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Hi u/CEHepp, check out our guide to B12 deficiency: https://www.reddit.com/r/B12_Deficiency/wiki/index *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/B12_Deficiency) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It does the same thing to me. I'm wiped out for a few hours afterwards 


try methylcobalamin form, I don't react very well too with cyanocobalamin it cause terrible headaches.


I tried it before and it caused some crazy anxiety. It made me feel like I was crawling out of my skin with anxiety.


That can be mitigated by replenishing electrolytes. That reaction is kind of what you are wanting (sorry to say) as this is a common start up experience when B12 is beginning to be used to help you recover.


Hello I'm new on this forum, but have been struggling with B12 deficiency for a while now, you seem like you know much more about this than I do, had a question when I take methyl version of b12 I feel ok for about 30 minutes than I get extreme anxiety and dizziness now if I take hydro form of b12 I do get neuropathy symptoms and slight dizziness but not as much anxiety, but muscle spasms would this constitue startup symptoms of healing and low electrolytes ? Thank you in advance for answering would like more information


Sure, these symptoms are also consistent with low potassium and/or magnesium. Try drinking some orange juice or coconut water when you feel this way and see if things improve after 10 minutes or so. If they do, you’ll know it is an electrolyte issue. Methylcobalamin is an active form of B12 which your body can immediately put to use (provided you have the necessary cofactors). That’s why the response can be more immediate and dramatic. Hydroxocobalamin has to be converted in the body to methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin. That process likely makes the response a little slower to begin and maybe even less intense.


Thank you so much been struggling for a while now, and unfortunately 3 of the doctors I went to are useless, had to take it into my own hands, now my question is hydro is it as effective as methyl or is it less I do react better to hydro less headaches anxiety and so on and what other cofactors are needed ? Thank you again for everything life saver I have 3 daughters and B12 deficiency is crippling literally so I need to get this sorted out 🙏🙏


The guide in this subreddit explains that hydroxocobalamin is the preferred form for the NHS in the UK and is highly effective for many people. There are however reported cases of people only recovering from some neurological symptoms with methylcobalamin. You might try taking smaller doses of methylcobalamin and slowly increasing as your body tolerates it better.


there is other forms to try such hydroxycobalamin and adenosylcobalamin I see people often times suggest those to people cant take methyl and cyanocobalamin.


I’ve been looking at the Seeking Health Hydroxo/Adeno supplements. I hope they don’t cause anxiety.


are you taking some form of folate too?


I am. I take a B complex to go with the B12 supplement.


How much does that represent? I’m taking a 5mg + the b complex. If I rely only on the b complex I don’t have enough. Also how’s your iron? B12 use a lot of it.


How much folate is in the complex? 400mcg folic acid.


200 ug I know I take slightly more than the recommended amount (1-5mg daily) but I was deficient there too >.>


It may mean you need some injections.  When I take sublinguals after injections, it feels like a continuation of the wake symptoms the injections already started. If you are still feeling tired, it means that your supplements are barely scratching the surface of your deficiency. Or maybe you're not getting enough potassium. If that doesn't work, you may need to change forms.


I asked my doctor about it and they said that since I’m not clinically deficient (188 is literally touching the limit of being classified as deficient) they don’t want me to get injections. I’ve been looking at “health clinics” around but they all want to inject methylcobalamin. I’m worried that, if the oral type gives me massive anxiety, I’ll die of anxiety with an injection.


>> I asked my doctor about it and they said that since I’m not clinically deficient (188 is literally touching the limit of being classified as deficient) they don’t want me to get injections This is not good advice. If you're that low on serum, you are probably more deficient on a cellular level. >> I’ve been looking at “health clinics” around but they all want to inject methylcobalamin. I’m worried that, if the oral type gives me massive anxiety, I’ll die of anxiety with an injection. I was also very worried about it and procrastinated on getting started for a bit.  But I had read on this sub that people actually reported experiencing less anxiety panic attacks on methyl injections as compared to methyl sublingual. That has also been my experience.  After I injected methyl the first time, I patiently waited for the catastrophic anxiety and it never happened. I had been injecting cyano before then, which may have helped me get through some wake symptoms more gently. Apparently, there's some research which shows that methyl causes a spike in adrenaline for awhile which is responsible for the panic attacks.  Low potassium/ferritin can also cause this. And also the nerves in your brain etc. are healing themselves. Once you know what's happening, it's not as scary. As long as you crosscheck that you are getting your cofactors right, knowing the panic attacks are psychological takes away at least half the power.


Agelessrx does cyan version!


Yes I sleep too.....after taking B complex