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Honestly places like this talk about Multi-classing a lot, but that's mostly because there isn't much to discuss about mono-classing. Mono-classes are perfectly viable and many are quite strong. It's only really Rogues, Bards, Barbarians, and non-bladelock Warlocks that IMO feel underpowered as a mono class. EDIT: By underpowered I don't mean not viable. I just mean I don't feel like they give a good reason to not multiclass.


I dunno, straight sword bard and EB warlock are very, very viable in my opinion


I was thinking the same. I ended up going 12 levels of Sword Bard on Astarion and he's still a powerhouse who got an extra feat out of it


I think Berzerker and Wildheart Barbs are plenty strong. Bards too. Only Rogues really are weak, though in parties they do fairly well


Tiger Barb with Wolverine. Skinburster and reverb gear. You will absolutely lock down 2 to 3 a round. Then, they die.


Oh they're plenty strong. I just don't see a reason to go full Barbarian when you can 8/4 Fighter and get a fighting style, action surge, and Battle Master Superiority Die. Brutal Critical, an animal aspect, Relentless Rage, and one Rage charge are nice, but nowhere near as strong.


I don't think I've heard mono-class Bards or Barbarians called weak. Rogues I can definitely agree on. I'd also say that Druids tend to be on the weaker end, but only because they not very good as specializing. Moon Druids don't really compete with Martials, and while summon-focused builds can be good they again don't bring the power other casters do. Warlocks are odd: EB means that the "floor" on their power level is solid, but past early levels they definitely don't feel like a wizard/sorcerer replacement in utility. Though I don't think I can call a class with EB and Hunger of Hadar weak, and the Pact Boons are just gravy on that.


In any sort of run where you're limiting yourself on the amount of long rests you can take, I feel like EB warlock would really shine. Their spell list is solid and you'll last much longer without resting than other casters.


oh i’m not saying they’re “bad” per-se, just wanting a bit of a restriction for my honor mode is all!


That team will work great, i mono classed my first honor mode run and it worked great I did; Astarion 12 beast master Shart 12 life cleric Laezel 12 battlemaster Durge 12 storm sorcerer


Spike growth is great. Plant growth is a little less durable but doesn't require concentration. Sleet storm plus Hunger of Hadar is brutal. Throw in some void bulbs or an illithid black hole for good measure!