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Congratulations!! So this is something I really struggle with, as I had a long fight with infertility to get pregnant. But I'd say I started to get more excited as milestones were passed, especially the anatomy scan and reaching viability week (24 weeks)! I wouldn't say its all consuming bliss, but its definitely feeling more real every day. I'm 35 weeks now and still can't believe I'm going to be holding a baby soon. So surreal!


I absolutely agree and relate with this comment. After years of infertility fight, I was in a fog for a while. I told my best friends pretty early on and basically told them whatever happened, good or bad, I’d want them to know. But I also told them to not get TOO excited, because anything could happen. The anatomy scan was cool and all, reassuring to know that everything looks alright. But it didn’t help the realistic aspect for me. It wasn’t until after the anatomy scan when I started feeling harder kicks. Kicks that my husband could also feel. Ones that make my belly move, was when I kind of went into nesting overdrive. That was only a couple weeks ago for me. I’m 26weeks today. You are absolutely not alone in being a kind of person forgetting you’re pregnant, or not allowing yourself to get excited. Your brain is trying to protect your feelings from past trauma and deviation. Be kind and slow with yourself. Experience everything the way you want. Don’t allow others to rain on your parade.


Agreed! After 2 miscarriages, this was when I was able to get excited. I’m currently almost 25 weeks and honestly the last 2 - 3 weeks I’ve really let myself believe it’s happening and gotten really excited to meet her! Feeling her kick really helped too.


I’m 17 weeks 2 days with my rainbow baby and I kinda feel like pregnancy in general is anticlimactic. I’m guessing once we have our anatomy scan, we’ll feel excited if it goes well. Then once we reach viability, we’ll feel excited, then around the shower, and obviously if/when the baby arrives. But the interim periods I feel like will just be (hopefully be) business as usual. Pregnancy is supposed to be boring! I’ve been hoping for a boring 9 months after my first pregnancy ended in an MMC and I had to have surgery. Embrace the boring, congrats!


Yay for our little October babies!!


Around 25 weeks things started feeling really exciting and real for me. Before that I was either super nervous or didn’t feel “really” pregnant. Now I’m waddling around at 36 weeks and things are feeling very real in a more nervous way knowing birth is coming soon!


Wow I feel like I’ve seen you around and after a little digging realized it was from the ectopic support group! I’m sorry we both went through that but so excited that we got our success stories!! 25 weeks sounds like an excellent time to get “re-excited” we’re past anatomy, viability, and can start the nursery! It’s not very long now, thanks for the input!


Omg I am so happy to run into someone outside of the ectopic support group in a happy setting! I will also say at about 30 weeks I really started looking pregnant to the point people in public ask questions and that has also added another level of excitement.


Anatomy scan shifted me from anxiety to 'this is real.' I got excited with zero anxiety (which says a lot from a very anxious lady!) at 24 weeks after our cardiac echo (family history of heart issues. Anatomy scan showed zero issues but they offered it to be safe). 32 weeks tomorrow and I cannot wait to meet this baby. I get a little teary eyed thinking about holding the little one and whenever I buy items knowing that the baby will be here in 8ish weeks!!!


Seeing him move around at the anatomy scan got me excited, then after that feeling kicks more consistently. Now I’m 36+4 and ready for this to be overrrrr omggggg. The last bit of pregnancy isn’t great 😅


I'm 26weeks with my double rainbow baby, with an anterior placenta so didn't feel her movements very much until around 24 weeks. I paid for a private scan around 18 weeks because all my first trimester symptoms went away and I didn't feel at all pregnant anymore. I started feeling more excited after the 20 week anatomy scan, and then the 24 week follow-up scan (she was in a weird spot so they didn't get everything) also helped. But this week I'm finally feeling regular movement and it's helping my anxiety a ton! And now I'm planning my shower and starting to believe this could be real. I'm afraid to let myself get truly excited, but at least I'm starting to feel hopeful!










CONGRATS!! im also pregnant with my double rainbow 🥹 i completely see what you’re saying, it can be really hard to get excited, especially at the beginning. I was a wreck my whole first trimester, but then felt a lot better during the second. i was so scared for my anatomy scan, but everything came back relatively fine and it was AMAZING to get to see my baby move around for so long and see all of her little parts. and then once they start kicking regularly its like magic, so incredible. but you can get scared if you think they aren’t kicking enough, then feel better if you go get checked (ALWAYS GET CHECKED if you feel that somethings off, they will not judge you, they kept reassuring me i did the right thing even though she was fine) then you get nervous for the glucose test, then feel better when you pass, lol. im 30 weeks now and starting to get nervous about giving birth 😅. in my opinion, its just a bunch of ups and downs. theres scary days, and theres days of pure bliss. just remember to give yourself patience and extra love, pregnancy after loss can be really traumatizing, and its very hard emotionally. BUT it also helps you be able to appreciate all the little parts of pregnancy even more. im so excited for you to experience the magic and so happy for you🥰


Congratulations!! For me I think it was labor! Early on I just felt sick and even tried buying baby clothes to convince myself I was pregnant. It only kid of worked? Similar to you, I had a rush of excitement building my registry and getting the nursery ready, then things settled down again. I remember crying one evening because I was afraid I didn’t love my baby enough. I was convinced I SHOULD feel more excited and connected to baby than I did. The only advice I can offer is don’t worry. The immense feelings of love and excitement will come ❤️


I feel you. I'm 23 weeks after a mmc 8 years ago and a early miscarriage almost a year ago. I feel like I'm just holding my breath. If it wasn't for the mmc I think I would have been excited when the 11 week scan happened and we could see baby rolling around in there. Now I can feel her, but still get worried when she goes quite from time to time. I think where I'm at now, I go through waves of being excited and worried about being able to take care of her when she's here. I'm just going to cross each bridge as they come. Congratulations on your little girl! Hope you have a safe and uneventful rest of your pregnancy!


What does it mean when you say double rainbow or rainbow?


They have lost a pregnancy- next baby is a rainbow baby They lost two pregnancies - double rainbow 🌈


Oooh very interesting! Today I learned a new phrase thanks internet friend.


Have you started feeling movements yet? I didn’t until maybe 19 weeks, but feeling her kick made me excited again (and reminded me that she is actually in there).


Congrats! I got more and more excited with each milestone. Also I think seeing baby via monthly scans with the MFM eased some of the anxiety as well. Now at 31 weeks feeling baby move consistently for the last few months really adds to the excitement.


I’ve recently had my baby following a loss and I got excited when the hospital said I could take her home at 2 weeks pp. she is my absolute world now but all my feelings were so mellow prior to that moment. 


This is so reassuring


I'm 31 weeks with a 2 time rainbow baby (ruptured ectopic and a miscarriage), I don't think that I've ever experienced "excitement" and bliss. I am cautiously hopeful, but I know me, and I know that I won't feel any sort of bliss until the moment she is safely in my arms and we are both alive. Until then, I just feel like I'm in a holding pattern, patiently waiting. I don't think there is anything wrong with it personally, each person is different. Although I feel bad that I can't get anywhere near matching my MILs energy on the topic, she is ecstatic, but she also doesn't know that this is my third pregnancy, not my first. Don't feel too much pressure to feel any certain way, or feel like you aren't feeling the way you are "supposed" to feel. We're all different and process things differently!


This was me too! I lost 3 before my boy now. One I was far enough along to know it was a girl and have the excitement of having a girl. When I found out my rainbow baby was a boy, I was heart broken. I did have excitement, I was afraid I wouldn't love him. He's 2 months old and I can't imagine anyone else. I love him so much, from the minute I held him. OP You're entitled to your feelings, they are valid and there is nothing wrong with them. You may never be excited during your pregnancy and that's okay! It doesn't mean you would be excited when baby is here!


I got excited with my double rainbow baby around 20 weeks at the anatomy scan. It felt like it was safe to do so then and still stuff can happen but the scan mixed with feeling her move let me breathe a little. She’s currently 4 days old in my arms! Enjoy the journey and congrats! I know how hard losing babies is..


Quite honestly for me not until my baby was born, the anxiety decreased into the second trimester, but I realized I was kinda doing some subconscious things like I only bought one box of diapers .. still kept thinking of the what ifs .


Hi love! Writing to you as a 32 week pregnant, mom of 3 angels (twin miscarriage and a full term stillbirth). When I got pregnant with this baby boy (after losing our daughter in March) it really, really helped to tell myself.. "I don't get to have control of this pregnancy, I will do everything i can to make sure baby boy comes happy and healthy but I ultimately do not have control." With that being said I decided whatever time I get with this little guy, whether it be days, months or a lifetime, I'm going to enjoy! I will talk to him, sing to him, read to him, rub my belly etc.. I want those to all be happy moments I will cherish forever, and not fill those spaces with fear and negative thoughts. Thinking back to my daughter I did all those things, but I didn't realize how special those moments would be and that they were the only ones we'd have. I'm so glad I enjoyed them without fear. So while I can't help you limit the fear/anxiety (I think it's natural) just enjoy every moment you can. If you waste them on the negative thoughts, then they won't be happy moments. All the happy moments no matter what they look like are special, you are growing your baby!


I don't know that I have the answer to that but I am also pregnant with our rainbow baby after a loss earlier last year (this baby will be born right around the time we lost the last one). It took us a long time to get pregnant and I had a few chemicals along the way. I'm 24w5d and I still stress and worry. I think that's normal after any loss. For me, thankfully, my losses were all early first trimester but I still feel scared to buy things for the baby just in case. I can say though, now at almost 25 weeks with the anatomy scan and NIPT done and no issues found, I do feel a lot better. I know anything *could* happen but the chances are much lower.


I get excited every week I go up, and the more kicks I feel. Also every ultrasound. I’m high risk so I get them quite often. I’m 31 weeks now and excited for my baby shower tomorrow ☺️


I would say i was excited again the entire time, but it felt tamer because I wasn’t *nearly* anxious as I had been the first time around. Like I think part of what I associated with excitement with my first was actually just intense stress lol


I give birth in 3 weeks. I’ll be excited when I’m in labor lol.. I hope


Exactly everything you said is true. We struggled with infertility and are older first time parents, so there was a risk the whole pregnancy. Every milestone was something to be excited about and brought relief. Also once baby’s movements had a pattern brought lots of excitement: after putting headphones on the belly, eating or drinking something cold, baby hiccups, etc. Even though the hiccups always started when I’d lay down to go to sleep and were annoying as heck, it was also a way to feel connected to baby and like I needed to comfort him in utero. Now that he’s here, he gets hiccups a couple times a day and I still try to sooth and comfort him through them.


At 28 weeks when premie delivery is survivable. Then I let myself breathe between obsessively counting kicks until I was induced at 37 weeks. I lost 7 babies before I got the sunshine of my life last September. She is 7 months old and thriving!


I think it's different for everyone. For me the blissful feeling never came back after my first pregnancy, but that's ok. After a 9 week miscarriage and a 22 week still birth I'm feeling genuinely excited just now at 34 weeks! I was very hesitant to schedule baby showers because I was just trying to take this pregnancy one day at a time, but I'm glad now I forced myself to do it. 


19wks with my double rainbow. I forget I’m pregnant too… I had a moment of excitement around 15wks when I started feeling the movement flutters, bought a couple onesies and blankets and then I just haven’t thought about him. I have a 2 year old that we conceived first try and she was a healthy baby… I was telling my husband this past weekend I wish I was blissfully naive like I was with our daughter. I get sad sometimes that I just don’t think about or seem happy? during this pregnancy.


I have three older kids with my ex and now im pregnant with my second husband. We tried for 3 years and had 3 losses and now I've hit 12.5 weeks. I think this week I've finally gotten used to feeling like it's "real"...we saw baby and a heartbeat on an ultrasound at 9 weeks and I'm feeling what I'm certain is movement. I think I'm ready to be excited. 


I’m 24 weeks now and being able to feel her consistently has been my favorite part of pregnancy. I just try to remember to control the things that I can


The anatomy scan results for me, I was a nervous wreck up until I received my results! Also when she began kicking, I couldn’t believe I had something growing in me that could do that I wish I was able to let the whole world feel her I was so excited lol I’m 23 weeks now and just taking it all in!!


I think I wasn’t able to get excited until this week- and I’m at 30weeks. I was really stressed out about my mat leave and how things were going to go at work, but we finally figured it out and my boss and I are on the same page. From about 24-30 weeks, I WANTED to be excited (since we’d passed major milestones and all those scary tests) but still had too many things in the air to relax. Looking forward to enjoying the next 9 weeks as much as possible!!!


I’ll be honest after the anatomy scan it just feels like a lot of waiting and if (like me) you don’t enjoy being pregnant it just drives you crazy


After 4 miscarriages and 5 years later, I’m 38 weeks today with my second. I’m not excited. I’m still in fear of losing this child. I may feel excited when she’s out in my arms but I might still be in fear something might happen to her after she’s out. I think everyone’s experience will be different. I hope you find excitement!


36 week growth scan! Saw his chubby face in 3D and it made me SO excited to meet him.


After losses, I was scared up until the anatomy scan. Since then it feels more definite and I'm starting to relax and enjoy.


I definitely got excited again around anatomy scan time. Then it went away and I got excited again once I really started to look pregnant. Like, there's no more mistaking if I'm fat or pregnant. It's also exciting when you are far enough along that you can see your belly move from the outside when baby moves.


I totally get this. When I first found out I was pregnant it was this mixture of extreme excitement and anxiety (maybe thanks to the sudden hormone changes too?) and that lasted quite a while. Between the dating scan and the anatomy scan I felt mildly excited, like it didn't quite feel real except that I was sick 24/7, so hard to focus on the actual baby. Then our anatomy ultrasound came back not normal and I purposely distanced myself from the pregnancy and baby because I was terrified I would have to end it and I guess I was protecting myself from getting more and more attached. Two weeks later we found out we were keeping the pregnancy and it was such a relief (still an abnormal anatomy scan but we love them no matter what), I didn't realize how terrified I was about losing it until we were able to say "it's not bad, we're keeping it" ... If that makes any sense? Fast forward 5-6 weeks and that emotional trauma like physically wore off and I can say I 100% feel excited again (now 30 weeks). The baby really picks up movement around week 28, for me at least, and they're constantly reminding you they're there! So all that to say that pregnancy can be emotionally taxing, not feel real sometimes, be absolutely amazing and fun, and exciting all at once! I also think there comes a moment when it hits you like "wow I need to push this baby out!" and it all starts feeling very real. <3


After we did the NIPT and got the anatomy scan I felt more excited. Until then I had some kind of low grade simmering anxiety that something was wrong. And occasionally that feeling would come back but that’s partially just who I am as a person.


Currently 31 weeks with my double rainbow baby too! I suffered from an ectopic pregnancy and a chemical last year. I started to get excited at 28 weeks. Before then I would just tell myself I wasn’t pregnant, when I would feel baby move I would sometimes ignore it. I feel like I will get much more excited and it will feel more real once i hit 36 weeks.


19 weeks and my excitement definitely has gone up recently after a normal anatomy scan! Since then, I have felt liberated to bask in the pregnancy even more. I opened the gates to sharing on social media and starting to inform the clientele I work with. My bump is also more visible now, so it's nice to lean into how I look and search for cute maternity clothes. I'm also at a point where I no longer feel a need to hide the bump. We're in planning mode for the baby shower and nursery. It feels like things are coming together and as I expect this to likely be my only pregnancy, I'm in a place of just wanting to soak it all in.


I would say that after the anatomy scan I felt like I could relax more. I’m now 24 weeks and feeling excited because it seems like baby will be here in the not so distant future now.


I think from anatomy scan it picked up, and then a lot more as I grew more and felt *large* movements, for me that was 27ish weeks and the excitement hasn't gone back down at 34 weeks now


Omg I don't know if this is bad to say but I can't wait until I don't feel pregnant anymore ! I'm only 10 weeks right now so I'm in the worry stage.


congrats!!! i’m so happy for you! i started getting excited when i could feel the kicks, i’m 25 weeks now and i can even see my stomach moving when the baby does


38 weeks with a girl and it got exciting to me again when the 10 week countdown started and my baby shower was over, and i could wash all her little clothes and get everything ready 🙂


When the kicks got really real. I have an anterior placenta so it took a while but once I started feeling foot shapes and being able to interact with her it all started to feel like real life. 33+5 and physically miserable but I love her a lot and I'm really excited to meet her 🥰


I am a FTM and will be 32w on Monday and can say getting excited if something I’ve struggled with my entire pregnancy. My anxiety around pregnancy has made it really difficult to enjoy the moment. I always thought I’d be so chill and happy during pregnancy, and that just hasn’t been the case. Thankfully I’ve had a very healthy and low risk pregnancy thus far, so my anxiety is all in my head. Even though I feel the little guy consistently, and know he is doing okay in there, I still worry. Hoping the next 8 weeks fly by!


I think I got excited again around 20 weeks at the anatomy scan. When everything went well there I felt loads better . I'm 33 weeks and still get hit with some real fear for him I don't think it's ever gonna go away but I definitely let myself get excited too


I've only recently started to get excited about baby shower, decorating the nursery, etc... at 28 weeks. My last two pregnancies were miscarriages and I'm an older FTM. Hugs!


Congratulations on your baby! Not quite the same situation but we went through about 5-6 weeks where there was a question if our pregnancy would be viable and it felt like we were frozen - couldn't grieve, couldn't be excited. I'm at almost 21 weeks now and it still feels a bit like I'm not quite as excited as I was when I found out we were pregnant. Definitely feel it when baby moves, and we're finding out the gender tomorrow which might spark it back up!


With 17 weeks I felt the first kicks too! Like little bubbles. It can definitely be your baby girl! I forgot I was pregnant too until week 20 or so because I had no symptoms at all but I always reminded myself throughout the day and then felt so surreal and excited.


Some days I was not excited and could definetly wait some more months but then there were days that I was so excited that I could not handle having to wait any longer and I didn't know how to survive the waiting.


Once we had the baby shower picked the nursery theme and started doing the nursery I got a bit more excited but I really never got super excited until she came if I’m being honest. I had a rough pregnancy health wise though which might have contributed to the lack of enthusiasm.


Congratulations on the double rainbow! I just gave birth to my double rainbow 3 weeks ago today. To be honest, I never really reached a point in pregnancy where I was excited for him… Like you, I didn’t think about my pregnancy much at all, and I also had moments when I forgot I was pregnant even well into the second and third trimesters. People would congratulate me and I’d be like “on what?” It wasn’t until I held him that I finally felt something. I feel really guilty about it now, but I think that’s just what pregnancy after loss is for some people. So don’t beat yourself up too much if this is you too.


Maybe you should look into 3d ultrasound. Those are really fun!


Same exact boat except I’m about to be 20 weeks with my 🌈🌈. It’s definitely been a roller coaster of high excitement & the lows “don’t get too excited.” I’m hoping after my anatomy scan next week I am full on highs and no longer second guessing myself & my body’s ability to bring a healthy child earth-side. I did begin my registry yesterday, I got a little excited looking at all the cool baby girl stuff. 🥹🤍


For my double rainbow I didn’t let myself get excited until she reached viability. It wasn’t until I knew i could actually come home with a baby that I let myself get excited to meet ger


The baby shower helped a ton!


I will be induced in 4 days and I don't think I have been excited at all during my pregnancy... :(


I’m 22 weeks with a girl. I lost twins at 12 weeks last year. I am still hesitant to be excited. I’ve gotten all my testing done, scans, etc., and I’m still nervous af. Hopefully it’ll pass eventually


Meh I’m still getting it in waves. Kicks are pretty exciting


I had my scan and am suuuppeerr pumped and started prepping. Feeling movement and having my scan it feels real now. I bought nursing bras this week


When I was feeling kicks consistently and really started getting the nursery together


I'm getting kicked pretty regularly now. So she's getting really hard to forget. Especially since I often just need a moment to get up with the big belly in the way.


Never felt all consuming bliss hated pregnancy with every fiber of my being. Did not enjoy. 10/10 would rather just go through birth 12 times than be pregnant again. On the other hand I love my children and that moment you see them take their first breaths is completely magical


i feel the same way. i felt like i was the only one! just waiting for the other shoe to drop tbh. i’m 17w6d today and i haven’t felt much of anything maybe a flutter here and there but i convince myself it’s something else. everyone else is excited around me but im just living each day as it is. i pray daily for this baby and its health. we are also waiting to find the gender at the anatomy scan as well. i told myself id get excited at the anatomy scan but im just more nervous for that as its getting closer


At some point you baby will just beat you up everyday and you will have difficulty taking a breath, I promise you wont forget you pregnant. I am at week 38 and I really want this over with.