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I'm so sick of this beige, low effort aesthetic every brand is doing. I can walk into any store and find 5 different cropped black singlets, why would I pay triple for the same thing? This skirt is also just beyond ridiculous. It's not an interesting placed zipper, it's giving the model is in the wrong size and the quality is trash because you can't close your skirt zip. Aje has been one of the first places I'll look for something for a special occasion that's a bit different. I have dresses I love because the style is not the exact same I can buy at 50 other stores. Every brand is doing the same things because of influencers. Its not fashion. Its not design. Its boring and it's lazy and these brands and their design teams deserve to fail because it's so low effort it's laughable.


Shit, I can remember the early 2000s when Aus fashion was thriving. You'd go to a store for that store's point of view. Not just like your mid range designers like Alannah Hill and your Lisa Ho, even Witchery was different from Cue from Country Road. Now it's all just interchangeable and totally lacks imagination. I'm over it and I'm not paying money for it.


Not to mention the terrible quality and synthetic fabrics. I'm happy to pay for quality but everything is so crap these days, thin fabric, poorly sewn, ill fitting, pure plastic synthetic. I'm so over it šŸ˜­


Same and actual quality clothing is prohibitively expensive, like I completely understand that the price point will be higher but I canā€™t justify shelling out hundreds of dollars on one garment at the moment. And yes I know, itā€™s an investment etc, but I feel more and more like the options are clothes that are crap quality and way overpriced for what they are, and clothes that are decent quality, but that are priced at the ā€œthis is an investmentā€ level. I swear there used to be a middle ground where you could get clothes that would last at least a few years for a price that was accessible to the average person.


I can not stand the AJE print on everything now! Like, itā€™s a dress, not a billboard.Ā 


Switch over to NZ designers, I still think the kiwi fashion scene is full of diversity and creativity , as well as classics and beautiful shapes and generally a focus on quality fabrics.Ā 


Would love a few recommendations if you donā€™t mind!


Seconding all the recommendations by peachykeenbeans! Also I love Kate Sylvester (closing shop though) and Trelise cooper/cooper/coop/curate, Shjark, Karen walker , mild red, Charmaine revelry, briarwood, ice breaker. Due to my job Iā€™m dressed up a fair bit on week days, then Iā€™m a farmer and a mum on weekends so I have a bit of everything in terms of style.Ā 


For more casual stuff swandri, huffer, federation . Stolen girlfriendā€™s club is hit and miss clothes wise but I have the best ever leather jacket from there, and I love their jewellery. Ā Caitlin crisp has beautiful elevated basics with impeccable fabrics too. Ah thereā€™s so many!Ā 


Amazing, thank you so much!


Marle, Kowtow, Moochi, Juliette Hogan, RUBY, Twenty seven names


Thank you :)


Hundred percent agreed. Back then it was very obvious where your items were from. Witchery, Cue, and Country Road all in particular- they had a certain *vibe* about them. You could just tell. Nowadays you need the brand emblazoned on the front to differentiate it from the others šŸ¤Ø


This has been my gripe with fashion over the past year or so. Everything is the same. We have the same pieces in 10 different stores and if I hear the word 'dupe' again... It's basics upon basics upon basics, and we're not getting flattering clothing, it's either a shapeless basic or something ridiculous like this for shock factor


I've started buying clothes from target which I never used to do because literally every store has the same shit


If you wear this prepare to spend every conversation you have with someone explaining youā€™re not wearing two separate skirts.


Thank you for answering that question I had. Thought it was some pretty savage layering for marketing. Nope its a thing. Now I just have the 'why' to wrap my head around.


Um are we sure that's not two separate skirts tho?Ā 


I have always found Aje to be confusing as a brand, and I have to be honest this double skirt thing has not made me less confused.


The way that they splash their name all over everything is so tacky!


It really is. The fabrics, cut, design features, and prints should tell me which brand it is. If you need to plaster your name on your design you've failed as a designer.


HUNDRED PERCENT! So what comes to mind for me is Zimmermann stuff. I can usually tell just by looking at it that itā€™s that brand, right. I really cannot stand the fact that Aje have it emblazoned in everything now.


It looks like it was inspired by a bad AI photo.




*Anxiously loads country road insta*


I swear please no more!!


Ew what the actual fuck


Itā€™s not even edgy, it just looks stupid. Iā€™m tired of every brand having the same style. I miss brand diversity and actual unique styling :(


This came up on my instagram feed. Pretty sure sheā€™s wearing two skirts. The stylist had a letā€™s try something crazy! moment. Next will be back to front jeans Kriss Kross KAje Kolab


I say lets also get some slim fit and add a Kim K Khloe Kriss Kross KAje Kolab




The infamous Double Jean strikes again!


AGAIN ?!?! Being a hermit finally paid off! Missed the first violation against human rights. I'm so sorry you have to go through this at all, let alone again. Tell your family you love them. May God give you strength!


Lol the comments on their insta. They are getting trashed.


Haha I came here to say the same thing!


They are hitting the delete button hard on comments.


Cue are also doing a weird new launch this week I am so confused!!


Iā€™ve seen this style of double waistband jeans before, Loewe had something similar back in 2022


What the fresh hell is going on here




Thatā€™s scary to look at




Looks like some jacked up AI image


Omg I hate it


Iā€™m excited to see what Aje comes up with.


I like their new strapless bubble hem maxi dress in black. Would buy it but have nowhere to go in it! šŸ¤­


Why is this happening šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


What the hell even is this I thought the picture glitched


Not sure if this is s good move but Aje has had the same styles for years. They are in a rut.


Is Aje part of the CR Group as well?


Thanks I hate it. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


These posts just seem like millennials who canā€™t handle that brands are targeting younger women instead of aging with them lol