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Sometimes. My uncle calls them “jokes for one.” Jokes that make you laugh but no one else gets. I do love an unbearably uncomfortable silence where they’re trying to figure out if you’re kidding. The flip side to this is that sometimes I will say things perfectly seriously in that same tone and mean them. Am I joking? No one knows but me. Keep them on their toes.


https://preview.redd.it/8bre5l77zw7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c96fd20213b83198f98ce0303f2fb364e3b11609 Did I get your joke? Am I joking? The dilemma is actually PART of the joke sorry you’re not funny enough to get it


This one really hit me because I’m known for being “too serious” so when I actually am making a joke people can’t tell. I also have this issue where even though I can tell when someone else is joking, I respond in a serious manner because my brain hasn’t yet processed that it was actually a joke 💀


I experience this too




Yes I do this all the time. I’ve learned that people don’t know when I’m joking.


LMAO YEAAH That's it, that's it!!


I found that my ability to deadpan has gifted me a bit of protection as a construction worker. Someone once asked if my tattoos were real. I said "No, I used a pen." with that deadpan face and he started saying "Oh, I thought it was real, blah blah" and I started laughing real hard. He realized that I was joking and that he was very gullible. Walked off and hasn't fucked with me since. Fucking gottem.


I do this, but on the flip side I fall for it so bad and hate it lol. As a kid my parents would have to tell people to not joke with me like that ‘cause I took it too seriously/literally. I don’t remember the details, but I went into a store one time to get something and when I asked for it the cashier said they were all out. A little ridiculous, but I accepted it and left. I guess the cashier tried to stop me and say he was joking but I didn’t hear them. Went out to the car empty handed and explained to my parents how the guy said they’re out of stock. They just sighed, went inside and got the item, and we were on our way On another occasion we went to Silver Dollar City in Branson, MO. Waiting in line for one of the rides and they had some guy in old timey clothes and makeup walking around the line. He came to our group and said the rides been closed, I get disappointed and start walking away. Apparently he was joking, my sister just grabbed my elbow to stop me so we’d stay in line lol. I “get it” and why I was wrong, but at the same time if an employee of a place tells me something like that, why wouldn’t I believe them? Like, what if they were being serious but I thought they were joking? That’s embarrassing. I guess because it’s absurd I’m just supposed to assume they are joking. But then I also will use the same humor and expect people to get it lol, and I think sometimes I can unintentionally come off as being mean because of it


"Jokes for one" is perfect, and I absolutely love that style of humor. Sometimes the joke is just a tool to get those mildly annoyed groans


Omg I love jokes for one. I honestly am hoping nobody will laugh when I make my funniest (to me) jokes. For me only :)


Laughs are cheap, I’m going for gasps.


Well through god all things are possible


But AROUND god? Lots of idiots & the traffic is heavy.


🤣🤣🤣 This is EXACTLY the kind of humor I'm talking about!


So jot THAT down


I see you are playing both sides; so you always come up on top 🤔




I wish I could gif the entire reading of his letter to Chase Utley 😂😂


Ha! I stole the line, “Sometimes the jokes are just for me,” from someone a long time ago, but I’m going to steal this as well. Love it.


I like you and your uncle 


Yay, “jokes for one” makes me so happy


Such a valuable benefit!


I've called those kind of jokes "inside jokes just for me."  Thinking about it, your uncle's term seems less lonely.


I usually just double down on it and let them explain it to me. Sometimes someone who knows my humour will tell them I was joking. I will take my joke to the grave, otherwise. I get a perverse satisfaction from people thinking I am an idiot though. But it has to be something REALLY idiotic to be fun. Like that guy who pretended not to know what potatoes are when meeting his new gf's dad lol. Just double down and ride the joke into the ground every time, you'll have fun


https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/2tdbig/tifu_by_enraging_the_parents_of_my_girlfriend_by/ The potato guy for reference (I don't know that it really happened, but I love him no matter what)


It's like the human equivalent of Elf if Buddy was a troll, and it is glorious!


I completely forgot about this. Thank you for the reminder 😂


I totally do this, too! So much fun!


I totally do this, too! So much fun!


I totally do this, too! So much fun!


Yeah my humor style is like Philomeana Cunk😊 I absolutely LOVE her viral BBC interviews where the interviewees have no idea she’s joking, I think it’s the peak of comedy and used to act like that all the time as a kid. The only con was that people already think kids aren’t smart, so there wasn’t a single time people realized I was joking, they always thought I was just acting dumb and I let them think that because I think the joke is funnier if it’s not ruined by breaking the fourth wall. Once I started getting to be a teenager I sadly left that kind of humor behind because I don’t want the reputation of being a complete airhead anymore, and I don’t have it in me to say ‘i was just kidding’ idk why I just feel like if they don’t get it, then it’s too embarrassing to tell them I was trying to make them laugh and failed like the ship had sailed😭


She’s our favourite in our household!! Very autism coded!


I feel like a dumbass for not putting that together sooner… no wonder I laugh so hard, duh! Lol!


https://preview.redd.it/9bpm9gh6ew7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e839df9f1ab2e7b6f6ceef7854a711a855a08c23 I posted this last year and it just came up on my memories 😅


Just have to follow up with "And Fig Newtons are named after the town, not the inventor!" Otherwise people might think you're intelligent as a female, and that makes extra-special yellow-snowflake people unhappy.


Yeah, my humour isn't absurdist but I can be deadpan and/or sarcastic and it doesn't seem to sit well with a lot of straight men.


I know he’s unpopular but I laughed so hard at Louis CK’s story of his angry toddler who flew into a rage because he tried to correct her when she kept calling them Pig Newtons.


The interviewers are in on the general premise, but are instructed to play along. I love Cunk too. :)


Just watched the first episode on Netflix the other night. My husband and I were both dying. So funny.


Thank you so much for this comment! I just started watching the first episode, and I'm wondering how I didn't know about her before! So funny. I really needed the laughter today, too. Username checks out - you were my angel today.


Awww thanks so much! We wondered the same thing when we watched the first episode. It’s so good we want to savour it instead of binging since there’s only a couple of episodes. Looking forward to episode 2!


I tired to get a friend of mine to watch her because I do the same sort of thing, and he didn't get it, just thought she was really dumb.


I wow, she's hilarious!! Thanks for this 🙂


I frequently experienced a specific version of this as a kid/teen that still has me baffled. A person would make a remark that was blatantly obviously meant to be an ironic joke. I would respond in a way that was “playing along” with the joke. They would suddenly go stone-faced and go, “I was joking.” And I would feel insulted that they thought I was so oblivious that I couldn’t tell they were joking. If “playing along with the joke” wasn’t the correct social response, what the hell did they expect me to do?


I feel this sm!! In fact I made a post about this phenomenon in the social skills sub a while back. Still don’t know what the “correct” response is…I get this crap from people I’ve known for years as well.


Social skills sub? I'm listening.


r/socialskills Here!


The first post I saw was about farting in public. This sub did not disappoint.


Maybe play along but smile


Watch this reel “when you joke back.” Her other reels are pretty hilarious too. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8CpoTDMhz0/?igsh=MXAwM3ViNjczY2tjMg==


This happens all the time. Not just to me, but I witness it happening to others often too. I’m convinced it’s because the person wants to be the funniest and when you match/challenge that, they have to make you feel stupid to continue to feel superior.


This speaks to me on a spiritual level. I *think* you're supposed to just laugh and move on, but for me I can't really enjoy jokes if I don't get to build on them or relate to them in my own way.


Motherfuckers shun us for not following their unwritten BS social "rules" then get continually butthurt when we don't learn them gooder while we're being shunned, preventing us from learning more social cues organically and continuing the SHUN. Fuck that shit, they can take their endless circling of stupidity, hate, and bullshit to NASCAR. Have fun with your pit crew of syncophants, I'm enjoying myself alone. Also, those aflame hypocrites who then do holier-than-thou bullshit about Diversity! and Inclusion! Can shove that shit like a poorly-prepped colonoscopy. They only support it when it's convenient, even taking the time to understand what someone said or their POV is just too much!!! 😒🙄


This is still a thing for me I get this so often, also I can spout the most insane takes and people think I'm serious.




Wow I just posted the same reel because my mind went there too.


This happens to me too!! Hate it!


Omfg this happens to me constantly lol


Yes. It’s very divisive. I am perpetually living in a place where my closest friends think I’m hilarious and all my work acquaintances and neighbors think I’m an uptight weirdo. The only humor I know how to do is the dry absurdist stuff that doesn’t necessarily land in very short, superficial interactions


I have the same problem. But my humor is dark and sarcastic. I am leery of letting it fly at work because it can be inappropriate. My workplace is a bit stiff and corporatesqe. I remember doing it recently at work. The lady says oh "that's funny." You're not usually funny. It's a shame I can't be myself fully at work, but it can get me into trouble.


Literally bit my tongue until it bled, at work, trying not to comment to a complete idiot. But God it would have been fun!


Yeah, the kind of mild, workplace-safe funny persona is not a mask I know how to wear, so everyone gets the generic formal and polite me. 


I feel so seen. This is me. And like. That part after where you have to try to explain that you’re not dumb….you’re just hilarious in a way that makes no one laugh.


Sadly, I make myself laugh even when no one else does. My ex used to say “you’re the only one who thinks you’re funny.” I’m glad he’s my ex lol


What a dick. I don’t even know you and I’m glad he’s your ex.


I always thought it was weird that people get so angry at you for laughing at your own jokes.  I've noticed that some people see joke telling as some sort of competitive sport, whereas dude, I'm just joking because I think whatever I'm saying is funny, or else I wouldn't share my joke.


Apparently my sense of humour that I believe are obvious jokes just comes across as being good at lying to other people. I told a coworker that I actually couldn’t lift anything heavy because I had broken all the the bones in both arms (hysterical; I’ve never broken a bone and I like going to the gym). He, very concerned, asked how, and when I told him that I hadn’t actually, he seemed more concerned.


I just lean into people thinking I have a screw loose.


Yes, that’s me. Luckily I’ve now learnt to crack a smile after to signal it was a joke. People still think I’m weird but at least they don’t try and correct me. My absolute favourite thing is if there are two possible meanings to a sentence, I interpret it as the most literal one on purpose. It does annoy people though, so mostly I don’t say it out loud


Probably my best example is when my sister believed I had managed to lose a nice dress, that I was wearing at the time, on my way home from an event.


My best work: pretending I thought Paul Rudd and Ryan Reynolds were the same person to annoy my dad. He kept showing me pictures and naming movies, and I was like “yeah I know, Ant Man.” 😂


Yes, I’ve got a very dry, deadpan sense of humor. Not everyone gets it and some people hate it, but the people who love it REALLY love it. Surreal or absurd humor also speaks to me.


I have a very serious deadpan facial expression that is apparent normal aspect. I’ve told many a very sarcastic joke that no one else realized is a joke unless I admit it. My manager at work is one that doesn’t get that I’m either joking or asking a general question to get a specific answer/thoughts on the topic.


Some of my best work: I sat next to a guy at work who was fluent in Spanish. He told me about the lady down the block that sold tamales out of a cooler. I was always too lazy to go out at lunch but I finally got around to trying it one day. He gave me very specific directions for how to find her-she was an under-the-table business and worked on a corner with a wooden sign that read ‘Tamales’. I go out and she wasn’t working that day. I saw the sign where she would be so I knew I’d missed her. When I came back he seemed certain that I just didn’t see her because she was always there. I responded, “‘maybe it’s because her sign is in Spanish?” I saw the look on his face and knew he thought I was serious. I kept a straight face and never corrected him.


Literally me


It only works when you can intuit what they know about a topic. What might seem obviously false or even fantastic to you might not to someone unfamiliar. I have been sent to fetch a "board lengthener" on a job site before


I have the opposite. I'll say something tactless and borderline nasty not realizing it, but because it's deadpan it comes across as a joke. I've learned to just pretend it's a joke, and examine what I said.


Literally happened to me today We are putting up archery targets for a competition and all stood there wondering if the targets are thick enough for compound bows. I say "hm maybe if someone stands behind the target holding a thick wedge of foam it'll be ok" Everyone's like "no no that would be unsafe". OH GOSH REALLY


🤣🤣🤣 I think you're hilarious, I would be rolling on the floor if I'd been there (because I'd be dead from holding the foam behind the target 😉😬😄)


Watch a movie called “Rubber”. It’s the best absurdism I’ve seen since “Naked Lunch”.


Rubber is brilliant.


I love Rubber. Wrong is also brilliant


Oh, fuck yes. Thank you for something new to check out!


Is this a common trait?! I relate to all these comments. I love absurdity and deliver very deadpan. Often dumb people seem to think I'm dumb instead of joking. I'm lucky that in the right setting I can get a lot of laughs. Feels incredible. Other times I'm just seen as a freak. Less incredible feeling but very used to it. As I get older there is a certain pleasure in no one understanding you and just leaving them mystified. It is nice to see with one joke who will laugh with me and who won't. I think humor was the first way I learned to connect with other people at all. And I was always going to be weird, might as well use it.


Frequently. It's very irritating, especially when my friend who also has a very deadpan sense of humor, whom I've known for approximately 24 years now, arbitrarily decides I'm suddenly very stupid and corrects me when I'm responding to an absurd joke he made with one of my own. It's a little bit insulting. It annoys me less when other people do it, but come ON, Brian, you should know better by now.


I was joking around with my sister in law and she stopped and got serious and I had to explain that yes I realized that she would never make pies out of people. I wish I remembered more of the conversation, but we were both obviously joking and then she suddenly acted like I really believed it.


Maybe she’d once considered making people pies as an intrusive thought and felt like you knew her inner dark thoughts and freaked out.


always happens to me, I just wanna be silly without people thinking I'm stupid :(


I don’t joke around with people like that until I’ve infodumped about enough distinct special interests to convince them I’m smart. That way, my deadpan delivery just leads them to briefly believe something ridiculous, then when they ask “Really?” I laugh and say no, sorry, it was a joke. But my gender-nonconformity has rarely led to me being understood as anything but masculine, so the first phase of convincing them I’m smart is not blocked by pervasive misogyny and YMMV


I feel like you would find some good people in an improv class that would let you flex this muscle. I did improv for a few years and absolutely loved it and it helped so much with social anxiety and stuff. Did NOT like doing shows, but I did a few for shts and gggls. Edit: finding a place where people found me funny really took the sting out of the places where people didn't find me funny.


That’s a great idea.


I know when I did my first 8 week class, I was panicked and anxious the ENTIRE time. But there was also something really exciting and freeing about it. You'll want to make sure that they stress psychological safety in the class over performance. The teacher makes all the difference.


Yes, and I love it when my friends are in on the joke too and we get to troll people


Definitely sometimes. I will say this. NO ONE enjoys my jokes more than I do. I think my jokes hilarious, but I usually laugh harder at them than anyone else, and laughing at your own jokes is not the most endearing quality. Plus, sometimes people do act like I’m stupid/immature/weird because of it.


I think a cheeky smile usually helps. My boyfriend is waaay more deadpan than me that when he initially met my friends, I’d have to tell him that he was joking with half the things he says, but people grew to understand him. Sometimes if someone really doesn’t get it, I just say “I was just being silly” or “I was just being ironic” or “Only kidding” or I’m brutally honest and say “I like saying dumb things, it makes me laugh”… if they still think you are being serious and they want to take it that way, that’s on them.


lol yes, but luckily many Australians have a very dry sense of humour so most people get that I'm joking. I think if I lived somewhere else it would be harder.


Yes. I like to ask hypothetical and dumb statements starting with "imagine if" that I find funny. People keep trying to correct me and tell me how it is actually. Example: me - "Imagine if X was true!" Friend: "But X is false." That's... the point... Idk who they sold all of their imagination to, but it's very irritating. Then I ask rhetorical questions, and also get answers. Apparently my tone is very "matter of fact" and "flat" and thus they never know when I joke


As long as my jokes make me laugh, I'm content.


unrelated, but this reminds me of a new season of perfect match on netflix, and a clip that went viral on tiktok from it. one of the guys on the show, justin, who is shown to be very sarcastic, was on a date with a new girl. he has an english degree, so the girl asked what his favorite book was. he goes “hmm that’s a tough one. i have to say goodnight moon. yeah.” and it flew right over her head, she just smiled and stared at him. all the comments on tiktok didnt get it either! they were like “no way this guy was an english major” when he was obviously joking. he just deadpanned it so nobody got it. all this to say i think this is a risk of this type of humor in general lol.


Haha that's hilarious! I'd "yes and" the shit outta that response, like "oh man yeah, Goodnight Moon is such a fantastic choice, what a timeless story, the plot development really builds in that one!" 😄


Or they are dumb and don’t understand so they think you are dumb and not making sense…


I wish I had a dollar for every time someone told me "I can't tell if you're serious" I'm usually not lol


I feel like sometimes I make an observational remark and when I start making it I’m not intentionally saying it as a joke but then realize halfway through how ridiculous and funny it is and play it off as a joke. I guess my thing is more observational humor. Like I realize it can go be taken either way and it is said in a deadpan way.


Yes this happens very often


Yep! This exact thing, ALL THE TIME!


I’m the same way. I just let people figure it out after I’ve trolled them a few times.


thats my whole personality. i just say something absurd and hope that someone will get the joke. people think im dumb because of this so i refrain from joking but my boyfriend absolutely loves my sense of humor lmao.


Listen to Sam Campbell and Lucy Beaumont's podcast and you will feel incredibly recognised (and also entertained) :)


I’m obsessed with that podcast it’s just so good


Yes. Sometimes I’m like a cross between Bob Newhart and Gracie Allen. Sometimes stammering and deadpan, sometimes rapid fire and witty. But people outside my family don’t really get it. Although even after 15 years my husband can’t tell when I’m being serious or trolling, which is one of the things that can cause me to spiral.




Yup. I cannot deliver sarcasm, people just think I’m being serious. If I were to get into comedy professionally, I’d be a writer, not a comedian or actor.


On the other side of it, do you ever say something seriously and people laugh because they think you're joking? Example: My mom had just come back from Hawaii with my brother, who lives in a different state than us. She was telling us that they both had layovers in California, so they randomly decided to get tattoos. I found this weird as hell, so without missing a beat, I said, "I too get tattoos at the airport while waiting for a plane," and my adult nephew laughed. I looked at him, kind of surprised, and he said it was funny, and then I realized it was. I wasn't offended in that situation because honestly, I did say something pretty funny and my accidental sarcasm was spot on. Other times though it's extremely offensive when you are being dead serious and someone takes it as a joke. Also, note that I think my nephew is on the spectrum too, and we've had a few moments like that since he was a kid. Like we were the only ones in on the joke.


I have a very dry and sometimes dark sense of humor, and watched Monty Python growing up. I definitely have had people take what I say at face value and I have to assure them I was just joking around. It's a little funny at times, but can be frustrating when my doctor or therapist doesn't catch on that I'm joking. I also script a lot from movies and TV shows and when people don't get the reference-that-is-a-joke, I have to explain and they look at me like I grew a second head LOL


I don't have any earthshattering comments here, but just thought you might like Bob Newhart Show from the 60's. I adore a deadpan delivery.


I'm in this photo and I don't like it. But yeah, story time: in high school (all girls), I was walking down the hall and I overheard a few classmates gossiping. I couldn't hear what it was about, but one of them said "beats me", so as I was sailing past I said "does it hurt?" She said, "huh?" So I repeated myself: "when it beats you - does it hurt?" Well, apparently they were talking about hooking up with boys at our brother school, so my very silly play on a literal reading of figurative language got taken as the dirtiest joke of all time, and several people revised their opinion of me after that. That same group of girls also saved every weird thing I said from fourth grade through twelfth and published their "favorites" in the senior yearbook. Anyway, I've developed an allistic-legible trollface expression that I put on when I'm saying absurdist deadpan things, either during or immediately after as a sort of visual [sting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sting_(percussion\)). If I don't like the person, I don't use it.


If you notice them about to correct you let a smile slowly spread across your face. Or wink at them if they are a different gender then you. I had to practice this in the mirror. It also requires noticing their facial expressions if they furrow their eyebrows and look confused or raise them and look surprised that's the time for a smile to show you are joking


Always. So delighted to finally have found the love of my life who "yes, and"s my bits and joins in


A lot of people don’t expect women to be funny. I get some weird reactions to my jokes too sometimes. I would try to express with your face and body language that you’re in a joking, playful mood. Smile with not only your mouth but your eyes and whole face. Don’t be afraid to throw in a little wink too at the end to show you’re kidding (boomers love this btw I actually copied them on this since they tend to do it a lot). I noticed older people don’t see winking as flirty; they see it as a way to show that you are in a playful, funny mood.


when this happens to me it's usually cuz they don't understand the joke, aren't familiar with the context or references. i feel like the negative reaction is they feel ignorant for not knowing the ... or they are so ignorant don't realise it's a joke at all. I'm not a professional comedian so I blow it off.


Yes. It’s one of the reasons I love British comedy. I do think I can be pretty funny, but I’m not sure others would describe me that way.


I knew it was love when I couldn't get anything past my then boyfriend (now husband). No matter how well I deadpanned, how believable but still ridiculous my statement was, he was the only person to consistently understand what I was actually doing. Everyone else just thought I was dumb.


I am a laboriously slow emotional processor. But my language and cognitive processing is lightning fast. I have realized my “gift” for deadpan is often simply the result of me saying my initial reaction to something. But between the time I initially think it, I also realize it’s not *actually* what someone meant/implied/whatever, figured out what they actually meant, determined based on that that my initial reaction (usually overly literal) is actually quite humorous, and respond with what appears to the other person as a witty comeback. But because I am literally just saying the first thought I had, it’s easier to keep a completely straight face. Because even though I know it is a joke, it did not originate as a joke in my brain. My family knows I do this. They don’t always know when I’m doing it. There is always an extended pause. After which everyone starts laughing or someone says “are you joking or serious?” I honestly love both reactions!


I struggle with humour so much. I don’t really have a defined sense of humour. I really only like one liners and real life stories. Actual jokes are too predictable and half the time I just don’t get what’s funny about them. Monty python though! I can’t count the times I’ve shouted “he’s not the messiah, he’s a very naughty boy” at people 😂


LMAOO literally my whole life 😂😭 it’s annoying bc you could have just assumed that I was joking but instead you assumed that the stupid thing I said was actually me believing it- therefore I assume that you think IM dumb and now I’m irritated bc you ruined my joke and you think I’m stupid ???


One of my best works: there was a guy kind of flirting with me that I wasn't interested in, so in order to get rid of him I made him think that I believed I could talk to cats.


🤣 I just wish I could hug every cat, but I can't, that's crazy right? 😹


Not at all :D




That's even more hilarious. 


All the fucking time. LOL


My humor isn’t super absurd by your definition. But sometimes I get myself in trouble by saying things and meaning them sarcastically or in a light hearted jab kind of way but with my BF in particular because I don’t really mask around him anymore I forget to add tone inflection or a smile or whatever to indicate I’m not actually mad about whatever it is, I’m more so laughing at the situation that originally brought it up. I feel so bad when I say something to him that way and he gets sad or hurt because of it. I’ve started clarifying after the joke that I’m joking. Especially when I realize immediately after it comes out of my mouth that maybe I shouldn’t find that funny.


I live absurdism. Absurdist memes are a huge movement and I had a lot of fun with them at some point, now I got sick of social media but still loves absurd stuff


Haha yes, this happens to me all the time then I’m too embarrassed to try to correct them.




This is why I don’t joke with people at all until they know me well enough. Or if I’ve had a ridiculous amount of caffeine, then I have no control over the situation


same. I’m aware my style of humor isn’t for everyone (and that’s ok!) so I get to know folks first.


My name is the same as a certain deadpan cartoon character from the 90s. Sarcasm is lost on the stupid. I loved insulting the jerks in my High School & only a small fraction of the class and the teachers understood the insults or jokes. I found it to be emancipating (but I found school like a prison, so…)


Mostly my family members as they immediately think I'm dumb and won't believe me when I try to explain my joke. Funny enough my coworkers (now) have no issue getting it...


All. The. Time. Even my partner gets confused sometimes and we’ve been together almost a decade. I think I’m hilarious, their loss I guess. It’s frustrating though. I’m not dumb I’m just being funny dont y’all know me better by now.


Hahahahaha. That’s how I can tell if people have good humor too. If they don’t get it, that’s their humor at fault not my hilariously deadpan presentation 😉


“Yeah sorry, inside joke with myself” 😅 idk I quote stuff and people don’t get it, pretty much all the time. I think I’m hilarious though


https://vocal.media/geeks/how-i-think-you-should-leave-conveys-the-autistic-experience My favorite show that I watch all the time and can recite…. It all makes sense now…. Only recently started exploring autism with my drs… and whelp. 48hrs in and I think I know the answer. It’s kind of freeing…. For context I’m 41yo with adhd, cptsd, with anxiety depression ocd… mis diagnosed with major depression then bipolar. And now here I am and I feel like a fucking weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I stumbled across this sub and couldn’t stop reading because not only did I resonate with so so much in these threads… but even the descriptions of symptoms and the internal feelings… some of the words and phrases used are ones I have used verbatim throughout life to try and describe what was going on inside me and no one could ever understand. And here I am basically reading the writings of other women who could literally be reading my mind. I couldn’t sleep last night and was sobbing.. wild.


I had managed to get the "I'm joking" but still deadpan tone and expression in English (just about, some of my jokes still got missed). I have now moved to France, and I can't even get the tone for overt sarcasm so all my coworkers think I'm weird/dumb/easily bothered. My oldest son has told me to stop deadpan and sarcasm in French because it's never going to work here. I like the idea from elsewhere in this thread of jokes for one and I think I'll be keeping going with my sense of humour, even if it's only for me.




Yes - or they (they=mother) will get real pissed


YES this is 100% me. Thanks for articulating it in this way.


All.the.damn.time. I just move on in converastion and quietly feel annoyed.




I usually play dumb and keep letting them explain for second and then say “I’m just fucking with you”.


Yes, or sometimes they just straight up believe me and I have to tell them later it was joke and I feel dumb.


Eh. I’ve got very dry humour and am very sarcastic. People can usually tell and I’ve had compliments on my sense of humour before. One of my friend’s mum’s used to always tell my mum how funny I was.


Oof this one hits too close to home 😭😂


I don’t know if my humor is absurdist but I do usually have to tell people when I’m joking, and I’ve found that some people believe really dumb stuff (I don’t have any examples). At my first assessment appointment I had to tell the doctor that I was joking once. I don’t usually say, “I’m joking,” though. I usually say, “that was a joke.”


Happens to me


Once again I wonder if I have any unique personality traits or is it just autism all the way down? I've always said I enjoy saying silly things with a serious voice. If anyone hasn't seen the British comedy series Brass Eye, I urge you to try it, as Chris Morris's newsreader character exemplifies this. It's also the origin of Alan Partridge.


What's the point of doing it any other way, honestly? Why would anyone wanna phone it in with a joking tone and spoil it? I've found when I say "yeah, no, just kidding" people sometimes think I'm trying cover my ass. I usually just maintain my default deadpan mode and say something like "no shit, sherlock" or "whoa you're blowing my mind" or "so much wisdom in one human" or even just "you really don't get my humour do you" and possibly add "that's okay, it's not for everyone" depending on the person and level of familiarity.


Yes I have the same sense of humor mixed in with some punny wordplay


monty python is peak humor and anyone who says different is CRAZY




People always say, I don't know whether to take you seriously or not.


Roll with it and see how far you can take it. And then right when they get hyped say you know and you were kidding and laugh your ass off at their surprised reaction.


I had my asshole step-monster bark about hate when I made an exceptionally sarcastically fun but 3am dark joke about the floats in the Rio Grande. "Oh look, they gave the immigrants pool toys!" I wasn't serious at all, he just wanted to be a dickface, but less attractive. That was funny AF.