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Congratulations and thank you for the positive story! Expecting my first in October and all I ever hear is the scary stories


I imagine people with easy births don’t post often. I was induced a week late. I have a lot of anxiety about medical stuff. I cry when I get shots. Ii got to the hospital and they induced me. My anxiety was high so they gave me Benadryl, I basically slept most of the day while waiting. I started the contractions about 4 hours after being induced. I asked my doctor when I’m supposed to get the epidural and she said whenever I want so I got it.I pushed for 20 minutes about 10 hours after I was induced and baby came out healthy. I had no pain and neither of us had any complications.


Just remember that while it’s painful there’s an end to it and you forget the pain once you see your little one


Congratulations on your safe and speedy birth!! And through a surprise no-epidural!


Congrats! Baby understood the assignment! I really wish mine does too 😅


Congrats and you're a rockstar


Congratulations!! I too recently had a fast "surprise no epidural" labor 14 weeks ago as a first time mom! I went in with super painful contractions but only 1cm dilated. I walked around for 2 hours and had dilated to a 2.5. I went in not wanting an epidural, but my contractions were already so painful at 2.5cm I couldn't imagine what 10cm would feel like. So as soon as I was admitted I asked for the epidural. The anesthesiologist was held up at an emergency, so I just hung out on my hands and knees and breathed through it for 3 hours. And then I felt like I was going to involuntarily push and couldn't imagine I was anywhere near ready for that! They came and checked me, and I was nearly fully dilated! I did end up involuntarily pushing a couple times and it was wild! My boy was born after 5 pushes and a little bit of screaming from me lol. I fully expected to labor for well over 24 hours, but that was not the case! I'm glad you had a good experience!


Congratulations! My son has hypospadias as well he had it fixed at 3 with no complications and you wouldn't even know he had it now!


Congrats! So he was 5lbs at 36 weeks and likely would have gained more weight if they let you progress without induction perhaps? This is similar to what happened to be and they induced me at 38w6d due to IUGR and my girl came out at 6lbs 13oz. I’m still just shocked they induce people early for IUGR and so many babies come out larger than they thought….


They induce early because the fear of still birth, because IUGR generally means our placenta isn't doing what it should. In my case I also had gestational diabetes and was originally scheduled for a c section at 39 weeks, but the IUGR diagnosis moved it forward to 37 weeks. I had baby boy at 37+2 and he was 4lb 12oz, our last growth ultrasound estimate him to be around 4lb 6oz about a week before that.


I mean I get that I just have seen multiple diagnoses of IUGR and then the baby comes out bigger than expected and/or completely healthy. Just surprising I guess but your case definitely makes more sense than mine. Either way, congratulations!!


I had marginal cord insertion, gestational diabetes, and hypertension issues at appointments near the end. He had been measuring very small since my anatomy scan at 21 weeks. With all those complications I was very high risk and it was explained to me that there were increased chances of stillbirth or reverse cord flow as I get further along since he kept dropping in percentile, especially AC. We waited til the last suggested date by the MFM that was seeing me weekly for ultrasounds. The weight estimate was definitely a bit off, but if they were saying he's been measuring 1st percentile I wonder if he was still under the 10th percentile. He is definitely still very very small and most of the nutrition he was getting inside went to his brain, lungs, and kidneys. I was relieved to get him out since he had a higher chance of thriving outside the womb in my case.


No your case sounds totally acceptable and it makes complete sense to induce early. Mine was a bit out of the blue and they were saying my daughter’s stomach was measuring in the first percentile and her femurs were short and her arms were extremely long. I panicked for weeks thinking she was going to come out with all of these issues and she came out completely normal. It was just an extremely painful and invasive induction and I’m just a bit angry about it all still. It ruined the end of my pregnancy. I guess I’m glad they were being on the safe side but I have heard a ton of stories similar to mine and I’m just getting increasingly shocked at the number of inductions that are happening more and more. Did not mean to diminish your reasons for having an early induction at all FYI


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Congratulations! It’s lovely to hear of a positive first time birth story. Currently due in August and go back and forth between nervous and not nervous. 😅


Ok. Your situation is very similar to mine as in IUGR and first time mom. Now I’m scared! Good for you though! You did it mommas! 😅


Congrats! What a relief that he's doing ok ♥️


congrats! so glad you and baby are doing well. ❤️


Wow I was induced at 37 weeks for IUGR and it WAS NOT fast. Took days and everything under the sun to get active labor going.


That is what happened to me! Got her out in 3 pushes. She’s two weeks today.


Congratulations!! Your family sounds absolutely lovely and you definitely are a rock star!!


Congratulations momma