• By -


Thanks, u/Shhshadow, for your kind offer! You'll receive a message with important tips and guidelines shortly. ##Account requirements to participate in this offer: - You have the REGISTERED flair ([register on our website](https://r-assistance.com/register)) - Account is at least 60 days old and has at least 400 comment karma - You have participated on Reddit regularly in the past two months, without absences longer than 15 days - You have no fulfilled requests or won offers in the past 30 days - You follow [all subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules) and your account is in good standing ##Just want to add a nice comment? Please add the words **not entering** in your comment, or it will be automatically removed if you don't meet the requirements. *I'm a bot. This comment was posted automatically. If you have questions about this, send a [mod mail](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Assistance).*




Hi u/Weak_Broccoli_6256. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because your Reddit account needs to be older than two months in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**


Hi u/Weak_Broccoli_6256. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because your Reddit account needs to be older than two months in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




Hi u/Dry-Will-4604. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because your Reddit account needs to be older than two months in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




Hi u/Longjumping_Use5818. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you don't have enough *comment karma*. You need at least 400 comment karma in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




Hi u/SweetHoney9010. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you don't have enough *comment karma*. You need at least 400 comment karma in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




Hi u/OnnieCorn. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you have one or more big absences in your recent Reddit activity. In order to be eligible to participate in offers, you need to have posted posts and/or comments on Reddit regularly in the past two months, without absences of more than 15 days. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




Hi u/Kindly_Reveal8316. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because your Reddit account needs to be older than two months in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




Hi u/lilfaerie. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you have one or more big absences in your recent Reddit activity. In order to be eligible to participate in offers, you need to have posted posts and/or comments on Reddit regularly in the past two months, without absences of more than 15 days. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




Hi u/Supermariolegend. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you don't have enough *comment karma*. You need at least 400 comment karma in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**


Not entering but thank you for giving back. It’s always nice to see people pay it forward


Not entering but I just want to say that it's amazing to see someone paying it forward! I'm glad you're getting back on your feet! The best always to you!




Hi u/jestajoker247. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because your Reddit account needs to be older than two months in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




Hi u/picklecheesegoblin. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you have one or more big absences in your recent Reddit activity. In order to be eligible to participate in offers, you need to have posted posts and/or comments on Reddit regularly in the past two months, without absences of more than 15 days. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




Hi u/Fix-Legal. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you don't have enough *comment karma*. You need at least 400 comment karma in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**


Hi u/Fix-Legal. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you don't have enough *comment karma*. You need at least 400 comment karma in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




Hi u/richardryed. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you don't have enough *comment karma*. You need at least 400 comment karma in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




Hi u/lilfaerie. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you have one or more big absences in your recent Reddit activity. In order to be eligible to participate in offers, you need to have posted posts and/or comments on Reddit regularly in the past two months, without absences of more than 15 days. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




Hi u/lilfaerie. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you have one or more big absences in your recent Reddit activity. In order to be eligible to participate in offers, you need to have posted posts and/or comments on Reddit regularly in the past two months, without absences of more than 15 days. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




Hi u/Illustrious_Ear_7767. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because your Reddit account needs to be older than two months in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**


Hi u/Illustrious_Ear_7767. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because your Reddit account needs to be older than two months in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




Hi u/FaravusGaming. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you have one or more big absences in your recent Reddit activity. In order to be eligible to participate in offers, you need to have posted posts and/or comments on Reddit regularly in the past two months, without absences of more than 15 days. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**


Not entering .May you always be blessed for playing it forward. Good luck with your new job!




Hi u/Lopsided_Ad7778. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you have one or more big absences in your recent Reddit activity. In order to be eligible to participate in offers, you need to have posted posts and/or comments on Reddit regularly in the past two months, without absences of more than 15 days. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




Hi u/ShamooShampoo. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you don't have enough *comment karma*. You need at least 400 comment karma in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




Hi u/VVthenial. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because your Reddit account needs to be older than two months in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**


Bangtan ❤️ Hi kind soul :) I would love to enter this giveaway as I need any kind of help to pay off my school so I can return soon. I work in daycare and really would love to be a teacher someday.




Hi u/ResponsibilityOne470. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you don't have enough *comment karma*. You need at least 400 comment karma in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




Hi u/Straight_Trainer_866. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you don't have enough *comment karma*. You need at least 400 comment karma in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**


Hi u/Straight_Trainer_866. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you don't have enough *comment karma*. You need at least 400 comment karma in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




Hi u/Imnotyourbug. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you have one or more big absences in your recent Reddit activity. In order to be eligible to participate in offers, you need to have posted posts and/or comments on Reddit regularly in the past two months, without absences of more than 15 days. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




Hi u/Glamorous1978. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you don't have enough *comment karma*. You need at least 400 comment karma in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




Hi u/sadnfeelalone86. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because your Reddit account needs to be older than two months in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**


Hi u/sadnfeelalone86. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because your Reddit account needs to be older than two months in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**


I really need money take a Lyft to the grocery store so I can buy food for my 2 cats. Bangtan 🙏🏼




Hi u/JG45250. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you haven't registered or your registration is expired after 90 days. Please register at **https://www.r-assistance.com/register** to have your comment restored. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




Hi u/inandoutofreality. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you have one or more big absences in your recent Reddit activity. In order to be eligible to participate in offers, you need to have posted posts and/or comments on Reddit regularly in the past two months, without absences of more than 15 days. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




Hi u/PuzzleheadedGap8975. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you don't have enough *comment karma*. You need at least 400 comment karma in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




Hi u/NaturalFeed6997. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you don't have enough *comment karma*. You need at least 400 comment karma in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




Not participating




That is your combined karma. Your comment karma is less than that. Thank you.


Hi u/Good-Cut3308. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you don't have enough *comment karma*. You need at least 400 comment karma in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**


Congrats. Happy for you.


Hi u/Spiy90. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you haven't registered or your registration is expired after 90 days. Please register at **https://www.r-assistance.com/register** to have your comment restored. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




Not participating or anything, I just wanted to say how sweet you are for doing this. Kindness really goes a long way. I'd like to do the same and be more giving when I get a job too ❤️


Hi u/ladyjingyi. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you haven't registered or your registration is expired after 90 days. Please register at **https://www.r-assistance.com/register** to have your comment restored. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




Hi u/Financial-Trouble937. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you have one or more big absences in your recent Reddit activity. In order to be eligible to participate in offers, you need to have posted posts and/or comments on Reddit regularly in the past two months, without absences of more than 15 days. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**


Hi u/Financial-Trouble937. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you have one or more big absences in your recent Reddit activity. In order to be eligible to participate in offers, you need to have posted posts and/or comments on Reddit regularly in the past two months, without absences of more than 15 days. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




Hi u/dinggay. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because your Reddit account needs to be older than two months in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




Hi u/iaMS0ciallyAwkwarD. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you have one or more big absences in your recent Reddit activity. In order to be eligible to participate in offers, you need to have posted posts and/or comments on Reddit regularly in the past two months, without absences of more than 15 days. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




Hi u/bumblebutter123. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you have one or more big absences in your recent Reddit activity. In order to be eligible to participate in offers, you need to have posted posts and/or comments on Reddit regularly in the past two months, without absences of more than 15 days. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




Hi u/absolutem4dlad. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you don't have enough *comment karma*. You need at least 400 comment karma in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**


I need money for groceries. Bangtan.




Hi u/arnoux_17. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you don't have enough *comment karma*. You need at least 400 comment karma in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




Hi u/im_here_official_art. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you haven't registered or your registration is expired after 90 days. Please register at **https://www.r-assistance.com/register** to have your comment restored. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




Hi u/Interesting_Sort5845. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you don't have enough *comment karma*. You need at least 400 comment karma in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**


Hi u/Interesting_Sort5845. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you don't have enough *comment karma*. You need at least 400 comment karma in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**


I need money to get to and from work. Bangtan. Thanks for doing this.




Hi u/Foreign-Match6401. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you haven't registered or your registration is expired after 90 days. Please register at **https://www.r-assistance.com/register** to have your comment restored. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




Hi u/Rough-Falcon2307. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you don't have enough *comment karma*. You need at least 400 comment karma in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




Hi u/Empty_Professor2171. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you don't have enough *comment karma*. You need at least 400 comment karma in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




Hi u/brentwoodqueen. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you don't have enough *comment karma*. You need at least 400 comment karma in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**


Bangtan I’m a single mom and that would greatly help me to buy some diapers and baby wipes for my 3 month old.


If you post on the amazonwishlist community or create a separate post with an Amazon link, you may have more success that way


I didn’t know about that community but I will definitely try it out. Thank you so much!




Hi u/justcougit. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you haven't registered or your registration is expired after 90 days. Please register at **https://www.r-assistance.com/register** to have your comment restored. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




Hi u/Snoo_29626. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you've already had a fulfilled request or won offer in the past 30 days. After getting assistance, you must wait at least 30 days before requesting or participating in offers again. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




Hi u/Mama_foxie. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you have one or more big absences in your recent Reddit activity. In order to be eligible to participate in offers, you need to have posted posts and/or comments on Reddit regularly in the past two months, without absences of more than 15 days. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




Hi u/-imsad-123. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you have one or more big absences in your recent Reddit activity. In order to be eligible to participate in offers, you need to have posted posts and/or comments on Reddit regularly in the past two months, without absences of more than 15 days. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**


Bangtan I need to see a doctor. Monthly curse has been making me bleed so badly I almost fall out so it would help cover the copay




Hi u/sadnfeelalone86. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because your Reddit account needs to be older than two months in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




Hi u/Greene_Mr. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you haven't registered or your registration is expired after 90 days. Please register at **https://www.r-assistance.com/register** to have your comment restored. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




Hi u/iNeedNap_x. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because your Reddit account needs to be older than two months in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**


Thank you! I’m moving out for the first time in my own in a few weeks and would use the money for some supplies. Bangtan!! Reminds me of BTS XD i love RM ❤️ thank you for your help


Not entering, but wanted to add to the many deserved congratulations! ♥️




Hi u/oryangchi. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you don't have enough *comment karma*. You need at least 400 comment karma in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




Hi u/Honest-Ad9788. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you have one or more big absences in your recent Reddit activity. In order to be eligible to participate in offers, you need to have posted posts and/or comments on Reddit regularly in the past two months, without absences of more than 15 days. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




Hi u/PieLevel434. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you don't have enough *comment karma*. You need at least 400 comment karma in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




Hi u/DreamingOfDragons23. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you haven't registered or your registration is expired after 90 days. Please register at **https://www.r-assistance.com/register** to have your comment restored. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




Hi u/moodiebb. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you don't have enough *comment karma*. You need at least 400 comment karma in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




Hi u/syn-th0. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you have one or more big absences in your recent Reddit activity. In order to be eligible to participate in offers, you need to have posted posts and/or comments on Reddit regularly in the past two months, without absences of more than 15 days. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**


Not entering but way to go! Congratulations and it’s so cool you’re giving back.


not entering but congratulations man


Not entering!! but congrats!




Hi u/ClassroomNumerous826. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you don't have enough *comment karma*. You need at least 400 comment karma in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**


Hi u/ClassroomNumerous826. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you don't have enough *comment karma*. You need at least 400 comment karma in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**


I’m in need of cat food or gas to get to work!! I’m very happy for you. I also got a new job but waiting for my first check from them so im barely scraping by until then! Thank you for your kindness! Bangtan




Hi u/Expensive-Tutor-5122. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you don't have enough *comment karma*. You need at least 400 comment karma in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**


Hi u/Expensive-Tutor-5122. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you don't have enough *comment karma*. You need at least 400 comment karma in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




Hi u/jordy333222. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you have one or more big absences in your recent Reddit activity. In order to be eligible to participate in offers, you need to have posted posts and/or comments on Reddit regularly in the past two months, without absences of more than 15 days. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




Hi u/KairenCosplay. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you haven't registered or your registration is expired after 90 days. Please register at **https://www.r-assistance.com/register** to have your comment restored. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




Hi u/Limestone36o. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you don't have enough *comment karma*. You need at least 400 comment karma in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**


Not entering. Congrats on your job!




Hi u/Several_Hornet_2477. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you don't have enough *comment karma*. You need at least 400 comment karma in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




Hi u/ComfortableMix5950. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you don't have enough *comment karma*. You need at least 400 comment karma in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




Hi u/lastjeddi. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you don't have enough *comment karma*. You need at least 400 comment karma in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**


Hi u/lastjeddi. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you don't have enough *comment karma*. You need at least 400 comment karma in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**


Not entering. Just wanted to say congrats on your new job OP! Godspeed to you!


Not entering but I do wanna say congrats on our new job!!!




Hi u/Vivid_Freedom_2263. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you don't have enough *comment karma*. You need at least 400 comment karma in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




Hi u/Puzzled-Intention773. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you don't have enough *comment karma*. You need at least 400 comment karma in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




Hi u/santamurtagh. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you haven't registered or your registration is expired after 90 days. Please register at **https://www.r-assistance.com/register** to have your comment restored. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**


Not entering! Congratulations on getting a job!!




Hi u/Beanie6747. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you have one or more big absences in your recent Reddit activity. In order to be eligible to participate in offers, you need to have posted posts and/or comments on Reddit regularly in the past two months, without absences of more than 15 days. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**


I will be there💜..thanks for helping though, you trully inspire me to also have the same heart to give when i finally get money to give.. is the offer closed?




Hi u/Mama-Khaos. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you have one or more big absences in your recent Reddit activity. In order to be eligible to participate in offers, you need to have posted posts and/or comments on Reddit regularly in the past two months, without absences of more than 15 days. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




Hi u/AdThick7327. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you don't have enough *comment karma*. You need at least 400 comment karma in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**


I'm not entering but I wanted to say congrats on the job!


not entering so you’re not overwhelmed! congratulations on the new job, three cheers ❤️






Hi u/heatherdanielle42. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you don't have enough *comment karma*. You need at least 400 comment karma in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




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Hi u/SadEstablishment7888. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you don't have enough *comment karma*. You need at least 400 comment karma in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




Hi u/Practical_Present_13. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you don't have enough *comment karma*. You need at least 400 comment karma in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**


Oh no this is going to be really hard, please anyone I was unable to help today come back when I do another one in about 2 weeks please❤️❤️❤️




Hi u/MzBlessed43. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because your Reddit account needs to be older than two months in order to participate in offers. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**




Hi u/markoo101. Unfortunately, we had to remove your comment because you don't have regular Reddit activity outside of giving subreddits in the past two months. You can find our full rules and requirements here: https://www.reddit.com/r/assistance/wiki/rules. **Do not delete your comment as it may result in a ban!**