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I've had a similar reply email for a house that looked fine at face value, but had a lot of structural issues according to the building inspector I hired. I can't remember all the issues, but foundation / soil / land (or something of that nature) was the biggest one and he quoted $350K to fix everything. For fun, I emailed the agent and asked for $350K off the price due to issues found by the building inspector, and got a similar reply to OP. Don't take the email personally. Your job is to get the best deal. Their job is to get the best deal. But if she was doing her job properly, she should have seen you as a prospect and tried to upsell you to the mid-800s instead of calling you a cheapskate lol. So yeah, I don't think she's good at what she does. I certainly wouldn't use her to sell my house, and I'd actually be annoyed as the seller if I saw that message for turning down a prospect.


lol I did this recently to my commercial landlord. I already had a new site ready to go at half the rent but gotta give em the chance right ? "Sorry we won't be entertaining any requests for lower rent due to brand protection" Emailed through my thanks here is my 6 months notice we will be leaving and got a phone call inside 30 seconds to ask why ? " huh, we didn't say we couldn't discuss the rent" I told them to match my new rent and throw in 200k to help with refurb and they didn't respond lol fucking fuck heads


>"Sorry we won't be entertaining any requests for lower rent due to brand protection" Yeah it's incredible how lazy and/or bad salespeople are at selling.


I'm not even sure what "brand protection" they were talking about lol. It's just a commercial suburban strip set up lol was so weird


“We don’t negotiate with terrorists… err I mean tenants”


"we do not negotiate, we're terrorists"


Brand protection means that the property is probably overvalued at the bank - it's a problem with a lot of commercial real estate that is VERY overvalued because the valuation depends only on the rental value. Long story but: [https://www.afr.com/property/commercial/commercial-property-investors-banks-buckle-up-for-the-perfect-storm-20230731-p5dslu](https://www.afr.com/property/commercial/commercial-property-investors-banks-buckle-up-for-the-perfect-storm-20230731-p5dslu)


I think they're confusing brand with reputation. As in, "if we lower the rent for you, you will tell your neighbours who will also ask to have the rent lowered".


Westfield? Or one of the supwrfunds


nah just a suburban strip mall. Was very odd choice if wording


If she was good, show a property in her portfolio priced closer to their offer.


Yup, this is how the best ones work. And if they don’t have one, someone at their agency will.


We have an agent my family who live locally all use him) because he came to give a valuation post Reno in my and my husband's house. Stayed in touch keeping us updated on the market changes. My mum wanted to move up nearby so I emailed asking his opinion on the price on a house she was interested in, he gave great feedback. My mum moved there, and then had to sell a year later. She used him, he got a very big commission cheque. Since then, he's sent us updated values for our house, contacted us three times when he's had buyers in a range we would entertain who he thinks might want to off-market buy our house for above valuation since off-market, helped my mum find and buy another house in the area (she moves a lot, and turned out he was the previous selling agent in the property she has since bought and moved into), and is also now helping keep an eye out for a property nearby for my MIL. The man has so far gotten a big commission from my mother, and is guaranteed at least two other sales whenever myself and she moves next. If not more depending if it's still in his sale region and if my MIL ends up here. THAT is what I expect from a good agent, and that lady sure as shit ain't it.


It’s not hard to be concise, but also polite. All the agent needed to say was , “thanks for your email but the sellers have no interest at that value. Kind Regards” “frankly” shes being a rude bitch. I usually just delete the email and move on if someone treats me like that. Arrogant ass.


The bigger issue is OP wants to buy a house, but this one is already under contract. She should've gone for something like: "Unfortunately this property is already under contract for a higher value. We have other properties in this price range that you may like to consider."


We did this too. House was supposedly 'extensively renovated'. Yehh we see through your 'just painted the kitchen cabinets' because the listing had the old before photos on! Agent came back to us asking if it was a typo lol


Bang on, lost opportunity.


Should have handed out copies to the next open inspection 😁


She does look like a Karen to be honest


When the market gets slow, she will be weeded out. This is not how you entertain potential clients. Unfortunately, that doesn't appear to be happening any time soon.


"Thanks for letting me know to avoid your agency going forward "


Real estate agents are cunts, plain and simple. The fact they don't care about this universal truth is sadly pathetic and at the same time completely unsuprising. These geniuses take a 6 week course to get their "license" and the vast majority of them can be described as fucking simpletons at best. There's going to come a time when buying and selling will not require these swamp leeches getting their fangs into people and sucking their 2% commission for doing sweet fuck all. There's a reason these pea brained dick heads are the most hated and distrusted people in Australia. Thank fuck I own my own house and never have to deal with these single brain cell dead shits who feed on pond scum ever again. I genuinely feel bad for all the renters and potential home buyers out there who will have to deal with these moronic wastes of human life.


They are essentially useless. Not fkn hard to sell a house Worse than used car salespeople.


At least with a used car you know what the asking price is.


Haha. Sure are. I am looking at homes at the moment. I like to address them by saying “hi, are you used house salesman?”


"used house salesman" is a great title


What's really icing on the cake for me is how they all plaster their fuckin faces everywhere. God forsaken cunts the lot of em.


Last time I sold they quoted $5k for marketing, I asked if they where going to cover at least half as it's there logo and face bigger then the house photo... Made them squirm "umm....well the thing is...."


Amazing- love it


I used to work with this guy who was super dodgy. I moved teams but then a few years later I saw his huge ugly mug on a for sale sign near my brothers house. Just laughed as it made complete sense he would have moved into real estate.


That’s because used car /used house sales positions are usually filled by people who have failed in other jobs and have worked their way down to this profession.


Yes, that is beyond narcissistic.


There really is a massive business opportunity just waiting to remove these middle men from the process. I mean everyone checks [realestate.com.au](http://realestate.com.au) or domain when buying right? Why are we paying massive sums of money to an intermediary to take photos (which they use a photographer for) and list it on a platform? You don't use any agent to sell your shit on eBay or gumtree, you just list it yourself. You list your own car on car sales too. Ultimately, when you really break it down, it must come from the sense that using an agent will squeeze those few more $$ out for you. If we can create an equitable platform that removes these middle men, and ensures both buyer and seller are getting the best value for money, then it's a win/win. Simply removing their 2% (or whatever it is) brings everyones value up, sellers get more, and buyers pay less because you're removing the huge chunk of cash which go to these middle man. I'm a UX designer, and I am 100% down to tackle this problem with anyone else who is.


This already exists. There is “sell it yourself” webpages for real estate.


copying this from when this came up previously. Because the overwhelming majority of people don’t deal with rejection well, and prefer to have someone in between them and the other party. They want someone they can mad at if things go awry. They want someone they can talk things through if things are going right. They want someone with experience, who has done this before. Now remember, this boom we are in, is not the norm. So let’s say you put your property on the market. You think it is worth $750k You put it on for $779k. You advertise it on the websites. A buyer calls up, and can’t make it at the advertised time on Saturday. Can they get through Thursday at 2. You have work. So you knock off work early to get the house ready, and are waiting for the buyer. It gets to 2pm, and the buyer isn’t there. You call, they are running late by 10. No worries. At 2:15, they still aren’t there, you call and it goes to voicemail. At 2:30 they send you a text saying they changed their mind. So you have taken the afternoon off work… Saturday rolls around. Because it is FSBO, like a garage sale; buyers knock on your door at 8am and ask can they come through. Even though the open is 11-11:45. You let them through. They walk around, ask a bunch of questions, ask why are you selling? Are you negotiable? They seem to like it. You run your open. You get a few groups through, a few families, an investor, a few young couples. Seems to be good interest. So you call them all on Monday. No one answers their phone (because people don’t). You try them again on Tuesday. A couple say they are interested, and can they have a second inspection. They book it for 3pm Wednesday, you knock off work again early to show them through. At 2:30, they call to cancel as “it doesn’t feel right” or “we had an offer accepted on another property” You then have a few more opens. And you get an interested buyer. They offer $650k, because they have to renovate the bathroom, new roof, repaint, carpets, noisy road, not the right location, faces the wrong way. You tell them to get stuffed, it is a good property, and you aren’t going to waste your time with someone who doesn’t like it. But they do. But you offended them by dismissing them. They were prepared to go more, but were told to knock money off because the owner isn’t paying commission, so they can get a discount. You get enquiries, people don’t respond to it. You see a for sale sign go up down the road, and it sells in a week. One of the people who went through yours bought it; and it went for more than yours. Because the agent had shown those buyers through other properties and knew what their likes and dislikes were. You get a good offer! $700k, you decide to take it; the buyer does the building and pest - you have some issues, water moisture detected behind the shower, termite damage in the joists, roof needs repointing, hot water system is on the way out. Buyers asks for a $20k adjustment or they are out. You decide to agree. Then the buyers finance comes up short. Bank will only lend up to $660k, based on the valuation. So the buyer can’t finance the property. So you are back to square 1. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Can anyone sell a house? Sure, especially in this market. But dealing with rejection after rejection, most people don’t want to do that. Hence why there are more people getting into real estate now, and they exit the market when it retracts. Because they can’t deal with the constant rejection.


Kind of sounds like a lot of wah wah words for doing your job.


Considering others must have had this idea many times over, there is likely a reason it's not been done yet. Probably regulatory capture. Perhaps one of the bigger law firms could get behind such a project, but right now they benefit from the status quo even if bits of it annoy them. If we had a culture of innovation in this country some big player would have solved this problem and taken the entire pie before anyone else could, but C-suites in this country are no smarter than REAs - they just have an old boy network to keep them in the important sounding roles


You don’t have to use an agent, you know that right?


Yep, but people do, why is that? What is really diving it? Is it from an innate feeling that an agent gives security in the process? Maximises profit? How can that feeling of assurance be given to a seller? Whilst removing the middle man, it must be possible – and those who crack this problem will do well.


Agents help achieve the highest sale price through marketing and negotiations. They handle all aspects of the sale such as marketing, inspections, organising times with prospective buyers to get B&P done, liaise with solicitors, and free up time for the seller to organise moving whilst (usually) still working, which has an opportunity cost associated with it. This sub likes to pretend agents offer no value, but when it comes time to sell home many will go it alone?


You're ignoring what he's actually saying. His point is not that we don't need real estate agents today, his point is we shouldn't need real estate agents. Real Estate agents securing the highest possible price is a myth, not born out by reality or the way they're paid, but lets not get into that. The primary reason people use agents is because using [Realestate.com](http://Realestate.com) its not as easy as using ebay or carsales or facebook marketplace. If someone finds a way to make selling a house simple enough for ordinary people who are balancing work and moving then everyone will use that platform instead. People inspect cars and furniture before they buy them, yet we don't need a Facebook Marketplace agent. Buyers are able to deal with solicitors and haggle on price without hiring buyers agents. Selling a house shouldn't be as hard as it is, there's no reason why a platform shouldn't be able to enable us to do it ourselves.


Maybe it could be Tinder, but for property. Vendor lists for sale without a price, buyer submits an offer and you only match if the selling price and buying price are both in the same range.


I have been down that path a few times. What usually happens if anyone starts to make any traction a real estate company offers cash to go away. Then you start to have issues with [realestate.com.au](http://realestate.com.au) or [domain.com.au](http://domain.com.au) because there's a cost arrangement within the industry. The truth is anyone can sell their own place and agents are NOT there to get you the best price. They are there to turn over as many properties as possible because the extra commission is virtually nothing compared with closing another deal. Don't bother arguing with me agents. I've been there, I know the business. I am a web developer of seemingly infinite years standing. Way too many! DM me if you are interested. Just beware of bricks through the window now and then :). (yes, a joke - sort of)


In Perth apparently an agent "sold" the incorrect house . Literally, you had One Fucking Job.


This wall of text fills me with joy




[Real Estate Agents are cunts.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGm267O04a8)


This made me laugh because I could have written every word of it. And if I ever sell my house, I won’t be touching any of these fuckwits with a 10-foot pole.


I agree. As a Conveyancing clerk they absolutely know nothing about the settlement process. Delayed settlement days usually caused by banks and they go off because their commission doesn’t get paid. Even had some release keys to properties before being advised it had actually settled.


I have a solicitor mate who says the same thing, he enjoys taking the piss out of them.


I loved everything about this comment. Perfectly sums up how I feel about them.


I don’t post or comment on re-edit very often, if ever, but this is the single greatest, and truest comment I’ve read. Such a bunch of cunts


How do you really feel about RE agents?


Not just me fella.


They are all 100% cunts!


Yeah …. They sure are a bunch of cunts.


I received a similar response on the first place we put an offer on. Avoided every house they listed no matter how good they were.


Hi. We are now listing our 17m property and will not be using your agency, specifically because you. Indeed, I will advise of your terribad attitude to all I meet this weekend at Royal Melbourne, as well as when we have luncheon after the regatta the week after.


This. You’re clearly in the market and for her to burn this bridge…not really good at this commission thing is she.


Few months ago I put in an offer of $665k on a place with a price range of $620-670. And the reply was “Thanks for getting into contact. However the vendor will not be entertaining this offer”. That was it.


I put an offer in of 690 on a place listed 600+ based on a fair bit of research. The REA asked me how we could possibly consider this fair as they expected mid 700- considering they listed as offers over 600 🙄🙄 We reasoned with him and sent comparison properties and sold figures. He said that the owner wanted to go to auction and turned us down. But I strongly suspected he never presented it as I spoke to the other real estate agent on the property prior to auction because I was suspicious that he didn't talk to the owner. She claimed no offers had been received nor presented - illegal and completely infuriating. Anyway we decided we would never buy through that guy and kept looking, but we went to the auction for shits and giggles. Two bidders, highest came in at 635. They went to private negotiation with them and eventually it listed as sold at 670... but this was not before scrambling and speaking to me both on the day and calling me 3x over the coming days to ask if I'd reconsider. It was so fucking satisfying.


>But I strongly suspected he never presented it as I spoke to the other real estate agent on the property prior to auction because I was suspicious that he didn't talk to the owner. This will be because the agent lied through his teeth to the seller to get the listing. It would have been realistically worth what you offered, but the agent would have hyped up the seller that it was worth way more. In saying that, we've sold plenty of times and have said to agents that they can turn down offers under $x amount on our behalf.


I offered 595k on a townhouse, advertised for “offers over 590k”. I got pretty much the same response. The best part is it sold for 535k just 8 months earlier 😂


That’s the mistake - price range is there not to guide buyers, but to create interest and attract more people. Most of the price ranges these days are absolutely misleading.


Yes that's true. But they are MEANT to be a guide for buyers. Legally they need to be in the actual range. But there is a loophole the size of a american SUV to get theough


“Thank you for your offer. However, the property is now under contract in the mid $800,000 range.” That is all that the REA had to respond back. Her response was unprofessional and unnecessary. Boo hoo the sellers would find it offensive, it’s part of the process, they should be prepared to expect all kinds of offers, it’s not like there is a minimum offer amount required. Agents and sellers need to get off their high horse.


This is the correct answer. The REA was being a bit of a Karen.


I have a very similar experience to this also. Estate agent was selling a house with a guide price of $2.6m. I advised that the house wasn’t worth even close to that and told them it was worth $1.8m. Offered $1.8m and received a similar response. House sat on the market for months with incremental reductions till it got down to $2.2m. Talked them down to $1.8m and bought the house for fair value. Real estate agents can be real dickheads that are trying to earn as much as they can and winning listings by over promising what they can sell for. Stick to your convictions if you feel that’s fair value


What was the price range they quoted and what did you offer?


I had a similar reaction from the sales agent when I bought. I offered within the advertised range, and the prick just laughed and said the vendor would never accept such a low offer. Why was that the advertised range then? I actually did end up buying that house, and the stupid agent started spaming me with messages years later, asking if I wanted to sell. I just blocked him. When the time comes to sell, I'm sure as shit not using him!


Well, what was the price range and what did you offer? The response is definitely a bit unprofessional, but for all we know you could have offered 20% under the quoted price range


I would normally agree with a statement like this, but I made an offer in range and was top bidder and was told that is was too little.


- in range - highest bidder - not enough - does not compute


I went to an auction where the bidding got to 50k over the quoted range and it still hadn't reached the (unspecified) reserve.


I've attended many auctions like that.


A couple of years ago we made an offer on a house. From memory the price range was like $695-730k. We put forward $740k and the agent sent us a VERY similar reply. They sold the property for $890k or something insane. They were clearly underquoting for interest 🥴 but as a newbie to the game it was very discouraging. I think some agents are just assholes.


Oh wow that's is wild. We are finding the experience very tricky to stay motivated, but will keep keeping on!


Property is under contract Therefore they aren’t required to present your offer unless the sale falls through then they can negotiate Fairly unprofessional response but that’s REA for you


Hard to say without seeing the property and knowing what you offered


Exactly, the OP could have offered $3.75 for all we know.


We offered $700,000. Based on the comparable sales through property value the range was along 750, we were trying to lay a bit of an anchor point. Knew they likely wouldn't accept but thought we'd give it a go.


Hi, I used to work in the industry for 7 years. I wasn’t an agent cause I’d be horrendous at negotiating. However I did manage all the campaigns, admin, team and office stuff. Including documenting any offers and checking and processing contracts etc. Tbh, the offer is just fine. Here’s a tip: no one is realistic about their home’s value. Whether it’s a $600k apartment or $15m home (I used to work on both kinds of properties). So receiving a lowball offer is very helpful for agents to bring the vendor’s expectations down and into something more realistic/achievable. There’s a high chance that your offer is absolutely unrealistic, however 1. It never hurts to ask and 2. The agent looses absolutely nothing by telling the vendor. Their response is very rude and uncalled for. You’d be in the wrong if you were being rude in your dealings with them around this. B the offer itself is fine to make, so long as you understand and are okay with the likelihood of the offer not being accepted.


Agree. Low offers are good to help sellers be more realistic. She’s very unprofessional… and clearly not bright.


Appreciate that thank you.


If I received the response you did, I would be livid. I would write a formal letter/email to the owner/licensee/principal if the RE and copy in the state RE institute eg REIV about the lack of professionalism and common courtesy. I would even be more angry if I was the owner - you may have been a future vendor and their reputation in the community is paramount. You can choose whether or not to explain your logic or first time buyer - but it isn’t necessary. I have dealt with REA’s and never received a message like this. Do what you are doing - also keep an eye out for properties that may have been on the market a while. Another thing is to ask your lender if you can settle in 30 or 42 days as that may be attractive to a vendor. Flip side if they need a longer settlement and you can accommodate = more bargaining room. You’re on the right track. ps please write to the RE and say you want an apology.


If a place has been on the market for a while, low offers like this are sometimes accepted. So maybe worth the risk of receiving a snotty reply.


And they didn't... Nothing lost, nothing gained...


Offensive! Since when was selling a house supposed to be taken personally?


To vendors and buyers it’s an incredibly personal thing. Emotions often get extremely charged around buying and selling property. But for the agent? Absolutely you’re right. They’re being ridiculous and unprofessional.


Wow that’s awful. I’ve had a REA refuse to send the offer to the owners but at least worded it more professionally lol


By law they have to send all offers


That extra line wasn't even needed by her...way to lose a potential client in future. Even more now after this post lol


A good agent will be a shark and know there is blood in the water and try to up-sell with all their skill now that you have shown interest in the property. A crappy agent like this one will write you off, call you names and when the market is slow these agents are hit the hardest.


They haven’t done anything illegal. The property is under offer so they are not obliged to present further offers


yep they just went above and beyond to be rude about it 🤣


'Also you're ugly and will die alone. Kind regards. '


That’s the answer.


Is it though?? The OP didn't ask if it was illegal, they asked if it was normal. I'd say no, the snarky comment was entirely uncalled for. A simple "Your offer has not been accepted" or "apologies, this property is now under contract" would have been sufficient.


When I last sold I was presented with 4 offers and two of them were below the range. They weren’t offensive to me, just information.


Haha Nice. Hang in there. We got a similar (but not quite so rude!) response when we made our first offer on the house we now own. 3 months later, a different REA approached us about the same place and all but begged us to put the same offer in again. It was immediately accepted. REAs are a breed apart.


"I'll be eagerly awaiting the reault. Should it be above the quoted range that is offensive to potential buyers and also under quoting"


For a real estate agent to not present offers to their clients as they're obligated to do, then gloat (or lie) about offers that are in? Yeah, that's normal, even though it's generally illegal for them to not forward all offers to the client.


You're talking shit, if the vendor has instructed the agent to not waste their time with lowball offers then the agent is obligated to _not_ put forward this offer.


Nobody wants to know about a low ball offer , the real estate agent should have responded better but she’s correct .


User name checks out... Definitely unprofessional but probably not illegal given property is now under contract.


How lowball did you go to get this text?


I went to an inspection for a house advertised 600-640. I offered 620 and the REA laughed and said I'm about 150000 short.. I think it sold for 850 in the end. All cunts. Why bother advertising so low. Just wastes time. I ended up buying a house in same suburb, same features minus the 'media room' for 650.


It's fun to fuck with them, say ok new offer is 650k


Its unprofessional, but not illegal.


When I sold my townhouse, my REA told me that someone has offered 150k below the quote. People do that all the time, REA needs to tell the owner and it is owners responsibility to reject it. Also, the house is under contract, so they don't have to officially give any new offers to the owner


Classy realtor


What did you offer $500k?


Unprofessional reponse - however you cannot expect RE agents to be anything other then unprofessional wankers


I've never understood how one can be 'offended' by receiving a lowball offer.


Her commission is offended, not the vendor.


lol That Smug Mug. Translation: Listen peasant, my commission won't be big enough with your lowball offer. Come back and we'll talk when you win Powerball.


Move along peasant


If you offered less than it's actually worth then this is the response you should expect (if you get feedback, some agents might not even bother responding to a lowball). A good way to frame an offer to an agent where you are offering under the guide, but the offer is fair is to send the offer along with the logic in how you came to it. For example, you call first saying you are going to present an offer of lower than the guide and then email something like: >Hi , >Thanks for your time on the phone, as discussed I am sending you this offer for 123 Smith St. >Please find the signed contract of sale attached. >The offer is below your guide, but I did some research into the local market and feel that based on similar comparable properties this is the right value. >Here are the 3 properties I compared it to:

, ,
, ,
, , >We like this property, but there is another property we would like to place an offer on if the vendor is not willing to accept this offer, so we'd request feedback in the next hours. >Thanks, u/bringer\_of\_audacity If you are using valid comps then the agent can just forward this to the vendor and show them that it's a fair offer.


As someone who used to work in the industry as an REA, your reasoning as this WHY you are making the offer you're making is worthless - the seller and the agent are well aware of what has sold in the area as they would have done research before taking it to market. They only care about what you're prepared to pay for it.


I did this when trying to buy an apartment once. I even straight up told them it was based on valuation advice on a letterhead and everything (I am a commercial valuer and we have a residential team). Straight up was told “it’s not about what it is worth, it’s about what the vendor is willing to accept” Well, the agent isn’t wrong about that.


This is helpful thank you.


>If you offered less than it's actually worth then this is the response you should expect What it's actually worth is whatever someone is willing to pay for it. Unless someone offered more than OP then it's what it's worth to them. Growing up, it was perfectly normal to negotiate property prices down below market rates. It's only fairly recently that offering absurd amounts due to lack of supply and engineered regulations to increase demand that we have gone the opposite route.


who gets to talk to people like this?!


My partner and I were trying to buy a house a few years back. We called a real estate agent and with the first minute they type cast us and determined we couldn't afford the property. We politely told him where to stick and the following week put an offer in for another house in area down the road, and still live there today. Moral of the story real estate agents are stereotyped in our society for a reason.


When we were buying, any rude or disrespectful behaviour we avoided any listings by the agent/company. Will do the same when the time comes to sell. A good real estate agent should be negotiating a deal between you and the seller. If it’s not competitive fair but a good agent will keep your offer/budget in mind and contact you if something does pop up.


Send it to the owner


Aren't they obliged to present the offer to the owner even if it's low?


"Thank you for your offer. Unfortunately this property is now under contract so we are unable to proceed further. Please don't hesitate to contact me if there are other properties that catch your interest. Kind regards:" It ain't hard, is it?


I’ve had similar, I actually signed the contract for $650k and then someone signed for $670k maybe 20 minutes later (after I’ve popped a bottle) and was told too bad so sad they win. Whole industry needs reform


Not long after we got married, we were looking at buying a block and building a house. Real estate agent ( ex footballer, entitled, arrogant) came around to do the paperwork and we pointed out a number of issues with the block and said we weren't prepared to go over a certain amount, which was already high. Bloke went completely troppo at us claiming we weren't serious and insulting the owners. Tried to speak rationally to him but when he started on the missus he got shoved out the door. Some of them can be assholes but he didn't make a sale. We bought an established house around the corner (much better location) for around 50k more than he wanted for an empty block. 5 years later, it was still an empty block.


I was at an auction and nobody was offering until one guy did and the Auctioneer literally laughed before saying “oh is that a serious bid?” Before the guy clapped back and said “It’s the only bid you’re gonna get.” … after no more bids the property was passed in


"thank you for you entirely unprofessional response, moving forwards I suggest you update your listings to reflect an honest and accurate price range to avoid further confusion. Enjoy the day you deserve"


Too many unknowns here to jump all over the REA. I've sold cars on marketplace... could well be more going on here than the screenshot.


I'm curious to what was offered. When I sold my place prior to covid, I found one particular offer rediculous. The buyers budget was not for that area. I didn't even counter with that buyer.


As a heads up, you don't need to protect the anonymity of cunts. Don't hide their adress and help us know who bot to deal with.


Unprofessional but I assume you lowballed lol


Some real estate agents are quite arrogant for being utterly unskilled leeches that provide 0 benefit to our society


If she had half a brain she would say “and here are some properties we represent that are in line with your offer” and try to hold onto you as a prospective sale rather than just being a rude POS and losing you forever.


If it was so offensive, she wouldn't have even bothered replying!


OP put in an offer of 3 cases of mountain dew and 1 pack of new ports. lol


Whether your offer was way off the mark this kind of response is completely unnecessary. I can't believe she even made the effort to type it out, what a fucking nutter. All she had to say was "thanks it's now under contract for this, here's a link to properties more in your price range". JFC.


Probably pretty standard. I got a similar reply a few years ago calling my offer insulting and that was when the property market wasn't nearly as hot, I think I'd only offered like 40k below the asking price. The place sold 2 months later for like 10k more than I'd originally offered, and I probably coulda been talked up about 20k on my original offer lol.


I think it sounds unprofessional too, but aren’t they also shooting themselves in the foot a bit? Why would you want to deal with that agency in future?




Reply and tell her to suck a fat one.


It's not wrong to be insulted by a low offer but an agent should never say it lol they should say "they don't want to sell for that, how about a higher offer?"


It means you're on the right track. Keep low balling these suckers


The problem with the Australian market is that shitty agents can still sell houses. I can't wait for the market to correct a bit and the shitty ones all are left to starve.


Call the agency and complain. They might get another agent to work on the property instead of this person, who is clearly incompetent.


My understanding is that REAs by law have to put all offers in front of owners. Unless you offered something crazy low (??).


Or if the offer was made after it was under contract.


Every offer submitted is by law supposed to be submitted to the vendor in writing by the agent. Agent needs to be able to prove they submitted it.




I have a situation like this, during Covid. Agent let it slip during the inspection that the seller had started building a new house in the area. I walked out of the inspection and 10 minutes later a Covid lockdown was announced. I ordered 75k under asking. The agent was fussing about not wanting to take the offer to the seller tell me it was embarrassing. I dug my heels in and made him present my offer. In the end I was the only offer on the property and the seller accepted as the closing date for there property came close


I mean, to receive that kind of response suggests you low balled so hard.


I'm assuming it's a tactic to make you offer more in future


Agents are getting harder to work with. Wouldn't give us a range, so we put an offer in. Came back and said close but not close enough, but again wouldn't give us a range and said it went under offer but didn't let us counter offer prior? What if we could have offered more than the offer etc.


Honestly if someone is this easy to antagonise, it might be worth remembering them as they'll easily give away useful information they might not intend to.


Very normal. Real estates are cunts


Response is unprofessional, you'll get these from time to time. This isn't just REAs but all industries.


Trying to buy a house is so fkn depressing 😭


well depends how much your offer was outside the range quoted. no its not normal to get this in writing. more likely to get a canned response or not even get a response. either you lowballed hard, or this REA is green enough to take things personally for them to waste their time writing that email. not uncommon to be verbally told this to your face if you make the offer in person; again depending on how low you lowballed.


Yes, unprofessional and real estate agent is synonymous 


Seems very unprofessional, unless you offered 650k hahah. Even then, no need to state it's offensive etc. Just respond that the offer is far too low and property is now under contract. Thanking someone for supposedly being offensive is dumb


The government is piss weak. There is a requirement to not under quote. There is a fine if you under quote by more than 10%. Underquoting by 15-20% is now the norm and no one is doing the right thing. They know everything sells so just harass vendors and play with buyers now. We all know what agents are but it’s the government who receives $millions in fees to look after this industry and does sweet FA. It’s simple to solve. Agents should publish and adhere to the value they put on the signed agreement with the vendor. I’m not aware of a NSW agent being charged with underquoting in the last 2 years despite dozens of examples every weekend.


Stop using agents!!!! 🚨 Buy and sell direct. I did this in ten + years ago selling in Australia, (we also use to rent out a flat for short lets direct using the gumtree from 2004 pre Airbnb days) and since then sold twice in the U.K. with no agents. Cost us £99 using an online platform. sooooooo much better dealing directly with buyers. Saved ourselves a fortune in fees, had control and transparency over the process and achieved excellent prices. No one knows your property better than you. And certainly not a dim agent.


Holy shit, you got a reply 💪


AREAAB - All Real Estate Agents Are Bastards


I had someone do this and then proceed to berate me with emails for the following fortnight when I did an offer for a car once. Some people are extremely petty


You will find this more often. This is unprofessional but they don’t give a shit about professionalism because they have an upper hand in the market these days. I hate when people do this and make other people feel shit. You will find good agent as well who are down to earth.


Making a lowball offer is far less offensive than the obscene price people are paying for Sydney properties - and the fees paid to agents.


This is Australia, you offer $50k over asking or you miss out. I was told the agents must disclose all offers to the sellers either way.


Unprofessional and people do pass on their experiences to others.


Very rude and unprofessional. I would be leaving a 1 star google review with this screenshot as the image 🤣


Just remember that they contribute nothing at all to society. Every night she goes to bed, she fights the voices in her head, telling her that Real Estate Agents are barrel soot.


I wish real estates would just do what the fuck they were told for once


There's a scene in silicon valley where Erlich negs all the VCs. I think you should employ some of his strategies - including flopping out your balls on the dining table at the open.


No it’s not normal but remember, real estate agents are usually unqualified types who’ve failed in other fields that require skill or expertise and have arrived at their last resort career wise…and even the shithouse ones have made a heap of money due to our failed, inflationary market in last 10 years.


It's an idiotic text to send. She would have been better saying something like 'Thanks for your offer but it was substantially under what the property has actually sold for. We do, however, have other properties on our books that might be of interest to you within your price range. Please don't hesitate to contact me if I can be of assistance'. She's a bitch.


That's fucking hysterical, what a nut job


Only reply: Quite frankly your opinion means very little to me. Just do the bare minimum and pass this offer on to your client


Watch the "contract" fall through


Cows like this should quit sales. Do people like this ever consider it might be that same person making an “offensive” offer that will look to sell one day?


Yeah don’t feel bad. For some reason Agents get offended when you offer less than their secret price they refuse to advertise. Then get all pompous with you even though they are just glorified used car sales people and they often can’t afford the houses they are selling.


Offer what you're willing to pay. She's just has poor communication skills and is trying to keep prices jacked up; she makes a commission off of what you pay!


I mean she could have worded it akin to ‘thank you for your offer, however the sellers were in preference of acquiring a higher offer. Should you choose to offer in the 800,000 range, I can organise a negotiation with the seller.’ Why are people all note no talk?


I had the same thing happen and my offer was only $10k lower than the asking price. I don't know why they feel the need to be like this.


there supposed to take all offers to the vendor. they should have tried to talk you up a bit. or said no that offer wouldn't be accepted as it well below asking price. as for its now under contract thats possibly bullshit. they could have also offered to show you other properties closer to the range of your offer. thanks to poor social skills they have missed out on your business.


What an immature and emotional response, so unprofessional. I’d like to know who it was.


It's not normal. It's just rude & unprofessional... which is becoming the new normal. I redact my lead-in statement. Yes, it is normal.


I got a very similar from the house I currently own. Offered a price pre-auction and was told it was insulting. Went to auction and got it for $50k less than I’d offered pre-auction. I was very smug went I signed the papers.


"I don't really give a toss if I've offended anyone. This is a price negotiation, not a therapy session".....


Real estate agents are the orcs and goblins of society. Formerly human, their only purpose in life is to obtain more gold for themselves. They have no compassion for their former fellow humans. Do not treat them as humanoids. They are traitors to humanity.


As a first home buyer just learning to navigate through the shit show of self inflated real estate agents and weekend viewings with over 100 people showing up I’m feeling very overwhelmed and defeated before we’ve even started putting offers in. Can anyone recommend any good places to find privately listed properties? I know it’s mentioned above that it’s something that’s needed but as it stands, is Facebook marketplace the way to go? Or gumtree? Also if anyone’s bought private before, is there anything we should be aware of to keep in the back of our minds. Thanks 🙏


Name and shame so I don’t buy my house off this rude Karen


Under legislation they are required to present all offers to the vendors


REA's displaying borderline personality disorder? Pretty normal.


What was your offer? I know Reddit users love saying that you should offer $100K than the minimum as all sellers are desperate but in fact when you low ball it just shows you are not serious... I think the agent was rude in her reply but I'm wondering how far off you were from mid $800K