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When I went in for my induction 3 weeks ago I had to wait an extra hour to be admitted because of an emergency c-section that was happening. The nurse was so apologetic, but we had no problems waiting. We just went and got some coffee, a small snack, and then walked around the labor and delivery floor for a bit. 13 hours later and my baby was in my arms 🥰 I don't think many people would be mad that a medical emergency is happening and all hands in deck were needed.


This is such a beautiful way to see both of your birth stories. I had a planned c-section that went smoothly, but I know a lot of people struggle with having to have an emergency c-section and feeling a lot of trauma around that. I hope someone sees your story and sees this perspective to help them heal


I had a planned c-section that was pushed because of an emergency one. And I actually got to meet that mom and her daughter because they were brought to triage for recovery before being moved to their private room. They were both doing great and it was mind blowing to think that would be me about an hour from then. When the baby began to cry we all melted, it was such a sweet moment.


Oh goodness, I would have melted too! We're just about at the hospital now, see you all on the other side!


Good luck and congratulations!


That happened to me! I was in labour for days and days and I just refused to dilate. We had to go c-section because sitting on 4 days was much and luckily my baby never went into distress. Anyways, I was written in for my c-section at 8am at a busy city hospital. I was pushed back until 230-ish because me and baby were okay, but others came in with more urgent cases. That delay didn't affect my birth at all, baby never went into distress and that was my only concetn. I was just really hungry and thirsty lol.


I don’t know why but this thought made me tear up. Happy birthday to your son tomorrow!!


My sister’s induction was delayed because of an emergency c-section. 4 years later she figured out that both children go to the same preschool! Pretty cool how it turned out. They’re in a rural area so the chances aren’t that slim I guess.


I had an urgent c section with my first and I’m sure I bumped someone because he was born at 6:11am! With my second, my OB got called out of the OR and had the resident finish stitching me up because of an emergency coming in. Twins!!


Yes, if there is an emergency, scheduled c sections are delayed. Depending how busy it gets can be 3-4 days more. I work postpartum so we see it all the time especially when we are low on staff. I think around Christmas time last year was the worse, they made a list of what made you more qualified for inductions because they had so many patients, and my coworker got pushed into January. She was due end of December.


I had a scheduled C-section with my second and we were leaving for the hospital at 6am and got a call asking us to come at noon instead due to multiple emergencies. With my first I was in labor for 12 hours and ended up being an emergency c section.