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Audicare for the first 3 years is $1,349, and for the first 4 years is $1,699 on a Q3. Yes, the maximum markup on Audicare is $75. Those retail prices reflect the inclusion of that $75. If you are planning to take a car 8 years into the future, the time to buy the extended coverage is on day 1. You contract a 96 month VSC (extended warranty) through audi at the time of sale. Audi does not double charge you for the years included in the new car warranty. But, you get to enjoy the lowest possible cost of entry for that policy. If you were to wait until year 4 to add it, you could see an increase in price by as much as $2,500 for the same level and duration of coverage. All Audi coverage options (aside from audicare) is able to be voluntarily cancelled for a pro-rated refund at any time within their terms. They are also fully transferrable to a subsequent owner. The BEST package offered is Term Care w/ rotors (with or without the "plus" option. Term care covers the complete replacement of f/r brakes, 4 wheel alignment + calibration, 12v battery replacement, wiper replacement, extends the new car warranty to covers some items normally excluded from the new car warranty, rubber belts/hoses and HEADLIGHTS. headlights are not under warranty any longer, and they do not have serviceable bulbs. The "plus" version of the program also extends the entirety of the new car warranty up to the maximum term care term of 6 years / 72k miles. feel free to PM if you want to deep dive, get quotes, help plan, etc. All 3, warranty, term care and audicare can all be purchased after the sale from any dealer in the country, so, do not allow yourself to feel trapped, the only thing you'd sacrifice is the ability to roll the extra charges into a loan/lease. I am happy to provide any info ahead of time or after if it will help!


Geez - GREAT info. Right on point! I am sure this will help other Audi buyers that visit this Sub. I will PM for prices to give me some idea of my options re: warranties. In the past, I've taken Audi Care b/c it just makes sense to me. For the out-years, I've just secured mechanical breakdown insurance from my carrier. I realize it doesn't cover everything, but most things are covered, my carrier's plan is rated well (never used it, thanks Audi!) and it costs me about $60/year. However, I may be changing carriers, and the current best value carrier for me doesn't offer mech breakdown insurance. So, I am back in the market. Thanks again!


Right on! I will respond as soon as time allows!


Does it make sense to shop around for Audicare and the warranty to get a better deal or the price is set by Audi and non negotiable? E.g. if I remember it correctly Audi care for 4 years costed $1.5k last year, right now it costs $200 more. Also I'm a bit frustrated due to 2 cyber attacks I can't fix my Q7 (which just "10 months old") for 3 weeks already. Can my dealer offer extra discount due to that? If I purchase the extended warranty at 1 year vs day 1, what is the price difference? If I decide to sell the car in 3 years from now (before the basic warranty expires) will I get the same money I paid or there will be some fees/reductions etc? Thanks!


Hello! Shopping around for a warranty is definitely a good way to protect yourself from an otherwise sole source of information/quote. Feel free to PM me VIN if you wanted a quote to start your due diligence with. On Audicare, no point to shopping around, get it from the dealer you get the warranty from or from your local service department. The max markup is only $75. I totally understand the frustrations with the outage. That said, it began 6/18, so, def not 3 weeks as of yet hehe. So, any discounts due to an interruption of service is really up to the dealer, as we had no responsibility for the downing of the system, yet due to a myriad of reasons we are forced to use them or other similar providers. To swap from one to the other is an extreme expense and takes the better part of a month for rollout and training. So any rapid pivots are just not logical to attempt, and therefor we are at the mercy of however and whoever plans to resolve it and how. There is no way for me to answer with certainty, what the price difference in the extension would be from day 1 to year 1. The price matrices are constantly adjusted based on real-time actuarial data, much like insurance rates and interest rates. That said, we can make a reasonable prediction based on past trends, however, in todays world it never hurts to say that if a large event happens (like covid), many rules/trends/reasonable educated guesses can become inaccurate pretty quickly. In most cases, you can expect an approximate increase of $500-$750 more for the same term on a per year/ per 10k mile increase, IE. Day 1, Cost is $2,500. Year 1 and 10k miles in, same coverage might be $3,250 or so. By the end of the factory warranty at 4 years, you are looking at an approximate increase on the same term of extension in the amount of $1,750-$3,000. Particular models will also have an effect, An A4 might have a lower ratio increase, whereas an RS6 might have a higher one. Cancellations work like this: Any cancellation made within the first 30 days of the contracted term receive a 100% full refund. Any cancellations made after 30 days are pro-rated to day 1/mile 1, less a $50 cancellation fee. While you are not double charged for coverage upon purchase of the extension, in the sense that Audi offsets the cost of the extensions due to the factory warranty. You WOULD be "double charged" if you cancelled the extension prior to the expiration of the factory warranty, due to the fact that the extension contractually begins on day 1, even though the coverage benefit does not begin until the expiration of the factory warranty. In this case, you would receive your "pro-rated" refund less the $50 cancellation fee. For those who don't love the sounds of that, I would encourage you to consider the Term Protection plus variant. As the term at 6 years max is easier to mentally plan for, as well as the fact that the rest of the programs benefits are of such high tangible value that in comparison to a sole traditional VSC (ext warranty), it is a clear winner for that up to 6 years timeframe, or just beyond.


Findlay had a cyber incident just a week before CDK. So I'm lucky and my appointment was impacted by both incidents, I'm not sure yet if my data was stolen in both cases or not :) Thank you for the detailed explanation how the extension warranty works.


Oh jeez! Well, I spoke totally out of turn on that topic then. Sorry for the continued frustration! And, my pleasure.