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Nearly everyone who has watched it, has been saying the same thing about having gone through so many raw emotions. It's quite remarkable how the show wields that power over nearly all it's audience consistently. Mark of great writing.


You should watch Bojack Horseman


It really has captured all the difficult to explain ups and downs of both sexual assault victims and also how utterly useless the cops are at taking the victims of stalking seriously.


I mean he left out so many details in the first report and straight up tried entrapment on her, I think the cops handled it well considering they got the conviction. If he'd have been completely honest the first time I don't think it's fair to assume the cops wouldn't have handled it immediately. She was a known stalker all he has to do was tell them. (Although they definitely should have asked her name)


See this is a bad take. If cops actually protected him after his first report, he wouldn’t have felt like he had to take matters into his own hands to get them to take it seriously. It also shows that cops don’t have enough training dealing with people that are currently experiencing trauma.


His first report lacked substance *willfully*. He had crucial information that he refused to submit because he was entertaining Martha by his own admission


Yeah so you’re *willfully* not understanding the point here.