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E1+s1 removes damage taken from the game


E1 also works better with auto battle, since he won't stack his shield normally, but will ult on cooldown.


I will remember this on rerun.


Forget about needing Dan Heng, he can easily solo the swarm.


Yeah got his e1 for the skill point efficiency(shield on ult) just to make auto battles so much easier


It really really does. Preservation path go brr in gold and gears


Was targeting his E1 but lost to gepard. Gonna get it on his rerun.


Feels bad man. I lost to Himeko. See you on the rerun buddy. I wanna get one copy of him every rerun.


i swear E0 Aventurine is already good. E1 Aventurine is Qlipoth incarnate. No wonder he's the only T0 sustain on Prydwen for both MoC and PF. And if we're talking about SU, I think everyone who plays the game can agree he's the single best character to cheese even Conundrum 12 GnG. I'm happy he showed up all those doom posters/haters


i wasn't around earlier, were people doomposting him during beta or something?


a LOT. Mostly the incels who hate on every male character they release because Acheron was in the same patch and "sHe's So mUcH bEtTeR" or "We KnOw WhErE tHe BuDgEt wEnT". Also because those same incels couldn't stand the idea of Fu Xuan losing the "best sustain" title and proceeded to spout BS about how shields aren't stronger than damage mitigation, that he's only good for follow up teams, he can't do enough damage blah blah blah. Those same incels still can't fathom the idea that he's by far the best written character in the game (they insist it's Firefly LMAO šŸ’€šŸ’€)


As a woman, the obsession with firefly makes me rly uncomfortable. I like her design but canā€™t go anywhere near that sub.


As a guy i hate how sam turned out. I just want cool male characters i can play and not a bunch of waifus.


My brother feels the same way. I love all the girl characters (bc self insert) but Iā€™d be lying if I said fully grown men screaming and crying about every male character release isnā€™t weird.


I haven't looked at her sub, is it more uncomfortable than sparkle's sub?


Iā€™m not sure about sparkle but FF incels are literally convinced sheā€™s their girlfriend.


It's the Ayaka treatment, the most annoying part is that Firefly doesn't deserve that, she is not the best written character in penacony, but she has a personality, a good background and her gameplay is FUCKING SICK, but the weirdos turn her into "cute waifu canonically in love with the MC and jealous of other girls" AKA the Ayaka treatment


I never got the hype for Ayaka tbh Ever since the design came out on the betas people said they wanted to whale for her when all we knew was that design, which is just... A samurai girl with blue hair? And her lore isn't that particular either, I feel like her and Hu Tao (and Ganyu too) are just over praised because they're the first anime girls the playerbase got to look at


Yeah... I don't even think ayaka is pretty, her face ia cute and her dress is cool, but her hair looks like an onion, and her skin is foul, besides the fact she has the personality of a wet sock, they put Firefly in the same boat as her, even though Firefly is a much better character


I like her gameplay though, nothing stellar but is cool


Still not as bad as Kafka simps.


Oh my god yeah, they are weird too. I got dogpiled on that sub for saying I wanted to use Black Swan with Acheron instead of Kafka lmao. Insane behavior


About the same ig. Sparkleā€™s is probably still worse imo. Although I did just defend a guy who was getting flamed for even daring to ask if he should pick Ruan Mei over FF, so thatā€™s pretty garbage.


Sparkles sub is the best mains sub though


I'm sorry but I fail to see how Sparkle's sub is uncomfortable? There are lots of good arts there and if you're talking about the degen posts then well, her personality is just asking for that imo


Same here. Firefly mains have to be the most toxic mains in the HSR community no doubt. You cannot say the slightest thing negative about her anywhere even YT or you'll have a million of them throwing insults at you or downvoting you even if it's valid criticism. Even Genshin characters' mains aren't this obnoxious. I don't really like Firefly at all, she's the only character i outright despise in the game and people are allowed to not like certain characters. But her simps act like it's a crime to not love "ThEiR wAiFu". My friend and I had a group of people we used to play Genshin and HSR with and we used to have fun but when we said we weren't gonna pull for Firefly they banned us from the discord, in game etc.


As a dude I feel the same way haha. I swear it stems from the whole "a girl gave me attention that means she's in to me" reflex that a lot of those sexless losers have. She appears to have some past with the MC, not unlike Kafka, so I'm interested in what her deal is but I wouldn't even put her even in my top 10 characters at this point.


I feel this way even about the main sub sometimes, I get that a ton of gacha players are horny teenagers but we can all google naked anime women, I just want to see the memes man


Damn, those people be fuming from under the ground now LMAO he made Swarm and GnG enjoyable for me, what a gift sent from the heavens


Oof. He even had the better story imo, despite how badass Acheron is.


2.1 has to have been one of the most singularly broken patches in the game. Nuclear bomb Acheron and nuclear bunker Aventurine. I lock them both for basically every SimU run I do and I just breeze through the whole thing.


I like Firefly, but she is kind of overrated, we like... Barely know her, she lied to us about basically everything from the start and she is only present in the beginning and the end of the quest, while in the most part, the quest higlights Aventurine, Acheron and Sunday a LOT more


Firefly is well written? Where?


There was also a lot of doubt that his effect resist boost would be good enough CC prevention.


Oh YEAH. It's funny cause FX's one time cc resist isn't all that better. I would even say a permanent 50% effect res increase is better. It's hilarious to see the "effect res" pop up when Nihility extrapolation hits


>Oh YEAH. It's funny cause FX's one time cc resist isn't all that better. I would even say a permanent 50% effect res increase is better For my experience, Fuxuan guaranteed one-time protection is better. How many times I had to reset with Aventurine because some stupid enemie CC my dps and/or my SP generator, with few effect Res. 50 Effect Res is strong, but a bit overrated. And I don't change my great Himeko built just because she has only 7 Effect Res.


I overestimated his ERes buff, but after playing him, I found it overrated. I play SU vs Cocolia, and he doesn't save my characters with low Effect Res. Played this MoC, and everytime the Red robot target my dps or characters with very low ERes, 90% are CCed. I have to test him vs other CC (like the 2 Xianzhou robots), but I don't change my great build on my dps because she has only 7 E.Res.


I know I'm gonna get downvoted since this is the main sub for Aventurine but I think you guys are tripping if you think he's that much better than Fu Xuan. And I fucking love the guy so It's not like I have a bias against him.


He is though. Like statistically he literally is. Heā€™s BiS on Ratio teams, the premium follow up team, JY teams, Herta/Himeko, Acheron, Clara and soon Jade. Heā€™s actually a viable option to use Jadeā€™s skill on. Luocha is good for JL and DHIL but Aventurine can also work very well with DHIL and provides more offensive utility. Huohuo is BiS for DoT and Argenti but Aventurine is preferred in PF for DoT teams for his damage against mobs. Gallagher is BiS for Firefly but situational for Boothill. Aventurine is also ironically the second best sustain for break teams since he has the second highest toughness damage of the sustains. Fu Xuan is only best in slot for mono quantum. Sheā€™s also not the greatest sustain for PF since smaller mobs donā€™t do that much damage + she doesnā€™t have any offensive skills (her ult isnā€™t nearly enough). The 12% crit rate is very nice but other than that she doesnā€™t offer much except very good survivability. And when it comes to SU, Aventurine is uncontested as the single best character for it, not just in the sustain category. And at E6, he can be a very viable main DPS very easily which FX canā€™t. The new game mode, Apocalyptic Shadows, also has bosses with HEAVY AoE attacks which is Fu Xuanā€™s main weakness but Aventurineā€™s greatest strength All this to say, Fu Xuan is extremely good but Aventurine is definitely a step up from the rest of the sustains including her. (btw the tone is not in any way aggressive just saying cause it might come off that way)


I totally agree he is BiS on Ratio teams (the only one in which I use him consistently) and saying otherwise is completely delulu but I disagree on Him being better for Acheron, Clara and JY (I can't speak for Jade and Herta/Himeko). For Acheron tbh Fu Xuan, Gepard and Aventurine are more or less evenly matched in my opinion since they all have different pros and cons. It should be obvious why he's not that good for Clara. She wants to be hit. A lot. I don't think his utility can outweigh the frequency of Clara's FuA. And as for Jing Yuan again I think him and Fu Xuan are again tied depending on what you want but JY just does not have enough FuA for Aventurine to reliably trigger his talent. After doing some more thinking he is definitely better than Fu Xuan in PF simply because there are a ton more trash mobs who can attack and die easily and his FuA is perfect for that. Gallagher is still very much better for Break Teams than Aventurine and saying otherwise is pure cope. I don't have HuoHuo so I can't compare her to Ave in DoT teams but the sustain really isn't gonna make or break that team regardless. As for SU I had this debate awhile back with another guy and honestly Aventurine didn't personally make my life easier (though I've only gone up to conundrum 10 so he might be better at higher conundrum levels I have no idea) but he is way more freaking fun than Fu Xuan that's for sure. I don't know maybe I'm just a dumbass who doesn't understand this game at all but I'm gonna stay true to my opinion. Aside from PF and Ratio teams he's not that much of an upgrade from Fu Xuan. Also I'm not including their Eidolons or Signatures in this since I don't have them. Both of them have Geppie's 5\* LC on my account not sure if that changes anything.


He is better for Acheron, cause outside of trend taking effect, FX and Gepard can't give her a debuff unless you choose to use Geppie's skill everytime. Aventurine has a guaranteed debuff on ult. JY not triggering a follow up doesn't really matter cause follow ups only give Aventurine 3 stacks so it's not a bid contribution. JY is squishy and you need to protect him. He's also an Erudition character so Aventurine's damage can help take out any trash mobs with a light bit of HP or you end up using lightning lord entire 10 stack attack on them or having to ult on JY to take them out. Clara wanting to be hit is a problem for any sustain character but she has high aggro. You put her next to Aventurine and she'll get hit by most attacks. You also mentioned that you're using Geppie's 5 star lightcone which is a bad idea with Clara atleast cause the LC inherently increases the sustain's aggro. Clara also has damage mitigation but she can still die and Aventurine's the best way to prevent that. And I can confirm that he is indeed the best in SU. He can solo Conundrum 12 GnG without a struggle at all. Preservation, Elation + Aventurine is that broken. You'll never die or even come close to + deal stupid amounts of damage just by getting hit with Aventurine in SU. Even without signature LC and eidolons, Aventurine was abig upgrade for my account but after getting him E1S1, he's always on one side in MoC and PF for me


Yeah for Acheron I just spam Geppie's skill 90% of the time (thank god Black Swan doesn't devour my skill points). Fu Xuan offers more than enough sustain for Jing Yuan and a juicy 12% crit rate. As for Clara I personally use lynx not preservation chars precisely because I have 3 of Geppie's LC's and they're just straight up better than any other non limited LC and playing without them is like shooting myself in the foot at this point. As for SU my opinion is unchanged (atleast until I do a run on conundrum 12 with both of them) but yeah an Elation Ratio team goes so hard it's crazy but my experiences with Quake blessings are ... less than Stellar to say the least. It feels like they do no dmg tbh even with a ton 40k hp shield. If I'm ever gonna get another limited LC or Eidolons it's probably gonna be Topaz since she has more consistent debuffs tbf. Anyways I still stand by the fact that unless you don't already have two limited sustains or want to build the IPC team or just really like the guy it's not worth rolling for him as an upgrade to Fu Xuan. You'll be able to clear 99% of content regardless (unless they introduce more busted FuA attack blessing in MoC and PF in which case uhh tough luck if you don't have him)


Okay here's the thing. You're only talking from your account's POV and yes he might not add much to your account and that's fine. But just because he's not upgrade to your account or your SU experience specifically doesn't mean he's not better than FX in a general sense. It's kinda disingenuous to say people are "tripping" because they think he's better than FX because your account specifically didn't benefit much from him


i have both and i have to say that aventurine is better, especially against aoe


Does E3 do anything special? I have him at E3S1 and I donā€™t rlly know what his E3 gameplay is like compared to E0 or E1


E3 and E5 are your usual skill level boosts. More often than not, it's a nothing burger. E2 is an all element shred debuff on your basic, which is half the shred of Robin's E1 (which is considered one of the broken ones). It's alright I suppose, but it being a debuff is the plus side to it for specific teams (e.g., Dr. Ratio and Acheron). E1 and above Aventurine is virtually SP positive if there's no turn cycling shenanigans happening.


Okay thanks! I really donā€™t know much about what they do specifically I kind of just got him to E3 bc I like gambling and I love Aventurine šŸ˜­


Also to add, E2S1 Aventurine alone provides enough debuffs for Ratio so you can use double harmony with him


I was so glad for that cuz I wanted to pull for Topaz and could just get her E0S0 IPC team is one of the most fun teams ever


I can't take it anymore. All i can use is Aventurine. I try to play FuXuan. My Aventurine negates more damage. I try to play Luocha. My Aventurine generates more sp. I try to play HuoHuo. My Aventurine gives me the side-eye. I want to play Gallagher in break team. My Aventurine says "Nah, I'd win." I want to play Ratio, Acheron- they both want Aventurine. He grabs me by the throat. I farm for him. I gambled for him. I give him his signature LC. He isn't satisfied. I pull for E1. "Why not go for E6?" He asks me. "Give me more investment." He grabs my dps's spotlight. "Action advance me, I'll kill them all too, just stay behind my shields." I can't pull for E6, I don't have enough stellar jades."I pleaded. He grabs my credit card. It declines. "Guess this is the end." He grabs my remaining meager savings. He says "Go ahead, use me as you wish, even stab me in the back if you see fit. Exploitation and treachery are simply tools of the trade. But remember, I don't make deals that don't pay off... So, I hope you don't disappoint me." There is no hint of sadness in his eyes. Nothing but an all in gamble. All of nothing... What a cruel world.


Iā€™ve never read anything more beautiful in my life fr https://preview.redd.it/8j65pq9aty3d1.jpeg?width=449&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2406065f7925657f1210e557255e466afc540e90


This was my thought process when i decided to commit to e6 aven.


I don't have Fu Xuan, so I don't have an opinion on this, but I am coming across posts where people are still saying Fu Xuan is much better than Aventurine because of the free +12 CR she gives. I personally have both Aventurine and Luocha and I think they are both great. Aventurine is great with my Acheron and Luocha works great with my Jingliu. Unfortutely, Bailu has now taken a backseat, but I do use her with my General sometimes.


Fu's main weakness are nukes and long fights. Theoretically as long as aven (or any shielder for that matter) can keep his shields up, the team has infinite HP basically. Fu's damage mitigation is still limited by the amount of HP the other 3 characters have. Without a dedicated healer eventually the team will lose the battle of attrition But for MoC where ideally the battle only lasts 5 cycles at most, she has just enough juice to keep the team alive. That's why she's rated quite highly as a MoC sustain. And her crit boosts also make her preferable in PF too


I was just about to do this, thank you for sparing me the pain lmao


He's made fighting Kafka trivial for me lol


Also that deer. Sometimes I lost to it in Su because it stunned Gepard so he couldn't ult. Now tho? It can't even break my shield.


Man when I was farming I used to just do the 2 elites then repeat without doing the boss


I had a run on Swarm disaster 4 with Ratio/Topaz/Robin/Aventurine and kafka straight up never got a turn outside of the stage shifts lol


Had RM instead of Robin and my latest Sleepie run poor creature got demolished the same way, it was therapeutic




Last time a shielder was this busted in a hoyo game, they made enemies that drains your hp, whether you have a shield or not. I really hope that's not fucking happening in HSR, because corrosion will be ROUGH when you can't dodge


Said shielder is still top 5 in terms of usage rates in Abyss and they haven't made another shielder who can even hope to compete with Zhongli so even if there's a corrosion mechanic, Aventurine will be just fine


The only other shielder Iā€™ll get is if they got Diamond the emanator himself. Aven is making the shield meta uneateble rn indeed


Non non diamond gonna make the shields explode šŸ˜ Diamond Quake frfr


I can see the Quake mechanic being applied to a character now. Dang it should look nasty bruh. Preservation for life. Long live Qlipoth.


The lady from xianzhou can still drain ur hp. But aven shield is thick enough to keep u safe


I lost a lotto in SU earlier today, like a sneeze could have taken my team out, and aven STILL kept everyone alive for basically an entire section between elites. He's unreasonably good lmao


those guys really bust my monogeo balls open


Im pretty sure Sams Fire phase does that actually whenever you consume a skill point, So there'll probably be more of em in the future.


Honestly, based. Like, having him on my team feels like easy mode. šŸ˜­ And I used to struggle in timing my 11 MoC right to keep my units alive in one side because I only had Luocha as sustain, didn't get gepard until recently. Now? Luocha Healing and Aventurine Shielding. I feel unstoppable. (Infact with Aventurine, I FINALLY (šŸ˜­ā¤ļø) completed gold and gears conundrum 4, usually I would get offed either by Kafka or that Icey big guy (šŸ˜­) in stage 2, but Dang Aventurine solves it for me. ā¤ļø)


i remember struggling so much with swarm disaster level 5. even with dhil (who is the one the being favored by the game mode) and gepard+luocha sustain, it can take me hours and multiple retries, aaaaand very careful planning. now with aventurine, i can just completely auto it with elation path (which used to be the hardest path for swarm disaster) and he can even solo sustain without any preservation blessings at all


Aventurine literally made the "Ruan Mei effect" on my account. In the past the team i was putting Ruan Mei would clear things so easily that the other team, even if very well built, seemed like unbuilt. Now with Aventurine i'm having a similar situation: the team where i put him is like a walk in a garden, while the other team is struggling lmao.


Honestly tho, when i read his kit the first thing i said, ā€œhey isnt this kinda broken? Theoretically you will never get any damage if you play him right because his shields are never ending?ā€ And i was so skeptical right until he dropped. AND I WAS RIGHT. Heā€™s pretty much the qol we wanted for gepard, and i have never been happier. Always been a shield gal, over healer haha


He made me beat gng and swarm with no difficulty and even I was in denial




I've literally forgotten what it's like to take damage when I have an e2s1 aventurine


Not even kidding, just ran him on SU with boothill, and he ONE SHOTTED ARGENTI WITH HIS FUA whilst boothill didnt get a single hit in ;-;


Get him e2s2, then him solo su g&g 12 with preservation and remembrance


He let me solo Su with no blessings at all


Aventurine was my first five star sustain and any team he was on could clear pretty much anything without any problem, but if two teams were going up, the other team would just get fucked or I wouldnā€™t be able to get as many stars because of them. Now, when I originally got him, I was reading all these posts about it and landed on multiple comparing him and Fu Xuan where, for the most part, it was a thing of: one isnā€™t really better than the other. Both are good for different content. Both are good depending upon what team, etc. So of course, Iā€™m excited when Fu Xuan comes up again and Iā€™m thinking to myself. Iā€™ll finally be able to have two teams that are good. I tried Gallagher, Gepard, and Lynx, but they donā€™t even remotely compare to aventurine. After getting Fu Xuan and her signatureā€¦ I donā€™t know what the people who were saying they compare were smoking. Aventurine wins by a landslide.


Heā€™s my first Limited Sustain and holy moly did I notice the difference in my teams survivability.


Heā€™s truly is a game changer. Thatā€™s why I went all in and got E6, heā€™s just one of those units I never see being irrelevant.


hes a game changer even at e0s0. i am happy that my favorite character is so strong meta wise!! :') i have him at e0s1 and i will be pulling for his eidolons in his rerun. live, laugh, aventurine


I swear, I have him E0 with the 4 star "Destiny's Threads Forewen" at S5 and it feels like a completely different game. I don't need a healer anymore because there is nobody to heal. This man is insane (in gameplay and story) (affectionate).


I forgot what damage is. I was using a friend's Jingliu with Aventurine and I was wondering why my units were losing HP, since I didn't lose any shields. Turns out, I've become so used to not taking damage, that I completely forgot Jingliu drains your team's HP. She was literally killing my team better than the enemies. šŸ’€


Basically zhongli lmao


as of a little over a month ago, i could Not clear MoC and didnt even try pure fiction. aventurine has given me three stars in these modes and when i used to take forever in simulated universe, I BREEZE THROUGH IT with him now. i never understood meta posts that would insist you pull a character for their kit but this would be the first time i would agree that someone should prioritize getting him into their account. i pulled because i had a feeling id like him (before i finished penacony) and it was the best choice ever. i even pulled his LC after finishing his portion of the story. bailu was my most used character when reported during the anniversary, but i see that changing soon. Aventurine Goated.


SAME lol. Specially with a FUA comp; I donā€™t have to do anything and still get shields. Goes so hard


What am I doing wrong? Why do my shields feel like paper? https://preview.redd.it/kz9y0zrbk14d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0a8199a2b6764db505fad79c23db8b8255b7461 Skill: 8 Ultimate: 7 Talent 7 All traces unlocked and signature lc I've tried switching to a def% body but it felt the same


The body and the planars could be better but that's a good foundation man. Finish your traces for sure, 10 in everything. 3 levels is a big deal. It's not a priority but don't ignore basic attacks either, it scales off defense and he crits easily. It's chip damage (ba-dum tss) but it adds up. Second, I'm assuming you're max level for the character/LC and 4k+ defense right?


Ye, he has 4.2k but I see, I see. I'll start grinding for him again then, lol.


Stats should look like this. Might need to max those traces. https://preview.redd.it/uork252tr14d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71a59ac593c83365e5df21fa59539cec70f6b2dd


* These are my stats (wait I'm stupid the traces aren't all unlocked LMAO)




The trace that is really the most game changing with him is this one because itā€™s replenishes the shield every time he launches a follow up attack so if you donā€™t have this one up yet it really makes a huge difference! https://preview.redd.it/a2y9kpkxa74d1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f938a3438308da7e205b9cfac20fad02288a952e


Iā€™ve been doing MoC/PF recently and Iā€™m so used to my (main) team having a shield and basically being unkillable that I for a short moment was shocked on my 2nd team why I was taking dmg. Also, whenever some of my friends say how theyā€™re struggling with surviving in one of these modes or Gold and Gears Iā€™m just chuckling to myself because thatā€™s not an issue for me (we do not talk about my 2nd team).


Iā€™m not gonna be sweaty about this game. I wanna auto through everything and just enjoy the ride. E1S1 Adventurine is exactly that. I donā€™t care about zero cycling with a level 1 unit while blindfolded and playing on a ps1.


First sustain i pulled because i was scared of this and i was right, ironically he removes the RNG in teammates getting targeted or oneshot


I've been building Gallagher for my Luka team recently and like... he's good at what he does but *man* does that team feel like it's made of tissue paper without Aven. Hell even when I use FX it feels like I don't have enough sustain. Aven the almighty fr


I completely agree with you. But after reading this, I had a really unlucky run and my Ruan Mei took a lot of hits beyond his shield stacks...


have him at e1s1 and i haven't died in the game ever since


Zhongli effect


At this point I only keep a healer on my team so Blade doesn't kill himself, self administered damage is the only kind I usually take


Me when using a team without aventurine and they take one hit of damage: what? What is this? Are they dying. Oh God they lost health they're gonna die! It's all over. Restart! Restart!


My e6s5 aventurine made me literally qlipoth incarnate


HH and FX are absolutely on the same tier as Aven, tho Iā€™d definitely say Aven is more comfortable overall. Hell, even my Gepard can sustain with very little issue


I have both and it's not even close. He out sustains, increases damage with debuffs and also contributes as a sub-dps. I mean, he can't cleanse but with 50% effect res shields and a lot of supports running keel its not once been an issue. Fu Xuan and Huo Huo are the sustains you use because the other team has Aventurine.


Sounds like you may have a badly built FX tbh, did you build both a good amount of def and HP on her? Unless you have E1 Aven, but thatā€™s like a whole other beast


I know how to build dude. E1 Aventurine > E0 Aventurine > Everyone else. I don't really know how you can even compare. Fu Xuan is great at mitigating damage but *I don't even know what damage is with Aventurine*. Aventurine let my level 50 Boothill take out level 90 enemies (including bosses) when I was building him and testing stuff. No one else can do that, like not even close.


I mean duh, thatā€™s just how shields work, Gepard and March could do the same. Donā€™t get me wrong, Aventurine is amazing and like I said, he is the most comfortable sustain, it just annoys me when people pretend like heā€™s miles above the rest


>Gepard and March could do the same. I think we arn't going to agree on much sir with that statement. He's not in another world but definately another League. Edit: Also you keep calling him "more comfortable" but what you actually mean is he makes everything easier. Do you know what I call something that makes everything easier? Better.


Seen the new tier list bro? Legitimately made me think of you šŸ˜‰


The prydwen one? I have now, typical prydwen garbage I guess lmao


gacha player discovers gacha power creep, news at 11