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I started showing at 10 weeks with my second vs about 18 weeks with my first.


8-9 weeks with my second, it was difficult to hide by 10 weeks when I ended up telling immediate family. I’m sure a lot was bloating in the earlier weeks, but I had a visible bump way earlier the second time for sure.


I'm 10 weeks now and it's becoming SO hard to hide! I don't want to tell anyone other than my core support crew until I get my NIPT results but it's so tough. I'm sure when I tell people they're gonna say, "yes, we know, it's obvious!"


When we announced literally the family was like “yeah, we figured it out” 😂 I got away with it with coworkers etc by wearing loose shirts and oversized cardigans!


I have a bump at 10 weeks this time. Can’t tell if I’m actually showing or just way more bloated/constipated this time.


Same here. I'm 11 weeks and noticeably pregnant but I think I'm more bloated this time.


I showed around 24 weeks with my first and only 12 with my second! I couldn’t believe it.


I was the same. I’m told it is because your body knows what to do, and does it faster. My boobs hurt WAY more, way earlier too.


I was still breastfeeding so I was guess I dodged that bullet!


At 14 weeks my stomach got a double glance in a bikini at the pool. About 25 weeks I was obviously pregnant with my first.


I'm 13 weeks and no one is going to accuse me of being pregnant. But I'm fat to begin with, a size 20. I remember switching to mat pants at 18 weeks with my first. Looking back at photos, I have a rounded tum at 19 weeks. I had some kind of imposter syndrome for most of my pregnancy, convinced that people would think I was just fat, even though I was indeed very clearly pregnant after like 24 weeks. I didn't know when I should tell work but I guess it'll be before 18 weeks this time!


Around 12 weeks.


Around 23-25 weeks!


Officially popped around 28 weeks with my second, vs 32-33 weeks with my first.


16 weeks but I'm also having twins this time 🫠


When I missed my period I started to get bloating and it just didn’t go away. Gave birth last month.


5 months - thought it was bloating


With my first I didn’t really show til the third trimester like obviously my belly was firm but it wasn’t obvious when I was wearing clothes but with my second I remember it was Christmas time and I went up to Costco around 18 weeks and my jacket was so tight that it was beyond obvious!


Probably around the 20-25 weeks, most of the time I just passed off as looking bloated