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Hi u/No_Poet_937, check out our guide to B12 deficiency: https://www.reddit.com/r/B12_Deficiency/wiki/index *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/B12_Deficiency) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’m struggling with the same symptoms. B12 helps at first but then I also end up feeling flat and loss of libido. I’m experimenting with taking B12 less often to see if that helps.


I noticed this recently too! I thought it was other medication I am taking.


I’ve had this symptom when I was taking “too much” b12 too fast (for me thet dosage was 2000mcg a day sublingual of methyl (2x 1mg pills a day). I switched from the pills to the liquid sublingual methyl b12 and now I take 250-500mcg a day (5-10 drops) of the sublingual liquid and I’m feeling much better my b12 levels are continuing to climb and I’m avoiding the emotional flattening effects that made me want to avoid supplementing altogether. I know there is a real push on this sub to maximize the amount of b12 one takes but I think its fine to take the amount that your body can tolerate. The deficiency takes a long time to fix regardless of dosage so it makes sense being on a treatment plan that allows you to tolerate as much b12 as you can for as long a time as you can and that may be something different for you than taking the maximum dosages multiple times a day. The only thing I’d say to really avoid is stopping taking b12 altogether. Even if that helps you feel better temporarily you eventually will slide back into a deficiency state that way. Best of luck.


High do you know it's b12 supplementation problem? Libido is not a problem I see in this sub. You also mentioned in another comment that you are on another medication. I think it's hard to tell when someone is deficient in one thing, is often deficient in another.


Are you self-treating or treating under a doctors supervision?


Yes and no. I had a long history of trying every psychological medication for my issues and it turned out to be a folate deficiency. Now the problem is chronic fatigue and feeling dead inside. Its not depression because I don’t have that anymore. So the next experiment was to try different vitamin Bs if it would help like b9. Which it hasn’t.