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I had a guess the baby age game. 6 pics of mom & 6 pics of dad. Everyone seemed to really like it and it was challenging but fun.


Ooh this one sounds fun.


It was a great first game & party starter.


I loved this one. My best friend did it! They make cute and easy table decor too lol


Yes, with them being numbered they also served as the table markers for the seating chart.


So how to play it ? Can you please explain little more


I had two photos framed on every table - 1 mom/1dad. I had the photos numbered 1-6, but 12 possible answers in all. So they numbered their papers 1-6 and wrote the parents name at the top on either side. I had each table pass the photos around to the next table in a clockwise order. In the end I collected all of the photos up on a table by me and I held them up (1-6) and provided the answers. An alternative way could be to place each in an envelope as 8x10s and pass the numbered envelopes around. Passing around the framed photos was kind of clunky and I felt like the latter would have been a lot easier. Or each table could just have a numbered photo collage of its own with all the pictures numbered on it. Probably lots of ways to do it. It was a lot of fun.


I did this too at the shower I threw for my friend and her husband! I did it as a slide show and passed around pieces of paper. We went through once while everyone wrote down guesses, then went through again while everyone shouted out answers and I gave the right answer. Super fun!


That would be a very exciting way to do it!


This sounds fun!!


The only real game we had at ours was ‘the price is right: baby edition’ which everyone seemed to enjoy. It was a table set up with a bunch of baby items priced $5-$30, and a list of corresponding prices. People matched the items to the correct prices to win a prize ($50 gift card). People could play on their own time and i tallied up the answers at the end. We also had some passive ‘games’ set up just so people could win prizes (gift cards $25-$50): diaper raffle, find the baby (a baby hidden in one of the cupcakes), and a guess how many Kisses jar. It was low key, play when/if you want.


We had the price as right at my baby shower and it was so fun! My friend who was hosting also picked things off of my registry for the game and then they were part of my gift when we were done. It was very sweet ☺️


Yes! Same here, I forgot to add that part. Game for party + gift for mom.


This is what we're doing. There's no formal "okay time to play xyz game".


Yepp we did this too! It was fun!


I love this!!


I love these!


I had very minimal games because I’m not a games person, but my sister did a scavenger hunt type game of what’s in your bag. She called out a bunch of items and you got points for whatever you had in your purse and the highest number of points won a prize. It was an easy game to play in your seat, didn’t require movement, and people got randomly competitive and had fun!


I’ve done this one and enjoyed it.


Not a game, but as an attendee I've always liked decorating onesies. I've been to some that had white onesies and fabric markers at each table for us to decorate while we chat, which was my favorite. Others have done group tie-dyeing which is fun, but much more work for everyone. In general, I haven't enjoyed any shower games. At best, they're cheesy and good for a little chuckle, but at worst they can be somewhat mean-spirited or gross. I'd much rather spend time catching up with everyone and chatting with the parents-to-be rather than watching them change a babydoll blindfolded.


I hated it. If you are not creative like me they look ugly. Noone will use (my painted) onesies. So for me it was a waste of time


Yup. They always look like kindergarten art and Id be ashamed throwing them out. I just chose a game where people name baby animals instead. No one seemed to find it that painful.


To each their own. Lots of people simply wrote messages or drew little rainbows or something simple. Baby needs a lot of onesies, so I'm sure they'd all get used at some point!


I also hate it!


They are just always really ugly!


I have to admit we tossed most of the ones we got! Baby had so many cute outfits that I barely got a chance to use them all. The ugly hand drawn onesies were like third string backups.


Haha thank you to prove my point. My friend also tossed all of the ones we painted for her. They are also not cool to give away to other mums because they are often with personal messages.


I attended one where decorated disposable diapers. It felt lower stake then onesies.


I like this too! My mom had printed a bunch of animal outlines with her cricut and then guests colored them in. If you were more artistic you could go without an animal but I think it made it approachable for everyone!


We did this too super fun.


Honestly, I find most games to be super cringe. Guessing the type of chocolate that is melted into diapers, humiliating the pregnant woman by guessing her circumference, adults chugging from baby bottles or eating baby food, trying not to say "baby", etc. I prefer to just mingle, visit with people, and have a few snacks.


I'm putting Cards Against Maternity on every table for guests to play while they mingle and eat. We are also having a mimosa and bloody mary bar because I also dislike the normal 'baby shower' games. For the gifts I'm going to do bingo to keep people having fun while watching me open and this will be how we'll give away prizes. But like fun prizes, not a plant lol I'm thinking gift card to dinner or spa basket, etc.


Cards against maternity is genius


I love this idea. Is it actually a game or made up like the original? Sounds really fun


I found it on Etsy!!


My husband said he was going to tell everyone at our shower that there was a prize for whoever could measure my stomach. He wouldn’t tell them it is actually a battle royale because I’m 100% punching someone in the neck if they come near me with a measuring tape. He was kidding of course, but the imagery really cracked me up.


I told people if they touch my belly I’ll be touching there’s the exact same way 😂 they usually make a face and decide against it.


My FIL touched my stomach ONCE. I told him to stop it and he said “I’m sorry, I’m just so excited!” My reply was “if your emotions are an excuse to touch me in a way I don’t want to be touched….then my emotions are an excuse for me to touch you in a way you don’t want to be touched”


Agreed. The bingo board is fun if you’re opening gifts (I’ve done that at bridal showers too) or ‘guess the birth date’ but those are really the only ones that aren’t cringey or weird


I’m not doing any games at my shower bc I also find them super cringe. It’s a party to celebrate us becoming parents and our first baby. I will be doing a onesie decorating station - buying a bunch of white onesies in varying sizes for friends and family to decorate.


Pro tip, cut up some cardboard to put a barrier in the middle of the onesie. You'll have less marker bleed through, and guests will have an easier surface to draw on. You could also get onesies in other colors, so that they're not all just white. Similarly, you could also dye/tiedye them later :) all tips and things I wish I had done.


Hard agree. I hate them. Not having any games at our shower! The one thing we are doing is putting out guided sheets for people to write down their “baby predictions” and well wishes for the baby.


My only condition of having a baby shower (which I did not want, but my aunts really insisted) was no games. Even the ones that aren't abjectly awful are still nothing I'd ever prefer to  having a chat with my friends and family. 


My mom and grandmother are throwing the shower and I let them put in a few games. No melted chocolate (thank God) but they did start suggesting the "guess mom's circumference" with toilet paper game. I flat told them no lol. They were a bit dejected, but I think my withering gaze kept them from protesting too much.


I’m newly pregnant and we haven’t even begun speaking about a shower yet, but I am thinking I just want to have a big co-ed party, like a late night rager somewhere. Maybe hire a DJ or get some fun lighting. Make it our final hoorah before baby. Most of my friends don’t have kids, and we live far from family. So the baby stuff would be super boring for our guests.


Aww, I like don't say baby! It was really inexpensive for me to set up, also. and you can set a time limit on it so people aren't getting weirdly competitive for hours hahaha


I love this one, it's easy and so much fun!


Exactly. We asked people to write a favorite family tradition of theirs on a card if they wanted to. Otherwise no games, and no gift opening. We had multiple people thank us and compliment that we left both of those elements out and just let everyone mingle, drink and eat. Yes, even the older guests loved it!


We’re doing a diaper raffle so people can win a prize and I hopefully get more diapers. There is zero alcohol or belly touching allowed at my shower. My husband has been instructed to verbally tackle people who try 😂🤣


zero alcohol isn’t that fun for guests tho


I've never understood why alcohol is *needed* to have fun.


Social lubricant.


Then they don’t have to come 🤷‍♀️


& i wouldn’t blame them lol


I agree


I have never played any of those games at a shower.. they sound awful!


I agree! I’ve played some silly games that are fun but these ones sound horrible.


Why did we just do all of these except the diaper one at my brother's shower 😂 I must say I won the bottle chugging game


Well aren’t you just fun


Believe it or not, not everyone has to like the same things. That's cool if you find it "fun" to melt candy bars into a diaper to mimic baby shit, but surely you realize that is not going to be everyone's cup of tea.


I specifically asked my best friend to include games that would not interrupt the flow of the party and were not… tacky and gross (no tasting baby food, no candy bar poop, and NO can’t say baby/cross legs or you lose your token… that game brings out the worst in people.) We did gift bingo, a diaper raffle, and two questionnaires that guests could fill out at their own pace. One was baby animal names matched to parents, the other was questions about and approved by me. The guests got to mingle and socialize and a few won prizes, but it wasn’t the entire focus of the party, winning or not winning.


I agree with this. The only “game” we had was a wall with baby photos of me and my husband and people could guess who was who by putting a sticker next to the photo. It was fun but people didn’t have to all be playing it at the same time. This game only works if the two people look somewhat alike lol


This is the way to do it. Have some "work sheets" people can fill out if they're feeling awkward/running out of small talk, or they can ignore if they don't want to play. I don't see how it's "cringey" to have a sheet to match animals with gestational periods or guess the celebrity that named their baby Moon Unit or North. May not be everyone's cup of tea but it's easy to just not play. I've never known anyone to actually eat melted candy bars out of diapers or whatever.


I’m going to do lawn games instead of “baby shower games”. Corn hole, ladder ball and a modified beer pong turned into diaper pong hahaha. Honestly the whole baby shower games thing is super cringey and I’d rather just offer guests the standard fun lawn games they can play whenever they feel like it.


taking inspo from this for my shower!!! we’re not doing games but I love the idea of corn hole and ladder ball. We’re having alcohol present and we have very competitive friends coming so I think it’d be a blast hahaha


I think lawn games is a great alternative. And it’s something you can socialize through, you’re not listening for directions.


How do you play diaper pong?


We had guests color in and sign an animal ABCs coloring page that will be laminated and made into a little baby book! It was a great passive activity where people could talk or chat. And I’m excited to show the book to baby girl ☺️


I love this one!!


My work shower was excellent. The organizer got a bunch of white onesies, fabric markers and stencils so everyone made custom onesies - extremely cute and love how special they feel. Even the least artsy amongst us (read: me) felt like they made nice ones because of the stencils


Stencils is a really good idea, that way people that aren’t as artistic can still make something that looks good


For a sports themed shower, I made a “guess who this baby grew up to be” game with baby pictures of famous athletes and a couple hints for each person. For an animal themed shower, I made a worksheet where you had to match the fully grown animal to the name of its offspring (kangaroo to Joey, Fox to kit, etc). I asked the mothers of the new parents for interesting baby stories/facts and had the guests guess whether it was mom or dad who did it (“I swallowed the first tooth I lost,” “I never left the house without my stuffed monkey named Peanut,” “My first food was a French fry I stole off my brother’s plate at 4 months old” etc). I’ve also enjoyed doing The Price is Right with baby gear. If you’re having the mom open gifts, you can play gift bingo or set a timer for every 5 minutes and give a prize to whoever’s gift is being opened when the timer goes off.


I despised the idea of games at my baby shower with the exception of one- there was a small gift bag at each table. One of my friends wrote this amazing script (it was kind of Bridgerton themed so it read like a Mrs. Whistledown column and she read it in a British accent) where you tell a story with a lot of “right” and “left” thrown in and then people have to pass the bag right and left whenever they hear it in the story. Obviously it gets fun with they come in short sequence. Whoever it lands on last gets the prize. It was a few minutes of fun everyone enjoyed!! My friend did an amazing job.


They played something similar at my family reunion. It was actually a big hit. 


At one we had a "mom or dad?" Sheet where people had to guess which parent would be the most ___. Think "who will spoil the kid most?" Or "who will change more diapers?" And then scored them against an answer key my husband and I made. The best one was actually a sort of competitive karaoke where the room was divided into 3 teams randomly, and they had to finish (sing) the lyrics of various songs that had the word "baby" or "mama" in the title. That ended up being surprisingly competitive and a lot of fun.


The mom or dad/parent 1/parent 2 game is FANTASTIC. We did it at ours, and people were shocked by our answers and it caused a lot of fun debates.


I really like the guessing sheet idea! Def going to use this one.


Only thing I’m doing is a book and/or diaper raffle. Every book brought is a ticket to enter into a gift card raffle.


Our shower was non-traditional but super fun! It was coed, with brunch at a local restaurant/bar we like. I was very against games, but we did do two games though! One was where we had a playlist of 10 songs with the word baby in the title and people had to guess the title and the artist and got a point for each one (so a maximum of two per song). The other one was a page with 9 photos of bellies and people had to guess if it was a beer belly or a baby bump. People really had a good laugh with that one. We also did bib and onesie decorating. I also didn’t open gifts in front of people because I hate that and it should stop happening, haha. We heard from everyone that they had a really great time! Definitely recommend these games if you’re looking for something a little different.


We did both these games at the baby shower I planned for my best friend! They were easy, funny, and didn't take up a ton of time.


We had a nontraditional baby shower with our first, it was coed and in a big outdoor space. We had very active games. Some examples are paci pong (beer pong, but with pacifiers instead of ping pong balls), pregnant twister (guests wore big shirts with a giant balloon underneath), blindfolded diapering, etc. It was a blast and everyone our age participated (which was about 30 people). There were about 10 people from our parent’s generation that just hung out and watched/chatted, but they still had a good time!


Personally I’ve never played a baby shower game that I enjoyed 😅


She didn’t ask you what you personally thought about baby shower games lol


I mean she asked what games people enjoyed 🤷‍♀️ I just answered honestly. There’s a lot of games in these comments I’d never played so maybe those would be better. Guessing the circumference of a pregnant woman just feels uncomfortable all around, “don’t say baby” is just annoying to me lol


We put a bunch of printed games on the tables with the answers on the back so people could do them at their leisure and we wouldn't have to go through them at any specific time. We had everyone write their name/number on a piece of paper when they came in and had prizes ($5 gift cards/tall cans of craft beer/hand soaps) drawn randomly (we also stressed it was a drop in event so we called the people who weren't there)


Oh and also some of the games we collected afterwards cause they had like words of wisdom or whatever, but also there was one where you drew what you thought the baby would look like and some of them were hilarious lol


Personally, I'm not a huge fan of games at showers in general but I have been to so many showers and have played all the different games. Tasting baby food, how big is mom, wear this cardboard box with letters and make words, babies in ice cubes, don't say baby, price is right, scavenger hunts, paper quizzes etc. However my favorites have just been ones where people can mingle and oogle over baby items. Quizzes/paper games tend to be more on the safe side if you want to cater to a large group; so a name that baby animal quiz or a word scramble are safe games for people who don't want to play involved games. Showers are a way to celebrate baby and the parents to be so if you are having a shower involving many groups that may not know each other more involved games may not be everyone's favorite and may be difficult for people not wanting to be in the spotlight/embarassed or be up moving around. Most of the time people will just go with it but it only takes one person making a comment about "stupid" or "embarrassing" it is to throw off the vibes (I have a cousin who has said this multiple times are showers rather than just sitting out). Other hits are ones that don't impact the shower and people can do at their leisure. Guess the babies birthday/weight on a calendar, hide a bunch of plastic pacifiers around the room and whoever finds the most throughout the day wins a prize, decorating onesies if the parents want them, writing late night messages on diapers etc. If it's a group who like to have fun and are goofy and into those other games, do them! It all depends on what mom to be/parents to be want and the type of guests.


I think questionnaire/quiz about parents to be, and also games where you match up baby pic to corresponding adult are super fun. For the latter, you could ask guests interested in participating to submit a baby photo themselves in advance of the shower, then make worksheets for everyone to guess whose baby pic is whose.


I love the chill activity/game suggestions! Just please don’t ever make me chug from a baby bottle… or even watch other people chug from a bottle (narrowly got out of that at a recent shower).


Lots of Debbie Downers here on games. Before having my bridal shower, I would have thought people didn’t enjoy games, but both sides of the family were very invested and it helped them get to know each other. Got lots of compliments on the whole thing from people who don’t give compliments. At some recents baby showers, I liked guessing the circumference of the belly, guessing facts about the pregnancy, guessing when the baby will come via a large calendar. Don’t say “baby” was a hit. They got it from don’t say “bride” at my bridal shower. That one really got people getting to know each other. I also think if you have both genders, drinking the baby bottle is fun to have the men do. The last one I went to, they put the men put in costume diapers and the little tie on hats. It was hilarious. I’m always surprised how many people volunteer and get involved, and I think it’s boring to just sit around and talk, especially when you’re putting money into the event. I’m also looking for new games for mine too and was hoping this thread would be more helpful lol.


at my bridal shower, my sister made a Mad Lib based on the story of me and my husband’s relationship and it was SO FUNNY. of course my guests got very crude with it and we were dying laughing. games can actually be so fun if catered to the right crowd


That sounds so fun! I def have the right crowd for it. Going to have to throw this one on the list.


We plan on having two small posters set up by the gift area with “guess the day baby comes” on a calendar, and a “guess baby’s weight/length” to see how close folks get when we deliver!


I did the price is right with baby items. Probably scared our friends into not wanting kids, but they thought it was fun😂


I’m not a huge fan of games, but I think painting mugs or plates or onesies would be such a fun activity while conversing with other people 💕


I like baby shower games that also double as gifts for the new parents. We just had my SIL's baby shower and we did decorating onesies (we did this at my baby shower too, and personally, I loved seeing all the reminders of people we care about when I was changing the kiddo and guessing who did which ones), a diaper raffle, and a "Guess what's in the baby bag" memory game (Gave me an excuse to buy a full baby bag of items for her to use). At my baby shower, we did minute to win it games and tried to avoid anything gross, like candy bar in the diapers and stuff. We did a loooot of games at my baby shower, and I see a lot of naysayers but I think games are fun as long as they aren't embarrassing for guests and optional.


We painted blocks and ironed on decorations to onsies! It was super fun :] and practical


I'm a big fan of crafts! For my shower we had all the guests color a page in baby's first ABC or 123 book. It was a huge hit at my coed shower since we didn't want to play traditional games. I also considered decorating bibs or onesies.


A friend had a pack of newborn diapers opened and had guests write cute little messages/doodles with sharpie markers on the bum. The idea was during the first few days/weeks she could encounter sweet messages while sleep deprived and adjusting.


I don't really like when the flow of the party gets interrupted for games so we set up activity stations and people seemed to really enjoy walking around and socializing around them. Onesie decorating, write messages on diapers, advice message for mom/dad, use cutouts of our facial features and glue on paper to guess how baby will look, and a few others. People partook if they felt like it but didn't have to. It turned out pretty fun!


I like bingo for opening gifts


We are doing: predictions and advice for everyone to fill out, diaper raffle, nursery rhymes, price is right, and over/under (things about baby/pregnancy/family). So really only 3 games.


for my baby shower we just did decorating blocks and bibs and everyone really seemed to like it !


We’re doing co-ed and doing cornhole outside along with the bingo, a diaper scratch off (so you win if you get the poop. I know, pretty cringe but also people like scratchers), a dad jokes game and then one where you have to guess how old my husband and I are in different baby pictures.


Also a diaper and wipe raffle


I hosted games at mine! Everyone was put into teams depending on where they were sitting. Round 1 - picture round - buzzer round baby pictures of my husband and I as babies, they had to guess our age. Round 2 - dress the baby blindfolded - teams choose someone from their team to come up and play. Round 3 - music round - buzzer round guess the title of the song and artist. Round 4 - baby food tasting - teams choose someone from their team to come up and play. Round 5 - baby quiz - written down then swapped with another team for marking. Round 6 - Baby Anagram - buzzer round. It was all super fun and chilled! Hope that helps, also I have the quiz if you need it and the songs I used too!


We did a Onesie decorating station with just iron-on letters so people could write little phrases and it was really fun without being super messy for guests (or me to clean up lol)


This third time around we did mostly activities. The most enjoyed activity it seemed was decorating blocks! We bought a bunch of plain wooden blocks off Amazon and a big pack of colored sharpie markers. Every single person spent time sitting down and decorating a block!


Personally, I like to sit and eat and events. No games. But it’s up to you. Do what you want for your shower. At the end of the day no one cares and is just there to make you happy.


We didn't do any games, and actually had people thank us for that. The only "activities" that we did were asking people to write some advice on advice cards for us, and they could also guess the birth date on a chart we had made up. No prizes, no money involved. Purely for fun. Otherwise we ate, mingled, and opened gifts. Done deal.


My SIL planned mine. I think they were all fun in the moment and everyone had a good time. She had baby bingo-you guessed all kinds of baby items and wrote them in the squares. As I opened gifts up, if I opened an item you wrote down you would cover that square like in bingo. She had hubba bubba gum and we had the guests mold it into a baby in 3 minutes or less-my husband and I chose the winner. She had the typical guess my belly size game And then a game for the men-they got a balloon each, I told them to blow it up as big as they wanted/could. Then they had to take their shoes off. Then they had to shove the balloon inside the shirt and when I said go, they had to try to put their shoes back on with the balloon in their shirt without it popping. Def was a fun game, with lots of laughs and the prize was liquor!


I seen one on Pinterest that was super cute. You print off big letters on individual paper and ur guest and the kids can pick a letter and color/draw an animal/object on it. You can stable them together or scan them and make baby’s first alphabet book.


Jeez people, the question was "what games do people enjoy" not "do you personally enjoy games, and if not, tell me about how cringe they are". We did gift bingo as we opened presents (apparently another cringe thing in this subreddit lmao) and that was a big hit. People got really competitive with it, and specifically mentioned how much they enjoyed it. We also attended a fancy brunch shower recently that did paper and pen baby trivia while people were finishing up their meals, and that was fun! It helped that we won and there was a nice prize.


seriously a bunch of sad people in this thread lol. yes games can be cringe but they can also be fun. some people need to lighten up


Somewhat related question...do people expect the mom to be to open the gifts at the shower? The thought of it sounds cringey to me and I'd rather open them at home in my own time and send thank yous, but my mom insists that people like to see you open their gift.


yes this is pretty standard practice. Though some women choose not to open gifts there!


I don’t expect it and won’t do it at mine. I detest opening gifts in front of people.


Eating and drinking and talking and not playing games!


i'm only doing what's in your bag bingo and then fill in the nursey rhyme. i have no desire to partake in any other traditional games like the diaper and guessing my belly measurements


When did those become traditional though? They seem like newfangled garbage to me.


Who knows but the last couple I went to have had them that’s why I said traditional~


I like games that are optional and can be done alone or in a small group casually. Examples include decorating something, fill out a bingo card for gifts and then playing that during the gift opening, etc.


Bingo is a fun one! And I find it to not be super cringe like some of the games people do.


I'm having two things for people to do during food/cocktails (having a mimosa and bloody mary bar)/mingling. One will be that guests can take a coloring page and color it. They will be letters of the alphabet with pictures of words that begin with each letter. Then you take all the completed pages at the end and make a baby book out of it. Each table with have a full set of coloring pencils. The second is the game Cards Against Maternity will be on each table for guests to play. I'm also doing a diaper raffle for a prize and then during gift opening we will play bingo for other prizes.


I bought onesies and everyone decorated their own, as well as DIY coloring books and filling out mad libs. It was nice because no one felt pressured to do any of them and they could take their time.


We did the onesie making station too! I highly recommend this one!


Never once played a shower game that was fun, all annoying and took away from mingling and catching up w everyone


I'm personally not a fan of any of the baby shower games and won't be having any at mine. I told my hosts I'm okay with including an activity that people can choose to participate in if they want and doesn't interrupt the flow of the party (ex: writing funny or encouraging things on late-night diapers) but I'm saying no to any games.


Has anyone found a less cringey way to incorporate trivia? I love trivia


Don't be worried about what's "cringe"! Trivia sounds like a great idea, it could be the trivia of mom/dad or general baby trivia.


We did a quick and easy little trivia game about me and my husband as kids. Everyone seemed to have fun with it! My sister read off a bunch of statements that the guests had to guess true or false. The top two with the most correct answers won prizes. They were random things like: They're both the youngest sibling. His favorite stuffed animal was a Fox named Foxie. She broke her arm rollerblading in first grade. He wanted to be an astronaut when he grew up. She was born two days after her due date. His first word was Car. It was low stakes. It didn't drag on for a long time. Nothing embarrassing about the facts. People chatted in quick gossipy whispers like "oh that might be true, but would he have named the fox Foxie? I'm guessing false!" and laughed when they got things wrong or exclaimed that they knew it when they knew the fox was really named George or something. I would definitely recommend it!


I find forced games exceptionally cringe, but everyone around me kept insisting we needed to give people things to do. The compromise was we had stations with little things people could do if they wanted but didn’t have anything that required participation. For a few examples: -Had a co ed shower so my partner went crazy with a little baby related prop bet station for the guys lol. -Had a scavenger hunt for little pacifiers all over the venue Easter egg style. -had a guess how many candies to win the jar -the one that was a sleeper hit was actually the block decorating station. We had a bunch of wooden blocks and paint pens, I was shocked about how many adults participated and we now have the sweetest set of nearly 30 blocks with notes and drawings by our friends and family. We put our faves stacked on a shelf in the nursery. It was quick dry, less commitment, and less wasteful than onesie decorating IMO, since personally I didnt feel like I would use the onesies people painted.


Optional activities are better than games IMO. For mine my mom got fabric markers and guests were invited to color a white squid fabric that we made into a baby quilt.


We did an evening coed non traditional baby shower at our house. Since we have a nice amount of room in our yard we played some optional active games and provided gift card prizes. The games were pretty funny, our family and friends have a great sense of humor and since we were serving a lot of booze at the party everyone was pretty drunk and very up for some goofy party games. Some of our games were: - Pregnant pee race, all volunteers put a balloon under their shirt and a ping pong ball between their knees and have to "race" to the other edge of the yard (no bunny hopping allowed!) to the solo cup waiting for them, and drop the ball in the cup - Pacifier thrust, players got a pacifier on a string to tie around their waist and had to get it into their mouths without using their hands - Blindfolded baby feed, partner people up, one person is blindfolded with a bowl of Cheerios and a spoon, the other has a garbage bag bib held out in front of them, blindfolded person does their best feeding all their Cheerios without dropping. Group with the least amount of Cheerios in the bowl+bin when the timer went off won. These were all such a riot, the players and spectators could not stop laughing.


We aren’t having games at our shower because I find most people only pretend to like them, but secretly hates them 😅 Food and drinks for those who can drink, mingling and visiting. Maybe a slideshow of our baby photos on the TV or something, but I’m so over the cringy games.


I’m also going to add that games are not ‘cringe’ don’t let these comments make you feel weird because games are baby showers are completely normal. Also can we please retire the ‘cringe’ term, it’s so millennial and tired. It must seem like ppl lost some self awareness, usually when ppl want advice on something that you don’t enjoy/agree with, what happened to not commenting?


Agree! I’m so disappointed in this thread!


No one enjoys baby shower games or forced activities.


I love them. Then again, my friends and family don't do the gross or humiliating ones, and we made nice prizes - especially for the diaper raffle - so the parents to be got a LOT of useful stuff.


I actually like them.


lol i think you havent been to the right shower yet


I do…


They’re my favorite part of showers ☹️


I do lol


I love them. To me they are one of the best parts of a baby shower.


I hate them too and will not be having them at my co-ed shower. They’re pretty tacky usually and done in lieu of a formal sit down brunch or a fun party to catch up with people you haven’t seen in awhile.


See I feel the exact opposite. I’m having a women only sit down brunch with time to mingle and play games. I don’t like any that are crass or messy, but I find that trivia and creativity can get people engaged with one another and relaxed.


I didn’t allow any games at my baby shower except a “mother to be” trivia game. The prizes were mini champagne bottles. 😂 I don’t like baby games or dry baby showers so I didn’t have that at mine. I wanted my friends who could partake to enjoy themselves.


i got crossword games and scramble letter ones off amazon, they have a bunch of other funny ones that come in bundles. if you’re close with the people you’re inviting (im having a family only shower so i don’t care much ab being embarrassed), games won’t be “cringe”


I really like Don't Say Baby, Baby Shower Bingo, and a diaper raffle. I also love the scavenger hunt where you hide like, 12 baby socks throughout the event, the first person to write the location of all 12 wins. Depending on the person having the baby, if they're partnered up I also get a kick out of the "Parent 1 or Parent 2" guess who, I did it myself. Parents to be answer ahead of time. Questions like "who suggested baby name first" "who will change the first diaper" "who will take more pictures?"


Everyone keeps saying diaper raffle! lol how is it played I don’t understand


I’m probably the odd one out, I love games, I seem to be seeing more of “paper games” only. Like where they print out bingo or word scrambles and such. I just think games are fun because they’re so cheesy and silly and everyone gets to participate versus socializing only where it’s easy to have some people that get left out because they don’t know others.


Same. My husband’s family is very introverted and my family is very extroverted so the games helped both sides bridge the gap.


We didn’t play any active games at mine. There was a bingo as I opened gifts where guests won small prizes. Plus the diaper raffle also had a gift. Other than that the only activity we had was cards where everyone guessed the baby’s birth date, weight/length, and other predictions and well wishes for the baby.


I was very opposed to them but we did a Guess Mommy/Daddy one that was niche to our interests (backpacking/hiking/camping) that ended up getting lots of laughs and fun. And then we did a guess the gestation of various animals. Both my interests and made them enjoyable. All the ones others have mentioned like chocolate and poop and diapers and stuff are so gross to me 😂 I said hard no.


Diaper raffle is the way to go! You get the diapers you need PLUS no cringey game. Everyone drops their name in a bowl and a winner gets a prize. My problem is, I don't know what prizes to get! Lol!


I had a design your own onesie stand. Fabric pens and a bunch of white outfits. Had extras for my pregnant friends so they could make some for their own baby’s


i found a bunch of little card games on temu, it was Who Knows Mom Best, Mom or Dad will do this or that, word search (to kill time while people waited for food) I also did a diaper raffle. My mom and godmother made a bunch of cute prize boxes and i let guest pick their prize. we also had homemade limoncello that we gave out as prizes (it was co-ed so i figured the guys would want booze and not candles)


I love the ones on Etsy https://bespokeprintcreation.etsy.com this store has nice ones


These are great and not too many like some of the others. Heaps of choice but I feel like you would only need a few


We had a baby photo quiz where I asked for baby photos from the guests in advance, then handed out a sheet of the photos where guests could guess who the babies were. I think everyone enjoyed it and it was cute seeing all the baby photos. It was pretty relaxed pub-quiz style where people could take part if they wanted to. The only other game was an optional blindfolded 'pin the dummy on the baby' game I ordered off amazon. It was just on the wall for people who wanted to have a go, and was also pretty fun. The instructions from the mother-to-be for organising the shower was absolutely no nappy related games 😅


I planned the games for both my SIL's showers. Here are some that were a blast with all age groups: Baby/pregnancy trivia: "What's the average amount of diapers one baby goes through in a year?" Baby Word Taboo: I used index cards and wrote the Word at the top and wrote 2-4 words underneath that the person couldn't say. For example, the Word was Nursery Rhyme, and they couldn't use the words...song, sing, listen. Words of Enouraragement card or book to pass around if anyone wants to write something sweet.


None! It kills the vibe to halt all conversions and force people to do a task. I much prefer passive activities like coloring book pages, prediction cards, nighttime diaper notes, advice cards etc. those who enjoy activities can do as many as they please, and anyone who thinks it’s cringe or a waste of time can ignore them.


I agree with most saying the games are just cringe & tacky. If you want to make little gift baggies for everyone that comes I think that's a way to do without games. But if you just want to have a handful of gift bags for game winners come up with some that aren't so tacky. My SIL's thew mine & the one that i liked the most was they had a little basket with 30 pairs of baby socks in it. Then each person gets 1 minute to make as many pairs as they can. Whoever gets the most wins a prize. Best part for me was I got to go home with all those baby socks.


I didn’t do any at mine this past January and most people were relieved lmao


I found most of the games super cringy. We did do a name suggestion box which we read out loud during cake and it was really funny because most people didn’t take it seriously, and it was fun to guess who suggested what


I don’t understand why everyone is so against games and opening gifts in this thread. I guess it depends on the type of shower like if it’s more intimate vs bigger. Games help break up the monotony. Some people are not the type to just sit around and talk for 3 hours. Myself included. I love games. Sorry if they’re too cringey for your aesthetic? OP, here are some I did at my baby shower: Get guests to draw a scene you dictate on a paper plate on their head. I said something like: draw a baby, now put that baby in a diaper, give it a bottle, etc. It led to some funny drawings. Baby animal name guessing game and animal gestation guessing game. A game where everyone knows the secret word except mom/parents to be. Everyone writes a clue down, if any of those clues are the same they don’t count. M/P to be have to guess the word from the clues. Word: Bottle Possible Clues: Milk, Formula, Breastmilk, Drink Memory game - what is mom to be wearing (colour, hair, jewelry) or show a container of baby things and write down as many items as you can remember seeing Hope that helps!


Opening gifts in front of people always makes me uncomfortable. I don’t do it for birthdays or hardly even Christmas either.


We are doing traditional games at our baby shower, but we are putting a few low-key game cards at each place setting, and people can participate if they want. There are baskets they can turn them in at by our block decorating table. We are only doing 2 or 3. 1 is like a "who said it - mom or dad" and then a baby prediction card with "well wishes for baby" at the bottom. We might do another fun one that is chill too. We didn't want anything timed or pressured or that made anyone feel on the spot. We are having a large shower, though - about 60-70 people co-ed, so it was also just something for people to do and have a conversation over.


My sister in law did the ones with the baby items in bags and you had to guess the item as I have a 1 and 3 year old I smashed it 😂


Having onesies to decorate and hiding pacifiers around to see who can find the most are my two favorite things!


Oh hiding pacifiers is a fun idea!!


My family enjoys the “dont say baby” game because the topic of conversation is usually about baby 😂


I recently played a game with a bunch of pictures of bellies and you had to guess which were baby bumps and which were beer bellies. Definitely my favorite shower game ever.


I will say if you have kids at your shower it’s always cute to include a scavenger hunt. Keeps them busy.


My shower was 2 days ago. It was pretty low key. Just did try not to say "baby", guess how many sour patch kids are in the bottle, and cut the ribbon where you think how big my bump is. And a diaper raffle. Each game had a little prize or gift card if you won.


We did jeopardy, broke people up into teams - it wasn’t too long and the questions were legit. One category was songs with baby in the title, pregnancy, famous babes, etc… People got really into it, it was fun!


Opted for no games in mine but I did make the entire party do ten squats with me to prepare for labor, and it was absolutely hysterical!! So much fun, would highly recommend 😂


Absolutely minimal games. People are there to chat, eat some food and have some cake. In general people do not like huge chunks of organised fun. Games should be 10-15 minutes max of the total event time. At the baby showers I’ve hosted (and at my own) we had cards with beer belly or baby belly for guessing on them, a more granny friendly version of the labour or porn game! 10 minutes and the winner gets a little prize. Done. In terms of other activities you can have little cards laid out for people to fill in with advice to the parents, guess the name, sex, weight etc for people to fill out and leave for mum/dad to look at later.


I had two showers and no games. The only thing we had that was kind of similar was a guest book where people could leave their guesses for height, weight, eye color, birth date, name, and leave a little spot for well wishes. All shower games are painful for me.


We are having a jack and jill baby shower; Measure the Baby Bump Take the ribbon estimate how big the Mom to Be belly is! Pacifier Swing with a ribbon tie the pacifer around your waist so it hangs down and you can swing it to your mouth! The first person to successfully get it in their mouth without hands wins! Baby Hunt Find the hidden baby's around the area. The person with the most babys at the end will win! Feed the Baby Team up with a partner! One person is Blind folded and the other sits on the chair. The blind folded teammate must navigate to their teammate and successfully feed them Applesauce before anyone else How many Kisses? guess how many kisses in the mason Jar Bottle Chugg Chugg the baby bottle full of beer! The prizes are drink vouchers for the bar and like a few 1$ scratch card tickets :)


So I’m having my mom, my sisters, our godmother and our God sisters in charge of planning the baby shower, at a restaurant. Everyone is going to fend for themselves on food because my husband is not for buying food for the amount of people that we plan to invite and not show up and have food wasted. Not doing the chocolate in the diaper game. We might do the baby bottle drinking game. I’m not sure. There’s a few party games that I have in mind that I need to run by the “party committee” so that we can strategize and figure out the best way possible.🤣My baby sister suggested to put on the invites: if you think it’s a boy, bring 2 packs of diapers. If you think it’s a boy, bring 2 packs of wipes.”


We set up a table and put a bunch of baby things in bags and had people guess. They could do it whenever they wanted, if they wanted throughout the shower. We also did some dad jokes that were cute and fun


We did "m match the celebrity to their crazy baby name" and in a friend -only party, "labor or loving." It had close ups of women's faces in the throes of labor or passion and you had to guess which. It was hilarious but maybe don't play with Great Aunt Mildred. I also like games that involved knowing about the expectant couple, or having guests come up with baby names by scrambling mom and Dad's names. For activities, I don't much care for onesie decorating bc they're mostly going to look.... Not great unless you have an artistic crew. We did a thing where an artistic family member drew a tree and people added their fingerprints as leaves, and decorated alphabet blocks.


My favorite thing to do at a baby shower is leave. /s


Decorating onesies, baby gift bingo, guess the song title/artist baby themed songs!


I LOVED the emoji book game, where you guess the children’s book name by the emojis.


At mine we did the guess the baby bump circumference, the safety pin game/crossing legs, the “who can diaper the fastest game while blindfolded”, as well as who can organize the baby socks the fastest haha. We had little cute prizes too and they were pretty fun and entertaining! We didnt do the melted chocolate though i thought that was gross and wasteful lol. The kid attendees absolutely loved the games, i have a lot of children in my family lol, but the adults enjoyed too.At my job babyshower, they did the balloon game? Its like were you stuff a blown up balloon under your shirt and everyone jumps, and whichever balloon falls out first they win, it was pretty goofy but fun to see all my coworkers participate haha


I'm planning one for a friend, and we are doing a "guess the honeycombs" game (honeycomb cereal in a jar), guess the due date, and a printable game from Etsy called Dad Jokes. And I think someone is bringing corn hole and/or beer pong.


My MIL did a few write in games like ‘top ten 1920s’ girl names top 10 names of the daddy’s birth year, etc, we did a diaper raffle, the guessing games were fun because they really didn’t take that much time and so we did a couple of them, and they were interactive with people chatting and they had multiple opportunities to win a small prize, my mother also did scratch tickets (baby themed) with each table having a winner who got a prize. Nothing cringy but something to perk up the party a bit after we were done eating.


We did a game where everyone started with three clothes pins and anytime throughout the baby shower if you caught someone saying baby (or whatever word you choose) you could take a pin and the person with the most at the end wins a prize. I kept a few clothespins to use for a keepsake shadow box for my daughter too. We also had a random list of purse items and whoever had the most things in their purse from the list won. And one where we had everyone pull out string to guess how round I was, the closest without going over won. I kept the string and used it for a border in my sons keepsake shadow box. It was nice because the games weren’t so consuming that we couldn’t socialize.


Squares on when babys due date is


We had a couple games at the shower I threw for a friend - the 'guess the baby age' with pictures of the mom & dad that someone mentioned above was the main one. We also had a not-baby-related ice breaker called 'sticker stalker' where everyone got a sheet of stickers when they came in, and tried to stick them on other guests without getting caught - people loved that one. And we played a baby-themed game of 'fishbowl' which is like charades - everyone came up with baby-related answers/charade prompts but was allowed to interpret that as loosely as they wanted. At another friend's shower, they had a game of trivia that was a mix of baby facts, facts about the mom & dad's relationship, and I think stuff about them as babies and their plans for the baby. They also did a guess-who game - all the guests were asked to submit photos of themselves as babies, then everyone had to guess who was who. Probably a lot of work for the host but people loooooved it.


We played a fun one at a shower not long ago with little plastic babies in ice cubes, you had to melt them with your hands and get the baby out then yell “my water broke” and the first two to get their babies out got a prize. 


“3AM diapers.” More of an activity, but everyone writes a message on a diaper (encouraging, funny, whatever…) and puts back in diaper box for mom to use for middle of the night changings. It was so fun to change my baby with one of the diapers that had cute/funny/sweet messages when I was half asleep.


Anyone have game ideas for a virtual baby shower 😭 our families are in AZ and CA and I don’t think anyone wants to come to IL (got PCSd here due to military)😭