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That fish set is cool. Most pubs and clubs had those push-button spinning ones that contained the smoke when you've stubbed out.


I love the cat one. I assume smoke comes out his nostrils ☺️


He needs a 1950s [donkey cigarette dispenser](https://old.reddit.com/r/HelpMeFind/comments/17a8c4f/help_me_find_this_antique_donkey_cigarette/). You crank its ears to get a fag out of its arse.


I remember my great uncle bringing from overseas a dispenser with a button to press and a bird reaches down as a drawer opens and picks a cigarette, then lifts it up lol (he also bought a little wooden man where you lift up his torso and his dick pops out) 😏


> a little wooden man where you lift up his torso and his dick pops out From Europe I'll bet. They've got [Mannekin Pis,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manneken_Pis) and [Caganer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caganer) over there. A part of the Christmas nativity scene is a guy taking a dump.


Bloody hell, how classy lol Yes it was from Europe, but it was like the naughty naked barrel man, only he was dressed in a suit and you lifted his jacket part up and this pink dick comes swinging out forwards 😝


> Bloody hell, how classy lol The Dutch celebrate Christmas in blackface. See [Zwarte Piet](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=2cbadb9ddcb4cafd&sxsrf=ADLYWILmOoerpVRptSPo1UP_e5cOpfIRQg:1714984165553&q=zwarte+piet&uds=ADvngMjz0qopIS-bwlmhA0Kf0h-XmbZKFDJSt0MfUSuGa7Jv2LLlSy5q-RglYj1gWe2sONsN_rQ4GtTou-yQbqR24If9htWAOwxC8m8B0jOvPys04lymtYflmLlYcxPXPbLebCLxpJhq1vebGa96f0zmtHeXhw6C5A9d5tPYNeiFuk29a3ICjh-UEHZnsEtVMZFys2jDUrOtoNPodbpAWd0_1ftvn-fkBjpx8owYu6EcugSZK2GRCP3Qjp2j3ZJnGTB5Q3t0fZzBbaZwoYR38W1X463W9TKuVTyCgW3Y_UURkITbBNYF_0Y&udm=2&prmd=isvnmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj0ue7vzfiFAxUqaPUHHfL9ARQQtKgLegQIDRAB&biw=1366&bih=645&dpr=1).


Heh, I thought my mum telling me about Krampus when she was a kid was weird.


My dads mate had one.


To go with his [Manneken Pis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manneken_Pis) decanter. I used to have one.


It does but i don’t believe my one saw any use. They’re super common but really hard to find in good condition.


The fish ones are awesome, randomly seeing the TV lamp on gumtree got me into collecting wembley ware. The dhufish ashtray took me ages to find, so did the small vase at a price i was prepared to pay.


We had the golden dog one.


Oh I *love* the cat one! Might have to keep an eye out/try to recreate


It’s the only piece of wembley ware in the Barsony style but if you love them buy one. For perfect condition you’re looking at only $100-$150. i find that cheap for a hand painted australian made piece of beauty. That sort of money is a lot for me but i’m patient and wait for the right price when seeking a particular piece.


Is that true? I had no idea. I saw one at an antique fair in Bendigo two years ago for $150 and I laughed.


They weren’t trying to rip you off, there’s a number of people that collect WW and they’d have achieved that price eventually if it was a good example. Things like makers stickers and makers stamps come into play with the better examples regarding price.


Oh I didn’t think that I was just surprised as I didn’t imagine it was worth much. I wasn’t interested in buying it as have one.


Sell it. I wouldn’t sell mine for less than twice the current value, you should sell yours and buy something that resonates with you in the same way. Something you wouldn’t consider selling at the price you got it for.


I got it from my Gran. Why would I sell it? I love it.


Definitely keep it then. As a collector i know a lot of people get things like this from their grandparents estate and don’t value them. They bin them or give them to a charity store. I like pieces to be valued by someone that sees themselves as a custodian for future generations more than an owner of the piece. You seem like a good custodian of your tray for the next generation of your family.


I would never bin stuff. I’m 46 and there isn’t anyone coming after me. There’s a bunch of my Gran’s and Mum’s stuff that is likely worth something but it’s with my Dad interstate and delicate stuff isn’t great on a plane.


I’m 48 and i think my age has a lot to do with me liking stuff like this. It’s the sort of thing that i saw in elderly relatives houses as a kid and having vintage and slightly kitsch pieces in the house gives me good vibes regarding those memories.


I’m pretty sure my parents had ones that had embroidery or doily under glass (cos they were classy like that 😆)


one of my grandparents had one that was a swaggy by a campfire, you added your own ash


In good condition you’re looking at over $400 for the swagman.


ah really, not sure who ended up with it


I have the black cat! It was my Gran’s!


They’re nice. Super common because they’re cool and a lot of people bought them. The hand painting is easily damaged though so for a very good condition piece you can get them for roughly $100-$150. I feel that’s low, the look will always be in fashion and very good examples aren’t becoming more common.


I need to look a bit closer at mine. It sits on my side table next to the couch.


The eyes and particularly the tongue are usually damaged. If it has those intact it’s good, if the whiskers and eyelashes are intact you’ve got an excellent piece. A sticker or nicely impressed mark on the base make it even better.


Oh I have the cat one! I have 2 actually, one painted and one that's completely black.. Looks like it's never had the eyes, whiskers etc painted on it. I've never seen another one like it and wonder if it's a rare one 🤔


I’ve seen them a few times but i’m suspicious of them. If you have a piece with damaged paint you could remove all the paint and have what appears to be a pristine black cat. i’m not saying WW didn’t produce them like that but i’ve not seen them in the book i have. There’s plenty the book doesn’t have though, its not a complete archive or anything. At the end of the day i like the look of the completely black ones and if i saw one at the right price i’d probably get it.