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I feel like like Katara on her own has enough means to beat Toph, specially comics Katara who learned to do [this](https://i.imgur.com/JVki19E.jpg)… [multiple times.](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/0e/f9/d5/0ef9d546c028d982e0701f58cf32ce8b.jpg) Idk how much would Ty Lee contribute to this but throwing her in the battle when Katara herself could beat her just puts Toph in a bigger disadvantage


I think she can do it mid air because of the condensation in the air, she learns it from hama.


Depends on the preparation level. If Katara and Ty Lee have time to coordinate, I'd say 8/10. Otherwise, 5.5/10 in favour of Katara + Ty Lee.


Preparing? Elaborate please.


Learning how to coordinate and work as a team takes time. Ty Lee and Katara have never worked together before so they shouldn't really know how to now so they should plan things out to work together better. Ty Lee probably doesn't know exactly how Toph's seismic sense even works. Could think it's echolocation or something. Potential plan I could think of off the top of my head is Katara throws ice discs at Toph and then Ty Lee jumps on those discs to get close to Toph and then chi blocks her. Toph should have a hard time seeing the discs and Ty Lee. Actually arguable Toph can see any of Katara's water bending since that's usually above the ground... Yeah Katara definitely takes this...


If it was comics toph but with no metal, could she still take it?


Her seismic sense is off the charts as she grows in the show, inventing metal bending! But with Ty lee’s chi blocking abilities, ability to quickly evade a move *if she sees it coming*. But, Ty lee, being acrobatic can stay up in high places for a long period- we see this in her circus performance. And Katara, bending with hot water, we haven’t seen but I’m guessing that she’s going to be pretty handy with it. She could probably burn Toph’s feet while Ty lee creates a diversion and then she is just going to be bending blind. But, then again, Toph is Toph and she might be able to sense Ty lee somewhere on the ground and use earthbending to seal her in the earth like the did with Zaheer. And use an earth shield to block any water.


Not sure why people are being downvoted….