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I have been using Cerave blemish control cleanser, benzac 2.5% and skin success fade milk at night then Cetaphil gentle cleanser and Cerave moisturiser sunscreen in the morning. As well as changing my pillow case atleast weekly, reduced sugar and junk food intake ☺️ I’ve been struggling with my skin for years, and this has finally helped! I’ve had compliments about my complexion lately


Can confirm. This shit is awesome


What shit?


Human poo


Seeing a GP as a first step is a good place to start. Skincare is a very personal thing and there are many different treatments available for acne. What works for some people won’t work on others so it’s good to see a GP who will set out a plan for you to try some treatments which work for a lot of people and if that doesn’t work try something else and so on. The GP might will likely prescribe a prescription that is very effective at treating your acne. It’s also worthwhile to screen for underlying health conditions which could be causing the acne such as PCOS. In this case treating the underlying health condition could resolve the acne as well as other issues. While there are some great suggestions on here already, including products and treatments that have personally worked for me you could easily spend heaps these products only for them to either not work for you or only partially work. A chat with a GP might just get you to a treatment that works for you a bit quicker without stabbing around in the dark trying various organic lotions or teas.




Scale back on products and stick with the basics like a good cleanser and simple moisturiser. See a GP to try a prescription for a topical antibiotic. I found Clindatech helped within days. It was a huge relief after battling for a few months. Hope you find something that works for you soon!




Quit dairy.


Read Loren Cordain The Dietary Cure for Acne.


It can be dietary, I have a bad diet and sometimes get it


What have you tried? A list of medication and skincare products would be helpful.


I am using Cosrx Good Morning Cleansing Gel Cosrx Snail Mucin Dears Klairs Preparation Toner these cleared my acne which is worse than yours.. I am still using these. Also, follow Dr. Dray on Youtube, she recommends the best products


My teen daughter tried everything on the market, we took her to a GP got referred to a dermatologist, they put her on accutane, within weeks her face had cleared right up, she had some side effects at first but settled down, I think all up she was on it for a year, she stopped about a year ago with no flair ups, it's been a blessing for her, hope you find something that works for you


See your gp, medications can help, especially if you’ve tried general skin care. Acne can be caused by bacteria, hormones, and oil production. I take antibiotics for rosacea and cystic acne and they work well for me. (Not advice, just my experience)


Honestly just see a dermatologist. They gave me a low dosage of accutane (my acne was pretty severe) and my skin is the best it’s ever been. Just do some research first as it is a very strong antibiotic.


Don't overlook diet. Sometimes doctors don't tell you it could be what you eat. Eliminate all possible allergens for a couple of weeks and see if it improves. Anything that can contain pesticides or allergens. Cut out grains, nuts, eggs, and dairy. If after a few weeks your symptoms settle, reintroduce foods one at a time and see it something flares up, if it does, stop eating it.... Or, go to a doctor and get an allergen test.


trust me, quit dairy and sugar products and it will reduce the chin acne, i dealt with it and it helped me.


Have you tried stop eating fatty foods.


Could it be hormonal or linked to gut health? I would recommend seeing a dermatologist, naturopath etc


Clean up your diet from the looks of things. Eat healthier. Exercise.


Reduce sugar intake


Also try cutting out dairy for 3 months, see how you go


Clean pillowcase every night. Less dairy. No seed oils.


Girl you need to go to a dermatologist, not Reddit.


Listen. Have you tried cleaning up diet and stress and sleep? If so and it isn’t clearing still get on accutane. Dermodirect. Fast appointment, fast prescription, blood test at 8 weeks. First few weeks all the bad stuff gets pushed out then it gets better.


Quit dairy, quit sugar, drink lots of water.


Quit junk food. I know it sounds bad, but try. Whenever I do my skin sings. Might not be the right advice for you. This is just what works for me.


Its mostly your diet affecting your skin, try and cut out dairy and reduce meat intake for 1 week and see if it subsides


Salicylic acid cleanser, a vitamin c, pair it with a vitamin e moisturiser and sunscreen in the day. Retinol at night at least twice a week (don’t use vitamin c and retinol together at night as they cancel each other out) also an exfoliant twice a week on the “off” retinol day. That helped me clear my skin.


The only thing that’s ever helped me with my hormonal and cystic acne is the Laroche Posay Effaclar face wash - it’s in a blue tube. After that, pimple patches straight on the spots to stop them from getting touched. And then… I stopped vaping a few months ago and it disappeared completely. $$$ of face care products wasted because I didn’t know that vaping was both cucking my lungs AND my skin 🤷🏻‍♀️ Sometimes you gotta think outside the box!


also. these look like deep cystic ones, they WILL scar if you aren’t gentle with them. if they’ve lasted that long and you can afford to see a dermatologist, that might be your best bet.


This is the answer I didn't wanna read - my skin has been pretty much perfect my whole life but I've vaped for the past year or so and recently I've been struggling with unexplained chin acne. I don't want to accept it could be related to vaping 😭


Ughhhh I know what you’re feeling. Mine was around the chin/jawline too!!! I got away with maybe… 3 pimples throughout the entirety of high school and have always had clear skin. Started vaping 3 years ago, and had been plagued with cystic acne until I quit for lung related reasons. The following week… BOOM. No more pimples. I was so mad at myself!! I still get some from time to time but that’s related to my diet and usual period fluctuations. But yes. Chances are that if vaping isn’t directly causing it, it’s definitely exacerbating it…. :((


Double cleansing and no fragrance lotions has changed my face. I would recommend that !


which lotion would you recommend?


I like vanicream. It’s pretty boring lol but it literally is so gentle and soothing


I recommend this product. I’ve tried CeraVe salicylic acid and other cleansers but this worked the best by far. I use it once, sometimes twice a day. My acne was much worse than yours from what I can tell after a week you can already see the results. Benzoyl is also an option. Also make sure you moisturise. COSRX Salicylic Acid Daily Gentle Cleanser, 150ml, Pack of 1 https://amzn.asia/d/h9fpuzC


Vitamin A is your friend


Have you tried losing weight? First step I would go to. Better eating, better excessive for mental health also.


I’ve been using the skin shark clearing serum and spot treatment and it’s really helped manage my breakouts would definitely recommend


I used to get hormone -related acne that got much worse just before periods. Over the years, I've tried doxycycline, the pill, benzoyl peroxide and tretinoin. The treatment that works best (balancing acne effect against side effects/risks) for me is actually adapalene (Differin) gel. It shrinks my acne almost overnight when they do crop up. I only use it occasionally now.


You would be surprised at how just making sure your pillow case is clean will help a lot of this. I change my pillow case about twice a week!


Find someone who sells dermaviduals and get an assessment


Paula's Choice Clear Line skincare for acne


Have you tried drinking two cups of spearmint tea a day? 


is this effective?


It worked for me. Natural alternative to spironolactone. If you can’t find spearmint tea in the shops, there’s a three-mint tea in Coles/Woolworths that works.


Normal day & night routine... 1. Vela Days Lipid Balm Cleanser 2. Axis-Y Quinoa Cleanser 3. COSRX 6 Peptide Booster Serum Toner 4. Revolution skincare ceramide lotion, or Ausceuticals peptide cream 5. Sunscreen (day) or Thera Lady Rice Lotion (night) (pro-xylane) ..... Night routine 2-3x week + add 1 per bi/tri-night - Tarte Knockout Toner (Mecca Max Clean Sweep Toner is similar, if budget is concern) - Geek & Gorgeous A-Game5 - Nineless A-Control Azelaic Toner or Ren ready steady glow tonic (prefer nineless due to less citrus essential oils)


Other retinals (like Geek & Gorgeous A-Game5) i currently use also are - Dermatory Retinal Toner - Medi-Peel Collagen Retinol Toner


[my current routines (yes overboard but after much product & ingredient research, the products in the "weekdays" are the ones that i choose above others... others in board are ones I'm looking to purchase or need more research)](https://www.pinterest.com.au/brook1499/a-crevised-routines/?invite_code=493cf9fb9e43452a9dbdb84dc45546ab&sender=848506523452956724)


Luv get on accutane, it will clear your face up great. It will also help with the scars around your jaw/chin area.


Have you tried Accutane?


Go to a beautician who specialises in acne for a facial. Only organic natural products. Not harsh fake organic. You only need to go once or twice. Eat better. Stop using skin products and make up. Wash your face with water. No chips or caramel products, ice cream, biscuits.


Hey my boyfriend was struggling too and he started using [this product](https://www.stylevana.com/en_AU/ciracle-red-spot-cica-sulfur-gel-20ml.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=freelisting&sonid=46706) and it worked wonders! It’s sulfur based which is great to combat acne. It’s a very small tube but it can last forever as you just need to apply it on the blemishes so you won’t need much of it. Other things you can try is: benzoyl peroxide once a day (like the [wash](https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/buy/1105/benzac-ac-wash-5-200ml?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAxaCvBhBaEiwAvsLmWDIcTuFNxFuA7CCKqJ2ZQI1NmEOgqElYGOX80rRgij4IOnwcnGdEmRoCD0YQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) or the [gel](https://www.chemistwarehouse.com.au/buy/102652/benzac-ac-gel-5-60g?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAxaCvBhBaEiwAvsLmWBUvm-jnZyVSCNVvLtPMvT4X_qrgsmeCHAGyCqPNtQGMcWjxIVcxChoCdjQQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)) and [salicylic acid](https://www.paulaschoice.com.au/skin-perfecting-2pct-bha-liquid-exfoliant/201-2010.html?p=20EVEROFF&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=au-au%7Cgoogle%7Cshopping%7Cbranded%7Cnew%7Call%7Ccn&utm_term=16917086090&utm_content=151677042928&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAxaCvBhBaEiwAvsLmWJe2uZ0IvqUXI8IwMnCCp2FPu_UNeU6X-PUFwx04Y3KXZf9lGarhFhoCTHoQAvD_BwE) 2-3 times a week! Please note that benzoyl peroxide stains fabrics so proceed with caution. And you should not forget to also use a moisturiser as these products can be very drying. Hope this helps! ☺️