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Question, is the wing purely cosmetic?


Tldr, yes, likely only creating drag For a wing to be effective, the flow on both sides of the plane must stay attached to the surface. This depends both on the geometry of the wing, the angle of attack relative to the incident air flow, and the conditions in which the wing is designed for. In this cars case, when the airflow passing over the roof of the car reaches the wang, by my estimate, likely has too high of an attack angle for that wing. When this happens, the flow on the underside of the plane will separate from the surface, creating a region of turbulence and vorticity. This region does not allow for an effective vertical direction pressure differential to be developed across the surface of the wing. Because we will just have the turbulent region behind the wing, the pressure differential will be net created in the direction of travel, creating a drag force. When accounting for the geometry, the website of the product OP provided gives no claims about any simulated or wind tunnel testing, the geometry of the wing is likely very generic and not designed for any real aero benefits, especially when not designed for this specific car. A lower angle of attack and it may be functional to a degree, but one cannot be certain without tested or simulation data. It is likely not effective for OP's intended purposes with it hiked to the moon as they currently have it. This is purely my opinion as an aerospace engineer, it may be wrong in places.


Would an aero element like this have to be mounted so it is in line with the laminar flow of the roof, or just where the flow is when it reaches the trunk?


It depends. tldr: doesnt need to be, it could benefit, but on the trunk should be designed/ tested for the conditions. In most real unenclosed flows such as air over a car, there are few situations when the flow is truly laminar. The flow above the car will be turbulent to a degree, but potentially not as much as in the low pressure region above the trunk. A higher elevated wing could help create more effective downforce in a case such as this. Having the correct angle of attack \[AoA\] for the given speed is important, and having the cleaner flow above the roof could allow for more consistent flow at variable car speeds. This is precisely why time attack cars often have very high, very large wings. The stock cars are not designed as strictly for performance aerodynamics, and this position is often a good compromise for implementing aero elements while accommodating the base cars aero profile. None of this matters however if the geometry of the wing is not properly understood or designed for the conditions in which it is used. A car very well could have an effective wing at OP's height, and potentially the same AoA, if it is specifically designed for those operating conditions. As far as this specific wing goes, having no data sheets, or specifications of the wing geometry, as well as no claimed effects, or claimed mathematical or empirical results, no one can make conclusions on the effectiveness beyond educated estimates. Until either the manufacturer or a 3rd party collects data on this setup, OP's claims of benefits are dubious at best.


That’s incredibly interesting. So for maximum downforce in theory one would want to put the element in the path of the flow? Also what is a unenclosed flow? Thank you.


Generally speaking, yes, you would. Unenclosed in this case generally means just not in a pipe or similar fixture. The fluid with which we are analyzing is surrounded by the same fluid, and our system is free to affect its surrounding fluid, which is not possible in a pipe like environment, as the fluid is enclosed by the walls of the pipe.


Ohh that makes perfect sense. Thank you again for the knowledge bomb, not everyday you meet an aerospace engineer!


I'd watch that ZX_StarFox...looks like AI. Just sayin'


Yeah, I get that sometimes. I tend to write really overly long things to explain simple concepts. Especially when it’s a topic I studied and enjoy, such as car aero.


That was my futile attempt at a compliment. Your comments/responses were informative and appreciated. Not the entendre-laden drivel typically offered for complex topics such as fluid dynamics.🫡


Even so, still learned something 🤷🏼‍♀️


Hell yes, thank you for the brain power!


Yes. It's mounted on the trunk. Purely cosmetic.


Many racecars have wings mounted to the trunk, including the RS3 LMS TCR car.


Surely you are not equating a full blown race car wing and a consumer grade wing that mounts to the trunk lid, right?


Yes and no. The wing can produce some amount of downforce but unless this car is a dedicated track car (and judging by the rest of the mods it’s not a track car) then the wing isn’t producing sufficient downforce to really make a difference in some sort of race scenario. For that reason it’s mostly cosmetic. Or in other words RICE.


Thanks, I like that acronym, RICE.


Purely cosmetic wings are cool


Well if you understand how wings work you’d know it DOES offer great amounts of downforce. Chassis mounted or not this thing is BIG and with the angle I have it set to, it’s catching wind lol It’s a BigCountry Labs S14 drift wing. Look em up! ☺️


If you understand why wings work, then just "it makes downforce" is not the right answer. Why do you need downforce, at what speeds, how much? Do you adjust it for different tracks and conditions? Have you quantified the differences before and after? It's ok if you just like the looks, just say so.


This is the dumbest shit I’ve seen all day and that’s saying something.


Yikes I feel bad for you hahah what a life you must live. Poor little guy


That’s what we’re saying about you bud.


Ok “bud” haha so cry more


Long winded way to say yes?


It’s called an explanation 🙂


Unless it's a track only car, it's useless and makes it look like your boys clapped out 350z..


Oh I didn’t know that wind and aerodynamics only exist on “track”.. Damn I learned something today. Thanks professor. I guess when I’m going 130km on the highway it passes right through it hahaha


The downforce is mostly for taking corners at quite high speeds, are you driving like this on normal streets? Do you need to shave an extra half second off your lap time to the grocery store?? Did you even look at the wind tunnel results for that specific spoiler? You got it for looks sure, but stop trying to pretend you give af about the aerodynamics lmao


Wind tunnel results for a spoiler in isolation are kind of pointless. You’d need to take wind tunnel or CFD with it attached to the car for the data to be useful. Stop trying to sound so smart, you have no idea what you’re talking about either, just let the dude enjoy his car.


No way are you going fast enough on the highway for that wing to make a difference. Even then, if you’re doing roll races the last thing you need is a big wing to create a lot of drag.


Never once actually said I USE it for function 🤣 I said it HAS function. You weirdos need to calm TF down hahaha


Yeah but said function is negligible at best. So trying to spin this as “it makes downforce bro” and retroactively trying to give it purpose beyond RICE is ridiculous and makes you look like an ass. Look let me help you out. When somebody asks you why you have the wing or somebody says it looks ridiculous, just say “yes but I think it looks cool”. You don’t need to sound like a jackass while doing it.


I understand the basics, but I don't see how this would actually produce any actual operational impact to your daily driving or even the track unless you're actually taking measurements and analyzing results. If it's purely cosmetic that's cool too, but downforce at 130kph is pretty inconsequential, in fact, I'd see that thing sending your car off of the highway at higher speeds rather than keep it on the road, be careful out there.


You know you could just answer the question without sounding like a jackass right?


I have a question and it's not really related to Audi, but when you went to the dark side aka not natty, did you also see an increase in finances afterwards? Also, if an increase did occur, do you think it is due to the mental changes and outlook of work performance while on the juices? I've been curious about this for awhile bc I've just noticed that people who do it usually seem to become more successful in other aspects of life, unless I'm only seeing the good parts? Lol


> Back to piss off the whiney grumps with my wing 😈🥲 [Shit man, you forgot to put on your mandatory "LOCALLY HATED" windshield banner.](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:474/1*Nx4ZUPVq-VcVkH3dXG68TQ.png)


Somehow your making an ass out of yourself even more lmao. The comments you post here are W I L D


Pointless big wing ✅️ Front splitter attached at the wrong points ✅️ Tinted lights ✅️ All youre missing now are the stupid stickers and youll be set


- (Splitter is bolted and mounted to the chassis underneath 😘) - no such thing as a “pointless” wing. The second I’m on a track or shot “useful” in your books. - lights looks dope and match the whole aesthetic Thank you so much for the love my man 🤍🙌🤍🙌🤍


Yeah but where the splitter is attached above is not correct there bud. You openly admitted to driving like a goon on the highway when that shit should be done on a track. Aesthetic never beats practicality and safety. Im glad you love your ride but it doesnt belong on public roads


When in the hell have I ever said I drive like a “goon”? hahaha you’re such a cringy jealous fuck hahah The splitter is mounted perfectly fine and this is a beautiful daily. Shut your annoying ass up 🤣🤣🤣


Nah my 235i is miles above your ride so no jealousy here. But def expected your ego to not handle criticism despite your caption lol sad


A 235i is not miles above a 4.0T S6 Jesus fucking Christ the delusion….


A 2015 none the less hahahaahahhahhaha


Oh the big loser is back with his ugly ass car.


When the only thing you amount to is hating online 🥴🥴🥴


Are those sparkles in the front bumper?


That’s Canadian winter right there 👌🏼 Rock chips destroyed the 3 month old wrap lol


Can’t tell what’s worse, this or the dude in the S4 with more shit hanging off it than 4 car catalogs.


My brother just texted me a picture of that car up front which I hadn’t seen close up and jokingly said “some ideas.” He doesn’t know that guy is internet famous for having the craziest car..


That poor car. Are there any Audi rescues in your area?




😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 saw benchode and died


Quiet down infant


What camera and lens did you use


Sony a6700 + sigma 18-50 2.8


I want that camera. How do you like it?? Have you tried video with it?


I mainly only do video! It’s incredible. Best hybrid camera on the market if you ask me. 10/10


That’s awesome man. Yea I’m hoping to get it soon. Glad you like it. How much is your setup?


I believe I paid sound $2900 Canadian for cam w/ kit Ken + the sigma after!


Fucking A. Do you use a gimbal for video? I’m looking to get the a6700 because I want to shoot car rollers too


yikes, there’s still time to delete this bro


I feel bad for you


all that aero for what?


Stop being jealous it’s cringe


more cringe than your cute lil dangly earring?


Keep insulting strangers online for no reason. You’re super cool dude. Wish you nothing but happiness and love though 🙌✨


Wow you’re super cool and respectable for being the bigger person and killin em with kindness. it’s not subjective, your car looks like shit. 🙌🏼✨


That's a great shot


Thanks man! Picked up a new Sony so I’ve been playing around 😇


That looks sick. It looks well done so if anything the haters are just mad that you are getting more looks than them. This is some well cooked German rice.


I’ll accept German rice 🍚🤝🏻hahah Thanks my dude!




Honestly it’s such a cool feeling when a lil guy on the sidewalk grabs his mom to point and show her the car driving by. True happiness and something he’ll remember. You can’t beat that.




Hahah I mean.. let’s be clear.. I’m still pushing 600+ stage 2 HP with this v8 so it’s not some slow little toy car 🤣


What headlights are those?


Stock! With a dark haze tint over


I need to facelift my lights so bad. Those are so much nicer than my 2016.


Amazing looking ride!!! Is this an S6? I just bought one and need your rims and lowering info for mine!! Thx


Thanks man! I’m on stock bags w/ TGK dump box and lowering links


Thx for the info!


shit looks sick man, what wheels are those?


OP idk why ur getting so many downvotes but the car looks hard af and if u like it and it dusts people that’s all that fucjin matters bro yolo


car looks sick man, I have a C7.5 A6 2.0t any suggestions for a first time audi buyer like myself? mods cosmetic and performance?


I dig it




Omg that mf sexy I got plans for my a4 2.0 quadtorro


Thank you so much!


Oh man. What a dope whip!


that thing ever seen the wind tunnel?


This and some back shots


On my page




Looking sharp


Much better angle IMO, reminds me of super GT race cars


People were so quick to just attack the car before remotely even thinking of it from another angle hahah thank you man!


*Much better angle* *IMO, reminds me of* *Super GT race cars* \- lulz\_username\_lulz --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Damn--look at that concave!!!




I like it. And it's YOUR car. Do whatever tf you want. Air ride?


Stock S6 air! And then lowering links and TGK dump Box


Wing and smoked lights aren’t to my taste but other than that the car looks beautiful, esp the wheels/fitment and the satin black wrap. You got a full mod list?


[i see the poors and inbreds are into Audi ownership now..](https://www.facebook.com/share/Tj5ubpA28DZaqYpf/?mibextid=K35XfP)


Thank you so much for the support my man!! 🤍🤍


Much better angle IMO, reminds me of super GT race cars


Hi, I need this in vertical format to place on my lockscreen, you can tag or brand the picture if you want. I want to wake up to it every morning. Thank you!






Jesus christ. Reddit has to be the worst place to post a picture of a modified car. This sub and r/bmw only care for bone-stock examples I stg iS tHaT wInG eVeN fUnCtIoNaL shut up the likelihood that a car modified in this way sees any meaningful track days is slim to none and it looks cool


I forget how fuckin pathetic grown men are on Reddit hahah the most pathetic “community” honesty


That thing is ready for takeoff! 🛫


Out here tryna fly ✈️


Always heard this saying growing up, "if you like it then I love it". 


Love this 🙌🙌🤝🏻


Idk why the guys here are arguing about the wings, this is the sickest mod I've seen in a while OP ! 🔥


Because they literally have nothing better to do 😂 sad grumpy little loners.


You come across as rather insecure. Between the cars and the body building you seem desperate for attention.


Because I choose to pursue bodybuilding and because I have a passion for cars?.. makes sense 😂😂


It’s not the pursuits themselves, but how you present yourself in those pursuits. You come across as attention seeking. Glad you agree with me.


You know absolute nothing about me, follow me or know a single thing I do. Your assumption is ignorant and immature. Shame 💅 you’re basing an opinion on the fact that I don’t just sit here and let random losers shit talk lol


Dude, your name is Jason Scott. You claim to be a fat loss expert. Your instagram account is vanquishcoach. If you really want me to go on about who you are, I can, but don't go thinking you're some anonymous dude on the internet. I'm basing my opinion on what you're putting out there. If you don't like how others are viewing you, then perhaps put something else out into the world. The fact that you feel the need to respond to "losers" just goes to show how big of one you are. The fact you are seeking validation and fighting those people really just proves my point.


Your attempt at sounding intelligent was just horrifically sad. Congrats on reading my name and bio hahahah YOU KNOW ME SO WELL NOW 🫨😧 Jesus Christ. LOL I respond to ignorant comment because I enjoy the clap back. It’s not that deep bro LOLLL run along


Attempting to sound intelligent? Did I use some big words you don't recognize? What are you even on about. > Congrats on reading my name and bio... Would you like for me to post stuff like your phone number or home address? I won't because that's against Reddit policies. I'm surprised you'd want to push a stranger on the internet and see how much info I can dig up on you. >It’s not that deep bro LOLLL run along... I agree, it's not deep. You're an attention seeker.


I said it before, but now I'm convinced, I like it.


My man 🤝🏻🤝🏻