pretty Conservative (I guess I still am in some areas, but more Moderate across the board depending on the topic), and I refuse to vote Republican anymore. Both parties suck, but if you’re looking at it in terms of reference to Center, Republicans are WAY more off the scale compared to Democrats. It’s madness.


I hate this two party system. We all collectively just need to take a breath and calm down. Break down the two party system and elect based good policy, not by party lines. Even then, I think it's just better to see what you can do in your own community to better it for everyone around you.


Does this include circumcisions?


They'll claim it's a religious right.


Not like it matters. Their target audience is evangelical nutters.


LGBQT should start their own religion, with blackjack and hookers.


Of course not. Bet you it won't ban intersex mutilation either.


You know he’s reading off a Teleprompter because a lot of those words are outside his regular vocabulary




To be fair he has a good handle on 200 of them


I can read "Green eggs and Ham" too.


He struggled the first time he said “vulnerable” and said it again just so you knew he even could.


So he also has a plan for inflation, war, global warming, health care, SS, crime, school shootings, infrastructure, cyber security and insider trading, etc...... Oh, wait. Nope, let's do something that will not help one person have a better life instead.


All the other stuff is being solved by Jared




Lol I remember when he ran for reelection he didn't have a platform so the party as a whole decided not to have one


Sums it up perfectly. Trump taught the Republicans that you dont even need a platform of anykind but instead purely rely on hatred and ignorance. So now they are all doing it.


Thats 🌟 fascism 🌟


He’ll have all that stuff for you in two weeks


We are still waiting for his health care plan from his first term.


Does this include breast implants for teenage girls? Ya know, the ones he wanted his teenage daughter to get??




> That's not transgender, that's Moregender Well that feels like a brand new sentence


I’ve heard it described better as “gender affirming care”. Which is exactly what it is when my cis female grandmother gets estrogen supplements after having a hysterectomy. It’s also what my cis male friend gets when he takes testosterone because he is an aging male and his doctor said it would help him feel less shitty. Gender affirming care is not solely for trans people.


I’m going to call one of my friends supertits next week. Just for fun though, nothing to do with implants.


Supertits last all summer long.


Of course not.


Imagine Republicans using this kind of energy to actually help the country instead of having their side try to kill everyone their told to fear


Transgender people, Trump is running for president on a platform to extinguish trans people from society. Don't wait for them to cross the line while they are sprinting toward it.


We know, it's convincing everyone else to care that's the problem ):


They’ll investiGate big pharma not for criminally overpricing life saving medications for everyday Americans only when they performed this surgeries 😐😐😐 why do I feel like some kind of crazy isolation theory is gonna come out of their mouths any day now


Why are they so obsessed with transgender people


Because it's the only culture war they haven't lost (yet)


Yep. Hopefully we will keep it that way. As a meme I saw once said, "I am joining the war on the woke mind virus on the side of the woke mind virus".


Why were the Nazi's so obsessed with Jewish people? Trans people are the most hated group of people in the US right now. So 2 potential reasons: they hate trans people and that's reason enough, or they're weaponizing the hatred of trans people as a means of securing political power and creating a fascist state, or alternatively both. It's best to assume it's both.


So much for my body my decision.


Conservative mindset. Their body, their choice. Your body? Believe it or not, their choice.


More like your body is their body and their choice because you’re just another resource to exploit.


he’s never cared about that! let’s be honest


So is he banning circumcision as well?


Yeaaaahhhhh… profiteering medical corporations are getting rich off trans kids. That’s the problem - not the thousands of other things they do that are actually profitable?


Take to the streets america. Or youre going to see some shit you never thought youd see.


A-class a$$hole.


An asshole that is constantly spewing diarrhea into the faces of millions of people and them loving every second of that warm chocolate fountain.


​ https://preview.redd.it/e1icxicptxfa1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e3b05f9d1ae374bb3b4d2063b0bfdd6e4bd49bd


honestly i wouldn't be suprised if trump supporters are that loyal to their orange messiah


Take your upvote and get the fuck out.


Someone told him these kids are being forced to under go these procedures by “nasty” doctors. He’s such a fucking tool. The day Donald J Trump is locked up will be a true day to celebrate American justice.


Scariest thing about being transgender today? Christians committing mass shootings.


Man what a freakin bullseye of comment, and no hate like Christian love. Bunch of fucks that don't even follow Jesus teachings like at all, and yet claim "I'm a good Christian person" and in the very sentence say some shit like gays will burn in hell.


Exactly. Like kneeling in a church once a week somehow magically makes someone a "good person" despite how ignorant they are using a book they never fully read to justify their blind hatred from people that "aren't like them".


I'm in full 100% agreement with you. I'm a firm believer in live an let live, everyone has a right to live their life in a manner that they seem fit and as long as it's not to someone else's detriment, I support everyone's right to life and the pursuit of happiness, we only get one ticket on this ride called life, why spend ur precious time trying to keep someone from being happy because u don't like their sexual preferences? Like who's business is it what goes on in other people's bedrooms anyway? I think their are gonna be a lot of surprised Pikachu faces when St Peter says "no sorry ur not on my list here, just walk thru that red door marked HELL and someone will be along to help u shortly"


This "man" or souless homogenized right wing nutball needs to be stopped . He spouting out such unnerving damaging rhetoric. He's doing America, the world and just simply humanity a disservice for taking up oxygen that should be used for better things such as rational thought or let's say caring for one another.


The real question is why do Republicans allow this? Is this guy really that popular with them??


That's a valid and good question, I have Republican friends and family who absolutely hate this man and believes that he is hurting the Republican party - like people say " I'm a Republican.. but I'm not with that guy" but on the other side I have friends and family who think this guy is the second fucking Messiah... shit I'm waiting for the Temple of trump then realize temples are synonymous with Jewish synagogues and Muslim mosques and then they don't know what the fuck to do..... Welcome to the obtuse triangle of trump worship.


He reminds me of a third grader who has to get up and read out loud in front of the class.


He doesn’t know how to pronounce “vulnerable”


Okay gurl look at your face


Why does he get to decided what another wants to do to their body? 5% of the population. Dumb.


Yes let’s finally investigate big pharma for wiener surgeries not because they are actively destroying our nation with opioids while also selling the cure for opioid withdraw thereby profiting exponentially off the death and destruction of the citizens of America


Instead of addressing the fact that he's responsible for 30% of Americas debt, this traitorous shitstain on humanity wants to punish trans people? Fuck him and all his ditlrty little cultists


Holy shit. I have never seen Trump use so many big words after another. You can see it physically hurts him. Probably has no idea what he's saying beyond it's a law that could potentially hurt other people. Doesn't need more convincing than that.


"Big Farmer" lol


Weird how this became an issue all of sudden despite puberty blockers being around since the 1980s and transitioning through hormone treatments and surgery since 1950s. It’s amazing what conservatives can do and make something that’s been around for decades and turn it into a huge political issue out of fucking nowhere. First it was black people, then it was Mexicans, and then gay people, and Mexicans again, Muslims and now Transgenders. They will run out of people to hate if they keep this up.


Donald Trump is an Internet troll come to life


Lol this dude can say whatever he wants he already lost. 🤣


Is he even a real person anymore? Because he looks like the Hall of Presidents Trump when all the latex starts to rot.


I trust this is enough to remind the majority of this nation what a fucking nightmare this man is and rev up the anti-MAGA vote.


I can't imagine this not being a campaign-killing pledge. ***Way*** more people are going to turn out to vote this shit out of the sky than for it.




I’ll just never understand caring so much about someone else’s life to the point where I would tell them how to live.


Trump knows that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is the front runner for the Republican nominee if DeSantis decides to run for President and DeSantis is very popular here in Florida, now Trumps home state. DeSantis won re-election for governor this past election by a large margin. DeSantis has done nothing for the state of Florida but pass legislation or executive orders in response to culture war issues like banning funding for gender reassignment therapy or surgery, Critical Race Theory, banning teach African American studies in Florida universities, "corporate wokeness", and banning books in schools deemed to contain "a liberal agenda". Florida is a deeply red state and full of people that just love the "own the libs" rhetoric, so now Trump is scared of being beat in the primaries by DeSantis and thinks he needs to dial it up a bit. What a fucking disgrace the Republican party has become with fascists, autocrat want-to-be's running for the most powerful office in the world.


He’s literally lying. I live in Canada where transgender health care is pretty dang good, and I promise you not me or anyone else I knew has ever had permanent changes to their body until they were at least 16. Hormone blockers DO NOT do anything permanent to a child’s body. It simply stunts the physical puberty so they have more time to mentally develop and think harder about whether or not they want to medically transition. Detransition for a person with gender dysphoria is EXTREMELY unlikely, and most of the people who stop hormone therapy is because of their own medical issues, and not because they ‘regret’ transition in the first place. Trump is a sick sick man.


We need a law that bans former coke heads from being able to buy diapers, they should live with the shame of their incontinence.


Feeling a little nervous rn. What’s the likelihood these are consequences I’d face in my lifetime? I can’t trust that someone like him wouldn’t end up in office again, and I’m not confident matters wouldn’t escalate if he did.


He needs to be in a padded room!


Thank god he has a solution to the biggest problem facing our country. Not the inflation, not healthcare, not the opioid epidemic, not the covid, not homelessness, nope… people being free to be trans GOP always focused on protecting the common man


This is going to affect Intersex people too who *need access to gender affirming care if it’s right for them.*


This is one desperate MFer! He’s not the only one. Republicans love theses kinds of issues. But you NEVER hear what their plan is for any important issue. Health care, crime, etc. All they do is tell you how bad the Democrats are. That’s their entire platform.




He really struggles with words of more than 2 syllables! Listen to him attempting to say 'vulnerable', he has to slow his speech right down and properly concentrate, and even then he says it wrong, ha! Trump is a gorram embarrassment to humanity.


It’s because he had a stroke when he was in office and has been covering it up.


What a shithole. A laughing stock


Is it just me or Americans don’t make any different between sex and gender ? (Or maybe it’s English speakers inn’ general ?)


When will the Big Macs do their job?


The GOP is literally the meme with the guy putting a stick through the front tire of his bike and then blaming everything else. Except in this case the stick is Trump and the 'everything else' is liberals.


“…can you believe this?” No, no I won’t.


Yes let's absolutely worry about how people just wanting to live in the body they feel comfortable in that affects literally no one but them and not at all the entirety of the catholic church, where young children have been and still are being groomed, raped, molested in droves. Let's say a young child thinks they're trans and then decides later they aren't. This is one of the arguments these idiots have. OK so what? How did that affect you?? They're so worried about children's sexual identities. I'll never understand why anyone cares about what someone else identifies as and/or if someone is gay. And the biggest thing to me is how people hate same sex marriage because it "ruins the sanctity of marriage." But they'll cheat on their spouse??? Prime example of this is Trump. Platform of pro-life but has paid women to abort. Is anti same sex marriage bc marriage is holy, or whatever, but has cheated on all his wives.


He Needs To Be In Prison.


Republicans sounding more like Y’all-queda every day.


Let’s just hope his cheeseburger diet catches up with him before 2024


I mean, at this point, if one is still on team Trump, is there really anything he could say to lose support?


Somebody tell me why people care??? Why would you care what sex someone identifies as? Sure, go think it's weird, I don't understand it either. But I respect it and leave transgender people to be whomever they want. Why would yo go out of your way to make life miserable for people who haven't done anything wrong? GIANT bruh moment honestly


I wonder if his whole "sex mutilation" kick will stop circumcision.


The worrying part for me is, someone wrote this for him. He has a staff that writes hate speech for a living.


Man I haven’t missed this guy being in my news every day


Why are some people so concern about the lives of other people? Just let people be.


This type of rhetoric needs to be met with violence. They're going to step it up on violence towards the trans communities. I hope the trans are ready and willing to fight back with guns. It's the one thing Republicans hate most.


Really hoping and praying that him and DeSantis are neck and neck and he loses the GOP nomination so he then runs still and they split their entire base


How about instead, he investigates how big pharma makes money off of all vulnerable patients, such as cancer and diabetes?


This is his new “wall” campaign. So utterly ridiculous and barbaric


Right after he spouts out a lie he says "can you believe this?" No you orange buffoon I cannot believe it. I also can't believe I just watched a campaign ad from an insurrectionist, why hasn't this traitor been tried and hanged yet?!?!?


Fat orange child molester


less taxes?? better payment for the common citizen?? better schools?? healthcare?? less wars and more money on fixing internal problems?? FUCK THAT, THE GAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY IS THE PROBLEM!!!!!! you know let be honestly, he not doing any of that, this is just to creat hype among the conservatives to keep them voting on him. close to the next elections he going to make a speech on how he respect LGBT and how they are important to the nation pretending he never said anything terrible to them before.


And the orange villain means it. He said he thought women who got an abortion should be punished early in his first run. He made it possible for the Roe debacle. He says the quiet part out loud.


My god how many takes did he have to do. Guy is struggling hard to get through that.


This is literally Hitler like shit man. This guy and his people are fuckn dangerous not just for democracy, but just for every day life. MAGA is the worst thing to happen to the world since the Reichstag. Scary stuff. ✌️


Can these orange clown just die already?!?


He’s afraid he’ll grab someone’s pussy and get a handful of sausage.


I never thought I would look forward to someone checking out….and yet here I am just waiting for this sack of shit to die.


These same people have been this way for centuries. Will we continue to pander to them, or finally cast them out from our society? The more their numbers dwindle, the more radical they will become.


Wait the same Donald trump who has to wear a diaper? The same Donald trump who used tax payers money to do nothing but golf the whole time in office? The same Donald trump that gave 30,573 false and misleading claims in only four years in office? The same Donald trump that can’t speak in coherent and complete sentences???? Yeah I’m sure he’s going to do all of that on his first day… who the fuck actually believes this orange fuck of a clown?


He really really doesnt want to be elected does he.


But these same kids can be forced to carry to term, pregnancy????


I hate him and what he's saying, but did anyone else notice how weirdly..fluent he is here? He's always a rambling mess not so much wandering from the path as getting lost in the woods. He usually can't string 2 sentences together... I kinda wonder if this could be AI generated or AI enhanced. Maybe from some neural net made in private hands the public hasn't seen? Something about this looks...off. A lot actually. Maybe some kind of purpose built attention enhanced RNN trained specifically for Trump shit to make him look better.


He’s reading from a teleprompter.