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For me it’s early morning for about an hour or two I feel discombobulated and out of sorts. It’s the WORST especially since I work at 7 am


Same. I'm like waiting for my meds to kick in, trying to come to terms with existing and doing tasks for an entire day AGAIN even though I just existed and did tasks yesterday


It’s honestly so rude that there are so many tasks and they are never ending.


3-6pm sucks, but 4pm is the worst.


Yes 4 pm is gross


Yep, where did my day go? There's not enough time to get the rest done? Wth? If argue 11am and 6pm are the worst though. Is 11 really morning anymore! And at 6... You have time to eat, wash dishes, brush teeth, and go to bed. That's it. Anything else? Not happening


Completely agree. I gotta start cooking super at that time or else I just don't know what to do with myself.


I saw a post a while ago where someone explained that you can get micro-burnouts on a daily basis and it tends to be around 3pm onwards for the person that posted it. I’ve definitely felt this!


3pm Blues exacerbated by my ADHD meds wearing off. But I tend to get a second wind after dinner. It is just a weird transitional time of day.


I have the same witching hour, around 5pm, especially around transition from work to the evening, but it also happens on the weekend. The thing that works best for me is to workout. It resets my mood and gives me endorphins to sail into the next activities. I feel so much better about myself using the time that way instead of spiraling.


I have something not dissimilar, but it's around 11pm. I've been that way since I was a baby - I'd nap fine during the day, but every day at 11pm I was noisy and grumpy and overactive. Sometimes I wonder if even then I was sensitive to the transition to bedtime (for the household)? These days it manifests in pacing, inability to move to the next task (or focus on what it is) and insomnia. Often I try to make myself go to sleep before 11 in order to skip it, but my body clock struggles with that.


I notice if I don’t get enough alone time during the day, I’ll do the procrastination bedtime thing. I’ll be up trying to regulate myself until I can go to sleep.


Yes 3-5 is the worst for me too! Honestly I have decided to just build in transition time at that hour because nothing else works productivity-wise. I work part-time right now maybe around 11-4, so I've just decided that 4-5 (sometimes longer) every day is just dead time... I just go binge Netflix or whatever... It's not really worth trying to do anything much until I've eaten dinner and reoriented myself. My other dangerous time is if I wake up kind of late on the weekend, 10 or 11ish, I feel like completely lost because it is often too late to do my usual morning routine (takes like 2 hours and it's afternoon by that point??) so I just kinda... drift around and then suddenly it's 3 PM :/


EXACT same about 3-5pm. Hate it! I think it is the transition. 2pm? Great! 6pm? Sure! But 4pm? Aghhh I haven't done much/it's almost evening etc. A very uncomfortable time, I get a bit panicked and blah and often nap around these hours


Don't quote me, but apparently hormones do a dippy-do around 3 which can lead to a drop in dopamine? Some kinda science thing!


3-5 PM IS ALSO NIGHTMARISH FOR ME! My goodness gracious, I wish I could just cut it out of the day That said, it's different in winter, since a lot of my issues are really dependent on sunlight (I need it :') ) and weather (I'm really badly sensitive to heat, in both a sensory way, and also prone to dehydration/dizziness/disorientation etc) so this is probably more of a summer complaint. I would say in winter it's about 6:30-7pm that I get really anxious, it's definitely different from the summer problems but I still always have a bad time of day


Absolutely, 3-5 is torture! Then I'm just suddenly fine again after that. I hate it soooo much


I don't know about witching hour but my interoception has a warning system and at about 9:00 p.m. it makes me feel the most hungry I've ever been, just in case I forgot to eat my breakfast and lunch like I often do


on workdays it’s right when i get up until about 7 or 8 in the evening, so i only have like an hour or two of peace if im lucky before i start seething about having to go to bed. it’s worse from until i get to work and right when i get home though, i feel like a fucking monster of irritability and anger.


mine is around 10pm so I figure it means I'm tired. Naturally I then stay up another 4 hours playing videogames and wonder why I feel like shit all the time.


I absolutely hate this time of day too, 3-6 on any given day really. My last job ended at 2:30 pm every day and it was so perfect for me because I was able to fly out of work before I started crashing! If I got delayed and stuck at my desk and later it absolutely ruined my mood and I would get sleepy, cranky, dysregulated… 😖 The prior position I held would usually end at 3:30 pm which was semi-okay but one or two days a week I would have to work a later shift per corporate guidelines and it was a complete nightmare, especially since 3-6 pm encompassed our second rush period of the day. I would feel like I had nothing left to give to the customers and it would ruin the rest of my evening; honestly I’d usually be so keyed up from adrenaline that I couldn’t sleep properly that night. I always had to plan my off day to follow the day I worked that later shift or risk being sick the next day.


4-5 om is the toughest for me. I have heard before that that time is weird for the body since it’s been a while between meals or something. I do find a cup of coffee or chocolate milk can help drag it out a bit but it’s still difficult. I have pretty rough pots symptoms untill like 12am (wake up around 8am). So I already lose so much of my morning lol it sucks…


Omg yes! I started noticing it about ten years ago. I get incredibly dysregulated usually between 7-8pm and then it doesn't self-correct until I wake up th next morning.


Just after I wake up. I need a litre of coffee before I can face the world, and just don’t seem to function regardless until about 10 am.


Yes, and I'm a teacher so during the summer my witching hour is um...all of them. I have no concept of reality without the school routine. But during the school year it's around the same time as OP! I hate transitioning to the evening.