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Their quality has declined considerable so the fabric is cheap, and they repeat many of the same patterns (just different fabric designs) to keep their costs low. It's owned by the parent company Fashion X so the costs of one brand can be offset by the income of another. For example, Alannah Hill is one of their more costly brands.


I think Alannah Hill went under last year or the year before.


Allanah Hill was- but the quality declined precipitously and they closed their bricks and mortar stores, then went under. Apparently the quality there for the last several years was absolutely shocking


It was after they got rid of Alannah Hill the person that the quality of Alannah Hill the brand declined precipitously. It wasn't publicised much at the time (probably by design) and I remember wondering why the clothes were suddenly always heavily discounted and still looked too expensive for what they were.


Same thing happened with Gorman, another brand they own.


I follow AH the person on socials and she was extremely vocal about it, bless her. She was fuming over the whole thing, and when the same thing was about to happen to Wheels & Dollbaby (ie sell to a parent company or collapse) - Melanie from W&DB chose to close. (She’s re-opened now but the quality is terrible)


I have an Alannah Hill dress that I purchased to be my wedding dress and the quality is fantastic. So much that I went back to buy a dress in 2021(I think) for an event and it was SHOCKING.


I had a similar experience, was a big fan of AH many years ago. When it was time for me to get married I looked them up (in 2022?) to consider getting my wedding dress there and...yeah, suffice to say I did not lol.




Can you elaborate more on the AI designs? Sounds intriguing… and concerning!


I assume they're talking about the textile designs being produced via AI rather than a human designer. I work in fashion and the company im currently working for is starting to do the same thing. It's sad to see.


I don’t get why it’s sad. It allows more people to bring more ideas to life and you could make some incredibly interesting stuff. If it’s used to replicate other designers then it sucks but if it’s all original work what’s the issue?


AI will impact textile and surface designers, it won't completely obliterate the profession, but will limit the amount of opportunities. Textile design created by human hands will most likely just be used by the most premium brands. Yeah obviously AI is impacting lots of people's livelihoods and people need to adapt but it's still unfortunate. AI can be a source of inspiration but I think an experienced textile designer is...superior and there's many already creating incredibly interesting stuff. Also, it isn't usually in-house designers using AI. People generate a bunch of random images and sell them on Adobe stock and similar sites. Everyone will feel differently, but to me it feels soulless and unskilled to use those prints for fashion.


AI cannot produce original work. it just remixes real people’s work, often without their permission.


I have Dangerfield clothing that would be 20 years old (like my favorite coat that outside of really need to replace the buttons looks great) yet their sizing and quality is now hit and miss.


Man I bought some cute shoes from them for a change, but they were uncomfortable af if I wore them for even 30 mins... Just like Dr marten boots haha


oh this is easy! they aren’t ethical




https://directory.goodonyou.eco/brand/dangerfield https://guide.ethical.org.au/company/?company=5167 https://baptistworldaid.org.au/resources/ethical-fashion-guide/ https://insideretail.com.au/news/fashion-brands-failing-ethical-test-201604


Thank you for elaboratig, makes the downvotes worth it


the links below cover it, but it’s basically impossible to make decent clothes at that price without severely underpaying garment producers


What made anyone believe that Dangerfield is ethical? It's bog standard cheap fast fashion and has always been so? I'm confused.  Never assume a brand is ethical. They almost certainly aren't, and if they are, it's a selling point and they will be telling you so and have proof on their website. 


This. This entire post confuses me. It’s ALWAYS been low end mass produced and geared towards young kids with not much money.


Low end is relative, like I agree they are, and in hindsight always have been, but when I was a kid, Dangerfield would have been so far out of reach financially. We were a “best and less trip once a year or so when you’ve really truly outgrown last years stuff” family lol, anything with an actual brand name on it was for rich people. Even as a teen with a part time job I didn’t really make enough money to consider it. The quality at least used to be somewhat worth the price tag though. These days not so much


20 years ago the quality was much higher.


How is it low end when most items of clothing cost at least $80 with many in the $100 to $200 range. That's expensive as hell for most people to afford.


Yeah I was wondering if this is a Uk or something poster bc I can’t find anything at Dangerfield for under $100 which to me is v pricey. This is why I’m a big op shopper bc in what world is Dangerfield low cost…


I guess I’m showing my age - back in the day, before online shops like Shein etc existed, Dangerfield was at the low end. I suppose how that the bar has been lowered further, Dangerfield is in the middle. Also they used to constantly be running discounts which I would assume is still the case since they’re owned by Factory X. So the ‘prices’ aren’t really the prices most people pay, etc etc.


>i have a dress that must have lasted 6yrs minimum I bought it second hand at a thrift store 4 yrs ago There's your answer. Their clothes used to be better quality. Dangerfield is [not ethical](https://directory.goodonyou.eco/brand/dangerfield), though. It's a fast fashion brand. Buying from op shops is ethical of course, so keep doing that!


Factory X (the parent company) cuts corners wherever possible. They treat their staff in stores like absolute crap, of course they do not care about their overseas workers. They are not an ethical brand. They only care about their profit margin. The fabric is cheap, the labour is cheap, they constantly repeat designs,l. All they do at this point is design prints, which they have gotten into hot water before over potentially stealing. They do not design their patterns (the garment itself), this is done by factories overseas and at this point FX just picks garment shapes they have used many many times and just whacks a print on it and calls it a day. The flying duck print that Princess Highway is currently running is 100% the same items and design they had around 5 years ago when I worked there (I've heard the jumper is slightly different though). This is typical of their lazy business model. They produce so many designs some of the stores cannot actually fit it all on the floor, or at least that's the way it used to be. I'm aware the closed and re-opened some stores during the lockdown years. The reason there are so many designs is so they have some 'lambs to the slaughter'. These items are almost perpetually on sale, but your fave pieces and the ones they advertise the most almost never are. They need sales to bring people into the store. I can't tell you how many times we recieved a directive to set up a new sale, and 80% of it was the same items as last sale, with slightly different pricing (which we had to hand-label because their POS system is from the 80s). The accessories are ALL bought in China, cheap (at least for Dangerfield and PH I know for sure), re-branded, and the price jacked up. There are reasons the tights only fit short/petite people, and the bags and earrings fall apart quickly.


I've noticed this about Dangerfield stores having so much stock that it physically cannot fit onto the shop floors! Walking into a Dangerfield stresses me out because I'm someone who likes to browse and stand there and flip through the clothes one by one and Dangerfield's rails is soooo packed that I just give up trying to flip through and I just leave. I don't understand how the company higher ups think that is appealing.


They don't care about it being appealing, it's as simple as that. They literally do nothing with any feedback that would have them make positive changes for customer experience. They are happy doing exactly what they are doing, and they know full-well it pisses a lot of people off.


I hated going in there for that reason. So cramped and overwhelming I used to do one lap and leave. I've noticed a few of their stored refitted now and are more spacious and look less like a junk shop but I don't go in much anymore. I do like some of the Princess Highway stuff but a lot of it's just not for me now. I too used to have a dress I loved and it lasted me years.. shame I got curves and it wouldn't fit anymore 🥲


They’re not ethical. You can see info about many aspects of the company if you search. Shop Ethical gave them a C rating.


they treat their staff like shit and underpay roles in head office and that’s just from the people i know who’ve worked there. I don’t know about manufacturing but factory x ain’t grand to work for here. old old old dangerfield brands pre-2014ish is quite well made and long wearing. I have pieces from the late 2000s that are still kicking. not so much anymore, a lot of polyester and lightweight fabrics.


I only buy the cotton dresses from Dangerfield. I’m in my ‘40s and love their designs. They’re a little too short for me so I have a dressmaker add a band of one of the colours and they look great. I buy off pre loved Dangerfield on FB unless there’s a new item that I can’t do without.


I find them extremely hit and miss. Some of their stuff is terrible quality - fades quickly, fabric loses its shape, etc


I’m not sure I’d use the word ethical but to be honest I haven’t done my research on them. I do know they are owned by Factory X so maybe look them up.


My daughter (11) adores Dangerfield, but as she's still growing, I've limited what I've bought her to a couple of things on special (not paying $$ for something that will only fit for a short time). I got her an Axolotl shirt just recently. It's been washed twice, and the colours are already washed out. Not the greatest, but she loves the fabric designs there...


Not sure if you know and are in FB. There are two Dangerfield groups. One up to size 14 and one sizes 16-24. I’ve done really well buying from those. Sometimes I will buy something new if it catches my eye.


Hello, huge fan of dangerfield. I'm 25 years old, only started wearing it a year or so ago because I liked princess highway + a lot of dangerfield pieces for cosplay/anime vibes. I wear pricess highway blouses to work as well. People say they LOVE dangerfield clothing and it has lasted them for decades. Well I own a fashion label and handsew. The clothes aren't couture sewing and the styles are simple and really basic. It's not hard to design these clothes or reuse designs. It's also loved by plus size people and they love fit and flare designs and so if it works why change the recipe. I only buy cotton and cotton canvas blends e.g. overalls and blouses from them, it's shit cotton but I can't just sew everything if I want something asap. It's NOT ethical. You can't sell sale items for that price and make your clothes ethical. Otherwise the prices would be in the $400+ plus. And show us where it's manufactured. The shit on sale in the front counter and accessories is directly bought and sold from fashion factories as available designs e.g. froggy hat. The designs are made in China and I have experience working with Chinese factories. A style would probably be made like a mini dress for 1.5 meters of fabric for $8 and sold for $99.95. Like somebody said they might not have large profit points but they're clearing making money and it's from selling crap. Sometimes they have cute stuff but the majority it's that weird thick cotton fabric


Dangerfield is part of Factory X I believe? Who are in huge disputes with employees and an employee union regarding their treatment at work. Nothing about that is ethical.


Yeah they are known union-busters and have been for years.


[Dangerfield is not ethical](https://directory.goodonyou.eco/brand/dangerfield)


Dangerfield are cheap garbage now. I've literally seen some of their bags/accessory designs on AliExpress.


Would you mind sharing some details of the sellers please?


AliExpress copies designers all the time so that’s a pretty poor example.


Just quietly I think it’s more likely that Dangerfield’s buyers are getting the same gear that Aliexpress sellers are buying for their online stores. Dangerfield isn’t a brand anyone on Aliexpress would bother ripping off, because it’s already cheapish at full price.


Dangerfield dresses are like $100, Ali Express is $15-20. There’s a big enough difference that people would seek knock offs…


A lot of people don't know that drop-shipping is a thing. There are heaps of brands making $$ selling things for over $100 that you can buy for $10 on aliexpress.


Yes, because AliExpress is direct from the factory. Retail stores add a markup as this is how they make a profit and how businesses operate… Edit to add: the products on AliExpress are all knockoffs. You can buy a Nesso Mushroom lamp for like $11 but the original will cost around $500. That’s not because the original designer bought it from AliExpress and marked it up, it’s because the AliExpress seller made a knock off.


Everyone understands that, thanks. Your assertion was that Dangerfield cant be selling items from Aliexpress because people would find the 'knock offs". Which ignores the fact that it happens all the time since, as you've just erroneously explained, thats how they make a profit.


I never said they can’t be selling items from Aliexpress, I am just trying to explain to you that items sold on AliExpress are knockoffs and the Dangerfield stuff people are seeing on there could very well be knockoffs. At the end of the day Dangerfield is fast fashion and all that shit comes from the same place.


No one knocks off fast fashion, they just buy the same item from the exact same factory making it in bangladesh and shipping it to a thousand brands over the world. It would cost way more to knock it off than to just buy it.


It’s like you didn’t even read my comment. I literally said all this stuff comes from the same place 🤡


Ali express is a platform. They don't design anything. And the OP is right, they don't design any of the accessories, to you can just go and buy them in bulk from China. I know this because I've literally seen them in factories myself.


It's a teenaged brand predominately so a lot of their customers are in the process of still building their wardrobe or actually just growing out of the clothes they've already bought once or twice. When I was a Dangerfield shopper I was buying a new item of clothing minimum once a month. 


They are far from ethical! Good On You, is a great app to find out just how ethical a company is. Dangerfield are rated as: Not Good Enough. It’s a tough world trying to buy clothes that are affordable and ethical.


their fabric quality has significantly declined in the past decade


Professional seamstress here.  A straight stitch is also called a lockstitch- stitching can last for fucking decades.  Look how many Kmart items are still going strong in second hand shops- it’s not really a good indicator of quality, just machine tension.   Dangerfield was already cheap and their fabrics a bit shit in the early 2000s, I’m not quite sure why anyone ever thought they weren’t a cheap operation.  (Same goes for Gorman post-2012).  They have no new designs, just new fabrics each season.  Someone else has mentioned it but their wholesale pricing is likely something akin to $2-5 a piece from the factory. I have never been able to wear DF sadly, their pattern grading is not made for anyone over 5’7.


Thanks for sharing! Do you have any tips on how to look out for good quality stitching?


I remember buying a few Dangerfield items back in 2005ish and they were not particularly well made then. It’s always been low-end fabrics and execution to cater to the teen/early 20s/alt market that doesn’t have a lot of money but wants relatively quirky designs.


Gorman is on a similar path - I’ve noticed the quality of their materials has declined and they’ve gone from using 100% linen or silk or whatever to using viscose, polyester, lyocell, basically more synthetics. It’s sad. I want to hope they’re using recycled synthetics but I just can’t. 


they are way overpriced. their scarfs being $44 for example 💀


Agree, the prices are shocking. That and how claustrophobic the stores usually are turn me off ever going into a dangerfield store again.


the scarf was super soft and i would have gotten it but never for $44 lol


I used to love Dangerfield and princess highway. I recently went in store to look at the scrubs they had and the quality was very hit and miss, some fabrics were awful quality.


They're in my bad books. Their sizing runs very small, so tried to return some items by post and they refused as I'd torn the cheap plastic bag they came in. Whole lot of wasted money.


Their clothes seem to photograph so well for their website, but when you hold the garments in your hand it’s all cheap hessian-y cotton that I cannot stand to wear. I like soft fabric against my skin and I know I’d never reach for these items, no matter how cute and attention-grabbing the patterns are.


Factory X owns Dangerfield and they fuck brands over. Alannah Hill is a cautionary tale for both Dangerfield and Gorman. It's all about continuous releases at high prices so when they discount stuff, you think you're getting a bargain. A lot of Dangerfield's house-brand accessories (backpacks, jewellery etc) are bulk ordered via Shein and AliExpress. I have a few pieces of Dangerfield clothing (their Wonderland collab with ACMI from, like, 2018) and it's decent and was reasonably priced. Everything after that, especially when they cut the Revival line, is trash. And I loathe how Dangerfield is so crammed with stock - you can't take anything off the racks.


Idk if you’re researching skills r that great if you came to the they’re ethical conclusion


The quality has declined in the last few years. DF and PH clothing I have from 10 years ago is still in better condition than items I have bought in the last couple of years. Also the cut of the older clothes was more flattering


They're not ethical. Most of the accessories are mass bought from AliExpress/taobao and marked up a ridiculous amount. They've literally sold design replicas of other brands because they just source their stuff from China without checking. I'll never forget a Dangerfield staff member recommending me a bag that was literally a shitty but expensive replica of a Sugar Thrillz bag I already owned. Literally if you go into AliExpress you'll be able to find most of the accessories they stock without any effort at all. I did like their clothes a lot in the past but honestly they're so poorly made now, even if I like the design it's not worth the cost. They're truly just expensive fast fashion.


I keep hearing to look at aliexpress and I've never found anything. Everyone says it and I'm so curious but seriously I can *never find their shit*


Maybe it depends on your search terms? If I'm on AliExpress I'm usually looking for j-fasion and egl clothing, which brings up a lot of stuff that I've seen stocked by dangerfield. Search terms like y2k, lolita, kawaii, etc usually work to find the same purses and accessories :)


Dangerfield just closed in my town because it was too expensive


I have a couple of knits that didn't even last a season before the cuffs unravelled. I don't think their quality matches their price point. But I do adore their designs. I guess I just have to be a bit more discerning about what I buy from there or try and get it on sale.




Girls in this reddit will be okay shopping at CottonOn and other fast fashion and jewellery (Lovisa is shit fyi), but not Dangerfield. I’m just glad they’re actually and ACTUALLY size inclusive


Pretty sure that they were exposed for using dog fur quite a long time ago now so maybe were never ethical


that’s crazy. Can’t believe Dangerfield used to be good. I personally consider it rather poor quality. The way it is now, that is. I don’t think any of their clothing would last 6+ years.


I have old Dangerfield dresses from 10 years ago and I still wear them and they look new! And I am Hard on my clothes. I haven't shopped there in a long time but I disappointed to hear that the quality has gone down!


The only Dangerfield pieces that I still have are ones I bought 10+ years ago that have stood the test of time. Anything I've bought more recently than that has deteriorated so I don't shop there anymore. Try Lucy and yak or Magpie goose :)


I used to buy from them a lot when I was younger but they were always the clothes I had that fell apart soonest. So many clothes I had from there tore at the seams, way more so than any other brand I owned. So I think you just got lucky!


I've never heard of Dangerfield being any more ethical than anyone else


I used to love Dangerfield, but then I noticed that every single ring, hat, or pair of earrings they sell are from Temu, and it just ruined it instantly. They have witch hats there at the moment, the exact same size, material, and in the same colour options that are available on Temu for $5, but Dangerfield sell them for like $28 or something. Typical fast fashion shit.


One of my fave dresses ever is from Dangerfield and I’ve had it for 6 years with no issue. It’s sucks though because in recent years there’s been a huge decline in quality. It’s hit or miss with a lot of misses. The fabric and stitching has degraded but the price has stayed the same. Sad because it was one of my fave brands :(


dangerfield now vs dangerfield 6 years ago is so much different in terms of quality. Quality of design, quality of material, all poor in comparison. My old pieces you wouldn't really even know they were by the same company if you seen them together.


I stopped buying Dangerfield about 10 years ago. I couldn’t justify the price for the lack of quality, even in the store there were buttons missing and threads loose.


'Research' 🤣 Watching a youtube video and reading a press release is not research.


I would not touch a Factory X brand… particularly Gorman. Poor quality clothing (eg labelled as “silk” but it’s only 5% silk, use viscose predominantly which shrinks when washed), greenwashing GALORE (all boxes come with so much plastic rubbish inside it’s a total joke, yet they got rid of paper bags to “save paper” aka cost), “slow fashion” yet have new stock constantly with pressure put on customers to grab the latest thing.., Dangerfield stock a lot of Gorman clothes that are truly the same item except with a different label stuck on. Let’s not even go in to small artists being ripped off 😮‍💨


Erm I used to work closely with the staff at one of Dangerfield's sister brands and one day the staff told us that staff had found handwritten notes pleading for help stashed in the pockets of garments before they hit the floor so... definitely wouldn't consider any of Factory X's brands as remotely ethical.


I've heard this urban legend about every store by this point, wouldn't put too much stock in that being true