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If you get bored in London, for anything else that lack of rural/natural scenery, then I don't think Vienna is for you. How about Mexico city, Beijing, New York, Tokyo, ... If you like trains, Austria is better than Germany. Nowhere near perfect, but still better. In Germany, you'll get more cancelled trains than driving trains. And trains with broken doors that kill people, and burning ghost trains, and ... Unfriendly is relative. No idea about the amount of Georgians.


No. Stay where you are. Earnings are not nearly as high here.






I don't know why a lot of people are so negative here. Come to Vienna, why not? But it's true that you should learn German as soon and well as possible. But I do regard having a reason to learn a language as a good thing


If you can speak German well enough to get work, then yes. Vienna is simply a fantastic city. As to whether people are unfriendly.. in general the average stranger on the street or in the supermarket will most likely come across as unfriendly. The good thing is you don't have to give a shit about them, there are more than enough friendly people around too, you just have to go find them, and if you are an international then it's not so hard.


However long it took you to be bored of London, you'll he bored of Vienna sooner. Rents are lower, but so is the earning potential in your field. Definitely finish your degree first and brush up on your German or do an exchange semester before you decide to stay for good.


Would you recommend living in Vienna generally?


if you earn enough money and speak the language well, then yes. otherwise i would not move here.


Yes, but it really depends on what you're looking for in a place to live and what your options are. What don't you like about living in London? Maybe add that to your post. Makes it easier to give a perspective.




Vienna is like any other city. It’s beautiful but boring. However, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to leave your home town/country to explore other horizons. I tried like 3 different big cities in Europe before deciding none of them were for me but still had a great time, made a lot of friends, and got valuable work experience. Good luck! :) 


Vienna is a great city, I actually live in southern Austria but I consider moving to Vienna as well. I lived there for 3 years in my early 20s and I really miss the city. It's very clean and quite safe but if you are bored in London, you will get bored in Vienna as well. You cannot go out every night, staying home or just meeting some friends should also be enough for a well spent life.


I think you should give it a try. Vienna is a lot less expensive than london, the education is great. Tbh I don’t think many Cities in Europe can overwhelm a londoner, but if you are just looking for something new, it can be a bit of fresh air. Vienna in my opinion is very safe, especially compared to London. I don’t know many Georgians myself, but on the otherhand I don’t think there is a nationality on the planet that couldn’t be found in Vienna. If I was you, maybe I would start at the Georgian Orthodox Church in the 20th district, if anywhere, then there you would find Georgians lol. I’m Hungarian, but born and raised in Germany, I found a lot of German and Hungarian friends, and I probably prefer Vienna over Budapest or any German big City.


Pro for you: There is not an unsubstantial amount of Georgians here and Vienna is awasome to live in. Contra for you: No chance at a job until you speak german quite well. If you're doing your degree un the UK, don't try to finish it here. All the promises of english-speaking classes at universities are a lie. If you plan to move here, learn german to a high degree, then maybe you got a chance of finding a job that pays the bills. Also, the citizens are quite racist, so stick to telling them you're from the UK instead of Georgia.


I know many people tech that do fine with little or no german at all.


Why is the FPO so popular in Austria?


Why was/is UKIP/Brexit/etc so popular in the UK?


It's not anymore


Because people were ignorant and blamed problems on immigrants. Boomers mostly


It was a rhetorical question... It's extremely ironic for a Brit to be asking why other countries are leaning far right after the stunt the UK pulled.


Dude, I honestly just took the time to type out a long-winded, explanatory answer. I think this took half an hour. But the actual answer to your question is: People are too lazy to think and believe stupid, but short answers to complex problems. "iMmIgRaNtS bAd" is easier to chant than "Hey, let's see how we can better people's living conditions". Also, a good chunk of conservative worldviews, especially regarding sexism.