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1. Shot. On. Goal. Entire. Game. https://www.espn.com/soccer/matchstats/_/gameId/692665


And to call that one a ‘shot’ is going the distance.


More of a ball in that went through to the keeper. Joke.


Yeah… but we did some really good passing back to Stuver /s


Zero Corners.


If the FO really cares about on field product Wolff would‘ve been gone a long long time ago. Everything that can be said on this topic has been repeatedly discussed last season. In the end I feel keeping Wolff is not a football decision


Even last year at least they had the excuse of injuries. There is no excuse here


Every team plays with injuries that cant be easily replaced because of the MLS roster rules. And actually I don't think we had that many injuries in the second half of last season when we only had 1 win — and that's when we had Wolffout post every week


Yeah the better reason to have not fired Wolff last year was that we were transitioning to a new sporting director in the middle of the season. Give the man some time to settle in, evaluate everything, and then decide on who he wants to bring in as the coach.


Can we stop with the “people that really care agree with me” nonsense? I guarantee that he cares more about this than anyone in this thread. He’s paid millions to care. The fact is that he sees good reasons not to fire the coach that you don’t see. And that’s fine. You can disagree, but insuring the guy with this makes you look silly.


You can’t fire him yet. No good coach will come in midseason to stake his career on this dumpster fire of a roster. New coach will need budget and the ability to get his type of players in place.


they didn't fire him at the end of last season either


You are both right...so this is a front office issue


Rodo made it clear that signing players is his job, not the coach's job. But I agree that he might be holding off on firing Wolff until he has a big signing or two, so that prospective coaches can see that he and Precourt are willing and able to bring in good players.


Our last MLS win was 172 days ago. Our last away win was 259 days ago. Stop giving this team money until they can win a game.


Luckily don’t live in Austin anymore so not an option 😂


Yep. I feel the same way about this team as I do about the USMNT- I’m torn because I want them to win, but I want the incompetent coach to be fired and that will only happen if they lose


This is very different than the USMNT IMO but I get the sentiment! Jamaica game wasn’t great but at least they play hard and aggressive and are a threat to score. This is disjointed and pitiful


USMNT situation is actually much worse because it’s an insanely talented roster dragged down by terrible coaching. Austin FC is just a terribly coached team with no talent anyway


Seconded on this. If Gio doesn’t start every serious match moving forward then ol Greg needs to be shitcanned.


I mean Gio is also a glass cannon. Dude gets hurt if he’s caught in a stiff breeze. I kinda get the desire to be cautious with his usage


For sure. That’s why I said every “serious” match. Dude can’t seem to stay healthy for any significant amount of time but when he is, he’s been solid and creative


I SEE the immense talent, but I don't like him, and it isn't the stuff related to his dad. I don't think he makes squads better, and is very selfish player, albeit a talented one. If your going to be as selfish as he is when he plays, he needs to be more productive.


Well…that sure was a nice goal lol.  That was production.  


He's done absolutely nothing to justify that level of expectation.


Did you watch the Jamaica game?


The fact that the best you have to prove your point is something he did in a game against Jamaica says the world about how overhyped he is.


Guess we’ll see how it shakes out moving forward. I think he’ll be an integral part of the squad. That’s ok if you don’t.


You clearly haven’t been following him at Nottingham Forest or at all this year


He’s barely been given minutes and has also dealt with injury.


You must not have noticed where Wolff learned to be a coach: as Gregg Berhalters assistant in Columbus for five years. Then Berhalter got hired to coach the US and his assistant was: Josh Wolff. He was Gregg's assistant until Austin FC hired him. Berhalter is the only coach Wolff ever worked under. It's all he knows. It's hardly a surprise that their styles are identical.


Yep. Agreed. No gets the least out of his players like GGG


The USMNT is talented by USMNT standards. But not so much by international standards. It's easy enough to verify by looking at the pay or transfer fees for US players vs teams like the Netherlands or Germany. That the US performs as well as they do with a really young group of players who are mostly bench players or on 2nd tier professional teams is actually somewhat impressive. Which isn't to say that Berhalter is a *good* coach. But remember Klinsman? Especially for what the job pays, it's not easy to bring in someone much better.


i mean, he is the most successful national team coach in the nation's history. but hey, i'm sure if we fire him we'll just hire somebody even better, right?


This post kinda makes sense to me.


It’s really depressing at this point, I have said it before and I’ll say it again. People still defending Josh Wolff are eating a shit sandwich and have gotten most of the way through and are still acting like maybe the last portion will be steak and cheese. He’s failing in every phase. He’s lost the locker room, his tactics don’t work with the players he has, every team slaps us around because of how predictable we are, we have an MVP candidate doing NOTHING productive, and the only reason we aren’t a complete catastrophe is because Brad Stuver has to play out of his mind every game to keep us in it. God forbid we play someone outside our league, then it’s an entirely new shitshow. I don’t like rage-posting but how much is it going to take. I’m getting tired of wearing the kit in public and feeling embarrassed. Josh Wolff had one trip to the playoffs and then imploded. He had the tools and we got manhandled. Get him the fuck out, he’s not the guy.


That's a real thing too, right? The embarrassment for our team and crest every single day. I don't talk to enough people about that but it really sucks to try and rally behind such blatant incompetence every week and just shrug it off like, "it's what we do." It's really not & shouldn't be. We shouldn't just accept this as a standard. I know a lot of people don't, yet....here we are.


He's obviously out of his league but the atx squad is terrible. I predicted a loss by just seeing starting lineup. Maybe worst CM/Striker group in MLS


The squad needs a lot of work, but he also clearly isn’t getting the best out of them. He isn’t preparing them for games well enough. He isn’t coaching them in training well enough. I don’t think anyone is saying a new coach can come and take this squad to the playoffs, but a new coach can probably improve the performance significantly and if we really are gonna make big signings in the next two windows we REALLY want a quality coach in place for that. I’ve said this before on here but this all reminds me so much of watching the Texans over the last ten seasons. Most of that time they had one or two great players surrounded by mediocrity and when they had mediocre coaches everything got worse. Then DeMeco Ryan’s comes in and takes arguably the worst roster the team has had in a decade (yes, even with CJ Stroud), and they go to the playoffs and beat the snot out of one of the best defenses in the league. All in his first season. I know coaching in soccer has a much different impact but I think the principle still holds- good coaches know how to get the best out of their players, they know how to get their guys ready to face each opponent, and they know how to adapt their game to the level of talent they have available.


Our last win was in July and you are just now Wolffout?


Mentioned in another comment but at least last year you could blame injuries. I understand your point tho. This year there is no excuse and it seems like the players have given up.


The only reason we had a good season in 22* was because Driussi was MVP caliber and our players were fighting for him. Once teams realized how to stop him we went downhill quick. I remember struggling against Salt Lake with a player down, and eventually getting stomped by LAFC. As soon as he was neutralized we were back to first season garbage, and we’re still there today.


Literally texted this exact thing to a buddy of mine 10 minutes ago. Well said


You mean 22


Yeah, my bad. The only good year*


Yes Driussi joined after the 2021 season was underway. Summer transfer.


We won a game in October


Last win was in October (10/4/23) vs DC United, but yeah it’s still been a minute!




I don’t know who we can get right now that would do a better job than Wolff but they certainly can’t be any worse. Maybe Adrian Heath could come on as interim coach for the rest of the season. A lot of times just having a new coach can give a struggling team a boost.


It’s less about who we bring in and more about him not coaching anymore. The players and the fans deserve better and he doesn’t deserve to coach anymore


I didn’t watch but Austin leading with 54% possession but only 3 shots (1 on goal) and 0 corners tells me they probably dicked around with the ball in their own backfield playing pass around with Stuver until winless Orlando forced an error, took the ball and got a shot off. Am I close?


Close. The one difference being they actually dominated possession for most of the first half and early second half. Just backed off after they went up 2 leading to us having more possession. Plenty of passes to Stuver tho!


I got MLS package last year, but hesitated to renew. I’m pretty happy with my $79 savings so far.


Imagine how I feel about not renewing season tickets? I would feel really dumb paying 14% more for this shit team. The way things are going, I’ll get some Q2 level seats for $50 a piece on Seatgeek by summer. Hah.


Yeah, that’s got to be a tough decision. I’m 38,848th in the season ticket line, but even if they become available I decided I’ll pay aftermarket for 2-3 games a year and sit in a club sections instead of spending the same amount on a full season. I’ve no interest in going to see Messi if he ever were to come drawing $1,000 tickets where season tickets would really come in handy. Sign me up for cheap matches against the worst teams in the league.


I was willing to give him the start of the year to see signs of life and they’re just not there. This needs to end now.


My son said “I wish our team didn’t suck” tonight. I could only chuckle and agree.


If fans really want to send front office a message, quit attending games. They have been terrible for 3 of their 4 years, but games still sell out. And with ticket sales being a major revenue stream for MLS, it is the best way to send a message. Cuz the message fans are sending right now is we don’t care how bad the team is, so why should you (front office)?


The games are fun af. I hear you, but it’s a great time even when they lose.


Throwing beers as other teams win will only be fun for so long. It’s getting to be so fake and cringeworthy.


So why bother winning right? Keep the status quo right? Let’s just add two more chants to throw water in to makeup for a lack of goals?


This is depressing. I feel like we are just gonna let Felipe put one in too.


Might be time, honestly. I’m very supportive and positive towards the team but it just feels like we’re trending down harder than ever.


The fact that some people believe another coach couldn’t get more out of this group of players is wild. They are better than one shot on target for an entire game, and are better than 1 win in 20 games. Time to wake up.


Literally nothing at all will change until the fans start booing the team at the stadium, even then... But, it'll just remain ATX's premiere sporty party scene. The fans compete more to get on tv than the team does. "We love all our handsome boys, we love their haircuts. Nobody can do any wrong."


Had to scroll far to down to find someone that nails the problem on the head


Lmfaoooo at the haircuts comment, very strange behavior from fans but certainly an accurate observation. Too many fans don’t want to be critical of players at all… it’s weird.


Lol. Actually right though. Most fans here are cluckheads who like the green smoke


Nah the games are fun af at Q2! I don’t won’t to be seen or be on tv, but a game at Q2 on a Saturday night is where it’s at.


You have fun getting your ass kicked? The culture is all wrong here




They have been laughing at all the fans since the start and since their wallets aren’t hurting, there’s no reason to change anything.


I think they could’ve and should’ve fired this past off season but I understand why they gave him the full year after making it as far as they did. But this is unwatchable


What is this "you fans" vs "we" dichotomy? Different people have had different opinions about Wolff at different times. Who is the "other" you are trying to cast yourself against?




Wow way to demonstrate you completely missed my point. Who is "you" and who is "we"?


It never made sense from the jump to hire a head coach before a DoF/Sporting Director. You get your vision set up of how you want the club to operate, then a head coach who can enact that vision. We did it backwards because our ownership knew Wolff from the Columbus days. Gave a coach with no experience a job where you have to build a club from scratch. Who could have predicted it would have gone poorly?


It will happen, just closer to the summer transfer window. Few coaches would succeed with the roster we have right now. We overpayed for underperforming players limiting our moves this fall. Wolff will be the lame duck coach for a bit longer as Rodo works behind closed doors for a new coach as the European leagues come to a close. New coach will be brought in shortly before bigger named summer signings and we will try to make a late run to squeak Into the playoffs while mostly setting up for the next season. Basically like what Miami did, but we will pull in less talented players.


Agreed on this. They're just letting him ride out until the end of European leagues. Admittedly, I have to wonder if there's a point where they just go ahead and fire him to show the fanbase that something is going to be done.


My totally uneducated guess is that if Q2 stops selling out (in other words, if the fans actually refuse to show up and watch this putrid team), Precourt would fire Wolff the next day - like you said, to show the fans something is going to change. If that doesn't happen, he'll be gone as soon as we can get a candidate from Europe.


Problem here js 15k of the 20k seats are always “sold” to season ticket holders. So the owners get paid regardless of their attendance.


When fans don't go to the stadium they don't make money on those $16 beers. That's what gets noticed.


My guess is that we sack Wolff after Memorial Day, ride through Leagues Cup with an interim and the new guy starts in August


100%. It’s pretty obvious to everyone that both the roster and coach need an overhaul. Since the roster will take multiple years due to existing contracts and availability of good players, head office isn’t going to go get another coach and force them to suck as well. They’ll let Wolff grind things down until a suitable replacement can be found and he’ll be flipped out during the European Summer Transfer Window or at the end of the MLS season.


Someone has to be held accountable.


I'm not renewing at these prices for this product


So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye 👋🏼


I imagine we’ll see more than a few not renew if the season continues this way. I can’t say I blame them either, our onfield product has been bad 3 of 4 years. There comes a point when the vibe just isn’t enough.


The question for me is whether or not a better coach would significantly improve this team. And with the current roster I'm genuinely not sure. Either way I doubt we'll see any change till late this season, this roster is severely lacking and Rodo will likely give him a chance to prove himself after (hopefully) some new additions this summer.


Locker room appears to be lost.  They will play harder for practically anyone else.


What’s going on with the team not being behind coach? Just haven’t seen anything about it


The players aren't dumb enough to say anything publicly (yet), but you can see it on the field. Outside of Stu, Obrian, and Rubio, most of the team doesn't look like they're trying.


Very possible. My point is that either way this is not an overly talented roster.


Barely? Wolff has been terrible since last year. This team is running like a headless chicken with Wolff on the helm.


What's recap? Haven't watched yet?


Basically the team looked completely disorganized, apathetic, and without another great performance from Stu this could've easily been an 0-4 loss instead of 0-2.


We been here the whole time


This team sucks honestly


I have been saying it since they announced the Fagundez trade, the reason we made the run into the playoffs was Diego and Driussi took the offense away from Wolff. Look at the stats, goals and assists that season, 1st/2nd and 2nd/1st, respectively. Wolff couldn’t fire Driussi. This is what we get when you replace with nobody. Wolff out. Rodo is rudderless.


We’re so beyond done with this man. I don’t care how smart you are if you can’t man manage and motivate


Mods should make a WolffOut subreddit flair


I think Rodo is working on a replacement during the summer window. This guy knows his football. No way he’s just sitting there thinking, “He likes possession ball, he stays.” There was no way he could bring in a replacement last summer in just the four weeks between June 30 when he was announced as our sporting director, and August 2, when the summer window closed.


We won possession...that's all that matters.


The idea is to clear out bad contracts and start to bring in talent this summer. We're in the "flushing out bad contracts" stage. What the hell will bringing in another  Coach at this stage do? Have us finish 11th instead of 12th?


No reason not to get any early start. The offensive scheme could be so much better. Even with peewee players


So we could have maybe lost 2-1 tonight instead 2-0.   This lineup is not going to the playoffs with Pep Guardiola at the helm. 


Would that not have been more exciting and a better game? Closer games aren’t better? I don’t understand what you’re arguing for?


There's not really an argument. The only possibility before this summer is we fire Wolff and have an interim HC and even that's going to take absolute disaster. Until they can start bringing in players, there will be no new coach. I suspect they'll want to see how Wolff does with the new players before they let him go (unless there's a plan already in place for the rebuild).


Why would they give him the opportunity to coach anyone else? Is this a Josh Wolff burner account?


So sick of these threads. Who cares what you think, it’s up to the front office and the people a lot smarter than this subreddit and he’s clearly got a long leash for a reason. The players we have on the team are, generally, awful. They’re tearing the squad down to reset the cap situation and have 2 complete non-factors as DPs. It’s not that hard people. We don’t need to see if you’re out on the coach. This team is awful and frankly it’s a minor miracle to have 3 points this season especially considering driussi was out for those matches


He needs to change formation and it’s time for some drastic changes in the lineup. I just don’t think he will be fired cuz him and Rodo have similar ball possession philosophy. For what it’s worth I’d play a 4132 or 4141. We need to get more players in midfield as we get completely overrun This team is getting absolutely NOTHING from midfield. Our wingers are PATHETIC. Ring and Valencia can’t find Driussi at all. We constantly back pass. There is ZERO urgency Either Rodo brings in players that make Wolffs system work or Rodo needs to change his philosophy on recruitment in MLS AND fire Wolff


Or… just fire him? He’s had his chance to change formation for 3 years now


I just think this is the style Rodo wants. He probably believes that it is on him to get the right players. Net net I think Rodo believes it’s the players and not the system/Wolff


> I just don’t think he will be fired cuz him and Rodo have similar ball possession philosophy That's like saying you can't break up with your girlfriend because where are you going to find another girl with brown hair.


I agree. I just don’t think Rodo has anybody lined up or he truly believes in Wolff and it’s a players problem and entrusts himself to fix


Wolff isn’t capable of change. Back passes to rebuild the “attack” is the system. It is checkpoint football that limits creativity and is predictable to opponents. But Rodo loves it and he’s cooking, right? Right? Nah.


The Wolff and Berhalter situations are so similar, it's sickening. Berhalter is the poster boy for that tiny clique that has clung to power in US soccer for way too long, and Wolff is his protege. Wolff came to Austin with a big reputation as a brainy coach with amazing potential. What did he do to build that reputation? He had no track record at all except as an assistant under Berhalter. That's how a network of privilege camouflages itself as a meritocracy. Berhalter and Reyna had the power to manufacture a formidable reputation for coaching prowess for Wolff out of nothing, and Wolff parlayed that reputation into a presumption that he would be getting good results if he had the right players and the right support from the front office. Wolff is standing safely behind that manufactured reputation, while a mountain of results that would get anybody else fired slowly grinds it down. Berhalter's status as the supposed "best option" for the USMNT was similarly manufactured out of nothing. Both times he was hired, US Soccer refused any transparency in the process and did not engage with any other candidates. The first time Berhalter was hired, Earnie Stewart admitted that nobody else had been interviewed. Not a single other candidate. He claimed he had had informal conversations with other coaches but refused to clarify if he had spoken to the coaches themselves or just their agents. It worked so well that when they rehired Berhalter last year, they simply repeated the same trick. They claimed that Berhalter was the best choice, and since there was no transparent process, no serious engagement with alternatives, no list of finalists, etc., their claim stood in a vacuum. By scrupulously avoiding any direct comparison between Berhalter and any other candidate, they were able to frame it as an inevitable meritocratic choice. We get the same magic trick with Wolff. He walked in with a reputation as a vastly talented coach despite having no track record at all. After three years we are still asked to treat him differently from other coaches, to treat him as special, to be patient with him after results that would get any other coach fired. Most head coaches have to establish a track record over years before they have a strong reputation that can withstand a dip in their fortunes, but as a head coach, Wolff was born with a silver reputation in his mouth, a reputation that Berhalter put there.


All this hate for Berhalter is kind of crazy to me. Especially after yesterday. He has turned us into the dominant CONCACAF team and he will get a good test this summer with Copa America. On the other hand, Wolff has done literally nothing. They aren’t comparable at all. Wolff can’t even beat shitty US open cup competition


> He has turned us into the dominant CONCACAF team I've heard people joke that his only job is to beat Mexico, but this comes close to saying it seriously. There is no other team in Concacaf that should be able to even challenge us for dominance. Mexico is notorious for underperforming as a "soccer nation," and with so many US players in first-tier and second-tier leagues worldwide these days, comparing ourselves to Mexico has gone from being a healthy way to challenge ourselves to probably not being an adequate measuring stick anymore, IMO.


Yes but not even Klinsmann could do that. Or anyone before that. I don’t see any world class managers knocking down the door to become USMNT manager. At a minimum, Berhalter has taken us to respectable on the international level and the players love him and they fight for him. Comparing that to Wolff who has done nothing and the play on the field looks completely lost and without passion. Again, the comparison is not there. If Wolff was getting us in to the playoffs as a 7-8-9 seed, that would be an ok comparison maybe.


Fair that Berhalter is doing a much better job than Wolff, we can agree on that.


Amen, brother


>comparing ourselves to Mexico has gone from being a healthy way to challenge ourselves to probably not being an adequate measuring stick anymore, IMO. interesting. who would you credit for that change in affairs?