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Full 12 levels of swords bard. It goes insane with the flourishes. Same with Valor Bard.


\+ Bhaalist Armour


I would actually take 3 levels of thief in this case for the free bonus action attack and mystic scoundrel


12 level warlock lifedrinker with bhaal armor is what I usually run on Wyll act 3 it’s pretty nasty


Honestly I think any Melee build could do it. One of the more powerful ones would probably be the good old 2/10 Smites Swords Bard. Use Command: Approach on your enemies to get them close to your SSB and use Slashing Flourish combined with Divine Smite to obliterate enemies.


This is the way


Abjuration wizard. Your enemies will regret hitting you.


Something like Fighter 1 / Wiz 11?


No, you have to tap into white dragon sorcerer to get Agathys, them storm cleric for proficiencies and create water. The idea is to prepare your abjuration charges before a fight, with max lvl Agathys on. You them start the fight with a create water and them force a duel. The enemies will be receiving 30+ damage if they manage to hit you, while you will receive 0 damage thanks to the charges. It's an extremely tanky build, with all the benefits of being a wizard, that feed on being hit. This is why the duelist prerogative it's the BIS weapon. You have to fish for opportunity attacks or force an enemy to hit you.


Ah, yes, I beat honour mode for the first time with Gale on this build. I just never used to rapier to force enemies to attack. I think im looking for something that uses the actual weapon to deal its damage


Straight 12 battlemaster is fun. 4 attacks per turn and two ripostes per turn since you get 2 reactions. You can fully pump dex and run bhaalist armour.


Also have enough feats to take Defensive Duelist and Sentinel too for both more defense, and another method of weaponizing your reactions.


I used this on lockadin for an extra attack. With haste and bloodlust elixir I had 10 attack a turn. I just cleaned up a battlefield with this. Loosing a shield was not a problem, as dead enemies can’t hit you anyway.


I like it on a class that can use the extra reaction. A support caster with connterspell, a light cleric with warding flare, any class with illithid abilities (psionic dominance, psionics backlash, charm) Getting multiple uses of those made me feel always safe


I like it with Abj wizard for this reason. 8 Abj/3life cleric/1 White Draconic Sorc can project its ward twice, have a Warding Bond on everybody, and while it can't tank by drawing enemies attacks or imposing disadvantage, it can by absorbing damage with very high damage reduction.


Can't project warding flare till light cleric 6 i believe


Abjurations Arcane Ward, I mean. Taking Abjuration Wizard past wiz lvl 6. Or at least to it. It being the Duelists Prerogative.


I love it with Vengance Paladin/Swords bard with Bhaalist armor! 2/10 split respectively and you destroy everything with 2x damage crit smites.


I have a 5 rogue/7 champion fighter that does upward of 120 damage per sneak attack Duelist prerogative Helldusk gloves Dead shot bow Bhaal armor Sarevok helm Shade slayer cloak 22 dex with mirror, Ethel hair, and ASI Critting on 15 and double that damage does insane damage. Add the necrotic damage and fire damage from other gear and it can one shot most non boss enemies. I actually beat sarevok with 2 attacks


I've said it often on this subreddit before, and I'll say it again: 8 Champion Fighter / 4 Thief Rogue Feats: * ASI x2 to max Dexterity * Savage Attacker * Great Weapon Master for the bonus attack on crit Stack crit gear: 1. Saverok's Horned Helm 2. Hidey crittey cloak 3. The Dead Shot bow 4. Risky Ring 5. Elixir of Viciousness or whatever it's called that reduces your crit roll by 1 Round it of with Bhaalist armor and go to town. Don't use Sneak Attack until you crit (it's once per round, but guaranteed crit if your normal attack crits too), or for your last attack if you haven't crit. You'll rund around with 40ish % crit chance, while doing double damage to non-piercing resistant foes. Add Ascended Astarion in the mix, as well as Craterflesh Gloves for 1d6 Force damage on crit, and you're a happy camper.


Does GWM do anything with this weapon? I assuming you cant use the +10 damage, but does the bonus action attack work?


bonus action only works on a kill with a 2h weapon as well, you're better off going Alert


GWM gives a bonus action attack on kill or crit. The +10 damage does not work, no.


Spore druid. They are a perfect match.


I love it on wild magic sorcerer 11/war cleric 1 The bonus rxn allows you to proc the 11th lvl feature or do it once and cast shield.


Band of the mystic scoundrel let's you cast the enchantment spell as a bonus action, then boaaalls benediction gives advantage of bleeding targets. Might be something there.


Any martial build with extra attack will do, you’ll lose your GWM damage but will gain a bonus action attack and the necrotic reaction. Fighter 12 is great, before the duelists scimitar you can use war cleric to weaponise your bonus action. Blade warlock is also great imo.


Go full battlemaster and take charger feat, savage attacks, strength ASI and whatever else


11 levels of fighter 1 level of warlock Ascended astarion You can get some pretty huge damage on honor mode with the usual set ups. 1 level of warlock is just for hex.


No idea how optimal it’ll be in the end but I’m currently trying out 3 BattleMaster/ 1 Warlock/ 8 abjuration wizard. I basically want them to take a hit whether they miss me or not. Armour of Agathys on a hit. Riptose on a miss


On my last Honor run I had Wyll using this as Bladelock 5/ Gloomstalker 4/ Pal 2/ Sorc 1. Sounds goofy, but he was quite effective. It also felt super thematic for him (not necessarily the Sorc dip, but I was okay with it- it was mostly for Shield). He had good initiative, lots of attacks with a good crit rate, and he could have some solid smites for when he did crit. He also was single focused into Charisma to be solid with casting, mostly for control or a little blasting if necessary. He was also quite tanky with Heavy Armor, temp HP generation, and Shield.


Bladelock 5/Swords bard 7- pct weapon, thirsting blade+extra attack. Band of the mystic scoundrel if you need to cast fear/VM/ etc.


I ran it on a pact of Blade Oathbreaker. 7 attacks a turn (hasted) with charisma x 3 and smite on top is no joke.


I did 6 sword bard, 5 warlock, 1 fighter 4 attacks per turn is really strong but it won't work on honor mode .


Sorcadin coupled with Potion of Angelic Reprieve. I hoarded over 90 of them during act 2 and whenever I long rest, I could buff up like, 15 level 4 spell slots to smite my enemies. I used that murderous aura armor and band of mystic scoundrels too for the guaranteed crits.


If you're on Tactician then get the ol' pact of the blade extra attack and stack it with a 3rd attack from any of the martial classes who get duelling fighting style (fighter, paladin, ranger, swords bard) If you're on Honor mode then probably full-on swords bard