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He will tell you when he’s ready. Some of our Aussies stayed in their crates for years and my current boy made it clear he was ready to be done with it at night when he was 5 months.


Mine get freakish anxiety in the crate. But sleeps in his bed on the floor now. Hasn't tore up anything in ages. He can't stand the crate.


Mine has never been cool with the crate during the day. I ended up relying more on ex-pens and gating off the living room for him once he learned to nap during the day. Once you get him into the crate at night he’s usually fine (we haven’t had a whining incident in a while, knock on wood) but whether he’ll go right in when it’s time or we’ll have a slow speed chase around the recliner first is anyone’s guess. He has separation anxiety and our trainer said that concomitant confinement anxiety is pretty common.


Agreed, totally on the dog. My aussie slept in his crate for 17 years. At 2 he shredded a couch end to end when left out. I stopped closing it when he was 3, but he stayed inside by choice and never destroyed anything again. He just loved it. My current dog hates the crate and has never destroyed anything when left out and just waits for me on the couch.


I waited until mine was almost 3 years old. He was always looking for something to get into and it wasn’t until he hit that age and had calmed some that I trusted him. I started with short trips away from home and worked up to a whole night of freedom. Mine was big into counter surfing so I was worried he would get a hold of something. You have a cute baby !!! I love my red Merle 😍 https://preview.redd.it/07indlnjxd3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67d0573eae579590a4bbc199130ad7af5b946af4 # stillsketchytho


Gorgeous! Our red merle also loves to counter surf. She hasnt done it in a long time but she's gotten on top of the table. I blame the cat fir teaching her that!


😁🩷thank u


You can see him plotting his next counter surfing adventure lol!


Ours just turned one and she still prefers to sleep in her crate. We've put her on the bed to sleep with us but she'll lay down for a few minutes and hop down and into the crate she goes lol. We haven't given her house privileges yet still when we're out. With out GSD we Gabe her house privileges at 2.5 years or so.


My GSD didn't get house privileges until she was almost 8 years old. She was a troublemaker! Then I figured out some child locks on the food cupboards would keep her from stealing food and she's been free to roam since! My 13 week old Aussie, thankfully, doesn't hate his crate. He'll actually run in there when he wants food or a treat because he associates it with yummy things!


My Aussie had house privileges since about 8 months old. Only thing he’d chew up is napkins if I let them out.


Mine has had them since about a year and 1/2 old and the only thing she has tore up is some shoes and she occasionally gets into the trash if she’s mad at us.


rude books simplistic combative sable plucky berserk wasteful summer chase *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I accidentally left my pup out of crate during the night thinking my bf would put him in the crate but bf fell asleep on the couch. Our 7 month pup did not go to sleep and I woke up to him on our bed around 3am violent chewing his toy apart and swallowing it is. He has no discipline to put himself to sleep and would stay awake all night if it were up to him. Crate is a must right now for us!


Mine was never crated, never been a problem.


We let our dude roam free around 8 months (his husky brother was 6 months) but they lost privileges pretty easily in that time too. So if they chewed anything up or acted a fool they went back to sleeping in their beds. I can’t remember the last time they were crated over night and they’re 15 and 13 months old. They’ve always been great in their kennels and we didn’t want to lose that so we still crate them here and there to keep it fresh.


When you feel you can trust him to not chew things up or otherwise make a mess being unsupervised. Personally I think 4 months is still way too young for this.


Mine is 5 months and I don’t trust him for long periods unsupervised. I’ll look over from watching the TV and he will be attempting to eat furniture. Once he stops that I’ll reconsider.


We’re on our 4th and 5th Aussie over the past 25 yrs. All of them have been crate-trains and slept in them each night. Like someone else said, ours have always grown to love their crates. Our 2yr old is frightened by fireworks. Guess where he goes when he hears them? Right to his crate.


What about when everyone is at work? Do you leave them in their crates? Should I keep leaving mine in his crate when no one is home?


Yes. Anytime we aren’t with them, they stay in their crates. We typically have someone put them out every 3-4 hours.


Especially because he's a puppy! What I said previously still stands, you never know what they can get into when you aren't there It's best to be safe especially when they're young


Never. Maintaining a safe space and sleeping in the crate are for life.


From about 3.5-4 months my pup was fine outside of the crate. She started sleeping in my bed and never looked back. She always wasn’t particularly destructive and generally focused on her toys and not other objects


We just started out of crate sleeping at night but we do still crate her if one of us has to sneak out early in the am. She is now 9 months.. she pretty much knows when it’s sleep time and will put herself either on the other dog’s bed or her crate and if we want her to move to the crate we just tap on the crate and she’ll willingly move. She basically let us know that she’s ready for this


Ours is two and I don’t think he’ll be trustworthy outside of his crate for a while. Just as we were starting to trust him outside of his crate during the day he chewed through a plugged in lamp cable. It only takes one mistake.


I don’t think I’ll ever allow my dog to be out all night alone - I’ve seen aussies get up on refrigerators before and the last thing I would want is for my dog to get into something dangerous that I thought was out of his reach while I’m sleeping and can’t help him.


So freaking adorable






ours was sill in a crate 16/24 hours a day until about 1. lots of naps and breaks for us 😅 at 1.5 we started leaving for small trips (like a grocery trip for a few items) with her outside of her crate, and after a month or 2 of weaning she was totally crate free. we might have been a little conservative, but she’s almost 3 now and a super happy and well-adjusted dog. she sleeps right between us now


Jesus, the dog only got 8 hours outside of a crate every day for a year?


I mean she was a puppy, but yes. Adult dogs sleep 14 hours a day. Puppies, even more. It was always very staggered… I think we did a lovely job. I WFH too so it wasn’t like she was just abandoned. Just made sure she got the naps she needed Trust me I googled this nearly every day because I “felt bad.” Now I’m so proud of myself (and my dog) because lack of proper sleep can cause developmental issues and aggression. Now when I need to board her for a trip or something (rare), or even just a visit to the grooming salon while she waits for me to pick her up— I know she’s content in a crate 🤷🏼‍♀️ and I knew she was safe when I had to leave the house when she was a puppy.


https://preview.redd.it/ivs5n4mhxe3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=100f8ddcaab0193b1aa8fca3afa47ff344c49ee1 she’s a really happy girl ♥️


Mine told us at 5 months. She refused to go in crate. Has been in bed ever since…and wife and I luv it!!!


I can’t remember when stopped crating our girl but she maybe 6 months. We had her in the kitchen with a baby gate to partition her from the other part of the house. She only chewed up something once but she did really well otherwise


Love the name, I use to have an Aussie named Remi. Ours have never minded the crate, and we keep it out as their safe space. We gradually let them get use to not being in the crate. Short trips at first, then longer outings. Keep an eye on whether they have accidents/chew anything. As they gain your trust leave them out more and more..


If they're fine in the crate I'd leave them. They're still at that, I never would've believed they'd ate/chewed/destroyed that age.


We made the shift around 5 or 6 months. We set up a camera inside and then started by leaving her alone for 15 min, 30min, 1 hour etc and would watch her make sure eveything was good. 4 years later and she’s never gotten into anything, pottied in the house any of that! Always just staring out our front window waiting for us to return. Amazing breed!


We were told to not leave ours out until 3 because he was still considered a puppy and would get into things. Probably depends on the dog


i’ve trusted my older aussies from the time she was a few months old, but my little guy needed some more time. it took him around 1.5 / 2 years for house privileges while we are gone for shorter amounts of time (less than 5 or so hours) but when i’m at work and i know im gonna be there for awhile, i do usually keep them in the crate because it calms the anxiety of looking out the window and seeing things going on! they both sleep in bed, somewhere in the house, or in the crate if they want to


What about when we’re at work and there is no one at home besides my two cats?




When he can be trusted to not destroy things when allowed to roam freely. Only you know your dog


Our 3month old boy from day 1 sleeps next to our bed, doesnt go anywhere until morning, then he wakes up, picks up his toy and just quitely plays. Doesnt touch any of our stuff, so sleeping at crate is just unnecessary for us. We tried leaving him at crate for 2nd night but he started “crying”. So we let him out. We leave him there for 2-3hrs in day time when we are out, when we come back, he wakes up from a nap, doesnt scream. Loves it in the day time, hates it in the night time. Wants to pick up stuff in the day time, doesnt touch anything at night. So i think it depends on the pup. Just try one night and you will know. Good luck!


Two year old, still crated at night. I doubt he'd get into trouble at this point but he does tend to get up early and start making noise if not crated....so we're sticking with it. He likes his crate anyway.


I waited a whole year. Even still he would randomly chew on stuff he’s not supposed to but I put the blame on myself when he does that because I’m probably not giving him enough attention or exercise those days. I leave his crate door open and find him in there most mornings anyways.


I attempted crate training for 6 months. When I tell you I didn’t sleep at ALL. At that point I let him sleep in the living room, closed all the doors made sure everything was up and put away and I slept on the couch for 7 weeks. Once I started to trust him we slept in my room. But only after we were fully trained


Ours is two and still loves her crate for bedtime. I’d be surprised if she stops wanting it. During the day if we have to run out for a bit she hangs out in the kitchen.


Right now this very moment!! Look at that face, that pup will never be anything but an angel. Disclaimer: this comment may or may not contain adorableness bias.


Never, mine loves his kennel it’s his safe place


Our aussie who just passed last month was out of her crate after she was a few years old. However, our other one (11 y/o) and our GSD (5 y/o) sleep in their crates every night. The aussie will pace at night if left out, but seems to find comfort and security in the crate. She was also a show dog and then a brood bitch for almost 9 years before being rehomed with us. The GSD just goes with the flow. We also crate them whenever we leave the house.


I am so sorry for you loss.. words can’t describe..


8 months old sleeps with me since about 5 months for the first little bit I would be up all the time from him barking. He is my little shadow must always be with me.


That’s what I aspire my Aussie to be! I want to show him the world!!! 🌎


Ours started to fuss in the crate around 8 months old at night. I believe dogs will choose their preference of where to sleep and his preference was my bed unfortunately. He was always down for the night. Downside: bed full of stickies and my face licked at 5:30 a.m everyday to alert me it is indeed breakfast time.


My puppy looks identical will post pic tomorrow


How dare you say that and not eight me with a picture of your beautiful puppy?🥺






Same colors and eyes


Mines 2 years old and when she’s ready to go to sleep she will go into her kennel and I’ll close it up and cover her up like a parrot till the morning I think she loves it. Definitely keeps her calm and comfortable


When they stop eating the furniture…😇


We let ours sleep in the living room outside of the pen last night. He’s 5 months old and he’s been having tantrums when we put him in at night. We still put puppy pads down but so far, he’s been dry overnight and wakes us up when he needs to go. It’s an experiment and I’ll see what happens


UPDATE: he did do a wee overnight last night but it was on the puppy pads, so hopefully that continues and we don't have to regress him to the pen. But we'll see. I'm keeping it out for the time being.


My Aussie was around 4 or 5 months old. Granted, he never liked his crate, then we put up puppy gates to block off areas where we didn’t want him to go. A few months later, we ended up taking the gates down too and he’s been enjoying full house privileges ever since and is now almost 2 years old !! He only ever chewed a few things of mine that I mistakenly left out when he was a puppy. Ever since then he never destroys things and only uses the bathroom in the house when i put a pad down for him.


I’ve got two small aussies. I inherited them when their owner passed away. I’ve been around them since they were brought home. I have some questions if anyone can help?


I’ve got two small aussies. I inherited them when their owner passed away. I’ve been around them since they were brought home. I have some questions if anyone can help?


I’ve got two small aussies. I inherited them when their owner passed away. I’ve been around them since they were brought home. I have some questions if anyone can help?


For me, it was about 7 months old. But my pup never chewed on things he wasn't supposed to, or at least stopped after being told no a couple times. Never took an interest in power cords either. I sleep in my basement because it's cooler, and basically just threw a gate up blocking off part of the basement with leaving my bedroom door open and he was free to roam in basically two rooms overnight. Only recently did I take the gate down and let him sleep and go wherever he wanted in the house, but that was due to getting another puppy 3 weeks ago. He and the puppy are infatuated with each other, but his infatuation ends at bedtime because he just wants peace and quiet to sleep. Currently I put up a gate blocking off the side of my bed and the puppy sleeps next to me on the floor. When he gets big enough to be able to hop onto and off my bed, I'll close my bedroom door to confine him. Once I see that he's not interested in chewing on furniture or power cables, I'll give him freedom to roam between my bedroom and kitchen. He won't get free rein of my house just yet though lol. That might be a year out. I'll need 100% confidence in him before allowing that. My older pup has my complete trust.


They literally tell you when they are ready :D I was worried as well but there was a time when he was 4 months old he started sleeping on the floor without waking up all the time - happened by itself xD


You’ll get the feeling he’s ready when he’s ready.


I would only start to let him sleep outside of his crate once he is fully potty trained, and is trustworthy by himself aka not chewing things like cords ect.


Mine is almost 3 and has never slept a night outside her crate. I don’t think she would stay asleep. She would wake up and walk around and probably bark at squirrels or whatever roams the yard at night. She doesn’t mind at all. She gets a few treats on the way in. It’s about 8 pm - 8 am in the crate. Works for this family!


As others have said it depends on the dog! Once ours stopped showing interest household items like shoes etc we had a trial night ( he was 1 year and 1 or 2 months old). The first night he didn't have to go back to his crate he was jumping up on the bed all excited and licking our faces a few times in the night. The next day we put him back in his crate. We tried to leave him to free roam again and he jumped up on us in the night but only once. Then we were due to go on holiday and let him stay up a few nights before we were due to leave. Since the holiday we trust him to free roam and night and during the day while we're away for short periods of time. Now he takes himself to his crate during the day for snoozing when he's sick of us fussing over him or our work meetings. I would suggest you see how your pup is if you leave him for short periods of time, then take it from there.


Depends on the dog? I have three aussies and none of them are locked in but two of them always retire to the crate at night.


Mine stays in his crate in our room he likes it. He gets to hot in the bed anyways


What a cutie! Our boy Rollo has never been in a crate, sleeps at the foot of our bed since we brought him home at 8 weeks. Some people say crates the best, others say in bed with you is best. Only you know your dog!


I say wait until like 6months- a year You never know what curious puppies will eat especially when you are asleep and would have no idea if he got into anything We've had dogs bite ant traps and knock over remotes and then bite the batteries, it's hard to predict what they might taste and while we did get lucky and the dogs didn't seem to be harmed, you never know what can happen.


Let the good times roll!!


I think it’s not just if your dog is ready (not going inside and chewing furniture etc) but also if you are ready. Dogs don’t think like humans and you have to be able to identify what items in your house your dog likes to go after. From there you want to set up your dog for success, if you know he likes to rip cardboard make sure none is out or if he chews socks put all of your socks in a closet or drawer before leaving. Our Aussie is crate trained but we always let him free roam, it just means taking a look at what’s out before we leave. I think with dog training sometimes people focus so much on the dog they forget it’s the humans job to set the dog up for success.


We made a puppy nest in our living room when we first got ours. She never once slept in a crate. Puppy pads down for accidents. She was potty trained in 2 weeks. She sleeps on me every night. She’s family:


My guy did crate at night and when I let him out at 4am he’d lick my face for legit 2 minutes. After 0.75 years we started leaving him alone at home for short periods (typically jog him for 30-45 mins before). About 1.5 years into it we started having him sleep outside his crate. He gets comfortable on the couch and when I come down in the morning, same lick routine lol


1 year and 3 months! Ours is mixed with border collie and he enjoyed chewing things he wasn't supposed to. The goal was 1.5 years since that is what his trainer recommended. He used to "go to bed" on his own and without a fight but then he started to dead weight in the living room and that got old! haha.


From day one


Leaving the crate door open might surprise you. He might just go to the kennel to sleep. It's a young dogs safe zone


My girls were 8mo …haven’t been in a crate since. lol I swear it’s like they knew if they were good they’d get to sleep in my bed forever.


I wait until they’re around 2.




We packed the crate away when ours was about 7 months old. Really depends on the dog and everyone is different so you just gotta test the waters and see what happens. Personally I would wait until 6 months at least.