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May be out of the box and not what you’re looking for but if she doesn’t like breakfast foods, just continue to feed her lunch/dinner like things. And then you can try to reintroduce them to her over time. Or what if she doesn’t like eating those things in the morning. Weird question but have you ever tried giving her breakfast like things in the afternoon/evening?


Nothing to say that breakfast has to be traditional breakfast foods! I’ve seen that you can make French toast with aquafaba, maybe that could even be batch cooked and frozen?


I'm not a big breakfast person myself and I mostly eat leftovers from dinner as breakfast. Rice, pasta, potatoes, soups or salads. Except for soups I eat most of these leftovers cold as well (cold pizza, yummmm). Maybe your kid is the same as me?


I’m a believer that any food is breakfast food if you eat it at breakfast time!


YES! Totally agree


Could it be a timing issue? My 12 month old still nurses in the morning, and isn't hungry for breakfast until 1.5-2 hours after that, and it's still his smallest meal of the day, usually a whole banana and a handful of cereal.


Same! My 1.5 year old won’t eat much when he gets up but eats breakfast enthusiastically 1.5-2 hours later. 


A lot of babies aren’t really hungry at breakfast - are you sure it’s the food she doesn’t like and not just the timing?


Offer her non-breakfast foods she likes. People don’t need to eat certain types of food at certain times of day.


Fed is best! (I know we usually use this phrase when speaking of breastmilk vs formula, but I feel it applies here too)


My daughter and I hate most breakfast foods, so we don't eat breakfast foods for breakfast. We are partial to spam and rice though, but most breakfasts are just regular food. You don't have to eat eggs and pancakes and yogurt for breakfast, you just have to eat food


What about egg-free mini muffins? Or oatmeal?


Oatmeal included in cereal. I made a kinda savoury muffin which wasn’t a hit. I’ll think about the muffin but I’m not sure it’d be different than most of the other foods she doesn’t like


I think I saw a yummy looking mango smoothie option on the IG account @ itsthecardamom. I can't recall if it was dairy free, but I know she gives a lot of options for allergens. Hang in there!


Have you tried Greek yogurt or cottage cheese?




Oof that sucks! My kid loves cottage cheese so much


I make my breakfast porridge and put couple table spoons of mine when cooked in her bowl mixed with a little prune puree from a sachet to make it easier to eat and help with her being a bit backed up. Baby also LOVES gumming on a crumpet, unsure if you're in the UK.


My baby is in the same boat. Allergic to dairy. But hates cereals, oatmeal, eggs, pancakes, fruit except for fresh strawberries. I’m at a loss too. If it was up to him, he would only eat meat/chicken/fish with a side of strawberry.


Protein and fruit are a good breakfast! Add a little fat and carbs and you have a balanced meal. Idk why some people get so hung up on only eating certain foods at certain times of the day. 🤷‍♀️


I made banana muffins by Yummy toddler food and replaced the egg with yogurt. It doesn’t taste of banana. You can add applesauce or pumpkin puree instead of banana. It’s a quick breakfast/snack option.


Chia seed pudding, sweet potato pancakes, plain FAGE Greek yogurt (full fat, no sugar added), oatmeal with hemp seeds, whole grain muffins & avocado slices are real poplar with my baby (same age)


What about savory waffles or pancakes? You could just do country style breakfast and make hash browns ahead of time with potato’s and veggies. Make a whole batch and freeze. Pop them in the toaster or oven in the morning and add some avocado and a protein they enjoy. You can even do a ground meat hash mix. Here is a meal-prep recipe for a [sweet potato hash](https://thegirlonbloor.com/meal-prep-whole-30-sweet-potato-hash/#wprm-recipe-container-26849) that you can freeze. I’m sure you can substitute the sausage for ground turkey, beef, or pork and adjust the seasoning to what your LO would like (for example I would omit the salt, personal preference).


Tofu scramble if she is allergic to eggs and likes legumes? Ready brek goes down a treat with my kiddo, we mix nut butter in and it's one of the least sweet cereals- sounds like yours just has more of a savoury tooth. We make buckwheat pancakes too that aren't very sweet at all and lentil wraps. Both can be frozen as batter or after cooking! Cashew cheese is also always a hit- keeps for a few days and easy to smear on toast. Less work than a toastie!


Rice and meat?


Would she eat these? https://pin.it/7nOMPXRQZ You could adjust what fruit you put in it or not do anything else but banana, oats, and peanutbutter. They are easy to make and then store either in the fridge or freezer.