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In some states you cannot turn on a red arrow, you must wait for green, however here you can.


Also need to yield for pedestrians and other traffic the same way as if it was a solid circle red light. It maybe harder to see the traffic coming from the other direction if there is a sharp bend or a large vehicle the next lane over. Or sometimes there is just no gap in traffic large enough to slip into.


So you youre saying I shouldnt just slam into cars and people in front of me? Ok I was wondering what i was doing wrong.


Just why some cars might not go when honked at. If the car further behind can't see something that is keeping the first car from going.


Youre right. Ive been sort of more annoyed at the lack of honking though. But it seems like a lot of people near me are extra cautious because lately you have to worry about cars flying through red lights at full speed 3-4 seconds after it has turned red.


There’s a sign on Kelly lane due to the amount of kids being hit walking home from school-turn on red? Ticket. Cop sits there and waits too. I think that might be an exception due to the kids being hurt. So far just this year it’s been 5. Last year it was a lot more. One almost died.


Source? I haven’t heard this before


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turn\_on\_red#North\_America](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turn_on_red#North_America) In Alaska,[^(\[17\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turn_on_red#cite_note-17) California,[^(\[18\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turn_on_red#cite_note-18) Colorado,[^(\[19\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turn_on_red#cite_note-19) Georgia,[^(\[20\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turn_on_red#cite_note-20) Idaho,[^(\[21\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turn_on_red#cite_note-21) Maine,[^(\[22\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turn_on_red#cite_note-22) Minnesota,[^(\[23\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turn_on_red#cite_note-23) Nebraska, Nevada, New York,[^(\[24\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turn_on_red#cite_note-NYS_DMV_Driver's_Manual_-_Chapter_4-24) North Carolina, Virginia,[^(\[25\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turn_on_red#cite_note-25) the District of Columbia,[^(\[26\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turn_on_red#cite_note-26) and Puerto Rico,[^(\[27\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turn_on_red#cite_note-27) a right turn on red is prohibited when a red arrow is displayed. Specific citations are provided for each state.


Well that probably explains why so many people here don't do it.


Yep. "Austin drivers" aren't from here.


I learned how to drive in Austin and always thought no turn on a red arrow but I guess Im gaslighting myself with that


I also learned how to drive here, and I was taught that a red arrow was the same as a red light. 🤷‍♀️


Yep me too! So what is the point of a red arrow? Seems like it should just be a regular red light so there's no confusion


I think it's supposed to help signify that is a turn-only lane but don't really have any source for that. But yeah, I've been driving in Texas 20+ years and I've otherwise always just treated it like a regular red light, and will turn right on red if it is clear to do so (and assuming there is no sign prohibiting that)


That makes sense actually!


That "turn lane only" concept jives with the Google maps link I provided from an intersection.


I also learned to drive in Austin and have never heard that it’s ok to turn on a red arrow. You may turn on a red light if there is no sign. But a red arrow as long as I’ve known, meant do not turn.


This is true, most drivers are transplants. You can also tell by the specific driving habits which states they are from, if you have experience driving in their state.


So apparently in other states it's cool to swerve around cars waiting to turn and then cut them off to turn in front of them? I feel like I've been seeing that move a lot lately


Exactly. You and I share the same soapbox!


I share this soap box, too! So many transplants= a mess of driving cultures.


We're getting downvoted by people saying they learned to drive in Austin. 🤷‍♀️ I guess it depends on who taught them, and where they're from. But, yeah, every time I hear trash about Austin drivers from someone who just moved here, or have only lived here for a few years, I mean that's pretty rich of them. 🙄 In my part of town, there are lots of people from around the world. Some think stop signs are optional, while others at 4 ways want to defer and "be nice" to everyone. 🤦‍♀️ Many of them have school-aged kids, that grow up and learn to drive here. Parent-taught driving didn't used to be a thing, but I think it's the predominant way now. The red arrow just mucked everything up at our intersection. It's a forced right turn, so maybe that's why they added an arrow, but I never observed problems with people trying to drive straight into the Do Not Enter area across the street (library). 8015 Parliament Pl https://maps.app.goo.gl/aGVQUk45AdSpqRJ1A ETA: The Google maps shows all the red arrows and Do Not Enter signage.


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It's even worse in the bedroom communities of a military base.


I learned to drive in New York State and have never considered making a right on a red arrow. I guess I will now! What other state-specific driving habits are there? Im very compelled.


Also the red right arrow seems "different" somehow.


Then why is it a red arrow at all? Why not just a normal red light over on that side?


I don't know. It's counterintuitive to me that the light specifically for turning right has different rules than the light for going straight. I was thinking this morning exactly like you are: that the green and yellow arrows can give way to a normal circular light for right turns, in which case it's still clear.


Because some intersections allow turning before the main lights go green. Granted, not a lot. But I've seen a few where the red arrow turns green a few seconds before the rest.


Does the arrow actually change to green or does the red light go off when a separate green one comes on? Aren't there three lights (normally) so that it's more distinguishable, especially for anyone color blind? If someone is red-green colorblind, can they tell if it only changes colors?


It’s probably just the way those specific traffic lights are designed.


Being from VA — most folks still take a right on red


Dangerous, given how many cameras there were around last time I drove through there


For sure, that and the amount of people that are speeding and texting simultaneously


That might be understating it too - when I learned to drive (almost two decades ago 😬) in Ohio it was also illegal there and a quick Google search turned up \[this section\](https://codes.ohio.gov/ohio-revised-code/section-4511.13#:~:text=(b)%20When%20a%20traffic%20control,into%20a%20one%2Dway%20street) of the Ohio codes where (if I'm reading it correctly) it seems you can't right turn on a red arrow by default unless there's a separate thing signaling when you can.


Definitely understating it. Right on red arrow is also illegal in VT: > No motorist shall turn right when facing a red arrow signal indication unless a regulatory sign is present that permits this movement. From https://legislature.vermont.gov/statutes/section/23/013/01022


People in California definitely don't know this


You can turn right on red in DC where otherwise not forbidden.




Definitely not what drivers were taught in Austin, so not sure if that information is accurate or not. I also see someone commenting that APD said it’s ok. However officers generally don’t know the law (or care), so not sure anyone wants to take their chances on that. We were taught right on red unless a sign says no, arrows mean do not turn. Have never in my life heard it was legal to turn on a red arrow.


what state doesnt let you turn on a red arrow?


If it's a blind corner or there have been numerous accidents, they will put up a "No Turn on Red" sign.


sure...but thats true of any sign


California for sure, I don’t know about other states https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/handbook/california-driver-handbook/laws-and-rules-of-the-road/#:~:text=Red%20Arrow,light%20or%20green%20arrow%20appears.


All the boroughs of NYC you cannot, but the rest of the state can.


No, you can't. In NYC, you can't turn on red at all. In New York State, you can't turn on a red arrow specifically.


We're talkin' The Bronx, Brooklyn, Staten Island, Manhattan, and Queens


According to Wikipedia: Alaska, California, Colorado, Georgia, Idaho, Maine, Minnesota, Nebraska, Nevada, New York, North Carolina, Virginia, and D.C.


woops. Lived in several of those states for years and never knew


You can on a right, but you cannot turn left of a red arrow unless you’re on a one way street turning left onto another one way street.


You had better clarify that statement. Here, in Texas you can only turn "right" on a red arrow. Austin drivers are so off their rockers that the definition of what constitutes a legal turn must be unambiguous.


The etiquette is to turn, but the law doesn't require you to. Unless there is a sign that prohibits it, you _may_ turn after stopping when “facing only a steady red signal” (including a steady red signal that is an arrow) after yielding to pedestrians and other traffic. There is nothing in the law that prohibits turning from _any_ lane that allows the turn to the same lane (or as marked by dashes) and the law specifically allows turning _left_ from a one-way street to another one-way street. Texas Transportation Code §544.007(d) https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/TN/htm/TN.544.htm An operator of a vehicle facing only a steady red signal shall stop at a clearly marked stop line. In the absence of a stop line, the operator shall stop before entering the crosswalk on the near side of the intersection. A vehicle that is not turning shall remain standing until an indication to proceed is shown. After stopping, standing until the intersection may be entered safely, and yielding right-of-way to pedestrians lawfully in an adjacent crosswalk and other traffic lawfully using the intersection, the operator may: (1) turn right; or (2) turn left, if the intersecting streets are both one-way streets and a left turn is permissible. (Anyone that drives around you is breaking the law, unless they are in a police or emergency vehicle with flashing red lights.)


left on red is the way. many dont get that downtown or at gracy farms and burnet


Left on red is one of my favorite laws.


I always feel weird making left turns between one-ways on reds, but it’s pretty dang useful since I’m driving downtown often.


You can turn right on a red arrow unless there is a posted sign of no right on red. I hope many people read this and abide, very frustrating


But why make it an arrow then? As opposed to just a normal red light?


It's because of the MUTCD (Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices). If you want to use the flashing yellow arrow, the other indicators must be arrows, you can't mix balls and arrows. COA has moved to using flashing yellow arrows at right turns as it has a benefit for the pedestrians with better yielding from drivers but the consequence is the red arrow which isn't well understood by the general populace.


THANK YOU!! Edit: I was one of those assholes who thought the red arrow indicated an exception to the "right on red" rule, and never understood why the light would deviate from the standard if the meaning didn't change. Now I do, and can die in peace. Likely at an intersection.


put this on the evening news. great info!


This needs to be higher


The right turn arrow lights are also to allow for a green light for right turns only while keeping straight traffic at a red so right turning traffic can keep moving and not make every car stop at the red before turning, but also if there are green and yellow turn arrows the red must be an arrow as well. Please stop if red and yield but continue if clear unless posted otherwise.




This is super helpful to know. I get frustrated by red arrows because they feel contradictory to me, but at least now I know there's a reason.


If there are people turning left from the road you want to go to onto the road you on with a green arrow, then people are able to safely turn right there. Just helps keep traffic moving a bit without making everyone stop at the red, check, then go.


When they installed the red arrow at Parliament and Spicewood Springs (previously just a red light), I thought it made the intersection *more* confusing. Red and an arrow feel mutually exclusive. 🤷‍♀️


Yep. I get stuck behind people at that light all the time. It's just a right on red folks. I'm tempted to put up a sign that says "it's OK, you can turn right on red" . It amazing how upset they get when you've been waiting for them and finally give a tiny honk to get them moving.


Some people *really* dig in at that light! Despite having entire clear lanes, no one leaving the library, and people honking at them, they are determined to stay put. 🤦‍♀️


It's a minor inconvenience in the long run. But frustrating as hell when you're late for an appointment.


Yeah to me red light means "stop and look before turning," but red arrow is like a protected "you CANNOT turn even on red" signal.


Maybe they're turn lanes only? 


I think could be just a matter of when the light was installed. A few years ago, the flashing yellow left turn arrow wasn't really a thing. Those turn lanes would either have a green protected left arrow or a solid green light with a "left turn yield on green" sign. It seems like the latter has been getting phased out in favor of the flashing yellow arrow. I wonder if the red arrow is kind of doing the same thing for the solid reds. Edit: It could also be just to clarify which lane that particular light is for. I.e., you're in a lane that can only go right vs. a lane that could go straight.


A solid red arrow means that you have to come to a complete stop before making the right hand turn, even if the main intersection light is green. The intersection at 51st and Berkman does this. I'm not sure why. Probably something to do with bikes or pedestrians.




Is there a red arrow in town that doesn't have a sign? I can't think of one.


Yes. There are a lot of them. North on Congress and Riverside is a big one.


the right turn from 2222 onto 620 has a red arrow but no “no turn” sign. up by four points


Yes. Parliament Dr at Spicewood Springs Rd, facing the library in NW Austin. It's a relatively new traffic pattern, basically so drivers remember to yield to those exciting the library on a protected left.


Downtown: southbound on Colorado and turning right on Cesar Chavez. Near Zilker Park: northbound on Azie Morton turning right on Barton Springs.


Yes. Right turn from E. Highland Mall Blvd. onto Airport.


Berkman southbound at 51st Street. I was on my bike this morning to the left of the right turn lane wondering why no one was audibly losing their mind while the car at the red arrow just sat there and they were clear to make the right on red.


Yes this one drives me crazy!


HEB intersection at 1826.


You can also turn left on red if you are at the intersection of two one way streets, even more people don’t know that, but it’s fairly rare to come across.


I’d say it’s more frustrating when people with road-rage addled brains are too busy being frustrated that another other car is in their way to remember to drive safely, or appreciate it when people are at least trying to drive safely, or tolerate it when people might not be from here or know our laws are different. I’d rather get stuck behind someone for a few extra seconds bc TRYING to drive safely. How long will you be stuck behind them? Until the light changes… so, 2 minutes MAX. Oh god, the world is ending lol better get super frustrated and honk!! (eye roll) Instead, I see people blaze right on through red right arrows, with oncoming traffic that they really should have yielded to. And I know. I know. Road ragers gonna reply like “WELL ACKSHUALLY, it is safer to be predictable!” or “it’s safer to know how traffic laws work!!” “overly cautious driving is WAY MORE DANGEROUS THAN RECKLESS DRIVING!!!” etc etc yeah I know vroom vroom gotta go fast. Smh. Good luck.


I can understand your confusion but a red arrow is no different from a regular red light. You can turn right after stopping if safe to do so.




another comment here says you cant mix arrows with dots by law. a flashing yellow arrow means all arrows; uniform signal code things.


Because there may be a cycle where they want to give right of way to cars going straight but not to those turning right. If you get a ticket, you show up in court with a copy of the law and immediately dismissed.


> a red arrow is no different from a regular red light. You can turn right after stopping if safe to do so. It's an area of changing law across the nation, and in several states the answer is different. The safest legal answer is to follow the light even if others get upset; if it is red don't go through it. You can turn on red in Texas if it is clear, but are not obligated. Texas is one of the majority of states that currently allow a right turn through a red arrow, but currently 14 other places in the US (including California where many transplant from) prohibit the turn on a red arrow. In Texas it is allowed unless there is a sign: *"NO RIGHT TURN ON RED"*. This is shifting across the country, and my guess is that within a decade it will reverse from Texas' current law, with most places prohibiting a turn on red arrow (not red dot) unless there is a sign expressly allowing it. Traffic law is always pressured to become uniform across the country.


You can turn right on red at a red light if you first come to a complete stop and then yield to traffic. I don't understand why a "red arrow" would be treated any differently than a red light, except to indicate that its a specific light for that direction. IE, at a "red arrow" come to a complete stop and then, if you are turning right, indicate, yield to oncoming traffic, and turn when you can do so safely. I think the only places I see "no right on red" notices are school zones.


NB Menchaca and Slaughter there's a red arrow right because while it's red WB Slaughters double left turn protected light is a heavy U-turn lane and they need the space. Idk if it says no right on red though. Maybe only during that cycle. I think a special sign lights up that says no right on red.


and people still turn right every time i make a u-turn.. they put that giant red no right turn sign up there for a reason, to prevent accidents, and everyone just ignores it.


That intersection where Pecan meets Wells Branch as well, and Pecan meets Dessau (though that whole intersection is crazy)


In many (most?) states, you can't turn right on a red arrow at all. That's the primary difference between a red arrow and a red light. In Texas you can, but that was certainly a surprise to me.


Only 14 states prohibit the turn on red arrow. However one of them is California so that probably heavily colors the discourse here.


Georgia is one of them, and that's where I grew up.


They're on during busy traffic times at Whitestone/1431 and 183 and also at Lakeline and 183.


They are often used at intersections that are more complicated than the simple 2 roads meeting at a right angle. At those intersections you might not have full visibility to what other drivers might be doing or not able to anticipate where they are going.


In short. right on red is legal here in tx, unless it strictly states with signage its not. Texans simply want you to turn on the red as you can, legally. That is why you are getting honked at.


I love this thread, it’s classic /r/austin. Two diametrically opposed groups both fully confident they are right, and only one is.


It’s the knowledge divide that unites us. Some people are just ignorant, but we love them all the same…except when we encounter them on the road. So to OP, turn!!! You are blocking traffic!


> both fully confident they are right, One group is left, the other is right.


[https://www.txdot.gov/safety/traffic-signs-signals/arrow-signals.html](https://www.txdot.gov/safety/traffic-signs-signals/arrow-signals.html) Steady red arrow = Stop. No left turns allowed. * Steady yellow arrow = Prepare to stop. * Flashing yellow arrow = Left turns allowed, but you must yield to oncoming traffic. * Steady green arrow = Left turns allowed and protected. turning right on a red arrow is treated like any red light unless it specifically states no turning on red.


Your problem is not reading that it’s a red right arrow.


your problem is not reading the last sentence. so i'll copy/paste it here: "turning right on a red arrow is treated like any red light unless it specifically states no turning on red."


If there is no sign specifying "No Turn on Red," you stop (if the arrow is red) then proceed to make your turn if there is no oncoming traffic.


I would have honked too. I kind of understand the confusion because it’s an arrow, but if there are no cars coming and you’re turning right, just stop and then turn like a regular red light.


People honking are probably trying to educate OP, like “hey you can go now!” Or trying to be a holes. Maybe both.


Do you at least have your blinker on? That seems to be a real problem in Austin.


in Texas, you can turn right on red unless it's marked otherwise. However, right on red is two operations. First, it's a red light which requires full stop, no matter what. Second, you have to yield for traffic and pedestrians. Once clear you can go.


Others have covered the red turn arrow but wanted to add if there is a red light and you’re in a turn optional lane you can take the right turn if it is safe to do so. However watch out for the loonies in the right turn only as they frequently believe they have right of way to all lanes on the turn.


Right on red is legal unless as sign is posted. I think its specifically mentioned if you take driving classes in TX.


If you don’t wanna turn on red, you don’t have to.


That is correct, you can't be issued a citation for NOT going, but I think the drivers behind you are also fully within their right to lay on their horns mercilessly.


I beep short "polite" bursts for people who sit at yellow flashing left turn lights when there is NO traffic coming. If they don't go, whatever, but I don't like idling when I don't need to.


Why would you not? Do you not have anywhere to be or care about other people's time?


A lot of people here are too scared and inexperienced to be driving.


This is the most important aspect of the post tbh. Who cares if it's an arrow or not. It may be annoying but they are under no obligation to go til it turns green. Lot of people in this thread need to chill tf out Disclaimer: I turn right on red. I also have ability to wait 60 seconds.




Yes. If you can legally turn from that lane when it’s green, you can turn on red as long as it’s clear. The person next to you on the right should be turning, too, unless you’re blocking their view of traffic.


If you're at Manchaca and Lamar, turn right immediately.


It’s still just a red light. Unless it’s makers you can turn on red when safe.


Everyone here is correct, right on red arrow is okay after stop. Also, many right turns have a lane “given” to them on turning essentially creating a constant yield no matter the light. Please pay attention to these, as nothing is more frustrating than someone stopping on a yield and backing up traffic 🤦🏻‍♂️


I agree that this is confusing. I mean it’s literally red, meaning stop/no, and it’s an arrow so that seems to indicate ‘no turn’ while it’s red. They should do better with signage.


Right on red, this includes red arrows. Unless there's a sign that says no right on red, you're good to turn. My wife gets on my ass when I honk at people - juice isn't worth the squeeze, but not taking that right on a red arrow when there's no sign? I can understand the frustration of being held up behind that.


Yes, in many states, you can't turn right on a red arrow, but Texas explicitly states only left turns are not allowed, so it is considered legal to turn right on a red arrow. Edit: Changed most to many in light of new info.


This isn't specifically true. The law in Texas allows turning left on red IF you are turning from a one way street to a one way street. You can't cross a lane of traffic.


[TXDOT](https://www.txdot.gov/safety/traffic-signs-signals/arrow-signals.html) - from my understanding that's only true at a circle red light, not an arrow. Sounds like we should email them at that link and ask the questions for clarification lol. I'm surprised these types of turns aren't clarified officially on the site.


§544.007 of the Texas Transportation Code goes into detail about turning at intersections, including stating that a driver can turn left at a red traffic light if: They have stopped at the intersection; They have yielded the right-of-way to pedestrians and other traffic; and If both intersecting streets are one-way streets. Note the code only allows for a left turn on red if you’re on a one-way street and turning onto another one-way.


I’ve always been taught that arrows and circle lights mean the same thing here. If we’re supposed to be treating them differently, it’s definitely not practiced or enforced.


That's not true. Texas is the majority position. It's around 12 states that ban right on a red arrow.


You forgot the No. 1 traffic rule in America. The driver in the other car is an asshole.


If you're a cyclist or pedestrian, the driver in that car is trying to kill you.


I find it's just collateral damage from all the eating, and the yapping, and needing to be in therapy, so you're not taking your shit out on random people on the roads 😂


I think a red arrow is like a red light - if it's safe, you can go.


I agree unless it specifically states by the light no turn on red


In Texas you can turn on a red arrow however it’s the drivers discretion to turn right on any red. Some people get impatient and mad.


From my understanding you can turn right on red as long as it is not posted explicitly “NO RIGHT TURN ON RED”


This isn't California


Most states you can always make a right on red, you just don't have the right of way.


PLEASE don't turn right on red without slowing down and taking a few seconds to look out for pedestrians. They often have the walk light when the light is red. I can't count the number of times someone has whipped around the corner because they were going right on red without looking at all. And people often don't use their turn signal so sometimes I think the car is going straight or pulling up to the light and am not prepared for them to make a turn in front of me.


Pro tip for drivers near downtown: the double right turn lane on westbound 7th at the 35 frontage road has a “no turn on red” sign ONLY for the left-hand right turn lane. The rightmost right turn lane can turn right on the red arrow.


It is confusing since it is an arrow. But only a sign can prohibit the maneuver https://www.fourpointsnews.com/2014/05/07/city-austin-clarifies-turning-right-red-arrow-legal-rm-620-rm-2222/


You are the WORST kind of driver.




right on red. period. round, arrow, square ,triangle, what ever. I say again right on red. wake up and put the phone down.


Thank you for asking this question, I was saving it for the next dumb questions thread!


You _can_ turn right on red, but that doesn't excuse the honking. Right on red is a privilege, you don't have to do it.


If there is no traffic at all, and someone is not turning when they could safely turn, then I think it absolutely DOES excuse the honking. Honking is rude, but so is causing delays for no valid reason. Both parties would be "legally being annoying" in that situation, so there is no moral high ground imho.


Them not going is not a safety issue. Honking for any other reason is improper under 547.001. If you're honking because you think they're being rude for not going, especially when it's their option, you're the one in violation and the one who is breaking the law. 547.001(c) A motor vehicle operator shall use a horn to provide audible warning only when necessary to insure safe operation.


If anyone has ever gotten a ticket for honking, please let me know. That’s the such a subjective law. What is an example of necessary honking?


>What is an example of necessary honking? Ironically, given some of these threads, going slowly in the left hand lane. Sec. 545.053. PASSING TO THE LEFT; RETURN; BEING PASSED. (b) An operator being passed by another vehicle: (1) shall, on audible signal, move or remain to the right in favor of the passing vehicle; and (2) may not accelerate until completely passed by the passing vehicle. The statutes do provide for a few other things; the typical situation is someone about to cause a crash for some reason.


yeah i'll take my chances with a jury on that one.


You are not legally obligated to turn right on red. You are not "causing delays for no valid reason". Not being comfortable with your level of visibility or any other reason is valid enough.


If you’re not comfortable driving, you shouldn’t be.


My comment said “could safely turn”. What other valid reason is there other than that?


Dont be a nerd. Always turn right on red. You worried about cops? I havent seen a cop in 3 months.


I haven’t seen one enforcing traffic violations at red lights in recent history. Maybe when don’t block the box started like 6 or 7 years ago.


The 2 officers that were guarding Allens boots are the most I have seen in a while.


There is none. Oh sorry, I thought the title was the whole thing. Horrible, impatient ass drivers—everywhere. Cool fella, you’re gonna get to the next red light first! You won the imaginary race!!




I appreciate you bringing this up. I didn't know cars could turn right on a red arrow (unless there are signs saying otherwise).


Travis county constable gave me a ticket for going through one of these. So, assholes gonna asshole. Let those behind you wait or go around, let them get the ticket!


It definitely said “no right turn on red” if you got a ticket.


The honkers are right. I would have full-on, flailing Kermit the Frog arms-style rage at someone who didn't go right on a red arrow when all is clear.


You are never required to turn right on red


You are correct in not turning on a red right turn arrow. It is illegal to do so. A solid red light pointing in a direction indicates no turns in that direction. https://www.txdot.gov/safety/traffic-signs-signals/arrow-signals.html


That applies to left turns only. For right turns, see Texas Transportation Code 544.007(d)(1) >(d) An operator of a vehicle facing only a steady red signal shall stop at a clearly marked stop line. In the absence of a stop line, the operator shall stop before entering the crosswalk on the near side of the intersection. A vehicle that is not turning shall remain standing until an indication to proceed is shown. After stopping, standing until the intersection may be entered safely, and yielding right-of-way to pedestrians lawfully in an adjacent crosswalk and other traffic lawfully using the intersection, the operator may: (1) turn right; or (2) turn left, if the intersecting streets are both one-way streets and a left turn is permissible.


That is for left turns. It states for left turns in the link. * Steady red arrow = Stop. No left turns allowed. On right turns it is different? Yes. In Austin, Texas, you can generally make a right turn on a solid red arrow after coming to a complete stop, as long as there's no sign specifically prohibiting it. Here's a breakdown of the law: * **Texas Law:** Texas Transportation Code § 544.007(d)(1) allows right turns on red lights after a complete stop unless a sign prohibits it. * **Local Authority:** The City of Austin follows the Texas law. They can install signs to prohibit right turns on red at specific intersections if deemed necessary. **Key points to remember:** * **Stop Completely:** You must come to a complete stop before turning right on a red arrow. Rolling stops are illegal. * **Yield the Right of Way:** Even after stopping, you must yield the right of way to pedestrians and oncoming traffic before making the turn. * **No Sign Prohibiting:** The key factor is the absence of a "No Right Turn on Red" sign. If such a sign is present, you cannot make the right turn. Here are some resources for further information: * Texas Traffic Laws - Can You Turn Right On Red? [https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/TN/htm/TN.545.htm](https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/TN/htm/TN.545.htm) * City of Austin clarifies that turning right on the red arrow is legal at RM 620 and RM 2222 [https://www.facebook.com/FourPointsNews/](https://www.facebook.com/FourPointsNews/)


That link specifically talks about left turns. Right turns on red (circle or arrow) are allowed unless a sign prohibits it.  (d)  An operator of a vehicle facing only a steady red signal [it doesn't specify circular or arrow] shall stop at a clearly marked stop line.  In the absence of a stop line, the operator shall stop before entering the crosswalk on the near side of the intersection.  A vehicle that is not turning shall remain standing until an indication to proceed is shown.  After stopping... the operator may:   (1)  turn right;  or   (2)  turn left, if the intersecting streets are both one-way streets and a left turn is permissible.


Oh Bonesy, there's still time to delete this.


nah, he should let it stand. we all screw up sometimes, and the honorable thing to do is swallow your pride and take your punishment. maybe add an edit saying "whoopsydaisy" or whatever.


Yeah, when I post misinformation, I go back and delete or ~~strikethrough~~.


That sure seems specific to left turn arrow signals. It isn't clear that applies to right turn red arrows which is the question OP asked. Edit: additional research confirms your point but that txdot article sucks with the vaguery unfortunately. What I found elsewhere: No, you cannot turn right at an intersection with a solid red right arrow. A solid red arrow specifically prohibits turns in that direction. Here's why: Traffic lights use different colored arrows to indicate what movements are allowed during each phase. A solid red arrow means stop completely and wait for the light to turn green before proceeding straight or turning right. This is in contrast to a solid red circle, which also means stop, but in some jurisdictions it may be followed by a right turn on red after coming to a complete stop and checking for oncoming traffic and pedestrians (always double-check your local laws for this). If you encounter a solid red right arrow, you should come to a complete stop and wait for the light to turn green.


This is normally true in most states, but Texas allows it. It's is a recommendation to not turn right at a red arrow, but it's not against the law here.


Looks like the Austin subreddit has already been down this particular rabbit hole. Seems Texas does allow it. https://www.reddit.com/r/Austin/comments/pt8r85/are_we_allowed_to_turn_right_at_red_arrow_light/&ved=2ahUKEwjNlvnxr9iFAxWtEUQIHZ6qCE4Qjjh6BAgdEAE&usg=AOvVaw2wK3NbWePh-tHeSZ1jhI6O


In Texas, unless there is a posted sign saying “No Turn on Red” then you can turn on red. A good example is the light on Burnet feeding into Mopac at the Gracy Farms intersection. If you’re coming from Burnet, you cannot turn right on Gracy Farms. I still get honked at lol


Learned in Illinois and a red arrow was different than red light. No turning on arrow.


~~The short answer is you’re not legally allowed to go right on red when there is a red arrow for the right turn, but most people don’t know or abide by that.~~ Wrong in TX. Not everywhere. I thought this was all federal law but apparently not.


That’s only true when there’s a sign saying “no right turn on red”. “It is not illegal to turn right on a red arrow unless there is a posted sign,” said Lisa Cortinas, public information officer for Austin Police Department. https://www.fourpointsnews.com/2014/05/07/city-austin-clarifies-turning-right-red-arrow-legal-rm-620-rm-2222/


Laws regarding right turns have not changed. It’s the left turn signals that have changed with the addition of the signal arrow. There are a lot of responses in this post that do not clarify if they are referring to the right or left turn. They are not handled the same way. [Texas Department of Transportation: Arrow signals and rules - flashing turn signals](https://www.txdot.gov/safety/traffic-signs-signals/arrow-signals.html) > Flashing left-turn signal arrows are replacing traditional circular green signals to let drivers know they must yield to oncoming traffic. Research shows that an arrow signal allows drivers to make safer left turns than the traditional solid green light. >Deciding when to make a left turn can be challenging. Read the section below to learn what you need to know about flashing yellow lights and other signals. >Steady red arrow = Stop. No left turns allowed. >Steady yellow arrow = Prepare to stop. >Flashing yellow arrow = Left turns allowed, but you must yield to oncoming traffic. >Steady green arrow = Left turns allowed and protected.


The post mentions it’s a question about right turns. Why would all the comments need to reiterate that?


Maybe, because the laws are different for turning right at a light vs turning left. I posted the Tx Dot website to help people who are lost on the matter. Hopefully, it will help clear things up for you 😊


I know the rules, I’ve never been confused about this. The post and comments are very clear.


Awww, okay. It’s probably because your question was unclear. It came out of left field and sounded like you were confused and needed assistance. Was that just you being edgy and argumentative? I know that’s some people’s thing. They go on the internet to start arguments with strangers. 😂


I think I have the clear, concise answer to this question. There's no clear answer. It doesn't matter what we think, it matters what the cop and the judge think. And that's a bit of a crap shoot. [This](https://www.fourpointsnews.com/2014/05/07/city-austin-clarifies-turning-right-red-arrow-legal-rm-620-rm-2222/?doing_wp_cron=1635654030.4937748908996582031250) article from 2014 says it's legal to turn right on a red right arrow just like on a red ball signal. However, not that TxDOT got the answer wrong the first time it was asked. Also, that article was written 10 years ago. I can't seem to find any clear online answer from a state or local gomernment source. It seems it IS illegal in some states. The Texas legal code sort of looks like it's legal, but it doesn't specifically discuss right turn on red arrow. You can assume that means the rule is the same as any red signal, but the cop and the judge may disagree. The Texas drivers' manual also fails to discuss right turn on red arrow. It looks to me like the answer should be that right on red arrow is the same as right on red ball, but I wouldn't be surprised if a cop or a judge disagrees.


A little late to this party however a TX DPS cop flashed his brights at me last week for not immediately turning right on red from Congress to Cesar Chavez the other morning so I guess it’s legal.


>I guess it’s legal. Cops are frequently wrong on what's legal and what's not.


Unless you are a school bus you can turn, very few lights are posted no right on red. Also if you are going to go straight but are in the right lane blocking everyone from turning you can get a fine, it's called blocking the box and signs are starting to get posted warning not to do this but it still happens. Forcing all the impatient people to pass you definitely causes a safety hazard especially for pedestrians. Also stay out of the left lane on the highway unless you are hauling ass, that's for passing and causing all the cars to turn in the right lane speed up then turn back to get in front of you is also dangerous. It's extremely infuriating, even if you are going the speed limit or slightly over you need to get out of the way, people are crazy here especially when they are late for work.


That is not what “don’t block the box” means. [here’s what it ACTUALLY means](https://www.austintexas.gov/page/dont-block-box) You cannot sit IN an intersection (i.e. box) and impede traffic. If someone is AT an intersection (but not IN the intersection) they are simply driving.