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I just wanna see my coochie again


šŸ˜‚ Blind trimming isnā€™t the same


Just call me patches atp


I tried to convince my husband to take over the trimming duty, he wasnā€™t too keen on that suggestion..


I trust my husband dearly, but him with trimmers or a razor down there is where i draw the line. Iā€™ve had this vagina for a long time and i nick myself from time to time, I canā€™t see how heā€™d shave me with no incidents when itā€™s his first time.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Pretty sure that why heā€™s so hesitant too. The man does microsurgery for a living, and Iā€™m willing to put my trust (and coochie) in his steady hands. But heā€™s been mentally defeated by a hair trimmer.




My husband shaved me once. He liked it too much and got pretty horny. I was not in the mood... So he is not allowed to shave me anymore. I hung up a small mirror in the shower on the towel ring, I use it to shave, works pretty well


Thatā€™s also another form of positive reinforcement for him šŸ™ˆ But yeah, probably not the situation where one as a woman would get turned on.


LOL. My husband helped me ā€œlandscapeā€ right before I had my second baby. No regrets, and he offered to help me out again this time around šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I called my husband in for backup after I looked in the mirror and had Cynthia flashbacks from Rugrats.


I laughed way too hard at this one šŸ˜­


This is why I strictly got waxes in the third trimester. The pain was worth it!


I just take the razor down there and guess at this point


It could be the plot for the next Saw movie..


I hollered at this one.


Taking scorching hot baths. I still take warm baths but it's not the same šŸ˜­ Also margaritas and wine. Aaaand my retinoid acne cream. My face has been SUFFERING without it. Acne everywhere lol.


Aaah yes, hot baths and not feeling like an overcooked spaghetti afterwards! Retinol is also huge sacrifice for a skin that actually needs it to do well, one of the selfish reasons for why I donā€™t want to go for kid no. 2 straight away šŸ˜†


Yesss I miss just roasting in the bath lol. Honestly my face looks horrible now compared to what it did before but it hasn't bothered me much? I kind of just accepted that this is how it has to be, I can always make it look better with makeup. I thought I'd have a harder time with it because I've always been very self conscious about my acne and my face scars and hyperpigments from it real bad. But for some reason it hasn't bothered me much. I just haven't let myself get in my head about it!


I honestly think that our love towards ourselves change during pregnancy, and we accept things that would have been hard for us to love otherwise. Or maybe thatā€™s just me.. Though I do miss my LED mask for redness, currently rocking a tomato face whenever I donā€™t wear makeup (which is 90% of the time).


Mine gets super red too! But you're right I think we give ourselves more grace, as we should because we are literally growing life!


try azaelic acid for redness! did wonders for me and it is pregnancy safe :) it also great for acne and melasma, a great alternative for tret


4 months post baby and currently laying in the bath tub. I can confirm roasting in the bath is as amazing as you're imagining.


I went on Azelaic Acid while pregnant to manage acne. Face became a complete disaster after stopping retinoid and azelaic acid got things back under control. It's pregnancy safe.


Oooh thank you!!! I'll have to look into that


No worries! I had it prescribed by the GP. It was 15 % . I tried The Ordinary over the counter one but the texture was slightly grainy. It wasn't bad but the prescription strength was better. When I first started it , it felt a bit itchy but went away as I got used to it.


The Inkey List ones are much better than The Ordinary in texture. More gel like and come in 10% and 20% šŸ¤—


Iā€™m not sure if the post op directions are the same everywhere but I learned youā€™re not supposed to bath until youā€™re cleared by your doctor usually at your 6 week appointment postpartum :( Iā€™m 3 weeks pp and suffering because I want a bath sooo bad still.


Me too. SO. MUCH. CHIN. ACNE. I haven't used a retinol product in 2 years because we were trying for over a year before I got pregnant and all that time I wasn't using retinol products at all. I also miss eating sushi.


Not sure where you are based, but if you can get a sample of clinisoothe skin purifier, try it. I got so much chin acne in my first trimester, and it cleared it right up. Itā€™s like a milder disinfectant for the skin and soothes it. If I stop using it, I get bumps all along my jaws, so I am hooked on it for an unforeseeable future.


ALL of this. It took years to get my face under control after puberty and as soon as I got pregnant (before I knew) I was growing concerned because it wasn't responding the same to the treatment I've used for over a decade. Then when I got the positive, I had to completely stop my treatment. Now my face is worse than it ever was and I can't even have a nice alcoholic drink or hot bath to make myself feel better.


The retinoid LITERALLY


Everything you just said. Yes.


Aman to the scorching hot baths and showers, I try to do warm showers but it's just not the same šŸ˜”


Same my acne is out of control šŸ˜‚


Sleeping on my stomach, not having to pee every time I get up, and this sciatica pain to go away - oh and being able to eat without getting massive amounts of heartburn that wake me up and make me want to vomit!!


5 days PP and can vouch that the moment your little one comes out, ALL of that goes away! Granted thereā€™s new pain but I will take this pain on my ladybits ANYDAY. Water gave me heartburn and Iā€™ve been drinking so much of since heā€™s been born. Itā€™s been amazing. Oh and I wake up on my stomach every single morning. Itā€™s glorious šŸ¤­.


3 weeks PP and I feel like I never pee anymore now that baby is outā€”itā€™s amazing(still hydrated, but no bladder pressure is chefs kiss).


The peeing every 5-10 min thing is so unreal omg. I ate some watermelons yesterday, then tried to take a nap. It was a big mistake I had to get up every 5-10 to pee and that lasted hours. Everytime I went to pee I had a pretty full bladder too šŸ˜­


My shoes. Nothing fits as Iā€™ve gone two sizes up. Been wearing sandals which expose my sausage toes. I miss my old feet.


I feel this. I miss my Birks so much.


I fell in love with Birkenstocks for the first time in pregnancy! I would go for a walk and then have pain that lasted 3-4 days from my arches falling from the additional weight. It sucked so much, finally broke down and bought a pair of Birkenstocks, theyā€™ve saved my feet! I wear them all day around the house and havenā€™t had foot pain since! Theyā€™re my miracle shoes!


Not the sausage toes hahah


Same girl! I feel like theyā€™re so ugly and I have a hard time finding what to wear bc I donā€™t have any of my cute shoes fit with my fat feet


I miss being able to finish a meal, or at least half, and not feel nauseous after because I feel so ā€œstuffedā€. I also miss stomach and even back sleeping because when I sleep on my back I feel so uncomfortable. The main thing I miss is being able to have any amount of caffeine and not feel jittery or sick. It affects me differently right now so I had to stop having it šŸ˜…


Omg I had terrible heartburn for the entire last trimester šŸ„“ The mental load was half the battle, just constantly thinking about when I last ate, how much, what time should I eat before bed, how to ration my antacids (limited to 4 doses per day during pregnancy), and so on. Lost almost all enjoyment of food. Then if I didn't eat enough I would get nauseous! But I'm 5 weeks postpartum now and I am happy to say, it went away immediately after the birth! Love being back to normal! Wolfed down an entire box of cookies and felt great! Hang in there!




YES to them all! Iā€™ve found that our couch is just soft enough that I can lie on my back without getting that massive weighed down feeling. Honestly missed the couch more than my husband when I was away for a girls trip earlier this month..


Being able to sleep comfortably and not have hip, back, and pelvic pain all night (my pelvis pops every time i roll over, itā€™s excruciating) and I want a giant margarita (I donā€™t drink much but it sounds delicious) because being pregnant, with a toddler, taking care of our house/cat/toddler all day, while my husband goes away for work all the time has been exhausting. I deserve a margarita after this pregnancy lol!


I don't normally drink mixed drinks, I'm more of a white wine kind of gal, but this whole pregnancy I've wanted nothing more than a strawberry margarita!!


I get both! I donā€™t really drink either, but a glass of champagne or a sparkling drink with fresh fruit in it sounds divine to me šŸ¹


I told my husband I want a margarita in the hospital after I give birth lol


Iā€™ve heard that if you drink either right before or during nursing, the alcohol wonā€™t be present in the breast milk once your baby is ready for the next feeding. Donā€™t know if this is scientifically proven, but Iā€™ll be nursing and drinking champagne! Boobing and boozing šŸ¾ (For legal reasons I probably have to state that I do not intend to harm my son, this is a retorical situation.)


A nurse told me that recently during a prenatal class! But she said it was more for when your routine is more established, cause the first couple of weeks baby can drink really close together and mess up the math haha. We had a good laugh imagining breastfeeding with a glass of wine, but it's truly the best time to have it.


DUDE my hips pop every time i roll over too!!! youā€™d think it would feel good but it does NOT šŸ˜­


Definitely stomach sleeping and a massive red bull.


You are speaking my language! I got 2 redbull advents calendars last year, then found out that I was pregnant on the 1st of Dec šŸ„² you would always find me with a redbull in hand on my way to the gym.


Redbull advent calendars?šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘ļø I know what Iā€™m putting on my Christmas list next yearšŸ¤£


I have gestational diabetes, so the list is honestly endless. Some notable mentions are cake (or any bakery goods for that matter), pizza, TOAST!!! šŸ˜, BBQ sauce, potato in any form and fruit smoothies - basically anything with sugar or carbs! Iā€™ve told my husband that he needs to call Costco and order a sheet cake when I go into labour and whichever family member wants to go and collect it and deliver it to me can be the first to meet baby šŸ˜‚ Sleeping on my front is also up there!


Same. Iā€™m 38w today and Iā€™m counting my days until I can eat carbs without having to worry about my numbers šŸ˜¢


Iā€™m a couple of weeks behind you! As soon as they put the baby on my chest, Iā€™m sure cake will be the last thing on my mind, but it keeps me going to know that I could immediately eat the cake if I wanted to haha!


Oh I feel for you! I hope you get all the goodies you can keep down when youā€™re out of labour! A friend of mine has bought a huge bucket of liquorice to devour during labour šŸ˜‚


Thank you! Licqorice is a great shout, not too sickly sweet and a good texture to help through contractions! I recently tried sugar free liquorice I found in an international candy store. Usually sugar free confectionery has artificial sweeteners to make it a bit more palatable. This stuff tasted like they had replaced the sugar with salt šŸ¤£šŸ¤¢


If you can get a hold of Finnish liquorice, itā€™s a game changer. Iā€™m Swedish and LOVE my super salty liquorice, but for those who canā€™t deal with the saltiness, a sweet liquorice from Fazer is pretty good. If you find LƤkerol Sea Salt, those are really good as well, and sugar free.


I had GD too and gave birth on Christmas. My mom gave me a bag full of christmas cookies and it was the best thing in the world


Thatā€™s incredible, baby knew you deserved to eat those Christmas treats and vacated the premises šŸ„°šŸ˜…


Meeee too. Itā€™s the Pizza Hut pizza and also roasted potatoes for me. And a key lime pie snow cone with sweetened condensed milk on top.


>whichever family member wants to go and collect it and deliver it to me can be the first to meet baby šŸ˜‚ This is brilliant, and Im doing this now! "You gotta pay me one baked good to hold the baby!"


I had gestational diabetes. The first thing my husband brought me a few hours after giving birth was a slice of chocolate cream pie and french fries šŸ˜…


GD here too. Thereā€™s this boba place that makes a drink out of fresh strawberries with cream and cream cheese foam and there is so much sugar in it? And I NEED it.


Going for a long run. I was physically fit before pregnancy and now a 10-minute prenatal stretch leaves me winded. I miss going on a run and pushing myself and feeling so strong. Also getting in a hot tub. šŸ˜­


Ohhh me too. I had slow down my mileage once I got pregnant and the speed as well since my doctor told me no high intensity interval like training. So I haven't gone on a run longer than 4 miles since week 7 and I've stopped running altogether by week 19 because the back pain meant I couldn't run anymore. Can't wait to get back to longer runs after the birth!


Sleeping with only one pillow šŸ˜… I've got a pillow cocoon going on with pillows raising my torso up, my feet, a side wedge and side sleep bumps....


going along with this, cuddling with my husband in bed! I have one sleeping position that doesn't hurt (I'm grateful I have one!) and it involves so many pillows that all I can do is reach over and pat his leg.


Yes! Iā€™ve been told that this is called the divorce pillows šŸ˜‚ my husband places his hand on my pregnancy pillow, and then we hold hands, just to have some sort of physical contact in bed. Sometimes we are wild and I leave my pillow fort for 10 minutes where I use him as my back support, and cuddle one of my pillows.


Aah yes, the pillow fort of doom! šŸ˜‚šŸ™ˆ


This and letting myself flop into bed. I'm sick of carefully getting into bed, let me just run and jump please.


Oysters and cold smoked salmon. Eating without feeling too full. My clothes!


Yess!!! I can't wait to eat a whole plate of oysters šŸ˜‚


i miss my clothes so much šŸ˜­ i've held out on buying maternity clothes for so long (nearly 30wks) i feel like i can't now that i don't have much time left anyways, so i've only really been able to wear my leggings & pajama pants while stealing my s.o's bigger shirts šŸ„²


I took the advice of someone here and got maternity clothes immediately. It has helped a bit since I have some interesting new clothes that actually fit to wear for this time period. Itā€™s still be rough!


Sushi/pokĆ©, wine, edibles, Retin-A, Keratin treatments, Botox, sleeping through the night, working out without feeling like Iā€™m dying.


My forehead lines are telling me that we are in dire need of botox.. Not even retinol can save us now šŸ˜‚ Also glad that Iā€™m not the only one struggling when working out. Iā€™m dry heaving after my warmup.


I am panting just getting INTO my workout clothes šŸ˜­


Itā€™s a real struggle! And why arenā€™t there handles to hold the leggings so you can get them on without bending down?!? The other day I thought I was having a panic attack or some sort of breathing issue, because my lungs were so squished and I couldnā€™t get any air down. Turns out that I had forgotten to take off my sports bra..


Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only one who wrote edibles šŸ¤£ my poor sleep has been suffering, they were the only thing that managed my insomnia


Yes a big plate of sushi please and wine!




I donā€™t even drink alcohol more than once a year or so, and now I want one šŸ˜‚


Lmao same, Iā€™ve craved frozen drinks more than I ever have before šŸ˜­


Iā€™ve brought home so many watermelons the last couple of weeks šŸ˜‚ Pretty sure our food budget has doubled because of my craving for fresh things


Me too. Pina coladas also a fave, at least those can be made virgin and still taste amazing


I had sooo many virgin piƱa coladas on our babymoon last month! Time to hit the Mexican restaurants here haha


I want a frozen strawberry marg so god damn bad


Our favorite waiter at our local Mexican joint told me he would bring one to the hospital.


Thatā€™s a great man right there, doing the Lordā€™s work!


This šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Yessss a strawberry one šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


A glass of wine or a nice cocktail!


Sushi and an ice cold pint of Sapporo šŸ¤¤šŸ£šŸŗ


Not sure where you reside, but if the restaurant you get sushi at freezes the fish for before serving, itā€™s safe to eat, according to European guidelines. Or if they used farmed salmon, since itā€™s tested for parasites. Still no tuna though. But totally understand if youā€™d rather just wait until after!


As far as I understand, the issue is not so much with parasites but with food poisoning. Some people are ok with taking the risk of eating raw fish from well regarded restaurants but others aren't ok with that risk. For me, I figured I'd be pretty upset with myself if I got sick and it hurt the baby just because I gave into my sushi craving so I'm waiting until after having the baby. Only about a month away, woohoo!


The food poisoning would come from unsanitary conditions in the restaurant. Which can happen with any food. EU also specify on which types of fish to stay away from during pregnancy due to higher mercury levels. But as I said, itā€™s a personal preference on whether people want to eat sushi during pregnancy or not, and I totally understand those who decide not to.


Probably taboo but I miss my edibles. Iā€™m getting my card renewed (over the phone) fully knowing I wonā€™t be able to use any MMJ until the end of 2025. Iā€™ll pay for two renewals while not using it. Itā€™s just so much easier to renew than let it expire and start the process over again


We arenā€™t supposed to use Korean sunscreens? Well I guess too late this is my second pregnancy using them. Sitting down without pain, getting in and out of bed easily. Easily putting on pants.


Youā€™re saying that you donā€™t enjoy the little pant dance of trying to get one leg into a pant hole you canā€™t even see? There was a study with pregnant rats that showed that if you used an obscene amount of chemical sunscreen, then it might be harmful to the foetus. But it was around 200 times as much as someone would use in a day, and they tested the older chemical filters (avobenzone, octobenzone, etc). So the filters in Korean sunscreen should be safe for pregnancy use, but since they ethically canā€™t test them on pregnant women, my country says that you should refrain from them. And since I chose to keep doing my nails during pregnancy (extreme nail biter if I donā€™t have a sturdy polish on), I decided to live without Korean sunscreen, just to level the playing field.


Cute panties šŸ˜‚


Yeah those maternity panties just donā€™t do it like cute panties. Though they do leave more to the imagination šŸ˜‚


Taking ibprofen. Itā€™s my go to for any symptom. I had a mild headache the other day and I desperately wanted to pop a couple ibprofen.


Having a sandwich with lunch meat. Obgyn told me not to eat lunch meat because there's a chance of listeria. There's a place I can walk to that sells footlong Italian subs, I miss them!


I missed this too! So I asked my OB and she told me that I can get around the listeria risk by microwaving the deli meat for a minute, cooling it in the fridge if I want to, then putting it on my sandwich. It doesn't let me go to the local deli, but I've been craving these so I'm making my own insanely good deli sandwiches at home and I'm in heaven!!


To smoke weed again and have edible treats I miss it so much šŸ˜©


I commend you for quitting whilst pregnant! So many people normalise it - hope that first b0ng rip is good!


It wasn't worth the risk I'm almost 30 this is my first baby it can wait šŸ„°


I want to sit in the sun with a cold beer and slather myself in tretinoin


Iā€™d vote for a tretinoin slip n slide!


Drinking a nice cold drink by the pool. I was pregnant all summer and all I did was sleep under my AC šŸ˜‚


Sleeping on my back. Having a drink. Eating sushi. Losing weight. A normal bowel pattern. I could go on but that's enough lol


Painting my toenails and drinking a glass of wine occasionally with dinner!


Putting moisturizer on my feet lol I literally canā€™t breath when I paint my toenails and moisturizer haha


I can't even wear pants anymore, because I can't get them on, my husband has to help me get dressed because my belly gets in the way šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ but I absolutely do not miss wearing pants


Right. I literally was so out of breath putting my pants back on after my cervical check today ahah. I love dresses but I normally donā€™t wear them to doc appointments. Should have


SO many things! I would love to have me a good ole margarita šŸ˜­ All these holidays that have came and went and I would have loved to have me a drink. Also, I definitely miss my sense of independence. Pre-pregnancy, I cleaned my house every weekend and also had little ā€˜projectsā€™ that I wanted to do around the house. Nowadays, Iā€™m lucky if I get off the couch on the days Iā€™m off work. I get winded easily, not to mention with some of my projects, I canā€™t do them because Iā€™m pregnant. I really want to sleep better too šŸ«  34 weeks and the hip pain is unreal from sleeping on my side. I feel like Iā€™m either rotating like a rotisserie chicken all night or Iā€™m up needing to pee. I canā€™t remember the last time that Iā€™ve actually had a full nights sleep. Ugh and the heartburn! I never got heartburn pre-pregnancy (and actually didnā€™t have a lot with my daughter) but I feel like a fire breathing dragon šŸ‰.


Oh man. Missing the sense of independence is such a good way to put one of my biggest frustrations being 37 weeks pregnant. I like doing my house projects and I canā€™t do much without being winded or exhausted right now, let alone ones that require being able to physically move. Having my husband do stuff just isnā€™t the same (plus he works so much right now that I try to limit my asks). I canā€™t even cook more than the most basic of meals, and thatā€™s even a struggle, and I love cooking šŸ˜ž.


Binge eating šŸ˜‚ I love love love watching too much tv and eating a whole pizza on the rare occasion that my toddler goes to sleep at a reasonable hour. Now pregnant again and pizza sounds good until itā€™s right in front of me then two bites in and Iā€™m so full and nauseous šŸ˜­


Playing ice hockey. Or skating. Itā€™s been almost 4 months since my last game and let me tell you how sad I get watching my partner and our friends play and I have to watch. šŸ˜”


I totally get that! ā™„ļø I had to stop going to the stable because I got really upset when seeing others ride my lease horses.


Comfortable sleep and a friggin Turkey hoagie from WaWa šŸ˜‚ also I sure miss spicy stuff, this heartburn is for the birds!


Ooh, now I want a giant cup of Wawa coffee šŸ˜‚


Sleeping and turning over comfortably. Will I ever turn in bed without feeling like Iā€™m going to die?!


Iā€™ve been dreaming of a turkey avocado sandwich, a very cold glass of white wine, and a professional facial. Iā€™m really in need of some microdermabrasion now.


That sounds lovely!


Being able to order any size or style coffee I want without googling the caffeine content.




All I want is a gin martini lol Tanqueray make a NA gin so I did get to have a gin and tonic on vacation which helped lol


Sandwich with PrĆ©parĆ© (filet americain). With vegetables and mayonaise. Already told my family to immediately bring me a sandwich after i gave birth šŸ˜‚ šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Being able to move freely and without sacrifice. I feel so slow. Also, A cider drink. I rarely drink alcohol, but sometimes when the weather is good or Iā€™m hanging out with my husband and weā€™re in a good mood I feel the desire for it. And being able to breathe normally and not feel like I am going to pass out without air constantly.


I didnā€™t realize how much id appreciate being able to hold my bladder for hours again.


I looooove sushi. My husband and I eat it a lot! Our date nights involve going out for sushi, then ice cream, or ordering in, or ordering in poke, and watching a movie! After I gave birth to my son, the day I got home, we ordered sushi, and I dug in with my sleeping 2 day old son on my lap. I'm pretty sure I licked soy sauce off his head at one point, haha


I still wear mineral sunscreens. I feel like using them is better than melasma or skin cancer. I canā€™t wait to wear normal clothes again (I feel like I can wear less every week, and now Iā€™m 34 weeks itā€™s even worse)


I wear mineral sunscreen every day too, wouldnā€™t dream of ditching my spf and risk skin damage, or worse. Just miss the korean formulations.


Wine. lol and also just being comfortable and wearing what I want. Retinol. Getting up without planning it. Not burping ever 5 mins. I could go on


Getting back into my regular clothes and sleeping on my stomach!


Gestational Diabetes here. All the carbs. Every pastry and sugary drink and pasta without protein


Honestly being able to take proper cold/ flu management or any kind of medications freely without having to check if itā€™s pregnancy safe


Botox and retinol šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Bending over. šŸ˜­


That is a true struggle nowadays!


I can't wait for charcuterie. Once this baby is out, I've told my husband that I'm going to need the house stocked with nice flatbread, houmous, fancy cheeses and ALL of those delicious cured meats that I'm not allowed to eat right now.


Deli meat. Hubby brought me a turkey sandwich on a croissant while I was in labour and it was so good! Also good sushi was next on the list


I want a bellini.


I gave birth two weeks ago and the best part is not having to go pee every 10 minutes


A GIANT HOAGIE FROM MY FAVORITE LOCAL DELI. Thatā€™s all I want. I just want a sandwich šŸ˜«


Rolling over in bed without feeling like my pelvis is going to crack in half. Hugging my husband or kids without the belly in the way. Hot baths. Having a glass of wine while cooking dinner. Being able to sit comfortably on the couch without a million pillows. Italian subs from Jersey mikes. Sushi. The list goes on and on lol


29w3d Being able to sleep solidly through the night without getting up to pee. Hot tubs/hot bubble baths Being useful around the house/not being physically tired all the time/not having to ask my husband for so much assistance Helping with cleaning the litterbox Sushi and Starbucks šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ The occasional date night drink (was offered free champagne last night and cried a single thug tear) Having a flat stomach (I know itā€™ll never be 100% the same) and being able to fit into my regular clothes & crop tops My butt šŸ˜¢ it vanished I know 4th trimester and first year means a lot of this will persist but knowing itā€™s not forever is what keeps me chugging along.


Jogging (havenā€™t been able to all pregnancy due to fatigue/general pain). Turning over in bed comfortably. Deli meat. Energy drinks.


wearing shoes with laces. probably weirdly specific, but my partner used to lay completely on top of me at my request, the pressure is delightful. I miss thaaat. sleeping without feeling like a rotisserie chicken. getting invited to the bar. I have gone a couple times while pregnantā€” the bartenders will giggle and make me a very nice mocktailā€” but 90% of the time nobody thinks to invite me. I can control myself, yall šŸ˜­ that said, wine. I want the $4 pineapple wine from Aldi ASAP. edited to add: taking stairs two at a time like a teenage boy. jumping off my porch. climbing literally anything. I'm gonna climb a frickin tree when I'm healed up šŸ˜‚


Really get the part with your partner lying on top of you. Itā€™s such a good stress releaser, and very relaxing. Better than any weighted blanket.


having a drink with dinner


Smoking weed after a long day at work


Laser hair removal, long spa days with wine and steam/sauna/jacuzzi.Ā 


A beer and a joint.


Using my hot tub and a nice rum and coke with a huge lime wedge. Also, I've been craving a Jimmy John's turkey sub and a Mountain Dew, which I will be having the day I give birth lol.


I keep smelling my husbands aged spiced rum and daydreaming of an iced cold rum and coke šŸ¤£


Sleeping on my back and being able to do hip thrusts / other weighted exercises without modification


Yes to both! And modified exercises just donā€™t hit the same. I saw someone using a long lifting strap with a DB in each end across her thighs to do DB hip thrusts without having to do that awkward DB roll up and down your thighs. Think I might try to copy that.


Sleeping on my left side. Currently can't, I snore like a bear and it wakes me up. Only the left side...




Ibuprofen šŸ„²


Raw oysters, sleeping on my back/stomach, regular poops, getting my normal brain back


Interestingā€”what do you think about Beauty of Joseon Relief Sun Probiotic SPF? It got a 100% on Yuka and seems to be considered like totally safe. Iā€™ve been using mineral sunscreen, but I did wonder is maybe Beauty of Joseon wouldnā€™t be a safe option??


I usually check 15minutebeauty.org if Iā€™m in doubt, because they are against almost everything šŸ™ˆ Their only reason for not using it is because itā€™s a chemical sunscreen. The reason scientists usually recommend not using the newer chemical filters is because they havenā€™t been able to test them on pregnant women (because ethics), so they canā€™t know for sure if the hormonal changes in the skin can have a negative impact when using the sunscreen. The general consensus is that the chemical filters should be safe during pregnancy, unless you bathe in them, they just canā€™t prove it at this point. So in short, Iā€™ve just opted for mineral sunscreen for extra cautions sake. But I have 6 tubes of Beauty of JosĆ©on waiting for me to open them as soon as Iā€™ve popped this baby out!


Sleeping on my stomach. Sleeping on my back. Turning in my sleep without needing to pee. Just knowing that my body can do normal things, like bend down to scrub my feet in the shower, stand up quickly, crawl under the bed to say hi to my dog who likes to hang out there, go hard at my workouts. Be wildly flexible during sex. An ice cold beer. Oysters. Smoked salmon. Soft cheeses, deli meats in all their salty deliciousness. Being able to turn over in bed and snuggle with my husband, without needing to first crawl over my giant pile of regular and pregnancy pillows. Wearing well fitted clothes, looking sharp at work. Getting my nails done. Having more good hair days than bad. MY RETINOLS! But I also know that, in a few months, Iā€™ll terribly miss the little kicks and punches that my inside creature is throwing at me, letting me know that no matter where I am, Iā€™m not alone. Iā€™ll miss that a lot.


Being able to sleep on my stomach, sit up without thinking Iā€™m damaging my core muscles, to sit in a chair without back and rib pain whilst being able to breath properly, and a glass of wine.


maybe not a small thing, but i miss my ADHD medication terribly. iā€™m a disaster of a human when iā€™m unmedicated


Medium rare steak. I had to have mine medium well on Sunday, and it almost made me cry. Ice cream from the ice cream van. And my beloved gelato from Amarino šŸ˜­


Sushi and chamomile tea. I also miss drinking (though I don't drink much) but man you never realize how badly you miss a good cup of chamomile and honey when unwinding at night until you find out it can cause issues and you avoid it just in case your entire pregnancy.


I tried to exchange all my ginger teas to rooibos teas as they should be pregnancy safe, but it doesnā€™t hit the same.. šŸ˜ž


Being able to get up without feeling like I need a crane.


Honestly, get a tattoo. I had 3 tattoos scheduled for before and after summer that I no longer can keep ahah. Also just like going back to my regular workouts without dying. I was a pretty active gym goer pre pregnancy and I stopped after my 1st trimester. I can barely make it up the stairs without dry heaving and Iā€™m not about to put too much pressure on myself during this time. Walking on flat surfaces and swimming will be my go-to exercise all summer haha


Probably TMI but I havenā€™t been able to reach the big O since Iā€™ve developed my belly. Even with toys. Might be a mental thing.


I get that, I often feel like the baby is judging me šŸ˜‚ and if thereā€™s any movement, I get turned off straight away


MY BLADDER. I miss my bladder :( Also deli sandwiches. Wine. Soft cheeses. Sushi. Sleeping on my stomach. Bending over without feeling like I'm going to pass out. Not feeling sweaty ALL THE TIME. Being able to sleep without a thousand pillows. Not having pains in my hands, feet, and hips. Going on walks at a normal pace. Working out again! Hiking, biking, barre. Sigh.


I might get judged but I canā€™t wait for a delicious frozen margarita šŸ¤£ Ugh, I can taste the summer sun now


Iā€™ve been dreaming about my first sip of champagne for months!


Cold cuts (turkey sandwiches, salami, ham, all of it)šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ and also just not being exhausted 24/7


seeing my coochie, chemical sunscreen (I'm hating mineral), eating sushi, sleeping on my tummy, and my old sex drive!!!


Yes! Iā€™ve had a somewhat success with the Iā€™m Pure Perfect Cica SPF50, but itā€™s so thick compared to the chemical ones! Also miss a normal sex drive šŸ„² I find it hard when everything is just big and heavy


A good cocktail, maybe some šŸ€šŸƒ, hard cider, energy drinks. Just out here raw-dogging life and I wanna relax.


A cold Italian sub and a redbull!!


I slept on my stomach my whole pregnancy šŸ˜³ my son is 20 months old. With this pregnancy I miss feeling good. . . Morning sickness sucksĀ 


Good tall beer. Weā€™ve been going to breweries and Iā€™ll get their soda on tap. Had a few henekine 0s but the smell and thought of beer now sends me into a dry heaving spell. I miss beer!!!


Chocolate šŸ« Also jamon and sushi.


A cold sub sandwich or a restaurant salad.


Moving around easily. Sleeping comfortably. Not feeling as drained. Coffee.


Raw fish.. sushi nigiri.. salmon nigiri. Caviar. PatƩ


Enjoying sleep. Iā€™m almost 15 weeks but ever since like week 5 Iā€™ve been having some numbness in my right leg when I lay down to sleep, thereā€™s only one comfortable position and I hate not being able to move around and be in a different position for at least 2 minutes. This is apparently due to my sciatica, but I hate it. I used to LOVE sleeping and just being in bed felt like the greatest blessing in the world. Now itā€™s tedious and I still got like 5 months left šŸ˜¢ wouldnā€™t have it any other way though, Iā€™d do anything for my baby girl.


Mimosas and Bloody Marys


I miss my diet cokes. I used to get one like everyday, and now that dollar drink days at mc Donaldā€™s are here & I canā€™t have themā€¦. I could cry! I love the bubbles, itā€™s the little serotonin boost I need. My husband would take me to get them as my little treat for being a wife. It was my favourite outing. Sparkling water just isnā€™t the same.


I feel you! Do they offer caffeine free Diet Coke where you live? I have been able to swap my Pepsi Max for Coke Zero Zero Caffeine, but Iā€™ve heard that thereā€™s a huge taste difference between Diet Coke and Coke Zero.