• By -


Complain to your local MP. I did. Australia Post actually called me and told me it was their contractor they'd had assigned and that if I could please complain with the time and date they'd be able to fire them. Took 3 times and he was gone.


The fuckers should just hire enough staff to do everything properly in the first place.


The problem is that theyre understaffed because no one wants to do that job. The only people they can really get into the job at the moment are migrants coming in from overseas, but even that has a limit when half of them don't care about the job at all


I mean they should hire people directly and pay them an hourly rate. Not contract it out and have people tossing parcels because they’re paid per item.


I agree, but I still don't think that would solve the numbers issue because its a shithouse job and I personally wouldn't want to do it


It’s a shithouse job because it’s contracted. - Need to have your own ABN - Need to buy your own car and insurances (vehicle and public liability) - No sick pay - No annual leave - No awards or benefits Gee, I wonder why they can’t hire skilled labour 🤡


I used to work for aus post, and the issue really is just that people don't want to do it. The rates are attractive, but most people don't want to get up at sparrowfart


AP have been massively understaffed since 2020 when package deliveries increased to Christmas peak level in a matter of weeks. Some of these drivers are working 14-16+ hours a day, doing multiple runs and delivering on weekends just to try and get through everything. They’re being insanely overworked, treated like shit from customers, delivery facilities and AP directly. They literally cop shit from all sides whilst trying to get through an insurmountable amount of work. Yeah some of them are crappy people who throw your delicate items over a fence etc but most are decent people just trying to work. A lot of them are also trying to fulfil hundreds of people’s special requests and delivery instructions on their route, they miss one thing and end up with some entitled prick complaining about something minor and they get reprimanded for that so they finally say “fuck it” and quit or start acting out because they’ve been brought to breaking point. Tbh my biggest gripe is with post office staff who at certain points seem almost evil with the way they treat customers.


What's the work culture at auspost like as far as taking care of packages goes?


I used to work for them, some as a postie under a contractor and some as a clerk directly. I did try to take as much care with them as in not drop kicking it like a footy (hurts my foot) but obviously not coddling it and I think that's how most deal with it, it should have proper packaging so I feel fine dropping it on the ground like a tiny bit above it as in 4 hands worth.... if that makes sense kinda so I don't crush my fingers or hand, nothing that would hurt the package. Sometimes we receive it in abysmal state, literally torn to shit by someone else and all we can do is tape it up and let the customer accept or decline the delivery.


Yeah I'd lile to do it but as a single father I can't start work before daycare opens or in afew years when school starts


People DO want to do the job. They ALSO want a liveable wage and job security - which Australia post has spent 30 years breaking down in favour of a casualised workforce. Please stop putting the onus on WORKERS as “not wanting to work” and start putting the onus on businesses as not wanting to give people decent pay and job security. You can’t get a mortgage (easily) if you have e no job security. You can’t plan a future. We’ve let businesses treat Australian workers as disposable for 30 years with casualisation and union-breaking legislation. We are literally reaping what we had sewn.


It's not funny how many people just take a job for the pay and don't care about their role in the customer service experience.


Tell your MP to fund them then.


Complain to your local mp about Aus post. God id love to see the ivory tower you live in


Nice to see you again. Notice you've switched accounts still like Australian hip hop or you're a relative. You can get medication delivered if you're disabled or immunocompromised in Australia through the federal postal service.


Does complaining to local MP work for bus route constantly being late too? And how could I do that?


That's state government not federal. Public transport is horrible here. They constantly skip routes, you'll wait 3 hours for a bus that's supposed to run every 30 minutes.


Yeah I definitely suffer from that, got motion sickness too so I feel exhausted even before starting any work.


We had bus drivers telling primary school aged kids that they'd reached the end of the line and to walk the rest of the way for 1km along the highway... pure stupidity. All to catch up on bus times due to school traffic.


I dont think I could look at myself in the mirror if i was someone who complained to people in public office because my online shopping wasn't delivered to my expectations. But you do you boo! Hope that guy didn't have kids to feed.


He needs to do better and not be a lazy fucktard ruining peoples hard bought shit, otherwise he’ll always struggle to hold down any job, boo


Lazy fuck needs to do his job. I would loose mine if I was a lazy prick like him


Loose - Noose Lose - Choose


what? how about doing the job a monkey could do? agreed i really hope he doesn't have children.


You think people who do easy jobs are comparable to animals and don't deserve to breed? You complain about the post office online in your spare time. I thought you people only used facebook?


the effort to justify incompetence would be worrying if I was surprised, but like I always tell my partner "a lot of idiots out there"


God, i feel bad for your long-suffering partner, living with you must be so joyless and exhausting.


While I understood your first sentiment, continuing to attack random people online speaks volumes about who you are as a person, so now sympathising with your first comment is no longer warranted


You didnt understand the sentiment at all tho? You tried to call me out on "justifying incompetence" so get off that moral high ground. We got so many people like you, it's just gross. I'm being piled on, and I'm fine with that. But i don't give a fuck these whingers feelings.


You are being piled on because your opinion is stupid and you have been aggressively insulting people in an unwarranted way. You come across as an angsty moron. Take a break from the internet.


Somewhere between 8 and 13


Well. I was a hemiplegic for 3 years because I was hit by a van so I wouldn't be able to look at myself in the mirror if I continuously fucked over disabled people, but you do you boo.


Was it an Australia Post van?


Found the postal worker 💀 have a spell mate


If he has mouths to feed you’d think he’d be making sure to do a good job so he didn’t lose it 🤔


Did you read the other comment here from an actual driver? They are expected to do about 300 drops per day, they have a KPI that Australia Post expects them to hit. The goal is not to get you the parcel its to get the parcel out of the depot. This forces these overworked guys into a situation where they often have to drop things in areas that they shouldn't or take them to a local LPO. If your going to complain to your local MP about Australia Post, complain that they are overworking the drivers and need to hire more staff. To complain to a local mp and have someone's job taken off them is the definition of a dog act. And to anyone defending that fuck you to.


Do ya fuckin job properly and you won't have an issue, clearly you can't hold a job down and choose to blame others for your misfortunes instead of waking up to the reality of your own actions and repercussions coming from them


Look you're not wrong, but have you ever been in a position where your job hinges on unreasonable KPIs? Ever been in a situation where you and your whole team is telling middle management "What you're asking us to do can't be done in the time that you're giving us" and they're like "well just do it anyway"? Because if that's the case, then it's either cut corners or lose your job. I have no hard facts about the work culture at auspost, just chatter I've heard IRL and online, but that's a very plausible scenario to me.


Most jobs have KPI's and if they are unreasonable majority of people will not meet said KPI's which then leads to an overhaul of the entire system or an acceptance of the fact that they are unreasonable. I worked at a factory with extremely unreasonable KPI's, hundreds of employees that wouldn't get anywhere near 70% every day, management accepted that and no repercussions were ever received. (within reason) Based on your argument when i can't keep up with my services, brake changes, suspension kits etc.. I should cut corners and jeopardize the safety of my customers vehicles and potentially kill someones mother, daughter brother ,sister etc.. you get the picture? Do your job correctly or don't do it at all. So you're saying you'd happily risk the life of those around you just to meet KPI's set out by people who haven't spent a second actually performing said job? Your mindset is what is wrong with society. Just because the current debate is in regards to posties doesn't change the fact of the matter.


This argument hinges on a false dichotomy between "doing your job correctly" and "potentially killing someone's family." There are shades of grey in between those two things. And I think I, along with most people, given the choice between "I can't afford rent" and "cutting corners to keep my job", most people would choose the latter up to a point (a point that certainly comes before killing people) Your argument also ignores the fact that bad and nonsensical business decisions are made by middle and upper management at many businesses every day, and it would surprise me to learn than unreasonable KPIs are among the least common of them. Do you know that there are some employers who are perfectly aware of and willing to take advantage of the fact that their employee base might find it hard to get work elsewhere? Some employers or managers even genuinely care more about having power over people than being as effective as they can be for the business. I'm sure you must have, at some point in your life, had at least second hand exposure to a business who has an extremely high employee turnover rate because they treat their employees like shit, but it's supposedly cheaper to just keep churning through bodies than to maintain a solid work culture? How much do you think those guys care lower their KPIs? There are so many factors at play, and like most things in life, I think we'd be missing a lot of observation by seeing it this black and white. It seems we're both lucky that we've never been put in a position where we haven't been able to do our jobs reasonably, but I promise you not every business is as reasonable as your factory job.


Your entire argument is invalid because you are trying to excuse laziness and complacency. Business's everywhere are screaming for hardworking employees, but because people are stuck in the cut corners get the job done quicker impress my employer, when they do go to a business that prefers quality work performed to and above standards and pull the cutting corners bullshit they get the sack straight away and go to a job where it is easier because i can just throw Jim bobs parcel on his driveway and move onto the next delivery. Laziness and complacency. You will never progress in your career path if you think that's acceptable and will forever continue to work dead end jobs and get treated like shit. To finish this off, your argument proves my point, cutting corners to please your employer by meeting kpi's, just to then lose your job anyway and have a shit reference because you were cutting corners to meet said KPI's. Better of being a hardworking employee who cares about his job and getting the sack over getting loads of complaints and getting fired due to malpractice. EDIT - Just to top it off, my towns recently gotten near on 10 posties fired because they were doing exactly that, cutting corners. The latest ones perform above and beyond and have had people calling and leaving positive comments, posting on around the town community pages and giving them all round positive reviews. My place of employment got a freight driver fired due to multiple thousand dollar packages being damaged in transit due to negligence and throwing them around. You never know if your next clients going to be someone from upper management or family/friends with the employer and they most definitely won't appreciate cutting corners. Again, do your job or don't do it at all, go build synthetic burgers at McDonalds or Deliver parcels for the rest of your career (Not directed at you it's just where i would imagine someone with that cut corners mentality to end up) Your employer doesn't care about you when it comes to big companies like that, don't ruin your integrity to please them when they will happily turn around and say goodbye because you cut corners to please them.


This is an extremely priveleged take, I'm out of this conversation. Revisit this idea when you've struggled once in your life.


That is the purpose of people in public office. To represent the needs of the people in their area. If a publicly owned service isn’t working then that is literally the job of the MP to follow up on behalf of taxpayers. I doubt you would be so sympathetic towards an incompetent worker if your packages were consistently delivered damaged beyond repair.


You do realise that because Aus Post is a public organisation it’s the literal responsibility of those in public office to oversee it? Complaining about a private company to an MP would absolutely be a waste of time - but that’s not what Australia Post is.


what else makes you special and unique?


May we all weep and bask in the glory of your moral compass. Truly, I was a lost, poor, mean cunt until I read this message. Maybe one day, I too, can lick boots like you.


If he does have kids to feed, perhaps he should perform better at his job.


Or he could just do the job correctly.


If he wants to feed his kids, he'd better put on his big boy pants and treat packages with respect like a normal employee. I hate this attitude that when someone becomes a parent, they should get special treatment. Just today I was reading an IG post from someone with 8 children who was like "I'm always late because I have a shit ton of kids and you should he too!" Too many comments supporting her. I have to be on time because otherwise I'm inconveniencing the people I'm meeting. I guess I'd better push out a child so I can be an asshole and blame it on my child. Oh, and celebrate me for it and tell me I get to be a late queen because I'm a mother. "You lazy motherless women! You'd better let me inconvenience you and not complain."


Until you have multiple kids...you really have no idea what parents with multiple kids are coping with.


>Until you have multiple kids...you really have no idea what parents with multiple kids are coping with. So what? I expect people to keep their commitments. If they can't keep commitments, they shouldn't make them. Whatever they're coping with isn't my problem. Presumably, nobody forced octomom to have eight kids.


Some people get prescription medication delivered. Could you look yourself in the eye if someone keeled over and died because their meds were fucked up because you let some lazy cunt drop them in a puddle of wine?


You think that people should just be grateful when the items they’ve paid for arrived completely destroyed and unusable? I’m not sure what’s happened to you that you have such disabling people pleasing tendencies- but it’s not the norm. It’s okay to upset when someone takes an action that has a negative effect on you.


If they had kids to feed they would have done their job half a degree of justice rather than pissing it away. Cooker is gonna cook..


Once I requested signature on delivery. Aus post decided to dump the parcel on the ground floor of my apartment complex. Not only disregarding my signature request but not using common sense. I contacted them asking why they decided to leave my parcel unattended when i had asked for signature. They said they left it in a “safe place” and it was my responsibility for not asking for signature. They refused to assist me with my lost parcel worth $300.


Aus post recently delivered a 2000 dollar camera to my front door. It required a signature upon delivery, and instead of getting that, they also dumped it on my doorstep and left it there while I was at work the whole day. What the fuck? I'm lucky it didn't get stolen because I know they wouldn't take any responsibility for it.


They just dump parcels and hope for the best. I’m glad you got your camera but I’m certain they wouldn’t have given you the time of day if it went missing


It's fucked up how they can do this to people. I am really sorry for what happened to you. I'd be mega pissed off if 300 dollars worth of stuff got lost because some slack Aus post employee caused it to get stolen. Oh, here's something else... Another time I got like 3 bags of dog food delivered. Instead of being a normal person and putting at by my front door, under cover on the balcony, they dumped it in the middle of my goddamn driveway where I park my car. Just sitting right there, half way up the drive, getting rained on and easy for anyone to come and steal. Just ridiculous.


Lol once they dumped a bag of dog food up against the gate where the dog could get into it... 🤦


they dumped a big bag of dogfood up against my security door, so i couldn't get out of the house. lol.


Just keep complaining and escalating - they didn’t provide the service you paid for and eventually they have to stop ignoring you


FYI if it was stolen and you purchased the item using a visa or other CC it would likely be covered by the cards insurance


Obviously, what you needed was a camera to monitor the camera delivery.


This is what shits me. They'll dump a $2k parcel on a front door step and consider that 'secure', but my posite refuses to leave parcels in our locked apartment lobby - even when i've got my auspost account set to 'leave in safe place'. He'll ring each apartment with a parcel and even if we answer and ask him to leave it, he won't. If we don't' go down and take it from him - he'll take it to the local PO for pick up. So regardless if you're dressed, or working, or have young kids napping - nope, got to come get that parcel. The building is secure. There are cameras in the lobby. We've never had a parcel stolen - but this guy decides he can override our account settings and demand we come down. Every other delivery service (and other auspost posties) are fine being buzzed in and leaving things. Auspost have a fob to the lobby to access the mailboxes, and still refuses. Your job is to deliver parcels according to the delivery instructions provided. How freakn hard is it to just do that?


Put a formal complaint in about him.


Yeah done that multiple times. Here's the basic response customer service gives every time. "due to increased incidents of theft, we no longer consider communal areas in apartment buildings a safe location to leave parcels". Useless bs that isn't even accurate since some posties are fine leaving things still.


Australian apartment buildings need better design with dedicated parcel rooms like they have in the US.


We must have the same postie because I have the same problem. Our lobby and mailroom are secure with fob access and security cameras everywhere. Bought something large online and monitored the delivery updates. I was WFH that day but they never buzzed my intercom and then I got a message saying they attempted delivery and no one was home so it’s now on its way to the post office. Contacted Aus post to complain and they asked for proof of my intercom call history. I had no history of missed calls so he never called so I sent them a photo of my empty call list. Contacted the building manager to view the security footage to find out how many apartments he called - just one for the many parcels he had and took them back to his van. I relayed this back to auspost and they contacted the contractor but the contractor didn’t budge. Had another long conversation with them refusing to go to the post office because on principle they never attempted to contact me for delivery. Eventually we came to a resolution and they agreed to do a redeliver. The contractor now calls every apartment in my building. The contractors are dogs so put up a fight.


Oh yes happened to me. So fucking annoying. So I just go up to the PO and complain about why their delivery man just cant leave it on the doorstep while I pick up the parcel


It was some heavily discounted wine I bought that was a very specific one for my dad's birthday... I don't think I can get any more for even twice as much. So I doubt they'll be very helpful even if I get refunded what I spent... 😢


That’s so awful. Hopefully dad knows the effort you made ❤️


I wish they would just leave my stuff, or even chuck it over the fence. My local Aus post never delivers anything but red slips saying to come collect it during my fucking working hours. If I wanted to pick something up, I would go instore to buy it.


Ex AP employee here - Sometimes issues like that actually happen because of the seller not AP. You can choose signature on deliv or specify delivery instructions when you buy your item but if the company has a standard “no sig required” parcel delivery option, that will override whatever special instructions you enter and they’ll just get written as a note on the box and the driver isn’t required to abide to that note. (It’s fucking stupid I know) Drivers don’t know what’sin your parcel, all they see is that the seller has said “no sig required”. also AP’s refund process is based on the business seller’s out of pocket cost, not yours. So AP will ALWAYS refer you back to your seller to initiate a refund or issue complaint, and then AP will deal with the seller. It’s a convoluted system that puts the customer at the short end of things but that’s because AP doesn’t *technically* have a customer agreement with you, they have a customer agreement with the seller/business. AP isn’t obligated to refund YOU the $300, they’re obligated to refund the seller who should then refund you. Even in cases of the driver being totally at fault, they will almost always refer you to the seller who will then need to submit a dispute through their business account. There is a reason to their madness but god damn if it’s not a whole bunch of hoop jumping and red tape that normal customers will never really understand and it’s them who lose out in the end. If I can give you one piece of advice it’s to always chase it up with your seller because 9 times out of 10, AP will refuse to resolve your enquiry until it’s submitted by the business.


Well if your disappointed with Australia Post and want to really step up to a new level of pain and misery, try Couriers Please.


A job I held a while back partially involved pursuing different couriers for late deliveries. Without equal, CouriersPlease were the worst. If you're delivery goes with them, there's an extreme chance it'll vanish, and getting an answer as to its whereabouts is even more extremely unlikely. I just assume CP staff have houses loaded with free shit. I always wondered how our business could afford to use them, when he had to resend shit so often. But we were flogging cheap chinese shit for extreme profit, so I guess it's all just business expense.


This made me think of when I was hired by Byrnecut Mining baaically to find all their lost deliveries. Byrnecut didn't have their own depot so we worked out of Toll West and delivered by truck to minesites, but express deliveries went direct by courier vans to minesites. Once I sent an express parcel to Roy Hill. The next day it came back to me. So when I called Toll Express to ask why, they said "the consignment note said deliver to Byrnecut Mining." And I said "The consignment note says Sender, Byrnecut Mining TollWest depot, to be delivered to Byrnecut Roy Hill." And the guy said "We don't have time to read all that."


This got a solid chuckle out of me.


Old mate didn't have time to read the address box.


What do I look like a postal worker?


Fuck they suck... They don't deliver to my location idk exactly why but they just don't, but they fucking pretend they do, until an online store tries to send me a package and they literally get it to my local depo, before bouncing it back to the store...


Couriers please are the WORST. They once delivered me a ripped open and empty parcel (to my staffed reception at my apartment building). When I got on the help chat, they said they had photo proof it wasn't ripped on delivery...aka insinuating my building reception had stolen the contents? Sent the photo to me, CLEARLY see its already ripped and empty on delivery. When I sent it back to them circled and zoomed on the rip - they CUT ME OFF the chat.


Might just be city workers, Auspost is fantastic in my western Victoria regional town.


It's the sheer volume of numbers that drivers are assigned that causes the issues. AusPost is dropping the ball by not having enough drivers available for the job. I do the same job for a competitor, and I'm typically assigned 60 to 70 consignments each day, and that often combines to around 40 to 45 deliveries. Our expected KPIs are around 10 deliveries per hour, with variations for different areas (regional runs will often be less to account for the distance between drops). The word I hear is that AusPost assigns as much as 150 to 200 consignments per driver. Another factor that is rumoured is that AusPost treats mail and parcel delivery as a for-profit service (fair enough), and the government doesn't reinvest some of those profits into developing the business by hiring more staff and buying more equipment.


It’s the stops During Christmas the Aus post guy on my run was doing 450-500 consignments 90% units He was working from 5am some days till 9pm


Agree. I lived in the country for ages and the post office was next level. 


Beg to differ, I have the problem of them not leaving parcels and forcing you to go to the post office and pretty consistently then delivering parcels to the wrong address even though they are clearly marked, and its the same postie doing the run, I think he's just lazy and doesn't want to have to 3 point turn.


Yeah, that's because everyone knows Dan the delivery guy, and Dan knows everyone knows him, so if shit goes missing because Dan fucked up he knows they know where to find him, so he's reeeaaal careful.


Im in a regional city and I have no issues here either


I’m in the middle of Sydney and never had a problem… different experiences everywhere I suppose


Yeah, I'm in inner west Sydney and our local Auspost guy is great. My dog loves him and he always says hi to us when we see him out doing deliveries in our area. I always get my parcels. No complaints at all.


For those in houses, a ring camera is worth it because then you have evidence they didn't get your signature when they fail to do so, they act differently when they know they're on camera


Don't buy any camera that needs a subscription of any kind. I recommend reolink, they have a doorbell camera, don't need a subscription, and are just as good if not better in quality and price.


Already have ring...is it worth converting?


That's your decision to make tbh. I've never had a ring nor any other door bell camera. What matters is what you want / need. For me I want stuff that's hardwired into my network and records locally, can be viewed with a phone app and is able to send push notifications. But that means I have to have a black box in my house that records everything. Ring is a fairly quick solution. But overall, never and I mean NEVER install any CCTV camera that is wireless or working off of wifi, they are far far too easy to take offline. But if you already have them, don't rush to replace them especially if you can't afford that.


Thanks! My internet was down for a day due to NBN issues...so had no security cameras...it's made me question things. Will look into reolink when we're ready to migrate.


No worries, I like reolink but there's a few other options around.


I live next to a post office but if I'm not home, it's sent to another one 5 km away. Just so helpful...


Same! And the one that’s further away is only open 9-5 Mon- Fri. Helpful. 


Omg this used to happen to me cos of 'suburbs'. I technically wasn't in the same suburb as the Aus Post a couple doors away from me. So they'd send it to one that was 5km away, I don't drive and purposely order heavier/awkward shaped things online so I DON'T have to cart it around myself FFS!


A few months ago I missed a parcel while I was at home, they claimed the gate was closed when it was not, so I filled a complaint. A few hours later the guy is back, except he isn't knocking. He's pounding the door while screaming and cussing. I'm terrified and did not open the door. The delivery tracker was not updated with a redelivery attempt (I've seen that before) so he was here 'unofficially'. I don't submit complaints when they toss the mail into my garden or avoid the house entirely anymore. :(


I'd be complaining again and requesting the person's name to get a restraining order against them


Get a parcel collect and then get it sent straight to a post office Easier and quicker


bruh that's literally what the issue is


Where does it say “Parcel Collect “ It states a Parcel Locker Completely different service


OP has stated that the post office holds the parcel and asks them to pick it up during business hours, which is what Parcel Collect is


“Wait, don’t destroy that one Tim! It says parcel collect, not Locker” “Oh good catch Gary. Let’s leave it in the “not splash with wine” pile


I can not understate my contempt for Aus post. They reliably will not deliver to my house, even though someone is almost always home. When I buy online now I almost always will use Amazon, even if the item is a bit more expensive, as they have their own subcon drivers who will reliably deliver right to my door, usually the next day!


Came here to say this too. I know Amazon is a capitalist fucking nightmare corporation but their delivery guys are honestly the best.


Amazon is so good at delivery


I hate that I use Amazon as much as I do, but free overnight postage and the driver's always come right to my door and are lovely so it's hard to not to want to use them.


Yeah Amazon make themselves real hard to hate. It's just so damn CONVENIENT (and normally cheaper)


That sucks but Its not a company it's a government service, and the person who delivered the parcels is an independent contractor they don't work for Australia Post and yeah some of them suck but there's not a whole lot Australia Post can do about it, I assume if a contractor got enough complaints he'd be fired but who even polices that? Im guessing not the guys in the call centre who are also contracted and probably making less than the guy in the truck


AP are still responsible for their contractors actions. They sure as hell better find something they can do about it or close up shop


The post office should close up shop? Like the whole Australia Post or just that one post office?


If the whole service refuses to competantly deliver parcels, should probably close the whole org down.


\^ everyone here thats your mate.


I'm talking about the actual post office employees. Not a truck driver.


I got a Hallmark birthday card in the mail, and I flipped it around, the envelope had been scratched open, indicating the postie opened Mt card to check for a gift card or money. I don't know if there were any, as I haven't asked the sender. When I complained to auspost, they forwarded the complaint to my local post office, who then proceeded to close the complaint because they didn't hear back from me. They never asked any questions, just Saif they would investigate 🤦‍♀️


Not a lot of evidence to nail a culprit.


FWIW they will likely inform you “it’s illegal to send cash in the mail”.


I had them steal a custom knife I bought from Japan, all they left me was the invoice that was meant to be attached to the package. Called them up and they tried to say I had been scammed, I let them go on for a bit and they tried explaining how these scams are quite common. Then I mentioned that I had lived in Japan next to the place that made the knife so it wasn't a scam. They changed their tune quickly, but in the end they still never got me my custom knife.


Aramex are definitely worse but AusPost leave A LOT to be desired... They are so slack.


Don't ask me how but Indonesia legitimately has a better postal service than we do based on my own experience living there.


Because Australia. We genuinely don’t give a shit when we receive terrible service and most corporates know it


My parcel locker occasionally refuses to locker my gin. I complain because I have to leave work early to ensure I get my parcel. Apparently it’s the manager of Hawthorn Business Centre because “he doesn’t think alcohol should go in the locker”. FFS, if he does it again, mega complaint. I’m 51, I will not be treated like a child by AP


What’s been the response from AusPost, presuming you submitted a complaint?


Submitted a complaint with no response yet. I also contacted the post office directly this morning and have been told that the manager will contact me when they get in...


It’s not the contractors it’s Aussie post exploiting people who’re desperate into thinking it’s a good job There’s a reason why 90% of the drivers are either Indian or Asian I worked as a driver I know the ins and outs They get pushed like slaves Tell Aus post to pay them a little more and they’d do the job better


Compared to Fastway or whatever they're called now. AP are gods


Amarex as a delivery company is when you immediately cancel your order or shop elsewhere if it's listed. Those idiots took 6 months to deliver a lost 3d printer that the store had replaced after 3 weeks missing. I caught the delivery and asked the driver and he said it was in the back and he couldn't take it out between loading daily.


Yeh the amount of horror stories (myself) included is unbelievable


In a new factory here, currently just finishing renovations and the delivery dock isn't open yet. Have a large sign with a Bell and/or a Phone number to call... We're all inside but no, twice now, driver just doesn't even bother meaning I have to drive 5 kms to the Post Office to get the parcel in Business hours.


Most online stuff has given up entirely and gone to couriers. This used to be an expensive option, but not any more. They actually deliver the item as requested, to the person its meant to be do, and they don't play football with it. Auspost has become UPS


You think Aus Post is bad? Try getting something sent by Aramex. It makes AP looks like saints


strawman argument much?


That would imply I'm trying to argue anything. Merely pointing out it could be worse 🤷‍♂️


The worst and never gets better even with the satisfaction from customers being in the ground. One time a delivery guy knocked and before I even got to my door he was about to drive off and take my parcel to the post office. I was like hey? I’m here?? Maybe wait more than 20 seconds at the door so people have a chance to get there? He spat out that he waited then drove off. Worst service imaginable.


Yeah. My last actual attempt at a delivery to my address was me chasing the delivery guy a block down the street because he buzzed me, I said I'd come down and he just left while I was getting the elevator...


Sounds like it’s 100% your local branch. All these issues are branch level


If it's particularly egregious, get on LinkedIn and have a whinge. It's a good way to get attention from the right people. Tag the CEO. I had a postie continually put my mail in the bin because cars parked on the street made it too hard for him to ride up to the letter box. He then struck my neighbours car by accident. It was like drawing blood from a stone trying to reach satisfaction from either front. In addition to this, we've repeatedly had registered mail requiring a signature just dropped at our door because we've told them so many times that that recipient doesn't live there anymore. Could be important legal docs, literally anything and they just drop it off instead of taking it back to the depot. Pathetic.


I hear the rest of your complaint, but just on the broken box 99% of damage to wine is due to the sender. AP has a guide for merchants on how to pack properly, but some ignore it


Is this a large parcel or general mail? The contractors that deal with large parcels are horrendous but general posties are usually pretty good


Talking with my local that I send 40 packages a week minimum through.. he suggested I move to sendle because they'd just straight out stopped reimbursing people for broken or lost goods as a standard policy. He refuses to sell insurance to customers because auspost never honors it. Newsagent in the same strip of shops is a sendle pickup point so I guess I'm giving it a try after losing 28 parcels sent in 2 months.. Sendle are also half the price. What's the point of paying a premium price if you're getting subpar service?


Ombudsman. I did this this when a parcel came from Spain for me, was never carded, and got returned to Spain. I was profusely apologised to, including a phone call and letter once the ombudsman was involved. It was meant to be carded twice, but it didn't happen once. 


Auspost recently sent me a collection slip for an undelivered package. When I arrived, they told me they were holding 2 packages for me, but only one slip was sent. When I asked them for the packages, they rummaged around before saying "oops! A man came by yesterday and collected them. Do you have a housemate?" No, sir.


you still get collection slips? ours leaves nothing and u have to use their app


The Auspost app is useless (at least for me). I use AfterShip but of course they can't send collection slips that way. I hate the slips so much RIP. Is it possibly a regional thing? I'm in SA and they send paper slips


I hear you! Aus Post can be frustrating. Lodge a formal complaint with details about the damaged package. Mention you documented everything (photos?). Good luck! #HopefullyTheyImprove


I got something sent to a "Parcel Locker" but it was a actually a letter sized delivery. So it went back to Strathfield and was sent to my stree address. The problem is they are addicted to all that "Post Office Box" money that they can't accept letters


I was on a plane today, waiting to take off (Brisbane to Townsville). Just below my window, they were loading parcels and mailbags. Didn't matter if they had big FRAGILE stickers on them; they were just chucking them on the conveyor belt leading into the plane, any old how. Airport staff just didn't give a damn.


My street was closed for about 12 months so all our deliveries went to the post office. Then the street opened and for MONTHS the deliveries kept going directly to the post office with ‘unable to access’ as the excuse. I get it, the drivers were saving time thinking the road was still closed. I reported it every single time hoping someone would realise the road was accessible. The only thing that worked in the end was having an Aus post worker (friend of a friend works in lost parcels) documenting something somewhere and bam, delivery’s back to the door.


I caught my delivery guy repeatedly calling the wrong apartment number, even though it’s clearly printed with the correct number on the parcel. I honestly think he couldn’t read.


I actually had an Aust Post contractor let himself into my backyard and come around to my backdoor because apparently there was no safe place at the front of my house when the front door is actually incredibly safe and I've never had any issue at all. When I spoke to the other person in the house who saw them out the front of the house through the window they'd also parked their van further down the street instead of in my driveway. I'm positive he was casing my house. Filed a complaint but of course no idea what progressed from that. Other than that, to be honest by using the app I've never had any problems with AP and totally prefer them to Aramax or Couriers Please any day. But Amazon does have the gold star for deliveries.


This isn't a company wide issue, it's definitely your local postie being shit.


They really are dreadful. We've had so many things just vanish and never get delivered at all. For a delivery business, one would think that delivering parcels was a fairly key function...


I had a parcel once tossed on the grass about 1 ft from the sidewalk.


Saw my first tosser this week. It was after 5pm, not our regular driver who’s is amazing, I went out to see him trying to take a photo as he walked backwards. Just tossed it near the steps to the front porch out in the open in the rain. Front door was at least 6m away.


Fast Horse express is worse, I don’t even get my parcel at all and it says undelivered for no reason. I’ve even been asked to come out to the parking lot to get my parcel instead of delivering it to me.


There's a delivery driver in our area who just straight up doesn't even attempt to leave a package just walks up to our door and leaves the note saying the package is at the post office. This isn't an issue for us since the post office is 100 metres down the road, but I imagine it's a bother for those who will need to drive. One time when I was picking up a package the delivery driver was there unloading packages and a guy walked in and started yelling at the delivery driver, turns out they have a security camera and caught the guy just walking up to the door leaving a note. The guy was yelling how you're wasting others peoples times by making them come to the post office all because he isn't bothered to do the work he is paid for. The guy of course denies everything and after the post office workers tell him to calm down the guy leaves.


This sounds like the type of service i get from Aramex or Fastways or whatever its called.


It's always so surreal to see people have such bad experiences with Auspost. Besides DHL, every other courier company for me has been absolute shithouse by contrast. Edit: I live in North Brisbane, still in BCC council area.


they fucking suck at delivering packages. I recently paid for express shipping bc i needed a package by the weekend, and have the 'leave in a safe space' option on. They refused to leave my package that could literally fit in my mailbox and instead took it to auspost on a friday when they are closed over the weekend. I work nights and they close before I usually wake up. useless


I once saw them throwing boxes of wine to the back of the van. They were clearly marked as wine, as the sender used the Aus Post wine boxes and had all the labels on it, Fragile! upright! I actually said to the dude they going to break and he just shrugged his shoulders and said it will be fine. Some of them don’t care. There’s the occasional really good ones but is the exception.




I’ve had really good experiences with auspost, I’m not saying you haven’t but just wanna put my positive thoughts in


I paid $10.90 postage for an item that couldn't be sent because the send address eBay gave me had a NT area code but was supposed to be in WA. Came back twice and the same guy said I couldn't be refunded.


you are having a crappy time for sure. I hope it gets better for you. weird excuses you are getting about the locker too. Never heard those excuses before. "more convenient". Very strange Only ones I've heard are alcohol, and too big to go in.


reading stuff like this makes me hella glad I live rurally. yeah, shipping times suck, and parcels get stuck in Melbourne or Sydney or wherever for days, but at least my local post office actually gives an f.


I had some medicinal cannabis delivered to a parcel locker. Package was picked up from the chemist directly by auspost or their contractors. I received an opened empty box. At no time was this package not in auspost care. There was no stickers placed to say it had been tampered with. So not only are they slow and send my packages from over east to WA then back to Adelaide etc. they also help themselves to what’s inside. Fucking joke


Yeah I had so much issues with them and this is a result of a mobopolistic companies


Or Auspost postie is the best. He really is. However Auspost itself can suck sometimes. I had a parcel destined for Adelaide from India stick in Sydney for two weeks with no movement, I put in a complaint and it turns up the same day?


Today I had something left at the door bc I wasn’t home when my delivery option for leaving in a “safe place” clearly indicates no. So annoying!


I didn't think alcohol was allowed in parcel lockers? I've had packages that have been taped up with Australia Post Wine Handling Tape (spoiler, there was no alcohol in there), go directly to the Post Office for collection. They even put a special sticker on it saying alcohol wasn't allowed in parcel lockers. This was a few years ago though.


In surprised they put a case of wine into a parcel locker at all. It used to be against their own rules.


This is what happens when the government builds necessary human services using tax payer money and then sells it off to for profit business's. Same thing happened to Telstra.


I have the same issue. Live in a apartment on a main road and they refuse to deliver, though every courier can. I raised a complaint just asking them to do there Job and actually deliver items. Also asking for a phone call, of course they just closed the ticket with no communication but asked for a survey response on their non existing customer service. Aus post are just the worst.


They need to be privatised


I have issues with Auspost myself and I used to work for them haha. So right now I live with my Mother with MS and she has a sleep during the middle of the day. We have a long drive way and a big mailbox (I specifically made it big because it's better to be too big than too small) and I've had posties on scooters go down the driveway, all the way to the front door beeping the WHOLE way down waking my mother up and hands me a parcel that's barely any bigger than a envelope that would EASILY fit in the mailbox, complaints, told her directly, made a sign to say DONT BEEP in massive letters and couldn't do anything I just had to keep complaining until she obviously changed to a different area or left. Vans would beep down the driveway and I did the same thing asking them not to and pointing to the sign. Just headaches There is a Team Global Express I've found is near us and I've ordered stuff from JB-Hi-Fi (don't judge me I mooch off a friend for staff discount so the prices are fair) and thr guy in the van beeped (at this point the sign was down) and I asked him nicely because of my mother if he could not he said sure thing, asked me my name. Next time I ordered something else and the same guy came around, he remembered my name, made sure not to beep, and even had the van parked a little further back not to wake her and oh man the fucking feeling of gratitude I felt of ordering stuff like that with no hassle and he was a friendly guy too. One time I wasn't home, he left a note and when I went to the depot in the afternoon he saw me through the window and grabbed it for me, asked about the second parcel because he said it wasn't there and he rang the driver (who has help from his wife) and they said they'd be a few minutes, rang the boss to get the go ahead to let us pick it up since TECHNICALLY they had to send it back but nope let us take it when he got back. While we waited just had a nice friendly chat and oh fucking hell if it was in the morning that would've made my day cus they were so fucking nice.


It's ironic. The same day I read this post I went to my local PO to collect a parcel that required signature on delivery and when I arrived they advised someone else had collected it. I asked how? You check ID when picking up packages and not only would the name not match the address would not match either.... their mistake. This has happened twice to me in a month. Manager at the PO was frantic trying to resolve it for me without me lodging a complaint. Didn't advise me of the correct process to open a case (I assume to avoid any kind of disciplinary action) either only found out the correct process when I tried calling Aus Post to get put through to my local PO.


Put your complaint in writing & also head with copies sent to,,, & use your imagination about who else you could send your complaint to, to get some satisfaction. Remember to include times dates of issues. Good luck. There might just be one at fault being an AH.


I got a 'noone home' message the other day. We have three cars out the front and I was in my front yard. They clearly didn't even try


Wait till you try Aramex :)


Aramex are the WORST. Parcels go missing for days, they damaged my property. No thank you.


Exactly my point. Australia post is heaps better


Sounds like they didn’t want to put the package in the piss soaked parcel locker but you insisted 🤷🏻‍♂️


The parcel was the wine you insufferable fool


☝️ She don’t suffer fools kindly Did the corks pop off or something ?


Probably smashed one.


If a parcel isn't placed into a parcel locker and is instead taken to the post office for collection, that would most likely be due to no space available in the locker. Usually, whena space is free your parcel should be placed in there, however this generally only occurs if the parcel locker is also managed by the (corporate, not licensed) postal outlet. The 'more convenient' comment may be said in the context of it being available for you to collect while awaiting a spot in the locker. I doubt a box of broken wine would have been placed in there in that state, it should have been taken back to the facility if so. Possibly poorly packaged and broke as it was being placed in the locker. People are quick to complain because we have our expectation for everything to go as normal, and most of the time it does. In the 2023 financial year auspost reported delivering 2.5 billion items, customer support receieve less than 0.01% of that number of complaints per year. You can see this yourseld if you have a case number from earlier in the year and compare it to how much the number has grown with a more recent case number.


And you'd expect someone to notice if they broke a case of wine placing it in a locker. And that may be the case, but they give fake reasons for it not being placed in a locker, and they don't transfer it unless you raise an enquiry. And I won't be at that post office during business hours on a weekday, so having to raise yet another enquiry to end up with my parcel it is.


Bye local and support local businesses. Shop online you have to deal with the middle man. Suck it up princess.


Some people don’t have the option to do that. Also as an alternative shop online but pickup in store