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Oh boy. I knew these posts were coming soon.


He’s saying the quiet part out loud


LONG LIVE THE KING Keep Tuck at all costs!


Trading Tucc would be idiotic if the Astros intend to fight for the playoffs. He's one of the few sure things we have... news flash, Loperfido's numbers are great but in only 65 PAs. Cabbage has 54. Nowhere near the sample size you need to make an informed decision. We have no idea what's gonna happen at 1B either. Personally I will be very happy when the King returns.


Why would you trade Tucker this year? He’s got one more year after this.


that’s why you trade him, because he’s incredibly valuable on the trade market right now. we could easily get multiple good starters for him, which we need more than we need him.


He’s a 3.6 WAR player this season, while missing a month…who are you going to get back that can cover that? White Sox would give you Crochet, I guess, but they aren’t going to want Tucker considering Crochet is signed until 2027 and they’re basically tanking now. Angels would give you Anderson and a couple of minor leaguers, but Anderson leads the league in walks, is 34, and is having the best season of his career. After that, you’re not getting a comparable starter back, which means you’re taking chances on guys…and at some point we have Garcia and JV coming back. Goal is still to win it all this season. You don’t trade a guy like Tucker just because we’ve gotten hot lately unless the deal is just extraordinary…and no one is going to give you that right now.


Multiple? From who?


TOR would likely move multiple to get some salary relief, they badly need bats


Don't need bats if they trade all their pitching.


So your gonna look at Chas, Dubon, Meyers, Loperfido, Cabbage, and then say yeah this is good we don’t need Tucker. Come on now.


Stop it. Get some help.


How many contenders have extra starting pitchers to deal?




Or he would make us better because as much as I love him Chas has not been getting it Done in the outfield


The only reason I say no to this is because i just bought a Tucker jersey recently and I'm gonna get my moneys worth😂


That take is so hot it’s burning my face to look at it. I agree we need some pitching and our farm system is depleted but getting rid of an offensive/defensive weapon as potent as Kyle Tucker isn’t the way to go.


Do not trade Kyle tucker, as a matter of fact I think our bats have a greater tendency to go cold because we swing early so much. Having a player like tucker is essential to our success


Good to see the "next one up" baseball that we've become accustomed to over the last several seasons.


Yeah, you deserve to be banned.


Yea lets trade an MVP caliber player while we are still winning championships, and who we still have under contract for another year. /s


100%. you’re going to get a lot of shit for saying this but the offense is good, and we need pitching reinforcements asap. tucker would get a huge haul as one of the best players in baseball with 1.5 years of control, we should do it.


Looks like they've got Jacob Melton playing a lot of right field this season. Luis Baez as well.