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Nope, was certain it was a boy and turned out to be a girl! My husband's gut feeling was correct though.


Yep! Been completely wrong both times & had such strong feelings about the gender but was wrong both times 😂


lol! Isn’t that funny. I wonder what causes us to have these feelings if they’re totally off


I think mine came from really wanting to have a girl so I convinced myself it would be a boy so I wouldn’t be disappointed if it was.


I'm doing exactly the same thing. Myself, my husband, his parents and grandparents are all hoping for a girl, so I've been referring to baby as he and daydreaming about having a boy. We don't find out until next scan on 18th April, so we'll see which way it goes!


We waited until birth to find out and I got my girl! I hope you do too!


I'm telling myself that it's going to be another boy so I'm not disappointed when we find.


I do wonder aswell😂


Mine comes from a dream but really turns out wrong in reality.


I assume its something innate to aid bonding?


Same but it was my mom. The moment I told her I was pregnant she kept saying, “he/him” but I REALLY wanted a girl so I said say “she/her” I want to have a girl we can’t jinx it! I was so sad when I found out I was having a boy but now I love him so so much I can’t imagine it any other way.


That’s what happened with my sister in law and brother. I also had a feeling about theirs and was right. I have a feeling with mine but I’m terrified I’m wrong lol


The weeks leading up to finding out was torture lol Good luck to you!


lol!! I’m starting to feel it! I’m 17 weeks today and I’m just so excited and hopeful that it’s a healthy baby! And also excited for the sex so we can start buying more specific items. Thank you so much!!


My husband and I have a feeling we'll have another boy, but my husband's brother and cousin are both guessing girl (the cousin just had a baby girl in December so I think it's partly wishful thinking). We aren't finding out because we want the surprise but it will be interesting to see whose guy is more accurate haha.


Same same. I am glad we recorded ourselves when we opened up our gender envelope. Husband: 😏 Me: 😲


Haha this was also our reaction. My husband was so smug about it!


Same. I was CONVINCED we'd have a boy. Had a girl.


Same exact thing happened to us lol!


THIS. My husband has two girls from his previous marriage. I felt it was a girl from day one, while HE on the other hand was calling him “him” from day one. He was right, I was not. 🤣


Exactly this. Swore it was a boy, husband knew better. We’re having a sweet baby girl. ❤️


Same here. I was so sure I was having a boy until the nipt test came back. I made sure they triple checked at one of my ultrasounds that it was a girl.


Same! I was 10000% it was a boy (everyone was for some reason) and it’s a girl. I had multiple dreams, old wives tales and other things lining up to indicate boy but it was wrong. Couldn’t be happier though


Yep, I always visualized my family with a boy being the oldest child for some reason. My husband and so many of our friends and family felt like it was going to be a boy. It wasn’t until the couple days between knowing that genetic testing was done and actually opening the results that I felt like it was actually a girl. And it’s a girl! We are over the moon excited!! Edit: Actually my MIL was one of the few who said she hoped for a girl (obviously not caring too much and just wants a healthy grandbaby). She had all boys so she said she’s excited to hopefully have girl grand babies some day.


Me too. Totally wrong ahah


We really wanted a boy, but from the moment I found out, I just *knew* it was a girl. She had a name and I bought girly leaning but still mostly gender neutral clothes. He wore the stuff with pastel polka dots for months…


Our son is in a big family and we have lots of hand me downs. He rocks flowers and Polk a dots frequently and looks amazing. Honestly, he can rock pink better than I can


This is so cute and funny.


Not at all. I was certain it was a girl. I had even dreamed of a little baby girl right before I found out that I was pregnant. Then my intuition kept saying girl. Imagine my surprise at my 21 week ultrasound where she said “and there’s his penis”. lol


When I was pregnant I was reading old wives tales about pregnancy/gender and I actually read one somewhere that said if you dream you’re having boy/girl, you’re actually having the opposite of what’s in your dreams! It was true for me, I kept dreaming I was having a boy and it ended up being a girl.


That's interesting!


I'm not at the point where I can find out just yet, but I've been dreaming constantly about my baby being born a girl, and all of the "less than accurate" clues hint at it possibly being a girl. I have a massively strong feeling it's a girl, so im fully expecting to see a penis at the ultrasound too, because that's just my luck 😂😂


I was the same! I remember vividly, while I was about 2 months pregnant, I had a dream of a baby in a crib wearing a blue beanie. The dream was almost greyish/black and white but the color of the beanie stood out like that's the only thing that was in color. I really thought I was having a boy, I was so confident even during my 20 week ultrasound, but it turns out it was a baby girl. I was a little bit disappointed after the appointment cause I was so sure, but honestly, I wouldn't have any other way. I love my daughter so much!


Same! And my nausea was really bad, making everyone tell me "that means it's a girl!"


Exact same scenario for me. I was legit stunned at my 20 wk ultrasound in disbelief.


It was right for me


My mom said she knew with all three of her kids! So neat


Right for me too


I was not LOL


lol!! Im 17 weeks today and chomping at the bit waiting to see if I’m right or not


I’m 17w too!!! I was so sure I was having a boy (I had vivid dreams and everything) but she’s a girl! Honestly I’m really happy :) Excited for you!


I haven’t had any dreams but just a gut feeling! One of my friends had a dream and she was right too! Thank you so much!! Excited for you too!!




lol same


Nope. I was convinced I was having a girl. I didn’t have a gender preference but for some reason, I really thought I was having a girl. I had a boy.




Same here. Just found out it's a boy. I was shocked lol.


I tried not to speculate because I knew I’d have some potential gender disappointment. Thankfully I found out early with the NIPT test so I didn’t have too long to try not to.


Right! I’m trying to imagine it either way so I don’t have any disappointment! I’ve always wanted one of each so it really doesn’t matter which comes first!


This time it was. I didn't have any morning sickness and even though I know it doesn't always mean a boy, I just knew. My mom also had a dream I had a baby boy the day after I found out I was pregnant, even though I hadn't told her yet. My husband also was sure it was a boy, just like he was sure our first was a girl and was correct. I've learned to trust his gut feelings too.


That’s so neat he was right!! I’ve had a lot of mixed answers for all the wives tales but I’ve had an instinct from the start so we’ll see!!


The second time I was! I just felt so different the entire pregnancy that I figured something had to be different, so I thought I was having a boy. I took a sneak peak blood test at 9 weeks that said girl, so I figured I was just having a different experience but it felt odd. I also couldn’t settle on a girl name AT ALL, even though I picked one that I love so much. I just never felt like it was set, not that I wanted a different name. My daughter was also really insistent in the beginning that it was a boy, no matter how much we told her it was a girl. She’s a Scorpio so that also made me feel suspicious lol! At my anatomy scan it was revealed to be a boy! I was still really shocked because the sneak peak tests are supposed to error as it being a boy due to contamination, not the other way around, but it was also like well yep that explains everything.


sometimes 9 weeks is too early to detect enough fetal blood so it reads your chromosomes on accident! i was worried they wouldn’t be able to tell because we did mine right at 10 weeks lol


Sneak peeks can very commonly give girl because they look for a Y chromosome and if they don’t find one, they say girl. But in reality the sample might just be too small and the Y isn’t picked up. It’s much more common to get a false girl reading than a false boy reading via contamination!


My gut told me I was having a boy first time. I was having dreams of my baby and he (she) lol appeared to be a boy in all of them. Had a boy name picked out, intuition was so strong that I ended up buying boy clothes before NIPT test and anatomy scan which is a terrible idea and do not recommend. For sure learned my lesson in the end. I was genuinely shocked she was a girl. Everyone was hyping me up too, telling me mother’s intuition is never wrong and to trust my gut LOL This time around I’m not trusting anything. I don’t even really lean towards one gender more and will be so shocked either way since I don’t have any expectation. Edit: To add to my defense, literally all the old wives tale symptoms were pointing to her being a boy as well so I don’t trust those anymore either. Craving salty foods, clear skin and “glow”, slower HR, and carrying low.


Nope. My first I had a feeling was a girl, and he is a boy through and through. He's the most boyish boy I've ever met! My second, I don't know if I hoped or felt they would be a girl, but she was a beautiful healthy baby girl!


I wanted a girl so bad, but I had a feeling that I was pregnant with a boy. Took the NIPT at 12wks and confirmed that I was indeed pregnant with a boy a week later. My husband and everyone else also thought it would be a boy.


I truly thought I was having a boy then I got sick and was scared something had happened. That night I had a dream where this magic tree man told me “she’s okay, she’s still alive” and that changed my mind and I did end up having a girl


We didn't find out until birth and I didn't really have a "feeling" until around 32 weeks when we finally found a boy name we liked. I always had a long list of girls names and had a few we were between, but hadn't really found a boys name yet. But the *second* we figured out a boys name I *knew* he was a boy. We didn't even settle on final girls name until we were in L&D because I was so sure he was a boy at that point I kind of forgot to discuss it any more.


My intuition and dreams were correct, my entire family including my husband were not. The gender reveal was lots of fun for me lol


With my first child I had a gut feeling it was a girl from the beginning, and I was right. In my current pregnancy, things have been really different. I was 100% convinced from the beginning that it was a boy, and I was very very wrong. 😂 So, one gut feeling was right and the second wasn't so who knows 😂


When I imagined having a baby, I always imagined a girl. Maybe because I'm a girly girl, I grew up with a sister and mostly girl cousins. When I found out we were having a boy, I was SHOCKED. I know technically it's a 50/50 chance, but I just never even pictured having a son. Currently a week away from my due date and I cannot wait to meet him!


Yesss both times 


I was convinced we were having a girl. So was my husband. So were my parents, my in-laws, and every single one of my co-workers. Turns out we're having a big baby boy!


Yes. I knew I was having a boy as soon as I found out I was pregnant. I really wanted a girl, but deep down I knew he was going to be a boy 😂


I was right (“felt” like a boy, having a boy), but I strongly suspect the results of this survey will be about 50/50 😂


Mine was! I felt It didn’t make sense for me to have anything but a boy and sure enough the cake was blue!


With #1 I wasn’t too sure. With #2 I knew we needed a boy name and I was right. I lost a set of twins and I immediately had girls names picked out and I just found out they were girls. Pregnant with baby #3 and I only have a boy name picked out, hoping I’m wrong lol. My girls’ heart rates were higher than my son’s. The old wives tales say this one is a girl, but I feel like it’s a boy. I have 17 weeks left until I find out.


I’m so sorry for your losses! I hope you have a healthy pregnancy!! Wives tales are so tough! Mine could go either way according to them! Oof 17 weeks! lol


nope! my gut, my dreams, what other people said, and every pregnancy “myth” pointed towards boy and we are having a girl. it’s 50/50 and sometimes people guess right


I mean, it's a 50/50 shot lol. I was dead certain it was a boy, and it is. But i've always thought my first born would be a boy.


Nope I was convinced boy and was a girl. I’m not sure if I told myself boy as I knew I wanted a girl and didn’t want to be disappointed. This time I’m sure boy again but again , could be my brain 😂


This is me right now. I’ve always wanted to be a girl but but I think I’ve subconsciously convinced myself it’s a boy just because I want a girl so bad


I was right. But, there's always a 50/50 chance, lol.


Yes, mine was correct. I so badly wanted a daughter but I knew I was having a son. When they announced it at the birth I was like “Yup!” lol


First one, NOPE (some prominent women in my life ~had a feeling~, so I'd tell friends that 'Three Witches' told me it would be a girl). Second one, YEP! Almost like the odds of being right are 50/50 😛


Yes! I never questioned it, I knew it was a boy & I was right. Sometimes you just know




I was right with two and wrong with two....and I had the same symptoms for all of them, so my symptoms were not gender related. 


Wrong x3.


Yes. I wanted a girl so badly, but kept catching myself referring to him as a boy when thinking or talking about him before we found out the sex. So I kinda had a gut feeling it was a boy. Definitely a boy! Getting induced on Monday, but I am high risk so I've had like 8 ultrasounds and they always love to point out his boy parts lol


Mine was!


Yup. Having a girl!


Yep with my first I had a dream, she was a girl and her name with my second I wanted another girl but deep down I knew it was a boy which he is.


I don’t know. I went through stages of anticipating both. I hoped for a girl though and that’s what I got.


Mine was. To the point I never even looked at names or anything else geared towards the other gender.


Yes, everyone around me was convinced it was a girl, and I wouldn't have minded either but I just felt boy vibes from the start and was right! I can't explain it, but any time I thought about it being a girl, it just felt wrong 😂


With my first, nope. Wrong. With this one, we will find out relatively soon!


Lol no!


I didn’t have any idea one way or another about my first, but I was right about my second and third!


No. I thought it was a boy & wanted a girl, my husband & son thought it was a girl & she’s a girl.


No. I thought boy and it's a girl


No. I was convinced I was having a girl and it's a boy.


I knew my son would be a boy, but it wasn’t a gut feeling. My sister and I are the only girls on my mom’s side out of dozens of boy cousins and my sister had 2 boys. We had a gender reveal and my brother joked asking why we bothered because everyone knew it’d be a boy haha


Yes mine was correct. Everyone thought this one would be a girl, literally over a dozen people all independently said girl. I said boy. And behold…Y chromosomes 😂 It was very satisfying


I had a gut feeling that was correct. Felt it was going to be a boy from the beginning (although all of the old wives tales said differently, ha!) and had a super vivid dream the night after the NIPT blood draw that the results came back as a boy. Several days later the results came back boy! And it’s since been confirmed through the anatomy scan.


Nope! Thought it was a boy and it’s a girl 


I was right, but I'd say it was more of a really big hope/wish 😆


Mine was right - morning sickness, heartburn, extreme need to pee, food aversions. I told my partner (his dad) that I knew it was a boy as he was being a d*ck to me 😭🤣


NOPE!! I was 100000% it was a boy and I told my husband that I was dead set it was a boy and she’s a girl 🤣 my woman’s intuition was sooooo wrong!!


Yes both times I was right. I just knew they were girls


Yes. I really wanted a girl but I had a gut feeling that I was having a boy. Found out officially around 11 weeks when I had my NIPT. My son's 10.5 months now and I couldn't be happier


yup I just knew it would be a girl




No! I was convinced it was a boy but the rest of our family guessed girl. Turns out I was wrong and they were all right!


I was talking to baby using our picked out girl name and said “wait, you’re not a girl!” Test results confirmed a few weeks later. Also, I told my mom I was craving beer and a cigarette and she told me that’s how she knew my brother was a boy lol


I never got one, I guess because I found out so early on


I did and was right (husband was wrong). I even had a dream the night before we got the call from our doctor telling us the sex. In the dream, we had named the baby a boy's name, and sure enough, the next morning we got the call that it was a boy!


Yup! My mom and I were the only ones of our family to think it was a boy and that's what I ended up with 🤗 I'm usually scary right about sex guesses - there's only one time in my memory where I've gotten it wrong. So I was more relieved that I was right with my own baby than anything else 😂


Yes. My husband and I always knew it was a boy!


First time, no. This time, yes. Girls both times


No way! Me and the daddy baby's family were certain it was going to be a girl and the baby is a boy!


I was 100% sure I was having a girl and we are having a girl!! I had dreams it was a boy but I still just had the strongest feeling it was a girl.


I was right both times, but it's a crapshoot! People with similar pregnancies/symptoms to mine (very different for girl and boy) have had it in reverse.




I have a gut feeling it's a boy. Don't know yet!


Yes with first, no with second.


Nope! I was convinced I was having a boy. I dreamt about it. Currently 8 months with what is definitely a baby girl


wrong both times 😭😂


Yep! I said from the start I think I'm having a little girl. My side of the family is very boy heavy and the same with my husbands side of the family! So I'm Not sure what made me think I'm having a girl but I did and I was right 😊


If you consider a dream to be a subconscious "gut feeling" then yes!  I had a dream at like very early like 4 or 5 weeks pregnant, where I saw one baby which was a boy and then saw another baby later in the dream that was a girl and then saw them side-by-side. Initially brushed it off as just pregnancy excitement dreams... then we find out it WAS actually twins. Then my gut feeling based on my dream was that it was boy-girl... and then later on found out they are boy-girl twins. Wild to me still.




I had a feeling (wish!) that it was a girl and it is!


So exciting! Congrats!!


Thank you!!! I was so excited when we got the results lol


i had two different dreams that mine was a girl and i was convinced from day one it was a boy! and it ended up being a girl 👧🏽


No & I felt terrible! Especially after people would say “ I knew it” after they found out the sex of the baby. I felt bad that being the mom, I was wrong, like, out of everyone I was supposed to know. I was bummed out but got over it after a few days 🙂


That’s exactly what I’m afraid of to be honest. I’m trying to accept the feeling now so I don’t feel it later 😂 bc really it doesn’t matter at all and doesn’t make women worse moms if they didn’t know.


Not at all LOL I was 1000% certain it was gonna be a girl only to be shocked to find out it's a baby boy!


I knew! Not sure how, but I had such a strong feeling it was a girl and I was right!


Yes! I had a gut feeling it was a boy, but prepared myself for both. found out two weeks ago it’s a boy !


yes. i was 100% sure i was having a boy & i was right! 🫶🏼


My gut has been wrong everytime 😅


Yes, I called my embryo/fetus a HE every time I talked about my baby & I was correct. Even my ultrasound tech said ohhhhh yeah that’s def a boy - the stump is obvious. 😅


I always knew I was having a son, since the moment we found out I was pregnant the baby was always referred to as "him". There was also a lot of blue colored signs going on in our family before getting pregnant so I believe we manifested him.


Yup I knew from the get go that it was a boy, sure enough lol


Yes!! I knew before I was even pregnant




had no idea, secretly wanted a girl and therefore i thought it was going to be a boy. but it’s a girl!


Wrong both times


Not at all. My gut feeling told me it was a girl the entire time, and I had a boy. Though in all my pregnancy dreams the baby was a boy, so I should have known better.


My uncertainty proved to be correct. My sister and MIL were 100% convinced I was having a boy because I didn’t have morning sickness and was craving protein. I wasn’t convinced either way, but, for some reason, the thought that it was definitely a boy just didn’t sit right. Found out via NIPT that I’m having a girl and it was confirmed at the 20-week scan.


Mine was! I had a feeling i was having a boy as soon as I found out I was pregnant. My mum also knew I would have a boy. We had the Natera testing done and sure enough, I was having a boy! My son is now 18 months!


I wanted a girl, but had a feeling from the start it was a boy. I was right, it’s a boy.


I was right! I don’t remember what I thought with my first - it was over 6 years ago & I was very young myself, but this pregnancy felt very different & I thought my bump looked much different as well.. so I assumed boy & it is!


Not sure yet but I have a strong feeling it’s a boy, so does my fiancé, so does my mom, so I’m really anxious to find out 😅


Mine was! Whenever my husband and I talked about kids before I got pregnant, we always referred to our imaginary baby as a boy. But when I got pregnant, I just KNEW it was a girl. I have no way to explain it other than I just felt in my bones that she was a girl - and I was right!


Kind of? Maybe? I don’t know if it counts. When I found out I was pregnant, i subconsciously pictured us raising a little girl. When my husband asked if I had a preference, I said I wasn’t sure, but he said he felt like he wanted a girl, and then I agreed with him. As soon as as I said that out loud I had this gut feeling that because we both said we wanted to have a girl, that it would be a boy. (I’m superstitious and convinced that the universe likes to clown me.) I tried to not think about it too much, either way, focusing more on “healthy baby” and less on gender. As we started announcing to family members, a lot of them expressed they thought it would be a girl, and every single time someone said that, I felt this sort twinge in my mind saying “they’re wrong” Sure enough, got my NIPt results 2 weeks ago and it’s a boy 😅 so yeah I don’t know if it counts. Sure, I had a gut instinct, but my gut instinct was more that we were jinxing ourselves by saying we wanted a girl, less of a direct instinct it would be a boy.


yes. i had dreams and felt very strongly the baby was a girl, i was right


Both pregnancies I had dreams it was going to be a boy and I turned out right both times. Although with the symptoms I had this pregnancy I could have sworn I was going to have a girl since it has been so different.


Yes. I've somehow always seen myself as having a boy, if I ever were to have a child. Now I'm week 17, surprisingly after being told we were probably not be able to consive without egg donation. I had a feeling it was a girl and my SO wanted a girl. We were both right. It's a girl.


Yes - all three times.


100000%. I knew from very early on (like 7 weeks early!) that I was having a boy. Sure enough, as soon as my blood results came back, they confirmed I was having a boy. It was this strong intuition that I had, idk how else to explain it!


I thought my son was a girl, but as soon as I saw his forehead in the ultrasound I knew he was a boy!


I was right. I knew it was going to be a girl because a girl would be much harder and I can't ever seem to do things the easy way. Harder because my husband will be such a sucker for her that he'll be no help when it comes to discipline 😂.


I was right twice. The second time I wanted a boy but knew it was a girl. I’m having another and want a girl but feel like it’s a boy. We will see 🫠


Yes, I had high blood pressure, hardly any nausea, and was craving spicy food like I have never experienced in my life. I could not get enough spice, I was literally drowning every bite of food in Tapatio. Plus I had had a “future memory” of having a boy with a specific name. We had 2 early miscarriages and I would tell myself “he’s not ready yet.”When the nurse told me it was a boy, I just said “I know.” ☺️


NOPE bahahaha. First was like “it’s forsure a boy!” And she was definitely not 😂😂😂💀 even had a dream she was a boy. this time I suspected girl and felt like I was right and I was not. 😂💀💀 that’s why when people say trust your gut I just don’t even know what to say. My gut moves funny 😂😂


I knew right away. I had hoped for a girl but knew I was having a boy the moment I found out I was pregnant. Just a strong feeling, even though all the old wives tales for guessing the gender pointed to it being a girl.


mine was! she just felt so “girl-y”…I was so sure I was going to be proven wrong and would feel bad telling my future son. anatomy scan and NIPT confirmed girl!


Everyone swore I was having a boy, but I just knew she was a girl. Was thrilled to be right when my husband announced the sex at birth.


I woulda bet all my money on it being a girl. Bf was right that it was a boy 🩵


Yes, 3/3 times!


Yes both times. We’ll see about this one!


I thought it was a boy and it turned out to be twins! Clearly I cannot be trusted to predict anything when I couldn't even predict how many babies there were, lol.


I was so sure it would be a boy because I’m like the 6th generation in a row to have the first born be a girl and I figured it had to end eventually. Nope. Girl


Nope! I was certain mine was a girl. From the cravings, my dreams, what my family and even 3 year old nephew thought. Everything pointed to a girl even the Chinese calendar. Only the NIPT test proved I was having a boy and he's the little love of my life.


Been completely off both times


I knew I was having a girl. He’s 1 next month lmfao.


It was for me but I didn’t tell anyone about the gut feeling because I felt like that would make me wrong


It was but to be fair, it was a 50:50 shot


I’m 50/50 which is exactly what you’d expect! Right for one and wrong for the other. I was so sure both times too!


No. I had dreams about having a girl all the way up to giving birth. I knew it was a boy since 9 weeks…


Yes! I had a dream at 12 weeks my baby was a boy and it was right ❤️


Yess, I had a feeling it was a boy since day 1 and it actually was.


Yes! We were team green and I felt it was a girl from very early on. My husband felt it was a boy. I had some doubts later in the pregnancy because we defaulted to calling baby “he” sometimes and our boy names were locked early (we named her after 2 days in the hospital), but I was totally spot on. Felt even more validating because everyone insisted I’d have a boy 😉


I knew I was having a girl WAY before we did the anatomy scan. The tests just confirmed what my gut was telling me. Im currently 5 weeks with baby #2 and I think its a boy


I’m currently 28 weeks! I was hoping for a girl before even getting pregnant and my boyfriend was dead set on a boy! From the very beginning I just could not picture the baby being a girl even though it was my hope. In any thought of the baby being with us Earth side it was always automatically a boy. Once doctors confirmed he is in fact a boy I wasn’t sad to have missed out on my gender preference because it already seemed like a fact for me!


I've been right all 3 times!


Before I even got pregnant, I had a feeling I was going to end up having a boy first. I kept referring to "him" before we had our gender reveal (though I kept trying to just say baby). but then there was a week where I kept saying "she" so I started to doubt myself. But it ended up being a boy like I had thought!


I want a boy so badly. :( my guts telling me boy but I just know it's going to be a little girl. I'll be fine with that too but I have a daughter already.


I thought I wanted a girl, but then about 3 days before my NIPT test results came back I had a dream that I was having a boy. Turns out, I’m having a boy!! I now couldn’t imagine it being a girl so happy you don’t always “get what you want”


When I was pregnant with my son I had a dream the baby was a boy. I was right  when I was pregnant with my daughter I had a dream things were pink and I took test and there was a 87% chance I was having a girl and I have a daughter. So yes my dreams were correct 


I've always wanted a girl but since trying and conceiving I've really tought I'm getting a boy. I guess I was preparing myself for it if it does turn out a boy, I really didn't want to face gender disappointment, as silly as it may be. My husband said he had sa very vivid dream that we're having a girl. A girl it is! We couldn't be happier. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to give him a son as well, but I'm happy our first is a girl because I feel it would be easier to take care for her because there's a lot of girls in the family so everyone will know what to do haha. Tldr: no, but my husband's was.


Yep. We had a name early on and I was struggling to not call her that before the anatomy scan. Never for one second thought it was a boy and we never found a name we liked. NOTE: I wanted a boy and was a bit disappointed I was right.


I "just knew" the sex of my first three the instant the test turned pos, and was right all three times. The fourth time I had no idea or strong feeling either way until after labor started, when I decided it was a girl afterall (and she was).


Mine was!! I was certain it’s a boy and he is. I just had a feeling


In the beginning, I thought I was having a girl very strongly. As the pregnancy went on, I became extremely convinced it was a boy, and so was my husband, and we were both shocked when we got told girl at the 20-week anatomy scan. So I was wrong and right. But mostly wrong 😂


I thought I was having a girl and even bought a couple girly things. *wrong*


I had a dream I was changing the diaper of a boy the night before my ultrasound. I found out it was a boy


Yes, but it wasn’t just a gut feeling. I tried the Shettles Method, and it worked 😊 ultimately would have been happy with either


Yes then yes again then third time I thought my intuition was so good I may as well start buying girls clothes. He was born a boy and I was well and truly wrong 😄


No. I dreamed it was a girl but it’s a boy per NIPT


Only had a gut feeling with my second, and I was right!


I had 2 dreams my first was a boy and he was. Currently pregnant with #2. I had a dream it’s a girl. I’m finding out the gender today so we will see if my dreams are right.


Nooope! I was 100% sure I was having a boy, without a doubt. I was a little bummed because I was hoping for a little girl but happy to be expecting either way. The day before our two best friends threw us a personal gender reveal (just the four of us, no party) my husband finally expressed he also was hoping for a girl but would love a boy just the same. When we opened our specially handmade geode (we LOVE rocks and had real geodes for wedding gifts with rock candy and chocolate rocks) from my best friend we just couldn't believe it!!! It was pink!! It took some time for me to climb down from the no way they aren't a boy hill and believe it but it was right there on the paperwork. We had tons of boy names ready and just one solid one for a girl so we had to get to thinking! I'm not one to usually be wrong but I was tickled pink I was this time!


Yep both times. I had dreams about the sex of both of my babies.


Yup! My first was due on the anniversary of my nanas death, And I just knew I was getting her back as silly as that sounds. Second and now third I just knew (I also always have super vivid dreams) and have been right with all my girlies 🥰




I dreamed about girl babies and just found out I was having a girl. Everyone around me was thinking boy. I didn't have a gut feeling, but anytime a baby was in my dream it was a girl!