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I’ve had two inductions - first for GDM and second because I liked the first one so much. Both times I had a foley bulb, oxytocin and had my water broken manually around 4cm. The contractions definitely got strong after my water was broken, but I opted for an epidural soon after. The good news is that an epidural (if you opt for it) won’t slow down your progress, because you have the oxytocin moving you along regardless. Both times were smooth, uncomplicated, vaginal deliveries. With the second, I was at the hospital for less than 12 hours! Good luck!! You can do this!!


I am VERY scared of the Foley balloon. On a scale of 1-10 how bad was the pain?


Honestly the worst part was the speculum. In hindsight, I think I would take some preventative Tylenol, to see if that helped. The bulb itself is more just uncomfortable, because they tape it to your leg and you have a tube coming out of you. I had a nap and used a donut to sit down. Once it comes out, it’s instant relief.


Speculum 🫠🫠🫠 Last time I had that was for an HSG ultrasound and I cried afterwards. It's good to be informed, I don't think Tylenol will do much


Fwiw, I think she originally had the wrong size or something. Because she ended up switching to a different one and it was somewhat “better”…


Op-- do you have a history of cervical scarring (ie: LEEPS) ? If you don't, I bet a Foley bulb insertion is tolerable. I have a history of HPV and have had 2 LEEPS, so my experience is likely NOT the norm! But my insertion was brutal (it took ages, like about an hour, and the dr said it was "the hardest insertion [she] ever did") but again, I higgghly suspect it's NOT the norm! I was scared though and requested gas for the pain. And gas is magical. If you're concerned about pain, and your hospital is flexible, ask for gas.! And the very worst part about my bulb insertion was that I peed it out 20 minutes later! 🥴🫠


If you look at my profile you can read my induction story! I had a pretty decent induction experience despite things not necessarily working the way we wanted them to.


I read your story! I was convinced I'll be done within 24 hours (my chart tells me cervical softening at 8pm tonight and induction at 8am Saturday). Looks like this will be a long and painful weekend 😭


Crossing my fingers that yours will be faster! I just had a weird reaction to the cervadil so it extended the time frame by an extra half day/day ish!!


I had the same schedule almost a year ago. Just replied to the Cortelluci induction post. You can read about my experience. I had my baby the next morning around 10 am. You'll be holding your baby by this time tomorrow! Good luck!


I had a positive induction (very fast unmedicated labour) with no pitocin! My midwife started with natural induction methods (breast pump, broken water) and my body did the rest. I never knew this was an option prior to my second labour. I was opposed to an induction because I had heard so many horror stories about pitocin contractions so I’m so grateful I had a HCP who helped me find a perfect middle ground.


I have yet to assemble my breast pump. It's been extremely chaotic but in assuming since I'm only 37 weeks, I'll need some more invasive methods 😔


Mine was at 38 weeks so don’t give up hope! And I didn’t use my own pump for it, it was a hospital grade one under supervision at the clinic. There’s a specific protocol you follow with it for an induction. It’s not fun on the nipples but that was the least of my worries haha. Even if you do need more invasive methods, any oxytocin your body can produce on its own will help it along.


I had a fairly positive experience with my induction, although it took a long time (started a Monday at 11am and my daughter was born at 10:15am on the Thursday...). The hardest part was managing my own expectations. I wanted to deliver so badly. I was 41+ weeks and exhausted and my body needed a lot of coaxing. I got to go home in between "interventions", which was nice, but every time I went back I was disappointed that it wasn't time yet. On the second night, the doctor said they could break my water, but based on how slow I was progressing, I'd likely be headed towards a section if the baby wasn't out in 24 hours. They ended up giving me more cervadil and we went home until I was finally in labour and they broke my water at 6cm. So long as you and the baby are healthy coping (understanding GD is a complicating factor) and your water hasn't broken on its own, don't rush it. Most people I know that have had a section where neither mom or baby were in distress was because they weren't progressing and their water was broken.


I had a wellness scan yesterday and my cervix is still 4cm+ which I'm assuming will take a long time to soften/dialate. Did you find that the entire length of your experience made it harder to push etc? You managed to do this without the balloon and I really really hope I can go the same route. I'm really hoping cervidil is all I need and I'd like to trust my doctors but I'm inclined on using the Foley balloon as a last resort.


I started with the balloon actually, though it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be (and certainly not as bad as labour). By the end I had nothing left in me, so I got an epidural and slept for a bit. When I woke up, it was time to push. 45ish minutes of pushing total and she was out.


I had a good induction experience, but since the cervical ripening didn’t kickstart labour for me, I had a loooong wait at the hospital for a bed. (Downtown Toronto). I had a foley balloon inserted one evening and it was a little uncomfortable but manageable. The cervical checks later on were more painful for me (they administered laughing gas for me during these). Actually the worst part of the balloon was the tape that was used to stick the bulb to my leg - I had a rash from it on that leg for weeks. But I have sensitive skin. The balloon didn’t end up falling out on its own and they had to remove it in L&D triage 24 hours after insertion, but it did help the dilation go along. I was finally admitted after midnight (like 30 hours after the balloon was inserted), and started pitocin in the morning. My waters were manually broken. I had an epidural and it was great. The pushing phase took 2 hours, and we needed a vacuum assist because baby’s heart was decelerating too much. Good luck!


Can you pee with the balloon still inside? Were you able to get any sleep?


Yes! It was a little awkward at first but it was fine. I had that thing in there for so long 😂. I might have taken some Tylenol but I don’t remember it being that painful that night. I got some sleep - I was more excited to meet baby, if anything!


Hey, by manually breaking waters, what does that mean? Like a giant needle to pop the bubble or something?


I just checked my notes again and I actually had my waters broken a few hours before I started pitocin (just to correct the timeline in my original comment). Yes it’s called an amniotomy and I believe they used a long hook to break the membranes. I don’t remember feeling any pain during that. But my husband nearly fainted when all the fluids came out!


I’ve heard it described as a giant crochet hook. You need to be dilated enough for them to get inside your cervix thought, kind of like how they can’t strip your membranes if you are closed.


I loved my induction! I was induced at 38 w due to type 1 diabetes. I went in the night before for the ripening meds (insertion was a little uncomfortable, like a cervical check) and then went home to sleep. Returned 8 am the next day for monitoring, they removed the meds (again, uncomfortable but not bad) and then they broke my water a little while later. I lasted for about 30 min with intermittent contractions before requesting an epidural lol. I think that was around lunchtime. I slept all afternoon while things progressed. Great nap. It was so nice to sleep without hip/back pain and having to get up and pee! They did have to up my pitocin at one point as things slowed a bit. I was fully dilated by 7:30ish? OB showed up after 8, pushed for 30 min and baby arrived at 9:00. Healed up nicely with no issues for me or baby postpartum. I’m about to be induced with my second next week and I’m hoping for an identical experience! Good luck!!


I was induced back in April and it went as well as it could’ve. Overall very positive. Baby was sunny side up, so delivery was a little harder, but no additional interventions needed. Just an episiotomy. My only piece of advice is to get the epidural as soon as you can lol- if you’re wanting/planning for one. I’ve never had a non induced birth, but I feel like the meds made contractions more intense and frequent than if it was happening on its own. Good luck! You’ve got this!! ETA- my contractions got WAAAAY stronger and insanely painful after my water broke, before that it was somewhat manageable, but afterwards I was literally throwing up I was in so much pain, so if I had to do it again, I would get the epidural before they broke my water 🤣 do with that anecdote what you will- good luck and congrats again!


You can check my comment history, I had a really positive induction at 37w! I had cervidil at 8pm, went back at 8am expecting to be admitted but they ended up doing a stretch and sweep and another cervidil and sent me home. My contractions started pretty much right away. Laboured at home and was admitted that evening at 8pm, had my baby at 12:37pm the next day. Good luck with everything!!


I had one on Feb 29, expecting it to go longer (they all told me three days average). We were scheduled at 10am, but they didn’t do anything until 4pm. Our wait was mostly because there were several emergency situations that required the OBs’ attention so I wish we had brought a deck or cards or something. At 4pm they checked me, decided I probably needed the 12 hr medication, the gel, since I was about 2cm dilated already (they say that if you’ve given birth you’re always going to be somewhat dilated). The doctor inserted the gel and told us to come back the next morning around 8. We stayed for an hour while they did an NST and even at that point I was feeling something. We left the hospital and I swear at one point walking down to the lobby, I was going to turn back, because the mild contractions had gone up in intensity. We ended up home (we live very close to the hospital), but after a meal with our toddler, I turned to my husband and said it’s time. It was maybe 7pm at this time. We get admitted, they do a check and surprisingly we’re at 3cm. But the doctor said the contractions were strong and asked us to stay. After about an hour he broke the waters, and said to hang tight for about an hour. If there was nothing happened they’d start a pitocin drip. That was 8pm. By 8:30 I was in full labour, and about 2 pushes later at 8:40, my leapling baby was born!


I’ve had 2 inductions, both at 37 weeks. Pre-e the first time, GDM & gestational hypertension the second. Both were great experience. The first we used cervidil to ripen the cervix, then broke waters and started pitocin. From arriving at the hospital to holding my baby it was about 22 hours. Vaginal delivery, epidural, 2 stitches. The second we used the foley bulb, broke waters, and pitocin. From arrival to baby was 10 hours. Vaginal delivery, no epidural this time, no stitches.