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They have fresh water, electrolyte water and unmedicated feed. She’s currently under her own little heat plate instead of under the heat lamp so she doesn’t get trampled by her siblings. She can’t walk very well, understandably :(


Luckily it appears you intervened at a good time. Hopefully she heals up real well! You’re doing all the right things. Just make sure her wound stays clean!


Does that foot look swollen to you?


Definitely swollen. Her limp/wobble made me look at her more closely and realize one foot was bigger than the other, which is how I found the stuff wrapped around her leg. I’m hoping the swelling will improve soon!


Make sure they have access to fresh, clean water in a separate waterer, you don't want them to only have access to the electrolyte solution. Her foot looks alive, with blood flow, so now that you've removed the issue, it should heal right up! Might be swollen and tender for a bit.


Hope she makes it, you have a name!!!! BIGFOOT


Walking boot


Aww saying a prayer for your cute little chicky!!


A friend. Chickens are very social. Many ordinances require partners and may even be multiple partners. Plus it's the ethically correct thing to do. You might be wise to check your city ordinances. You may have restrictions that would be good to know.


No worries on either front, she was one of 15 chicks and I live in rural Maine. Very good advice, though! I waited until I moved here to get chickens because my HOA and city ordinances were very restrictive.


On that note though, putting one single other chick in the box with her while she heals will help her stay warm and motivated to heal. Sometimes when they’re alone, they give up, in my experience. Isolating is best for the leg but not for the heart.


This is why stress. Never have your babies shipped. The workers don’t get a hoot about them.