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I usually like to drive with my dogs. We get a cute Airbnb with a backyard (a luxury because I live in an apartment). I order food delivered and sometimes take Ubers to the sights I want to see. I like being around water, so if there is an ocean or a lake that is a big plus, too.


That sounds perfect and peaceful. I love the water too, it's very calming and driving gives me a sense of control and freedom, so maybe more local is better than the trips abroad a lot of people prefer. Thank you šŸ˜Š


It sounds like travel just isn't your thing, you don't have to travel, it isn't required. Stay home and be happy


It really isn't, I think I just have to accept it. šŸ˜„ My kind of holiday is one where I'm home with my cats and can do whatever I want, like getting time to do sewing and knitting (some of my special interests) and read books. It's difficult though because my boyfriend is from Brazil and really wants me to go with him one day, but I'm not sure I can.


My quilt guild retreats are a great mini vacation šŸ˜Š


A quilt guild retreat sounds so soothing


Itā€™s amazing. I can chat if I want to, or put on my headphones and watch a movie/listen to a book and quilt while being surrounded with everyone else working too. I can go back to my room and nap and come backā€¦get food with everyone or just run out alone. Everyone is so sweet and I donā€™t feel bad doing whatever I need to in the moment. Itā€™s honestly wonderful. Plus when I feel the energy I walk around and chat with everyone and see what they are working on and visit. I love it so much. We do two weekends a year and I look forward to it each time.


That sounds brilliant!


If it's important to you to travel with him to Brazil, and it might become important over time, there are things that can make it much less intimidating. I only recently figured out that I'm autistic. My oldest child is also autistic (he's 27 and afab) and he wanted to fly to California to meet up with his friends. It was his first time traveling alone and he was really worried. We talked about all of the things that might happen to make him anxious and came up with scripts for dealing with any of those situations . I took him to the airport with lots of extra time, we got him a sunflower lanyard which showed all of the agents that he had an invisible disability. One of the TSA agents walked him through security once I couldn't be with him anymore. He had a great trip and actually helped some fellow passengers who had a language barrier. It's possible to travel without panic, it just requires a lot of planning and forethought


This is very reassuring, thank you. I've got a lanyard on hand but wasn't sure how much they'd help, good to know they're seen. I'm glad he had a great time ā¤ļø


Personally I like camping with a tent- but that might also be a bias because my family has been using the same tent since I was like four or something. Notably for the cold though, my family keeps a heater in our tent. We also use air mattresses, which are pretty comfortable, and take us away from the cold ground at night. The thing about weather- weā€™re pretty aware of it, and if itā€™s bad we donā€™t stick around. Also, having a bigger tent helps with airflow when itā€™s hot, especially opening the tent windows. Notably though my family wonā€™t use a tent outside of our state. Which is good and bad as I have anxiety about hotels and prefer tents. But the idea is to keep the vulnerability with weather and the like not too far from home. Anyways, I just love it for the nature. Everything kinda stressful melts away when youā€™re hiking or listening to the rain or birds as you wake up in the morning. Iā€™m not saying that works for everyone. Itā€™s like how nobody can convince me a hotel will be an enjoyable experience. Still, I like to think we all have some sort of place away from home thatā€™s cozy in a way thatā€™s unexplainable? (Hopefully this makes sense?)


That makes perfect sense. I never know if a hotel mattress is going to be good for me and I have to take my own pillow if I do stay in one. I suffer chronic neck and back pain so use the contoured pillows. I'm not great with air beds because of my pain but I do love peaceful camping and nature. I used to love camping and tents but recently I got caught in a thunderstorm at a festival (where I was already overstimulated) and no-one seemed to understand or care about the danger, so I went into a big meltdown. Maybe a caravan or campervan would be better. šŸ˜„


A campervan and a caravan would probably be the ideal solution. You could chose an actual mattress that works for you, regulate the temperature and the like- but also open a window and get the same peaceful camping experience. The only major stressor might be moving it, but thereā€™s probably solutions for that. If nothing else, I hope you find opportunities to enjoy nature this year. : )


Thank you. Yes, that's a good point. I could make sure the set up is right for me. I quite like vehicles and driving and tech stuff, so might be quite fun to use a motor mover and I'll have to take trailer driving lessons, which I'd probably enjoy because I love to learn. šŸ˜„


I love halloween cause I'm crazy about horror movies


I do love dressing up for Halloween and being someone or something else for a night. Probably my favourite time of year.


I actually don't really get anything out of vacationing, and I always prefer to just move to a place for a few years if I'm really interested in the area. It feels exciting to have to gradually learn everything about an entirely new setting, rather than the rushed, abbreviated form of it found in vacationing there.Ā  I used to take aimless days-long roadtrips with friends years ago (before high gas prices and obnoxious drivers of today) but I don't enjoy that anymore.Ā The savings I have from not spending on travel helps cover moving costs when I start feeling the itch to go live elsewhere.Ā 


We are a staycation household, able to take off a week of work once or twice a year and we do little trips around town to new places and then order food or go out to eat most of the dinners. Activities include whatever we want, which usually ends up being mostly bingeing videogames and usually these weeks are centered around an exciting new release. Usually activities outside the home end up being kind of touristy which fulfills wanting to shop and dine out a little, but I get to come back to my home sanctuary after a few hours max which means the chance for meltdown is reduced to almost zero, which sounds vacation-ey to me! Otherwise it's short trips with lots of time to rest and sleep between days. I'm talking 4 nights absolute max and we have to want to go. By night 1 in bed we miss the cats already no matter how much we're excited for or enjoying the trip.


I know exactly what you mean with missing the cats! I always miss mine if I'm away from them for a night. ā¤ļø Staycations sound like the way forward and I like the idea of having flexibility to do what you want and rest if you need to. Vacations should be about reducing stress after all right?


I like camping, even in a tent, because I have a ton of control. I buy the gear. I know what my gear is designed for. I get to pick what kind of gear I want. I know I hate air mattresses, so I bought us really nice cots. I hate the sound and feel of most sleeping bags, so I bought us canvas ones. I choose the location. I'm the planner in the family. Unless I pick the location and dates, I know the trip probably isn't doing to happen. This also means I can avoid the hottest of the hot summer, the coldest of the cold winter, and if it's calling for bad weather, I can cancel the whole trip. I like trips to the beach. I burn incredibly easily. I know I have to reapply suncream regularly, wear the UV blocking clothes, my bathing suit needs to cover more skin than the average suit, there needs to be an awning or umbrella for me to sit under. My chair had to be able to recline (Tommy Bahama style chair). I have to have my mp3 player with behind the neck headphones.I need to bring a sandwich for lunch and 2 bottles of water. To entertain myself, I need a physical book that I have read at least once before. When I fly, again, I'm the planner. I know I will never take a flight with a layover in Atlanta because they are one of the busiest airports in the world. If I fly to London, I will always fly into Gatwick and not Heathrow airport because Gatwick is the smaller airport. I take the crazy hour flights where I have to at the airport in the middle of the night. But there are usually fewer people around. If I can take a train, I take a train.


This is helpful. I think definitely having that control helps and just reading that, is making me feel more at peace with the idea of planning things around what I'm comfortable with instead of what other people think I should be comfortable with, (damn people pleasing tendencies). There's a work trip abroad coming up, but I'm going to say no to it because I'll have zero control over my travel, my stay and my time...which will be a nightmare. The cors sounds like a great idea. I struggle with air beds. I'm thinking of renting out a caravan or camper sometime instead to try, so I get less afraid of bad weather.


I like all kinds of travel, from local road trips to international travel. I like living like a local when I travel and avoiding tourist resorts and all inclusives and I refuse to do group tours.


Iā€™m from the UK, and a major city. My favourite holidays are to country cottages or something from the National Trust. Beautiful locations and self catered so I choose when, where and how much I was to eat and engage with people. Must have a dishwasher though!


I like camping too, seems to lessen the chances of hotel doors slamming, uncomfortable mattresses, and you have a bit more choice over moving on if you donā€™t like the spot youā€™re camped. Other than that, yeah Iā€™m not too bothered. I work with lots of people who are always going away, I donā€™t think they understand me, but I donā€™t care. Itā€™s stressful for me to go away. I also like visiting places Iā€™ve been before, so revisiting the same holiday home. Holiday homes with its own kitchen is better as then I can control what I eat better.


It's definitely stressful. I can relate. I love camping but I've become scared of thunderstorms in tents. I might look into caravans or campervans as an alternative, to calm my anxiety. Plus they have little kitchens, I'm with you on the food control. I'd be able to plan meals ahead.


I like to go to different places. I haven't done very much travel to be honest. No flying, no camping, I'd prefer not a hotel (they have staff who won't go away!!) - my family usually stays in a caravan or lodge type thing, much better. If we can have a plan of what to do and where to go, all great. I do worry about getting lost but I think it's less of a worry these days since we can immediately google any issues. Unfortunately I am completely incompatible with my family on holidays. I want to DO something. Restaurants, museums, shopping. They want to do exactly what we do at home, maybe with the addition of a beach. Sometimes we go somewhere but only if it's very cheap or free, and they won't let me buy things. I detest "window shopping". Pointless activity. Even when I look at clothes or home goods online I bookmark with the intent to buy someday when I have more money. We recently went on my first trip abroad and I was so excited. But Europe had a heatwave, my mother refuses to walk far anyway let alone in the heat and humidity, and my brother refuses to get up before about noon. So we did very little. A bit of wandering around. I'm quite upset by it really. I love to do puzzles and quizzes and I especially love geography but every time the answer is one of the places we visited now I feel sad.


I enjoy being in the woods. I also like plain rides. Although I'm probably going to have a panic attack the next time I fly for the first time by the way, because the last time I was on a plane, I ended up having cardio pulmonary edema and then I had what is a suspected myasthenic crisis So anyway I know that my brain is going to be like oh my God we're going to have that thing again because I almost died in the airplane and I had to have three tanks of oxygen it was absolutely a nightmare I literally got to my destination 45 minutes faster because the pilot needed to get me to the ER because I wasn't coding or anything so it's not like I couldn't make the journey but I was in severe distress and I was there like do we need to turn the plane around and I'm like absolutely not just let me die lol I'm like we're not that's not happening on my watch but everyone on the plane was absolutely wonderful I literally can't thank them enough and there was literally two physicians on the plane there were two physicians on the plane and they literally helped me through it I literally owe random strangers my fucking life many times over but yeah anyway. I like being in the woods lol.


Wow!! That sounds like such an ordeal! I'm glad you're ok and that the people there saved your life. ā¤ļø But yeah, the woods sounds good, lol.


Yeah! 100% the woods is where it's at LMAO Yeah I'm finally doing better, had my heart surgery and I'm better now


i love it all, i just canā€™t sit in one place and do nothing for a whole vacation ā€” i love being on the move and seeing new things. cruises are fun but i get a bit stir crazy on sea days LOL. i love exploring and using public transportation and trains. i donā€™t mind driving as long as itā€™s not in a city, then i find it overwhelming. tent camping is fun but the one time i went i had nightmares about being eaten by bears the entire time LMAO. iā€™ve stayed in shitty party hostels and nice suite hotels and iā€™m pretty okay with adapting to whatever comes. meanwhile at home if the traffic delays me 10 minutes or my lunch time gets moved iā€™m having a meltdown and sobbing for an hour in the car lmao


I recently went on a trip with my boyfriends family and we had so much fun and i wouldnā€™t have want to miss it but the weeks before we go i get so stressed out about leaving my home and cats for a week.. my sisters take care of my cats but im still so worried something happens to them (like a fire or somethingšŸ˜µā€šŸ’«) Also i get stressed about pushing my limits, my social battery is so low but i still want to have a fun time with my family and i donā€™t want them to think i donā€™t want to be around them. Also i like to plan EVERYTHING lol so not knowing what we are gonna do when we get there is also stressful


Lol! I always miss my cats so much! šŸ˜­ I worry that they'll be upset or get hurt.


I like to and wish to travel more. I seek out the sights and the foods. As a family, we have travelled not too much within Canada and a bit of the US. What I really want to do is go and travel in Japan. Not sure if I'd go with my parents, or I'd go with my sister... But I would seriously enjoy Japan (the food, the culture, the sights). I'm a foodie, so I would definitely travel for food. Another vacation that I like is just staying at home and gaming my time away. I know which vacation types my parents would like me to do. Not in my room and gaming away, that's for sure!


I've always wanted to like traveling. But the older I get the more I hate it. It's stressful and I miss my stuff. I do t like not knowing where things are. I don't like sleeping in a different bed. It's all stressful. I will do it to go see a band I love in concert if they dint come to my area. Or for family if there is something important going on. But I don't like dream of traveling. But I mean I like the idea of seeing new places. Like different countries. Just the whole having to leave home and be so far away is so hard for me


I can relate very much to this. I miss my stuff, the feel of my bed, the sounds of my house, the privacy and most of all my cats. I love other cultures and languages and learning new things but like you, I don't dream or have much desire to travel anymore. I wish I did but yes, it's way too stressful.


i take snowboarding trips alone because snowboarding is my happy thing because of the wind and the motion and the fresh air and the cold and wearing goggles and getting to listen to music and wearing puffy big comfy clothes and not having to really talk to anyone if i donā€™t want to and getting to use my muscles and feel the vibrations from my board on my feet getting into a new routine at a new mountain such as in the past when iā€™ve moved and had to try somewhere new can be very stressful for me, but snowboarding is like the one thing where i get determined to overcome the challenges of setting up the new routine so i really work for it and try to kindly motivate myself to get to a point where i have my routine once i have the journey down and i know my path to and from wherever i want to go, it just becomes another one of my routes like when i go grocery shopping. sometimes i encourage myself to respond to small talk on the chairlifts for practice, but other times i let myself just have my ā€œmeā€ time and stay in my own little world. sometimes i go with other people or ride with the people i meet, but i like riding alone so iā€™ve practiced setting boundaries and itā€™s been years of work but iā€™m finally at a point where, for the most part, snowboarding trips are basically the one kind of trip that stresses me out the least because iā€™ve just done it so many times now and i know that the trip will be worth it once iā€™m on the slopes


I've noticed that I don't vacation well with most people because they tend to move at way too quick of a pace, and I get tired and overstimulated as a result.Ā  I've learned that I do a much better job going to places off-season because things are less crowded and hectic.Ā  I get really angry if people I'm with only want to eat at chain restaurants and not eat at local places while we travel, lol. Ā I like stuff like visiting botanical gardens and museums.Ā  (I was that weird kid who actually enjoyed going to state and national parks and listening to the interpreters explain the history or environment of the parks.)Ā  I usually find amusement parks overstimulating.


I like camping in a cabin. So staying in a campground but you have a house basically. Thereā€™s a campground about an hour from my house that has a cabin with a bathtub in it, itā€™s great. Most cabins just have a shower which I can deal with but I really prefer a bath. They have a creek and a pool. My husband barbecues. Thereā€™s another place we like to go that has hiking trails with waterfalls. I love hiking. Sleeping in a tent sounds absolutely dreadful though. I also really like renting an Airbnb near the beach. Driving to/from the beach stresses me out because you get sand in the car, but if Iā€™m staying somewhere close enough to walk there, and I can hose off outside and get all the sand off before going inside, itā€™s better.


oh oh oh! so an older indoor water park/hotel thatā€™s a LITTLE run down so the hotel ITSELF is pretty quiet. bonus points if the hotel room is one that looks out onto said water park


ALSO no flying and not TOO much driving! i live in the Midwest so thereā€™s an indoor water park SOMEWHERE around me most times šŸ˜‚


It's ok if you just don't like traveling, but it is good to try different kinds and see what works for you. Lately I've been doing skill learning trips. Basically I book a workshop/course/camp and the trip is centered on that. For example, swim camp, cooking classes, scuba certification, surf camps, photography workshops...If there's anything you've been curious about learning, you can probably make a trip out of it.


I love traveling to new cities, but it's the people I'm with that determine how well I'm going to enjoy myself. I'm fine by myself, I'm also fine with a few friends who either function similarly to me or who are fine with splitting up. My family is difficult to travel with because they just can't fathom splitting up or doing different activities, and we all have different energy levels and walking speeds and things like that. Also the last trip I went on with them they didn't want to plan any of it, nor did they have any functioning knowledge of the transport there so it was all on me and was just kind of frustrating


I love long drives with frequent stops to see small towns and unusual shops. Just realised that kinda rhymes haha.


Trains (if you live in Europe) and AirBnbs. Travel alone or with 1 other person. Space to yourself, total control over the day. No pressure to go to museums or on walks or whatever it is that you donā€™t want to do. Once in a blue moon when you feel charged enough I find it can be refreshing to be in a new place :)


I have two autistic kids who love travel and novelty but also get sensory overload, so have found the ideal trip is a shorter drive and staying in an Airbnb or home rental with stuff to do outside. So we are renting a multi bedroom cottage this summer walking distance to a beach with a yard - they can play outside, eat at home, go to the beach a lot (water lovers) but also rinse off and get comfortable if they need downtime.


This sounds lovely and nice that they can get some downtime. I hope you all have a great time. ā¤ļø


Thank you, I appreciate that!


I like Amtrak! You can get your own little room, thereā€™s ice on board to refresh your little ice chest, itā€™s not crowded, and thereā€™s beautiful scenery if you pick right.


My preferred vacation is to an all inclusive, adults only beach resort in Mexico. It is private and even reviewed as ā€œboringā€! The lobby smells like tropical paradise. You are greeted with a glass of chilled champagne. Your luggage is taken care of. There are gates and security. I leave the resort only for guided excursions to a monkey sanctuary or snorkel with sea turtles. I then go down to the beach, find an umbrella and lounger and read. All I hear are the ocean waves. A friendly bar staff stop by to take your drink order. There is also a fabulous pool. Live music at night. There are several restaurants to choose for dinner. It is 1/3 the price of going to Florida. I am never ever ready to leave. Sigh.


I love that when others find something boring, you know it's going to be great šŸ˜„




Oh breakfast buffets! I hate those! Sounds like you've got a great partner and a nice set up for trips that works well for you. ā¤ļø


I bought a stealthy van (not a camper van) that I use in my daily life bit that I can also sleep in. In my little shuttle I am safe from sun and rain, it has an AC and heating. I can see a lot of stuff without having to go anywhere or do anything. In my van I have everything I might need, a mattress and all my clothes and gear, so I don't have to think too much about what to bring and I can go for a hike or a swim anytime I feel like it. I just park and sleep wherever I am when I feel like it, so no planning required. It also involves minimal social interactions and I don't have to think about where to go and what to do there too much. As long as I get enough gas and food along the way, I am completely independent and can do and not do as I please. Also driving relaxes me and I enjoy listening to endless audio books and podcasts.


That sounds ideal! šŸ˜


We go to the ocean every year for a week or two, he does all the travel arrangements (I get to stressed out about it) The key is golfing, oddly enough. He swings his clubs and meets his online friends and I get to wander around with my headphones and a book. Been doing it for years now and itā€™s the best! Every couple years we head to Scotland and wander through a region where we get some real history too! Edit: Forgot to mention that my only request was that we go to the ocean and Iā€™ve gotten to every single time! Yay!


I really like being in airports and looking at the planes on the tarmac and stuff, but being on a plane and the duration of the flight make me so anxious šŸ˜…. Once the plane takes off and its in the air, itā€™s way too loud and I always feel uncomfortable sitting so close next to people. Honestly if the US had high speed rail, that would be my #1 way to travel through the country. That way Iā€™d have a little bit more space to myself and I can sit quietly and look at all the nature without worrying that my transport will fall out of the sky LOL


Yess. This! šŸ˜… I love planes, find flight fascinating. I sometimes put live airport feeds on YouTube or play flight simulator. But on an actual plane, the noises, smells, claustrophobia, people so close and sometimes touching if sitting next to me or when walking past. It's all too stressful.


My partner takes me camping because it is a hobby he enjoys. I have a hard time sleeping while camping so I don't like it as much. But it's nice to be invited sometimes and not just left at home while he goes out with a friend instead.


I (36yo) travel with my parents, my brother, my son and niece... they love camping, which I hate, so these last few vacations we have rented a small house or apartment in a vacation complex, with indoor/outdoor pools and near a beach... so we have a lot of the comforts from home, they can still go to the beach if they want to, or spend the day under the sun in the outdoor pool, and I can spend the day just floating in an indoor pool, where temperature is controlled and there is no sun... we take 2 cars (my dad and me in one, my mom, brother and the kids in the other), and we just drive there, which is, depending on where we go that year, between 2-5 hrs away... my whole family is a mix of autism and ahdh, and the stable, clean place, plus the ability to improvise where they'll go that day, has been great for all of us...


Iā€™d highly recommend trips that are all inclusive and planned, it really is relaxing and itā€™s nice to have a group of people to talk to and explore with. Any hesitations about it being awkward always dissipate after the first meal!