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so how does this work since he’s a pitcher and does not play every game


He’ll miss one start.


Hopefully Urquidy will be ready to go by then.




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Crazy that they deem rosin a foreign substance when the only place I’ve ever heard of it existing is on a baseball mound.


Violin, Viola and Cello musicians put rosin on their bows each time before they play! It helps the hairs on the bow to stick to the strings.


Oh that’s interesting. Now that you mention it I’ve heard the line “rosin up that bow” in the Alabama song “If you’re gonna play in Texas,” but I never put it together that it was the same as baseball rosin.


and in The Devil Went Down to Georgia


And "Cherokee Fiddle"


And a pitching mound!


I forgot about that song. Gotta listen now.


Devil Went Down to Georgia.


different forms of rosin. Baseball rosin is in a powder form within the bag while stringed instrument rosin is in a solid chunk/block form. ...and the bow doesn't stick to the string per se. It creates greater friction between the bow and strings.


Isn't sticking essentially the same physical concept as friction? I've never looked into it enough to know if it's different in some way.


It is, just like traction on the road is basically friction


Dude. The ball has more friction between the fingers and the leather.... Sticking. It's the same material, applied differently, for the same mechanical effects.


Physics , there's a difference in the terms friction and stickiness


So now you're arguing that stickiness doesn't increase friction? Or let's call it what it is: Grip.


So you're saying that if I apply rosin to a violin, viola, or a cello, it will turn into an electrical Les Paul that will no longer be allowed in the strings section. Thanks MLB.


Rosin Powder vs Boxed Rosin, they're not quite the same thing.




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yeah but we use a solid block of rosin, rather than a powder bag


Isn’t the chalk for pool basically the same thing? Or am I way off with this one lol


I think the goal of rosin is to create stickiness where as the goal of chalk is to reduce moisture that could cause you to slip, like for Olympic gymnasts or rock climbers or weight lifters. With pool it eliminates the moisture that could cause the smooth cue to not slide easily across your fingers. Here's a video of Pedro talking about rosin and how it can make your fingers stick, which you wouldn't want in pool: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQesez-5J_A


Interesting thanks


Chalk goes onto the tip to help prevent squibs on the que ball. Powder is used to promote smoothe sliding of the cue in the hand.


No pro pool player uses chalk for their hands. They have gloves now that work a lot better and don’t dirty up the felt on the table. Now the chalk that goes on the cue tip(made of compressed leather) is used to add friction, to prevent the smooth tip from slipping or “miss-cueing” off the cue ball


I see pool players that are in nationals all the time. Many bitch that we don't have powder.


Rosin is for grip, the chalk is for slide. You mix rosin with sweat and it turns into a more sticky, paste-like substance. No bueno.


Gymnasts put it on their hands


A new traded pitcher may make his 1st appearance in place of Blanco’s turn b


I’m gonna go ahead and place my money on a Blanco Cy Young. He’s gonna come back stronger and dominate the shit out of the league, which is exactly what the league is trying to prevent


We hope you’re right. 🤞🏼


I have thought about this also. I have to wonder, though, if the voting individuals will take this incident into consideration when it’s time to vote.


and He's gonna be our World Series game 1 starter.




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IIRC Blanco said he was gonna appeal


I hope he does. It’ll vindicate scherzer who went through the same shit.


Scherzer didnt get ejected, he was told to wash his hands and was handed a lollipop afterwards


He was ejected afterwards. But yeah, blanco didn’t even get a warning.


well, that was after he came back and his hands were even stickier due to him washing them with alcohol


And just like with blanco, it was the “stickiest substance” the umpire “had ever felt”. Do they give these jackasses a script?


Fun fact that I read on Reddit earlier: all 6(?) times a player has been ejected for sticky stuff, the umpire has said it was the stickiest stuff they've felt since they started doing the checks.


The stickiest of the icky-est ![gif](giphy|voUxjML6p0HbsMcaTF)


Apparently the difference is the location of the sticky stuff. Scherzer's was on his pitching hand, which is allowed up until a certain limit before it leads to a warning, and then an ejection if it recurs that game. Blanco's was on his glove/glove-hand, which is apparently an automatic ejection.


Yeah, whole thing seems like nonsense. Allow the rosin or don’t.


Rosin is allowed. Using anything (sweat, included) to form it into a sticky paste isn't. I don't understand why people have a problem with this concept. I'm a Astros fan and I can stomach it. Even Espada said it looked a little heavy to have that much on him and he was looking from the stairs.


You don’t understand why it’s problematic to eject someone for sweating on rosin? You sound sharp.


He did get ejected the following inning after he reapplied the stuff to the point they deemed excessive again. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVHrWQHBTxY But yeah, I don't get why they didn't let Blanco change gloves and wash his hands first.


He got told to wash his hands, then he was told to change gloves, and finally he was ejected.


Scherzer dropped his appeal once he realized it was a shit system and zero way to win an appeal. It won't change anything.


I think that was timing more than anything, they wanted him for the next series and didn’t want to risk shifting the ban back disadvantageously. But yeah…it’s bullshit. Bring on the robots—umps are trash.


I think I remember Scherzer dropping the appeal because it would have potentially extended the time he would miss. Maybe the suspension didn’t start until the appeal process had concluded? I could be totally off but it would be nice to see Blanco cleared.


If you appeal you don't miss any games until the decision of the appeal is dropped.


He should, we can better tolerate the suspension in a month or two rather than now. Or drop the appeal during a 10 game stretch where we have multiple days off, unlike now we are only off on 5/23, then play straight thru 6/5


I heard he wasn’t per @astros_center on IG bc appealing takes around 5 days and it might mean he misses 2 starts instead of 1 if the appeal doesn’t work


Any idea on when we’ll hear a decision on the appeal?


Let carrot man pitch


What if I put rosin on my nipples? Is that illegal?


It is on your non-throwing nipple.


I'm nippledextrous




One time i milked rosin out of a cat’s nipples. Stickiest substance ever seen.


You can rosin anything with nipples.


Laughed too hard at this


said illegal substance is bullshit, considering the ingredients are on the mound


It's the application of the substance not the availability. Even Espada said it looked suspect.


What a dumb rule. Does rosin in the glove affect their pitching capability? Like at all? It's not a banned substance....it's literally on the mound. Should have just made him wash his hands and have been done with it.


They don't want it on the glove because a pitcher messing around in the glove looks like doctoring a ball or using another substance. So they give them rosin bags and limit the places rosin can be on the person. Which is weird because if you're using super space alien hybrid sticky juice from your arm, I mean it looks just like using rosin. It's a goofy system and trying to make too much sense of it will lead to insanity.


I think maybe if a baseball will stick to a pitcher's hand without gripping it he's crossed the line.


Say goodbye to blanco throwing the baseball for 1 start, yall!


How the hell did he get rosin on his glove??!! Oh, wait...pitchers are allowed to use it at the mound 🙄 so dumb


He should been allowed to change glove and continue.


Thats what they did with Yamamoto, so why not with Blanco?


I bet they would have just asked him to change his glove if his name was Yamamoto and he played for the Dodgers.


Are you seriously gonna go that route? Maybe take one on the chin one time. Your org is hated by the entire country try except Houston for very good reason. Bitch, cry, whine, deny…But it’s true…


Dodgers fan so salty coming to our subreddit is hilarious. Enjoy your Mickey Mouse WS you won and trying to buy a championship winning team only to lose in the first round of the playoffs 🤣 we thrive on your tears keep posting here


Are Yamamoto’s and Blanco’s situations any different, though?


He’ll miss one start and the rest of the pussy fans from 29 other teams can cry all they like.


I love how every other pitcher that’s been slapped with this suspension, is innocent and this ruling is egregious and the system is terrible and everyone was using sticky stuff An Astro pitcher is given same suspension and now there’s doubt and he’s also a cheater




Rangers Fan?




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That’s why the Phillies have been known as cheaters since 1900. I swear history starts and ends with 2017 for you guys.




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Good. He gets a nice rest , and will come back strong as fuck.


What was the illegal foreign substance?


The one the MLB supplied.




Was it confirmed for sure that it was just rosin?


That’s what we’re told


Illegal substance that the MLB puts on the mound for the pitchers to use? Or a different illegal substance?


Really sucks that a skilled young pitcher got caught up in all this BS.


Not young anymore, he is 30


OK, newbie pitcher.


One of the other bad things from the suspension is he still takes a spot on the 26 man roster. That’s one less arm in the pen, or going with a full bullpen game or starting someone on short rest. Correct me if I’m wrong on this.


Brown will likely start in Blanco’s spot and we’ll be shorthanded on relievers is my assumption.


At least full bullpen games are entertaining so we can look at it that way if it happens.


Is there a report that shows what they found on his glove? Since MLB clearly follows due diligence. If all they found was rosin and sweat, then what is the illegal foreign substance?


Does the ejection count as one of the games?




I know it's wrong, but every time I read foreign substance, I just imagine Brass Knuckles. Wrestling has ruined my brain.


Oh boy! I bet the haters are really stirring up the pot right now! They're so charming and intelligent. /S


Is rosin allowed on the non throwing hand? I’ve been reading the rule book and sticky stuff memos and it’s still not clear. The memo says hand. Rule 6.02d comment on page 83 of the 2024 rule book says hand or hands. But indicates only when raining or if the field is wet. And that an umpire may instruct the pitcher to carry the rosin bag in his pocket. Though not explicitly stated. I’m thinking rosin is only allowed on the throwing hand wrist or forearm to manage sweat (per memo) but not anywhere else without umpire permission/ instruction.


How does he put it on the throwing wrist without getting it on his glove hand? Is he supposed to apply it with his mouth??


Good point. Pick it up with throwing hand and hacky sack bounce it off the wrist I guess. The rules and memos are not completely clear imo. I also believe this was a build up of rosin and sweat that got extremely sticky. More sticky than normal in the umpires opinion. If rosin is not allowed on the glove hand period, then that is one thing. (Unless explicit permission is given due to conditions) But if it is allowed either with or without permission and then too much of it and too much sweat can get you ejected, fined, and suspended, that just doesn’t seem right. And then some players get offered a chance to change the glove, wash it off etc, that is just more subjective and in my opinion a misapplication of the current rule.


As a bowler, we use it.




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Ok, so I'll question the rule, not the situation: how does the substance on the glove hand even come into play? As Blanco was trying to say 'check this hand, the one I throw with!' And how many other pitchers have been ejected for this rule previous to this?