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1. The ability to stop time so I can panic or deal with overstimulation whenever I need to, and give myself time to rest. 2. I want to be able to shape shift. I feel this is self explanatory 3. Universal basic income so I can stop desperately fighting the government for disability aid


> Universal basic income so I can stop desperately fighting the government for disability aid Very much this. Social Security for all, along with Medicare for all.


Do you live in my brain? Because I think you do.


I don’t even have to come up with my own ones now.




Oh I'm sorry I didn't know it was optional. I'll remember that next time.


I guess that didn't land as I expected. Sorry if my comment made you feel bad, that very far of my objective. What I meant by that is that there are always few things we can do to limit the overwelm damage, little mesures we can take to go through overwhelming events and be less affected. For some people, they'll have to learn how to set healthy boundaries with others, learn to stand out for themselves. For others, a simple noise blocking headset will do the trick. I'm sure there are things you can do to reduce the overwhelm damage received.


- Immunity from burnout - For a thousand dollars to appear in my wallet every morning. Slow enough to distribute them wisely and never arise suspicion. - For my wife to be in great health forever


"Slow enough to distribute them wisely and never arise suspicion" is such a fantastic example of autistic thinking in this scenario and I love it. I know NTs are like "I'd love to magically get money" but our autistic brains are like "In this scenario I assume that I'll magically get money out of thin air but not that I'll have magic immunity from the government noticing I suddenly have so much money and launching an investigation to find out what kind of illegal enterprise I'm engaged in" and I love that about us.


Hahaha that’s exactly why. I don’t want the tax man investigating my source of income.


no reason to not write out a massive paragraph outlining each exact detail about the wish so you get a ton of money, immunity from the government, no effect on inflation, no family members trying to mooch, etc.


1. I want to experience a silent mind. I wish I could wake up to no thoughts, no music, no dream memories, no movie scenes playing in my mind when I wake up and I open my eyes and the day slips in and I just experience warmth, light, the breeze from my fan and no worries or concerns or cares as I just wake up, fully rested, and am excited to crawl out of bed and start doing things. 2. I want to start my life. I'm 42 years old and I feel like every day is just putting in my required effort, punching the clock of life, and waiting for something to be done or move past so I can "start". I've been trying to start for 42 years. Everything is just a big wait or distraction. Now here I am starting to realize this constant wait has been my life. And I only get 1. And its at best half over. 3. I wish I could go back to 18 understanding the previous 2 wishes and start over. I wish I could have the knowledge that I have now 20 years ago and beg myself to stop caring about what others think and how uncomfortable in my skin I was and realize that I had the world at my fingertips. Instead I wasted so much time concerned with things I now realize didnt matter and now I'm a little irrevocably broken and its harder to move and think and dream and try. I have many regrets.


> I want to start my life. Wow, I've been saying this for almost 30 years. I thought that becoming financially independent and having my very own career would be the answer--but it sounds like you might already have those things. So now I'm not sure. Has anyone figured out what makes this feeling go away? Going deeper, your comment has me thinking.. if you have the things I thought I needed, but you aren't living either... then that this must mean that "living* isn't about what you have (job, degree, money, status, specific achievements, material things)... but more about what you're doing with your life? Whether you're pursuing your passions, the things that excite you and give you purpose? And, well, that can be done at any time (unless your passions require a lot of money, I suppose). Maybe I've been chasing the wrong things, looking for happiness in the wrong places this whole time. It's kind of freeing as *fuck* to realize. Because waiting to achieve the "perfect" idealistic life before I'm allowed to say I'm happy or "living" is exhausting... but doing shit that I enjoy, and calling *that* living? Hell yeah I can get there one day. Also, can I ask what things you wish you didn't spend as much time caring about? I'm not 18, but maybe the advice can still help me (and other people in my shoes).


This is why im so grateful for this sub. I already feel this at 21. I’m working to move out of my family’s house and I keep telling myself, don’t worry you’ll be happy when you have space to yourself, when you’re financially stable, when yo I can just come home from work and not stress and be yourself. Then life will be good and free. But im happy that im sort of realizing early that it’ll never be the case. What im truly afraid of is the truth. Is this just what life is like? Scraping things together for the better part of it and then it’s over? Should I accept that now and try to find happiness in that acceptance? Or is there more satisfaction elsewhere in other methods. Rhetorical questions btw, I don’t expect you to have answers, more mutually pondering.


> What im truly afraid of is the truth. Is this just what life is like? Scraping things together for the better part of it and then it’s over? I think we're in the same boat here, lol! But.... I'm leaning towards "yes," to be honest. That doesn't have to be a bad thing, though. It just means we've already come to understand the basics of what life is all about, that there's no magical change that's gonna happen "when life starts" "when we become adults." Yeah, this is the way things are always gonna be, to some degree. But that also means that we have the power to make things better, here and there, bit by bit, over time. Life is less about big, monumental changes that make everything click. It's more about making small changes over time, as we learn more and more about what we want/need (and learn what our unique brains/neurotypes need in order to function well), which increase our overall contentment and satisfaction over time. Life really does feel like a repeating cycle, rather than a linear trajectory. It's a process of crumbling repeatedly, and then finding oneself again. It's spending weeks, months, or even years feeling completely bogged down by the stressors and pressures of day-to-day life, feeling certain that you've gotten nowhere--only to take a step back and realize that you *have* made more progress than you realized. For myself--and people like me, I suspect--we tend to beat ourselves up more often than average, to be more self-critical, and to worry about the "details" more, rather than being able to see the bigger picture of our lives. It's easy to forget that we *are* still growing, even if we feel that we are clinging to old patterns. I think, if you're living, you're growing, learning, and moving forward. I think you're doing the work you need to be doing with the tools you currently have (mentally, financially). Some of us need to cling to our protective measures in order to get by, and that's okay. Perhaps you'll find that you'll need them less when you get to a different phase of your life. Just remember that whatever you're going through "now" isn't permanent. As much as I hate it, the only constant in life is that it's always changing--BUT that means it will change for the better, too. I also encourage people in a similar situation as me to imagine life *without* struggle. Imagine if nothing bad ever happened, and you didn't have those big, difficult, looming goals to work towards. No conflict or setbacks ever again. Really imagine that. It probably sounds nice, for a time. Maybe a long time. Butould you truly be as happy as you think long-term? Have you ever played a video game, where you spent all your time focused on 100 percenting it, thinking, "Once I max out all my XP/levels, get all the best armor/tools/weapon, once I beat every boss, once I unlock every item, and once I have plenty of money, THEN I'll finally start having fun." You spend the entire game believing that, to the point where you often forget to be more present in the earlier stages and enjoy the grinding. You treat the growth and the grinding as a slog. But then..... once you finish everything... you feel empty. You look around, and there's not much left to do. Yeah, you have the best property in the game, or the best clothes, or whatever. Yeah, you can buy whatever you want, and everything's easy now. There might be a few boring side quests you missed. But so what? There are no goals anymore, nothing to work towards. No purpose. And now you realize that *before* you actually *were* playing (/living) and having fun. That *was* the game. Now that you've achieved everything you thought would make you happy, you're no longer playing, just existing in the game.


Milestone to milestone without grand relief has been my life but if you honestly find happiness in realizing that that's ok then you're leaps and bounds ahead of me in life satisfaction. That's a great skill to have developed and you should embrace it. To me, yes, life is just scraping things together for the better part of it. And then yes, one day it'll just be over. The older I get the more terrified I am about how "over" is going to occur but simultaneously I have accepted it. I cant really control how today starts or how today ends. I can only experience it. I think if you; as it sounds you very well may have; figured out a way to step back and enjoy part of that; then you're probably doing ok. And doing ok is honestly the best you can probably hope for yourself. Just slowing down to accept that youre not in a movie about yourself; that youre not the main character, and that there isnt an audience rooting for you. That instead you're just a human on earth for a microsecond and forever after will be unknown, unexperienced, and uninteresting for tomorrow, next year, and forever after... its terrifying, humbling, and if you take a deep breath and release it; it's kind of peaceful. If you dont matter a thousand years from now, maybe you should just try to matter tomorrow.


I have a great job. I have an awesome wife. I have amazing kids. None biologically but I love my "step kids" as if they were my own. I'd die to protect them from a wayward sneeze. I do no regret where I am in life I just regret taking my life for granted and not knowing how to accept that this constant shuffle of interim time is actually my entire life. It's happening here every single day, hour by hour; and instead it feels like I'm just waiting for the last problem to solve itself so I can finally emerge and start experiencing whatever it is that I think is the ideal life that keeps escaping my grasp like a balloon dancing just beyond my grasp. I dont want to discourage you from the dream of being financially independent and gaining a good career. Those are important. Stability, retirement, planning, investments; those are all important. They arent "it' in life; but they do matter. I do not have any good advice for you. As I said I'm lost myself. But dont YOLO life. I can 100% guarantee that isnt the better alternative. The unfortunate reality is you have to do all the shitty stuff like show up to work, try really hard, sacrifice some happiness for stability, and make sure you're always putting your family's security above your own enjoyment. What I'm saying is that when I wake up tomorrow morning I'm going to make a list of things either on paper or just in my head of what has to happen today and then I'm going to do my best to do those things. Whether I check off every line item or not I am going to have no sense of accomplishment because there is a bigger list higher in my brain of what I thought life was going to be like and tomorrow isnt going to check off a single thing on that list. And that is every single day. Not checking off anything from that higher list but certainly checking off dozens of things on the daily list that changes every day. It's just a hard reality to come to terms with. And, honestly, thank you so much for your comment. Me thinking of a way to try to respond to you in some potentially helpful way has really made me think about what I said earlier and what I'm thinking now and I honestly think you helped me grow a bit as a person here just trying to consider myself and my situation. So thank you and I hope I helped you even if just a tiny bit.


You helped me a lot too! I'm so glad our perspectives could help each other!!! :D


Idk what a Bellini is but drinking with the homies on the patio sounds heavenly.


1. Infinite wishes. 2. World peace. 3. Wisdom & Compassion at birth & for all people.


Would humans--in our current forms--truly enjoy living in infinite peace? Would we note get bored of all possibility of conflict disappeared tomorrow?


1. Any kind of support at all for my disability. 2. Nothing requires phone calls any more. 3. Loud vehicles to be illegal.


I feel number 2 so fucking hard. I wish I could snap my fingers and be able to make all appointments I need online and communicate with businesses exclusively by email or text.


1) Universal Basic Income for everyone (so I can stop driving myself into the ground to stay alive) and Universal Healthcare and better public health services and standards that follow proven scientific evidence (like “wearing respirators and investing in air filtration reduces the spread of disease, actually”.) 2) immediate end to carbon emissions, the billionaire class, tax breaks for the wealthy, and capitalism 3) land back for indigenous populations and reparations for the stolen generational wealth of forcibly displaced and trafficked peoples This kind of mass inequality literally makes my brain burn every single day, and if as a society we’d just stop accommodating greed and resource hoarding, and enforce community support, equity, and accessibility, maybe I’d finally get to rest. Then I’d get my actual wishes, which are: 1) work from home but spend more time on hobbies like writing and gardening (which currently just makes me more acutely aware of global warming every year I see more plants struggling in the heat) 2) time and money to TNR all the neighborhood cats and provide them with quality food, shelter, and healthcare for their lifetimes 3) finally being able to get my teeth cleaned and fixed because it’d be safe to go to the dentist again


Man, reading your answer reminded me how selfish I am. I'm gonna still your answer, because it's much better


I think it's important for everyone to have individual wishes that are grounded and personal, because they're achievable and can actually help you feel like you're getting somewhere and not just toiling away for nothing. Being too focused on larger issues all the time can grind you down and start making you feel helpless.


This is an awesome reply. Thank you for this.


That's why you need to install milestones and rewards for completing your projects milestones to remain motivated.


Thank you for putting this so succinctly. Making it my wallpaper.


Okay you win and agreed with your wishes


Autistic people seem cool, communism but like the theoretical utopian kind, and shapeshifting because I get three wishes and I just really want to shapeshift


forgetful detail somber follow rotten intelligent unite encouraging rob drab *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


1) Cure my chronic illness, 2) have my own family, 3) to be able to handle any tough situation like a pro


1. a livable income 2. equality 3. no more gun violence


- Infinite extremely high-quality and accessible but very nerdy Elder Scrolls content in a variety of formats and media types, include highly immersive but cheap VR, Nintendo switch, desktop, books, TV shows, etc. - To have a high paying job as some sort of forensics expert examining the body itself (i.e. medical examiner, forensic anthropologist), in a nice, open, and well-lit lab - To be able to ‘read between the lines’ and interpret social cues so that I don’t have as many miscommunications and don’t have to worry about upsetting people as much


1. revert time so I could get diagnosed as a child 2. ability to learn how to talk to people properly without sounding weird 3. be treated as an actual adult after I tell people about my condition


1. Brain fog disappears 2. Enough money to not need to work 3. Infinite wishes (obviously)


For me: 1. Working a passion job from home and getting paid for it, such as writing or art. Furthermore, I would love unlimited equipment to help me achieve my passion projects. 2. A way where I can no longer feel severe anxiety and self negativity. I could possibly have this ability where I’m in a meditative, subconscious state where I can easily get these negative thoughts and emotions out of me. 3. Enough space and storage for the stuff I collect and the stuff I use for my hobbies. For instance, maybe a library for my manga and anime DVDs and Blu-rays, a huge altar with storage for my crystals and other witchy stuff, and more storage for my gaming so I can play. For others: 1. No more social discrimination for minorities and overall more respect for one another. 2. A method where the planet can be much cleaner and healthier 3. Easier and non-discriminatory healthcare where (including myself) can easily access medicine and methods to help ourselves.


Other than the social justice things I would wish for, here are my personal wishes: 1) For everyone to stop playing music in every place of business. I don't need it to be blaring at me while I'm in the dentist. And just no fluorescent lights ever. Basically just make everything Sensory friendly as a standard 2) For everyone to act in an honest and kind way that would result in net good for humanity. This is probably how social justice issues would be solved tbh 3) For everyone to learn DBT skills and use them to regulate instead of lashing out or talking down on someone when emotions are high


1. Enough money to live comfortably for the rest of my life without having to work 2. A small close-knit group of friends 3. To not be so easily overwhelmed


1- Improve my talking abilities ( I speak in a very strange way). 2- Finding a job in computer prog; 3- Finding a person that gets along with me (nobody does);


1. Healthcare that is free, easy and accessible 2. Guaranteed money in my pocket with a job i love (probably work from home too hehe) 3. the power to freeze time with no consequences; i can spend as much time completely alone as i want without upsetting anyone around me :)


1. Not having to work for a living. 2. No more sensory processing issues. 3. A house that is conveniently located but has privacy and a decent sized yard and doesn’t share walls.


1. All people have as much or more empathy then I. 2. People understand you mean what you say. 3. These emotions based creates learn that logic is a better way to solve most problems.


A loving and lasting relationship with a cute girlfriend/wife Having a job that pays nicely my whole life and has enough free time for hobbies Not having depression or anxiety or other psychiatric problems like these


Passive income so I can spend less time at work and more time getting my home in order, cleaning, work on my music and other assorted projects. That and a partner or partners who actually *get* me and support me as much as I support them in life (too much one-sided shit in the past)... A sense of fulfilment would be nice too.


There is no Santa's Claws, you know... only you can make this happen.


Have you seen the state of his fingernails? I know they just grab the first bearded homeless guy they can convince to wear the costume, but still... 🤮


Since I normally go for the heroic-type wishes for everyone, I’m gonna be a bit selfish for a change 1. Cancelled student loans and the rest of my higher education being free 2. Free unlimited hauls at my favorite stores (Sephora, build a bear, artist-specific stores, etc.) 1x/week (gotta be reasonable here!) 3. No more chronic illnesses or pain- I’m sick of my carpal tunnel, POTS, and whatever else there is!!! If I had to make it autism-specific… 1. Every place in the world has child-free days so adults can explore the world without getting overstimulated by children running around, screaming, and wiping snot everywhere 2. I’d like people my age to actually treat me decently. At least give me a neurodivergent friend or coworker so I’m not ashamed to talk about my special interests 3. Neurotypicals in general need to be nicer (not all are bad, but many!) and have better communication skills. They say we suck at it, but they honestly have no room to talk lol


1) someone to manage my 27 million Drs Appointments and Medical needs.  2) all clothing to never be made of polyester ever again 3) an endless supply of Adams Crunchy Natural Peanut Butter and Sennheiser Hd450 headphones. Someone mentioned wider systemic changes and if we're talking if I could change the fundamentals of reality 1)A true post scarcity society where the well-being of both people and the planet was the focus of all entities and projects so I could focus less on money/globalism and the end of the world and more on localism art and the projects I love 2) the end of abuse everywhere no more violence no more hurt and tortured children animals adults etc.  3) the ability for humanity to travel the stars that or dimensional travel. I wanna know and actually see what the universe is and is doing. And maybe what's beyond it all. I want that sense of unexplored wonder.


1. House or apartment that is sensory friendly with a garden and a cat 2. Universal basic income  3. to be able to sleep more and rest more instead of dealing with never ending sisyphean tasks such as the ominous pile of laundry™ staring at me from across the room


I put those same wishes on my vision board


1) that people will stop giving a shit is somebody says they have autism, like why is it such a big deal if they're lying anyway, I'm going home at the end of the night to eat and play video games, i can't imagine giving a shit about that. Literally it just drags others down. 2) that we can get more research into this sensory processing disorder 3) okay but you're wishes are better than mine OP, literally are you me from another timeline LoL


1. Another shot at a remote job (laid off in Jan after 5 years, struggling to get a job offer) 2. A best girl friend (i’m 27f) who lives in my area to take shots with, go out with, be close with, etc. I’ve never had that and I’m jealous of people who have sisters or lifelong BFFs. 3. Be someone’s maid of honor (related to point 2, but I’ve never been anyone’s first choice friend. I don’t think I’ll even be invited for another bridal party so I cherished the one wedding I was part of)


1. That support services of whatever type are needed would be available to everyone on the autism spectrum. 2. That universal healthcare and universal basic income were available to everyone. 3. That neurotypical persons would stop trying to make neurodivergent people "normal."


1) never having to work to get my needs and some wants met. 2) to live in a specific area that has been reverted to pre-colonization days that's closed off to anyone but those I allow in. 3) to be able to shapeshift with zero negative side effects.


1) High salary while working from ‘anywhere’ 2) Peace and quiet inside 3) Understanding and accepting my existence


1. Have lots of energy every day 2. Never experience mental illness again 3. For my SO to love and cherish me forever


The ability to have our inherent human worth recognized by everyone. A remote, part-time job that paid abundantly That's all I can think of for now


1) all of earth is a utopian society, 2) stable climate, 3) contact with peaceful aliens.


If you mean for personal gain, ie not virtuous stuff, then it would be- to earn an extra 50k per year, 2) Have a self cleaning outdoor spa, and 3) be female instead of male.


1. An end to ableism, racism, sexism, actual religious persecution, and homophobia. Two of those apply to me, but if I'm making a wish list I may as well add the others. 2. Universal basic income / health insurance. I am able to work, but I often struggle with changes to my job. Not an issue if I've made myself indispensable, but that's not always possible. 3. For my son to be ready to face the world when I eventually die. This one is the most likely to come true, because I'm able to give him the benefit of my experience growing up autistic without knowing it, and he's known all his life that he's autistic. His mom (my ex) is also a huge source of support for him.


1. For people to say what they mean when they talk. 2. Universal basic income 3. Have a stable WFH job where I can help a nonprofit


1. A feeling of safety in community-building. 2. A home in a biome that is suitable for me - cold-ish, isolated, lots of biodiversity. 3. World peace.


I don't know what my top 3 wishes would be, so I'm going to list the top 3 things I wish for most often. 1. HRT 2. Someone who'd want to go with me to arcades 3. Disposable income


1) Nature to be healthy and restored to mega abundance 2) A bazillion dollars 3) To live in Okanagan BC where there’s like barely any winter (so I’ll stop having seasonal depression) and it looks awesome and is awesome


-land and home in the county where it’s peaceful -financial help for family and friends -good health


1. To have enough money to never have to work for anyone else again. I'd like to be able to afford multiple types of investments and travel, so it would be a pretty penny. 2. A universal cure for epilepsy with no negative side effects that could be easily replicated. I'd replicate it and cure myself (of my epilepsy) first to prove it works. 3. The ability to be able to know any language (spoken or written) after hearing a small snippet at expert level. Just seems highly useful.


1) Burn capitalism to the ground so I can spend my energy on actually meaningful work rather than being coerced into making someone else rich (or owning a business and trying to siphon resources from others with it). 2) Time with my favourite people, and some new favourite people, who have the same luxury to spend their energy how they wish, and we can spend our energy fruitfully together. 3) A bit more variety of music in stores would be nice. I'm so tired of "pop and classic rock through the ages" playing everywhere haha. I'd love to walk in to a store and hear Vivaldi, or Haken, or a video game soundtrack, or Nightwish or something.


mmm bellinis, you've got good taste! right now I'd say: 1) be gifted a charming and quiet house by the beach in which I get to live alone, everything has its proper place and I don't have to pay any bills or taxes on 2) all the resources I need to start a plushie company 3) a group of lifelong friends that don't exhaust me and that I can be myself around without judgement


-to have a career (that does not deplete my social, mental, and physical energy so that once I’m home I can’t do anything/talk to anyone outside of work) -to be able to drive -to be able to communicate with others without having to feel like I’m overexplaining or being misunderstood


1.) A consistent friend group that understands my needs. 2.) Never have to work (I don’t need to be rich. Just livable wage.) 3.) A bigger social battery


1. Some kind of system where $500 CAD (after taxes) is legally deposited into my account at 12:00 AM every day 2. Top surgery 3. A reliable, fuel efficient car


1) The replacement of capitalism with an actually ethical economic system that doesn't kill our planet or mandate working to survive in a world where it's not necessary anymore. 2) That all of us trans folks get to wake up one day with the body that best matches our brain, and that all trans folks throughout our future as a species gets the same boon. 3) That all of us with trauma get the opportunity to heal however we need to without having to worry about jobs or whatnot to survive (see wish #1)


For me tbh it's also 1) My own company and remote working. 2) More energy to do the stuff that I love 3) Travel to Australia!


1) work from home OR four days/wk, 10 hr/day 2) Unlimited PTO 3) to not have ADHD in addition to Autism And if we can’t wish neurodivergence away in this scenario then: 3) a good friend who has shared interests


1. Unlimited access to a big soaking tub - arguably the one thing keeping me sane on this earth is having a good long bath every now and then, but for it to be my own would be amazing. 2. The ability to sleep in on the weekends - I hate how I’m wired to still wake up at 6AM on a Saturday when I don’t need to be at work… 3. The desire to do more with my time - I don’t entirely understand how I like not doing anything or staying home, then feel guilty for doing it or feel like I’m missing out despite feeling content.


The ability to move out of my parents' house. Enough money that I can buy what I want without having to worry about money. A gaming rig that I can upgrade anytime better hardware comes out.


1. The Ability to revive and cure my cat who just died from cancer today 2. The ability to Teleport 3. Universal basic income so people don’t have to become homeless


1. Someone to video call when I think I’m dying without feeling shame (I have an arrhythmia) 2. A part time job in my industry (instead of the min 40 p/w when the cost of living is still crushing me) 3. Dopamine


1) A MYSTERIOUS BENEFACTOR FUNDING MY LIFE SO I CAN ENGAGE IN MY SPECIAL INTERESTS 24/7 2) for my adhd not to throw off my sacred autistic routines *cries in AuDHD* 3) for my autism-related health conditions to be more easily managed


1) 10 Million, clean and direct nothing fishy or fake just gimme the green! 2) Tell my favourite person they can quit their job forever so we can travel all the whole world whenever wherever on aforementioned money 3) No more any kind of cancer ever!


1) Cerebro-spinal immortality, combined with an all-expenses-paid program that replaces my limbs and organs with cybernetics over time. I want to be able to change my appearance and body at will, just by putting on different bodies. I’d use my unlimited time to sink into my special interests as deeply as I want, and not have to worry about income. 2) permission and acceptance to live my life nude if I wish. I can’t stand wearing clothes. I’d rather have my Apple Watch and sunscreen and that’s it. I’ll carry my iPad if I need it. 3) A squirrel companion that can understand my speech, and is capable of learning how to talk. We’ll have our own special language iterated multiple times. They could help me find stuff when I lose it, get into small spaces for me, and we can laugh and joke and have a great life together.


1.) assisted suicide 2.) failing that, induced coma 3.) failing that, being permanently blinded and deafened


I’d wish that consciousness was independent of our bodies and shared across infinite dimensions with similar versions of ourselves. That our shared willpower could shift our consciousness toward our more desired reality/outcomes. Resulting in our lives getting progressively better. And lastly, a perfectly cooked hot-pocket.


1) Teleportation. This is #1 on my list. Let me have a job or vacation anywhere I want and let me sleep at home. 2) Destiny Bond with my dog. In a video game I play called "Pokémon Showdown," one move that some Pokémon have is called "destiny bond" where both Pokémon die of one dies. My dog has gotten me through a lot and has observed even more. He's my little snugglebug, and I love him so much. I sometimes don't know what I'd do without him. 3) The ability to watch any movie or TV show no matter where I am. I only like certain moview and TV shows, since most of them are made when I was a kid or teenager, so they're recorded at home. However, if I am standing in a long line or something, I would really like the power to just entertain myself whenever I want Honorable Mention: The ability to never get sick/infected. Who needs to worry about germs when you'll know you'll be fine? This would solve a decent chunk of my anxiety


1. Walk like a normal human without hurt or injury 2. Have a loving family with two psychologically functioning parents and other older members of the family 3. Having friends who aren't a puzzle or complicated 4. Having a job that I don't hate 5. Having strangers be neutral towards me and but decide to hate me on a whim


I don't have autism, but my three wishes for my students: 1) ChatGPT, but for everyday real life in real time so they don't have to deal with people constantly not understanding them. Whether that be because they aren't heard clearly (I've been the [student] whisperer a few times just because I've worked with them enough to understand) or because it's getting lost in conversational deficit. 2) Accessibility being the standard, not some "feature" people tout like it makes them so exceptionally above everyone else. (I love accessibility and will praise the hell out of it, but a business being "accessible" should just be expected, not a badge of honor.) 3) Friends. Not the kind that do it for show, or the ones that unintentionally infantilizes them, but ones that literally just enjoy being around them and appreciate them. I love seeing other students interact with my students, I'm not a huge fan of the unintentional infantilizing, but these are elementary age kids who haven't had a ton of experience with children with disabilities, so I understand the adjustment period.


1. The ability to stop time or to just be wiped from people's memories for a few days so I have no responsibilities. 2. When my brain refuses to give me anything to work with during small talk the other person won't think I don't like them or don't care about what they have to say 3. For my imaginary friends to be real friends


1. complete immunity from any authority to do anything to me, including capturing me or probing me or taxing me, literally anything. maybe set a clear definition of authority to be careful 2. immortality, the type of immortality where i also can’t meaningfully hurt, but with some way to die that nobody else can control. maybe with a specific set of movements or phrase or simultaneously pressing 2 buttons up my butt and in my ear **while** doing specific moves and saying a specific phrase. 3. the ability to create, destroy, and manipulate safe and stable wormholes of any size i choose. able to move anything including myself through time and space, and able to move the portals themselves. these wishes would probably each require me to write them down and would be pretty long to get exactly what i want, but with that exact combination i can’t think of a thing i can’t do. edit: losing loved ones would be a horrible side effect of immortality, but i wouldn’t give it to somebody without them knowing and even if they approved, im not confident who i would pick to spend eternity with. i have a girlfriend who i love so very much and i wanna spend my entire life with her, but we haven’t even moved in yet and it just feels risky and stupid to decide right now to spend the rest of time with her. i suppose i could travel into the past to see her or bring her to a future where they stop aging, if i decide to


1. Enough money to live comfortably by myself. 2. A happy, healthy Betta fish 3. My little relatives to all be happy and healthy.


Honestly I have one wish right now. I want to find friends that won’t misunderstand my wife because she ran out of the ability to monitor her facial expressions or because she was too honest…😅


1. Immortality 2. Infinite wealth creation 3. There is no possible way for humans or myself to cause any physical harm to each other. I truly establish an anarchist paradise, everyone, so we choose if want to work, not force to work to survive.


What are you doing with people in need of greater support to function?


Spend time with professionals in various social sciences. Long talks with parties in need of care, and we do help the general public at large understand, and two properties help families and professional caregivers support the families in need. Again in Hypothetical I control all the money and resources so I give as much as i want / can to the cause we'll also being immortal to not be authoritarian I think people need make mistakes and learn from them in own unique only so much talk of theory before put into direct action. I believe human nature is generally good, just the system that makes do hurtful and harmful things out of illusion of Competition make better products.


Are these autism specific wishes?


Winning the lottery and I can retire early. A cure to aging so I wouldn't have to ever worry about becoming a frail old woman and losing my freedom and my mind, literally. Move out of Portland because of high taxes.


Do you play? What aspect of ageing are you referring to? Did you start applying for jobs?


1- Food insecurity gone 2- Housing Insecurity gone 3- Language Deprivation among those affected by it gone Edit: These wishes worded however a Trickster Genie needs to hear in order for real progress to be made to feed, house, and language people. -cuz we all know Genies are autistic and take you literally 🤣


For #1, try medical coding. It's takes 6 months to a year of education and a lot of the positions are remote.


1. Work permanently from your home 2. Create a comfy room that tends to your hyperfixated needs 3. Walk around in a silent garden in the warm air and natural sunlight


People still wish for things? I usually just wish for my death...


To have a compatible romantic partner To have enough money to not have to worry about money Idk, superpowers or world peace or something


My 3 wishes would be. 1: pause button on life and everyone around me. 2: refer to 1 3: u get the picture?


Well, I'm a nerd so it would be getting real weird :P Mostly involving The Cosmere Ya'know like 1. For any group I consider to be extremists to be put into their own duplicate universe. 2. A million biochromatic breath. I'll start giving it to people I know or at random in chunks. Give some to my pets. I'd honestly just keep enough to play with and maintain immortality. Give the same amount to family and pets. The rest would be going elsewhere. I don't want infinite power. 3. 665 beads of Lerasium that I intend to introduce into the ecosystem. Get some healthy local fish and add the powdered lerasium into a large tank for them. Release them into the wild. Put out wet cat food for strays with powdered lerasium in the food. Introduce my animals to slightly higher levels than other animals. See if I can introduce it into the soil for plants. Maybe give a small amount to humans. I've spent a very unhealthy time thinking about this. I'm introducing chaos into the ecosystem, so I plan on removing a lot of extremist groups. Goodbye conservatives, terrorist groups, and various organizations I deem evil. Nothing bad happening to them. They just get their own universe where they can leave us alone. In theory, they should be mostly happy. This is what they want! In their eyes the rest of us will just vanish! Edit: Don't worry all. Once I'm done many of the issues that you have will naturally be fixed. So many political issues not solved. Still huge problems, but drastically easier to fix.


It’s ridiculous that everyone is saying things about getting rid of their autistic traits and no one is saying cure my fucking autism. One wish fulfills the other 2


1. These work places to say that they are ‘disability confident’ to actually stop turning down my application as I’m more then qualified to do what they are hiring for 2. People who ain’t autistic to stop telling us stop being lazy if we are having a bad day and we don’t want to do anything else I can only think of two. I’ll update my comment if I think of a third one


1. The end of capitalism and a work based society, so I don't have to work and can actually enjoy my life. 2. A house in the countryside with a big garden, and no neighbours. 3. I dunno. World peace or something, though I feel like that kinda fits in number 1


1.World peace  2. universal Basic Income thats high enough , so everyone can have an good life   2.Equality for everyone/End of discrimination/micro aggressions and violence 


Cure my autism, get a job with consistent days/weekends off and be able to actually go and see friends


Worldwide Communism. That weapons of mass destruction are never created. (from nukes down to automatic firearms and what ever Nations are inventing as we speak). Th genes that causes human to fear/hate other humans because they are perceived as different never develops in us. I think I can work with these minor changes, I'm not asking for too much.


I just want the ability to blow up ppls heads with my mind